Is Mega Man 3 objectively the worst in the NES series?

The boss fights suck. The abilities suck. One of them is simply spinning after you jumped, how fucking lame is that. Also completely useless
What a fucking shit show.

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Other urls found in this thread:!mYBTkYga!c1gaFx-_3N517VwhvNR06Q!eUQDQLgT

Unironically way better than MM1, at minimum.

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at least it's better than shooting literal bubbles

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>best Classic Megaman game
Here is your (You).

2 was way better than 3. So many more restores drop from enemies whereas in 3 barely anything. Powers were much more interesting too.
Not to mention how annoying certain enemies are like that fucking cat that sheds those tiny fucking fleas. You can just tell the devs were really out of ideas in this one

Fuck off Wily, it's your own fault having a final form weak to bubbles in the first place.

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How could that possibly be the case when MM1 is so dry?

MM1 is fucking garbage. 3 is decent.


3 is the first game with sliding, right?


Yes. It's also the first game with Rush, and Protoman.

4 is the worst

4 is one of the best, what the fuck?

Why exactly? it has pretty lame music, robot masters, weapons, graphics are kinda bland, and the slowdown from 3 is still there

>3 is the first game with sliding, right?
and the most useless powers.

Because it has great music, great robot masters, great weapons, and the graphics are kinda great.

4 infinity>3>4>6>1>5

X1>Wily Wars>X2>shit>>X3

I like 3 the best

I can't mentally understand how people like 4 but 4bros always seem to try to critically present the case so you do you

If you're comparing it to like 1, maybe

Get Equipped With Top Kek.

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So what's everyone's thoughts on Powered Up? Do people think it's superior to the original?

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5>3>7>9>11>Bass>6>4>PU>10>World 5>2>8>1>Battle & Chase>Soccer

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I don't know how to break it all down, but I guess I can try. I really like the music It's one of the strongest in that department, especially Cossack stages. The robot master battles are pretty fun, outside of Toadman. I like most of the stage gimmicks. It seems to get the games back on track after 3's were so loosely tied to the master's theme. Some of the weapons are great fun, like Pharaoh shot. Hiding special weapons in stages is brilliant and really encourages exploration. I wish all the games did this. And Cossack was the best twist in the classic games. Mr. X being a mask is conversely the biggest letdown. Introduce more characters, damn it.

It's decent and far from the worst NES game, but I think it has some flaws that hold it back:

>bad performance, with noticeable lag in a lot of situations compared to the first two games
>uneven difficulty curve: game goes from easy to very hard to easy again

For a game that looks so cute, it sure is ballbustingly hard. Pretty accurate to the original 1 experience in that regard.

>Some of the weapons are great fun, like Pharaoh shot.
>not Flash Stopper
You had one job

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I played through the entire series from July - September last month. MM3 was highly overrated and the second worst one in the series.

Forgot to mention it was my first time

snake mans music tho

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Best Weapons = 11
Best Bosses = 2
Best Stages = 3
Best Wily Castle = 6
Best Moveset = 4
Best Rush = 6
Best Wily Fight =2
Best Story = 11
Best Artstyle = 8
Best Music = 2

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4 introduced the charged buster and can never be forgiven for this sin.

4's charge buster is shit compared to 5/6

yeah that spinning wiped bosses though. mm3 was waaaayyy better than 2

Dat remix tho

>he doesn't like summoning a spirit bomb

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I like all the classic saga games by equal

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>tops pin was worthless
>spark shock also
>shadow blade has shit range
half the arsenal belongs in the trash

Charge buster is a good mechanic. Fight me.

>shadow blade has shit range
And yet it's still extremely useful as it is. If you are saying "Metal blade is good" you have no perspective. A broken game is not a fun game.

3 isn't as bad then so many try to make it be, but fuck the Doc Robot parts. Those levels are fucking soul crushing.

It didn't have the Dive kick though.

