When I told you to say fuck off to discord shitters you didn't.
This is the result.
Ryan Stewart
Discord trannies destroyed any chance of me playing with Yea Forums
Jeremiah Ward
Except discord made the thread
Liam Nguyen
Just play the damn game, why do you guys care about discord so much, fuck
Owen Garcia
I don't want to play with tranny, ironic weebs and tripfags tier shitters.
Cameron Parker
I could ask neo-Yea Forums the same question about R*ddit. You know how mentioning the site is enough to turn some of your into whiny bitches? Yeah, now people are like that with Discord too.
Landon Lee
Hudson Sullivan
I played with /vg/ yesterday. Honestly it is not that bad. Of course there is drama and Discord bullshit. But as long as you go there, post your arena, be a good sport it'll be fine.