If they just had a few more checkpoints it wouldn't be so bad.

i liked 3 better than 2, 2 is so fucking easy and basic.

no, 6 is

MM3 is my favorite one only thing that makes it bad is rush jet was basically ez mode if you suck at platforming

I like the idea of Spark Shock, but one change would have made it useful:
>Don't take damage from shocked enemies
If it functioned like this, it would be pretty useful to stun enemies instead of just kill them.

It's a fight between 5 and 1 for worst on NES. 5 has absolutely fucked difficulty, the patterns and stage designs are lackluster but everything hits like a monster truck, especially the charge shot which is so broken that it basically invalidates special weapons altogether. 1 has the shoddiest control responsiveness and the most tedious Wily stages BUT the robot master stages are better than 5's so it's somewhat arguable.

No, because it isn't 5.

6 is the best NES Megaman, what are you on about.

Nah, 1 is the worst.
>Some bosses don't have patterns and just shoot at random intervals
>Only 6 RMs
>Wily Castle bosses are just frustrating rather than challenging in a fun way.
>Exploits trivialize the above for most fights.
It's the only classic game that is actually bad.

No it's not, but you definitely are a retarded dickhead.

Better than 1 and 4/5/6/7, trolling is wrong

6 had some neat ideas, but it's too short. And the Mr. X twist was lame. No reason it had to be a twist other than status quo, and even then it could have been more than a cheap mask.

How is shitting on 6 even a thing? Power Suit's kinda lame but the Jet Suit is great and it featured multiple routes for extra boss rooms. That alone keeps it from being among the worst in the series.

>2 best
Fucking yikes

Every weapon is outclassed by the metal blade
God awful wily stages
Shitty boss battles

It's better than 1 and 5 at least. But I agree 3 has a shitload of problems and most of them stem from the game being rushed for a Christmas release. I highly recommend playing Mega Man 3 Improvement instead, it polishes up the game a lot and is what I picture an actual completed version of 3 would look like.


List your favorite Robot Master from each game.

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>too short

It's a fucking Megaman game, they can all be beaten in under an hour.

>plot twist was lame
It's a fucking Megaman game, all of the plots are kinda lame. Paper thin excuses to bust robots and little else.

have you tried not abusing the fuck out of the metal blade

>It has to have a broken as fuck weapon like metal blade to make the easy game even easier or its a bad game!

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See, you say this in hindsight. I bet you just marathoned the games many years later.

Megaman 4 and 5 have 2 castles. MM6 has one and then it's over. MM4 and 5 tried to do real twists, even if you could guess "Wily did it" it at least had a major reveal. But nope, in 6 he peels off a mask and it's over. Also, there was motivation for framing Protoman and blackmailing Cossack. What is his motivation to pretend to be the puppeteer behind himself?

MM6 felt like a last minute cash grab on the dying NES.

There are two castles in 6 too, Mr. X's and Wily's. Motivation was to run the Robot Tournament and get some strong robots out of it.

Galaxy(all time favorite)

>excellent soundtrack
>fun secret items
>the pre-wily levels aren't total shit

of course, the minus infinity 4 hack blows all of the megaman nes games away

All right then

Metal blade > Quick boomerang >= Fucking buster > Flash Stopper if you know how to use it, otherwise it's fucking shit > Air shooter > Worthless garbage > Leaf "shield" = Atomic fire > Bottom of the barrel > Bubble lead > Crash bomb

There's literally only two viable weapons. Flash is only useful in like 2~3 situations unless you fucking played the game a tons of time and studied the best places to use it, since you really can't practice with that fucking weapon due to the retarded energy cost.
Air is maybe good against one single enemy in the game, but metal blade does the exact same shit.
Face it, MM2 weapon's are garbage and you are intentionally gimping yourself if you're not using the metal blade OR just the buster

>Wily Castle bosses are just frustrating rather than challenging in a fun way.

yellow devil is hard? only takes a couple tries to nail the jump over only 4 blocks

Start with the Air Shooter first you fucking faggot.

>implying you can beat Airman.


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Thanks for proving you're a stupid casual memer who doesn't know damn thing about what they're talking about. The song is supposed to be ironic, that the player can't even beat the easiest fucking boss in the game.

You literally can't lose to Airman if you just run at him shooting. Yes, on hard mode too.

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Megaman 2 isn't built around the air shooter. Again, just use the fucking metal blade since it does the same thing, consumes 10x less ammo and is actually way more fucking useful

OR just the buster

you can kill Metal Man, Bubble Man, and flash man all very easily with the buster

my order is always


It's not about what you start with, it's what you end with you stupid fuck. If you want to make the entire game a cake walk, go ahead and be a casual faggot and get the metal blade first. If you want the game to actually be fun, start with Air Man like you should.


the rest are shit

nah 1 is the worst. I like 3 more than 2, but 2 is still really good

Frustrating doesn't necessarily mean excessively hard. Yellow devil is frustrating because of how slow it is, and if you do mess up a couple times you have to do it all again.

>There are two castles in 6 too, Mr. X's and Wily's
I could have sworn there was only 1. As for motivation, he claimed to be the mastermind BEHIND Wily. To follow his established personality, he should have claimed to be Wily's lackey. Wily's ego is too big to claim someone else pulls his strings.

If you take away my metal blades, then I'll just rush through this shit game using the buster. I don't even need to exploit boss weakness since the only bullshit boss in this game is quick man

>being able to buster only is suddenly a bad thing now

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You're bitching that not enough health pickups drop in 3? 2 is a good game that is also really easy. Three is a good game with a few iffy parts. 4 is worse because the sound for charging the shot is so fucking annoying. That alone is a bad enough decision. Honestly, charge shot is a terrible addition to the series since there is no reason to not always keep a charge. 2, 3, and 9 are all stellar games.

It proves that weapons in the game are garbage. You only need the metal blades in that game. If you don't use the metal blades, then just stick to the buster and don't waste your time switching to other weapons unless you're in one of the 3 situations where those weapons might actually be useful.
5 suffers from the exact same problem: the charged buster outclasses your entire arsenal. Only useful weapons are the gravity hold and gyro attack. Switching to any other weapon is a complete waste of time

Where's the set below 10 from?

No I would say 6 and 5 are worse 3 has problems the hit detection feels off the music /level design are worse than 2 and the best moment in 3 is the fact it kind of has the bosses from 2. Still it’s a great game.

your only argument is

You're free to use any weapon that you want so you can have >fun
That won't change the fact that most people prefer to just use the buster and metal blades since the rest of the arsenal is so damn fucking useless outside of exploiting boss weaknesses

5 on the gameboy, the wondersawn sequel for mm&b, and 11

>he actually uses special weapons in regular gameplay instead of only against bosses

I didn't even know people did this until I started going to these Mega Man generals.

>using weapons against bosses

I fail to see how any of this is relevant. The other weapons only seem useless if you lean on the Metal Blade too much. Play the fucking game without abusing it, it makes you actually see the value in the other weapons.


Sorry, it's the law.

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1 is underrated and the ultimate casual filter, it's incredibly easy after you've beaten it once and very satisfying to replay to challenge yourself since it only takes like thirty minutes

this guy gets it.

holy shit you right

put me in the samefag screencap

>Play the fucking game without abusing it, it makes you actually see the value in the other weapons.
Or maybe YOU play the fucking game so you can see how useless the other weapons are

>Leaf shield is only useful in that one bullshit crash man ladder section with the birds since you can shoot upwards (metal blade does the same shit by the way)
>Heat is only useful against one single Joe in the wily stages, but only if you know about it
>Air shooter is useful to snipe the few enemies that are above you (if you're too hipster too use the metal blades)
>Quick blade is good DPS
>Crash bomb isn't even a weapon
>Bubble lead deals literally no damage. Only useful against one shotman in the wily stages
>Flash stopper is only useful in quick man's stage and woodman's hotdogs

That's Mega man 2 for you. Play 9 if you want a game that balance its weapons AND that is designed around them

>jumping is fucking off
>you can't jump out of the slide
>rush armors were executed badly
>the second castle "twist" got REALLY fucking old
>ice physics are bad
>the charge shot feels weak (no, I don't prefer the overpowered mm5 charge, the charge in mm6 doesn't feel good and it doesn't even have it's one sound effect)
>the weapons are trash
>the robot masters are the worst on the nes

>the yamato man fight is pretty good
>nice looking graphics
>good stage themes here and there

If you're going to make fun of anything about Megaman 3, make fun of the copy bot stages and the rush jet section

It's a game ender worse than MM2 because you can at least grind for those, as horrible as it is

The worst thing about them though? They were actual extension of the 8 robot - Wily formula that we never saw again, giving way to awkward gimmick levels instead of actual content like Megaman 5

Play 11, it's absurd how useful special weapons are in the general stage design. It also highlights how important it is for those weapons to be quickly accessible, the reason most people don't use special weapons more is because it's usually faster to use the buster than pause the game, cycle to a weapon of choice, use it for 2 seconds, pause the game again and switch back to buster.

>NES game discussion
>suddenly 9

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I really liked Centaur Man's stage.. but it had absolutely nothing to do with centaurs, greek mythology or anything. Hell it could have been a water based RM and nothing would have been out of place.

people actually arguing with me that airman was hard after they heard this song is entertaining in the most frustating way. Learning how bad people are at this game is amazing


Megaman aka rockman sucked. Hideous sprites and ridiculously hard

The gameplay is identical to the NES games so it's fair to bring it up as part of the discussion.

All right then
>That's Mega man 2 for you. Play 4 if you want a game that balance its weapons AND that is designed around them

Happy now?

9 is objectively the best one though.

Not him but it's the best NES styled one. Best stages overall, generally good bosses, easily the most useful special weapons until 11 happened. It's 2 if 2 actually lived up to the hype.

>Spark makes stunned enemies non-damaging, and you can switch weapons while they're stunned
>Snake can crawl along ceilings like Plug Ball
>Needle can penetrate shields
>Hard is easier to steer and pierces through one-shottable enemies
>Top grants invincibility frames and has a bigger hit box, and has a more consistent energy consumption
>Gemini can be aimed diagonally
>Magnet is fine
>Shadow pierces through one-shottable enemies
Any other improvements you could think of?

Well then you'd be wrong because 4 is shit.

what's wrong with it?

Not him but 4 is also better than 2. Most classic MM games are better than 2 aside from the OST.

not him. he just stated the most balanced weapon selection in the franchise. if you talk about the nes games, most of them aren't that great, but mm4 has the best weapon selection. 2 is the worst by far, with 5 coming close behind.

>being that much of a faggot
No wonder you're defending the shit out of 2


how about giving us some arguments to your statement?

hating 4 is a god awful meme for shitty faggots what is wrong with you.

1.The hard knuckle doesn't pierce, and it's slow as hell to aim it.
2.You can't aim the gemini laser, and it lags the game like hell.
3.Top spin is a fucking joke. If you use it on your i-frames, it drains all of it instantly.
4.The spark shot is absolute fucking garbage. You can't switch weapons while an enemy is stunned.
5.You're a fucking dumbass.

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That was a list of how to buff the weapons, not what they already do.

How about you read the entire post?


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Only thing I don't like about 4 is the increase in use of spikes, and the slow health bar, but other than that I'm just fine with it.

Make sure you comprehend someone's post before you jump to inflammatory accusations.
Anyways, how about that farting Guts Man figure?

he is quite pungent, yes

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yeah some of the stages had a shit ton of spikes but were any of them really that difficult? there was that one wily or cossack stage but aside from that I don't remember that many bad ones.

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DESU the first one I played was X on its release day as like a 6 or 7 year old, and I just recently replayed the NES ones and they're shit compared to what I grew up on.

>Gutsman stage is still awuful
fuck those moving platforms

your shit taste is your own problem user

3 had a troubled development and it shows, shit borders on being incomplete. Some weapons border on being useless, as cool as his concept is the Doc Robot fights are a fucking pain cause his hitbox is bigger than any robot from 2 and his rehashed stages aren't really that fun. And after all that you get the weakest Wily Castle in the series that's so fucking easy it might as well not be there all to get to the joke that is the fight with Gamma.

The eight robot masters stages and fights are still fun but the game quickly falls apart after it. People just look fondly on 3 cause its an early game in the series and people didn't feel as burned out with it as they did from 4 and after. Also because of Protoman.

Okay James, shouldn't you be trying keep Mike from fucking your wife or getting hair transplants??

the music was great
but I don't think any of the games had bad music


Everyone who likes 4 and hates 2 should be sterilized. It's such a literal backwards contrarian opinion to have, I don't know how people cling to it so vehemently. I fucking hate Mega Man 4. It is the worst NES title.

who is this you are obsessed with? you need to go play more video games and watch less youtube user kun. maybe then your taste wont be so shit

Oh I can't argue with that, the music is still the shit. Speaking of the title music though, wasn't there supposed to be an intro there but it had to be cut cause there was no time for it? I remember reading that somewhere and the length of the song does kinda sound like there was meant to be more for it than just a title screen.

haven't heard that myself but it's believable considering they jumped into doing that for 4 onwards.

>user kun
Is that like FFXVkun? How am I shilling for anonymous. Shit don't make no sense

I also grew up on X. They're definitely faster, more action intensive games but classic absolutely wins in terms of platforming and level design. X gives you way too many tools for the platforming to be much of a challenge unless you take a trip to X6's school of bullshittery. Another thing in classic's favor is that the games are FAR more consistent in quality, maybe half the X games are actually good whereas classic never really drops below decent.

you are an idiot

>The boss fights suck.
Shadow and Needle man are two of the best buster-only bosses in the entire classic series.
opinion discarded

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lets talk about underrated mega man games

>game is only good if it has retard tier shit like metal man's weapon
3 is dope fuck off faggot

how about i put you in a bodybag retard

That game was kino as fuck.

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>no grammar/punctuation
Lel, and you're a worthless Inkel faggot phone poster.

What is there to discuss about him? He's kidnapped Megaman from the future without a buster and a shitty pogo stick. He's not even a real Megaman Killer.

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>Mega Man Killers
>Never kill Mega Man
wow nice job Wily you did it again fag

>Shadow Man boss fight
Nice bating. Shadow Man may be a cool guy, but the boss fight is THE WORST in the series.

Will we ever recapture that hype?

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Punk had a legitimately cool design. The others are forgettable

It's hard to imagine a worse opinion. mad you couldn't beat him without an e-tank?

God, I sometimes forget how different of a time 2008 was.

Better than the Genesis Unit at least.

>Everyone shits on X for being an inconsistent series and treats X5 and X6 as crimes against humanity
>Everyone hails Classic as a masterpiece despite all everyone does is shit on 8 and 7, wank 2 and 9 and literally who all the rest of the Classic games
Why is this hypocrisy allowed?

the Journey to the West motif was sort of cool but god yeah, I completely forgot about those guys until now.

How many waifus has this place gone through since then?

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Ah but user...1, 2, 3, 9, and 11 are all my favorites in the classic series. 5 and 6 are also good quality, 6 moreso. 7 and 8 are too different in tone and structure for me, but they're not terrible games. Only 4 is for room temperature IQ mutants.

And X6 isn't a crime against humanity, it's a masterpiece of postmodern game design commentary.

>Play 9
How about playing a good game like MM11, instead?

>you can only hate something because you are too bad to beat it
So that's why you are insulting my taste. It's not an opinion though, it's fact. With that kind of logic nobody would be allowed to shit on Toad Man's fight.

The arcade games are a lot of fucking fun, some of my go-to games to emulate and kill some time and even more fun if you got a friend to tag along. Especially love how the robots get more abilities and attacks the more late you choose to fight them. For a series that shines with its variety of bosses making a boss rush game just feels like a logical step and fuck I have a blast with it everytime.
For some reason I keep seeing people mention these and call them fighting games, I imagine they just never actually played them.

8's as overhated as X8 is, 7's the worst classic MM but still nowhere near as bad as X5-X7, 2 is grossly overrated but still about as good as X3, and 9's up there with X1 as the GOAT Megaman game. The others are mostly fine, I kinda feel like 5 would get more shit if people actually cared but otherwise they're fine.

Either or is fine, they're the 2 best classic entries.

>5.You're a fucking dumbas
Oh, the ironing.

I stopped reading your post halfway through because you have to be a fucking idiot to not appreciate shadow mans fight

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So which series has the most good games?

elec man kills you in 3 hits, but other than that it's pretty good

Classic, easily.

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Zero. All the games go from good to excellent.

I didn't care much for Zero, puts far too much stock in the speedrunning autism basket for my tastes.

After awhile I figure everyone just does buster only runs. I didn’t know people used weapons or weakness chains after the 2nd playthrough or so

Time (if applicable, if not, Elec)
Magic -- all time favorite

9 is phenomenal

PU counts in my book.

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It is a strange balance with Zero. If you go too fast and make no kill, your rank suffers. If you kill everything but go to slow, your rank suffers.

I could've been GETTING SENTIMENTAL? there...

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Oh fuck there's people who speedrun Classic and X games on Youtube too, you better start hating those series too. If only you could just play the games without someone putting a gun on your head whenever you play them forcing you to go sonic fast or he'll shot.

Didn't know Proto and Mega were that close.

A willful misunderstaning of what I meant. There's too many unlocks in Zero tied to your rank whereas Classic and X don't really have that problem. You miss a fair bit in Zero if you settle for subpar ranks.

You haven't been on the internet long enough.

Waste of potential.

Is this Mega Man's canon death

Not him, but it's actually a really fun fight. He doesn't choreograph much which makes it more enjoyable. If he slides at you, you can jump beyond him. If he blades, you can still keep your distance and have plenty of time to react. It's a twitch reaction time fight, but not impossible or too unreasonable.

No, because the game isn't canon.

Not as many as Yea Forums. We just don't have as many flavors with a huge impact. But also unlike Yea Forums, we never fully discard our waifus and they still keep a fanbase.

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Zero only has 4 games, good or bad. Classic easily has 4 good games.

I love how people talk him up while being blissfully unaware how shit his game is

That would be the biggest fucking letdown if it was. Modifying Megaman to use a pogostick and deathmatch himself in the past, it's too stupid to keep as such a meaningful moment.

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speaking of splashwo did the artist for this that dropped in a thread the other day ever link to more of their art?

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I recognize that art. He's dropped a mega link in the past with his stuff, let me see if I can find it.

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Don't hold your breath though. Firefox is absolutely trash at searching your own history. If someone else has it, please chime in.

I've got that one, the only other one I had isn't mega man related though.

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Mega Man 3 dies at the Doc Robots

More like you did.

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Whats the matter sport?

Bad at videogames?

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>dude what if quick man was 3x his size and hit even harder

delete this

>there is no reason to not always keep a charge
Enemies that require precise timing to damage are harder to hit with the charge shot. Also, you can pull off a maximum of 9~12 DPS with normal shot spamming, while charge shots limit you to 3 DPS.
Really, charge shots are anti-boss weapons.

So close.
>someone somewhere thought the constant PAWHWHWHWSSSSSSS for the entire fight was a good idea

Top Spin is under rated.

>missing a single shot more or less means game over because it'd be faster than grinding weapon energy again
>it's possible for the fight to be impossible before you even enter the fight
>so much flicker you cannot even see megaman for half the fight

Name a worse fight. I'll wait.

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I can't, this is THE low point of classic MM.

Flicker sucks, but it is preferable to slowdown. I say that even as a bigger fan of MM3.

You can try looking on Fireden. I couldn't find anything myself, but I'm not the greatest at using it.

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>trusting a furslut

best one was 2 tho

It does both

for how hyped up wily's castle is in 2 it's really pretty terrible

Is this the guy? I'm really not sure.!mYBTkYga!c1gaFx-_3N517VwhvNR06Q!eUQDQLgT

literally "that part" whenever i replay 2

>for how hyped up wily's castle is in 2 it's really pretty terrible
I do think the dragon fight is pretty cool, all things considered. And the alien transformation is the greatest "Whoa, what the fuck?" moment in the whole series.

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Yeah, even if the Wily shit before this wasn't garbage, this sealed the deal in making 2 have the worst final levels in the entire classic series. Yes, even worse than JUMP JUMP SLIDE SLIDE.
>inb4 "b-but MUH MUSIC"

It's a pain, but knowing its coming means you can fill up crash bombs in advance, and it's fairly obvious which doors need to go, when you know you can't spare any.

The King Jet from MM&B.

The music's pretty overrated and not even the best song in the game. As for the levels themselves

>mostly vertical
>followed by 2 levels that are half a minute long
>followed by shitty moving platforms in a pink castle
>followed by the usual boss rush
>followed by holding right

This. MM&B is the only game in the series where the thought of a single fight makes me not even want to play. Fuck all the king stage fights, really.

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The first stage was great but the first castle stages of classic MM games tend to be GOAT.

It’s the best MegaMan game.

It's hilarious the final wily stage afterwards is so easy it might as not be there.


This might be the worst “boss” fight of all time. Mega Man 2 is overrated.

>missing a shot
>against a completely immobile enemy that only shoots once every 5-6 seconds
You deserve to suffer

>Have only beaten 2,3,9 after all these years
>MM3 was one of the first games I've ever played
>Lose interest in many of the others, for get 90% and stuck on end levels and end

Which ones should I beat first?

4 is the worst one tho

Anybody else like 5? It was my favorite one out of 4-6.

If you're rusty, start with either 5 or 6. If your still good, start with 1 and go from there,

5 was the first one I beat, so it has a special place in my heart. Not my favorite Classic Megaman, not even in my top 3, but I'll never hate like a lot of people seem to.

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The weapon set is one of the worst in the series, but i thought the fights and the music were pretty good. Beat is broken in a fun way too.

I'm a huge oldschool midifag but I have to say that smash ultimate really nailed some of its remix. Some Castlevania songs also are particularly dope.

5 kind of started the trend of the mega buster being so much better than the robot weapons but it was still fun regardless. Charge kick would be great if it let use the buster while having it equipped.

I think the biggest problem with the charge kick is that the invulnerability period ends as soon as the slide does, meaning if you can't get outside of an enemy fast enough you're taking the hit. I think if it provided like a half a second of extra invulnerability, that'd help it.

Personally, I liked 3 a lot, but it had a lot of technical failures and the Doc Robot stages were full of wasted potential. I'd go 4 > 3 > 2 > 6 > 5 > 1 but that's my personal taste. I imagine a more objective ranking would be similar but with 3 lower.

Can we all agree that 7 is actually pretty good if flawed, 8 is poor besides QoL improvements, MM&B is underrated (to the point where it and MMV should be considered honorary mainline Classic MMs), and 9/10/11 are all at least High Tier?

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It really, truly, does not deserve hate. People generally just overcompensate for it not being their favorite, or blow out of proportion its flaws. But really, every game in the series has its downsides.

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Shadow Blade was a good way to make Metal Blade without making something as fucking busted as Metal Blade. Magnet Missile was good. Gemini Laser and Search Snake had their uses.

3 would be my favorite if the Wily Castle stages weren't utter garbage.

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So was it just an illusion, or did Darkman really transform himself into Blues?

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5 has the worst difficulty balance of any of the classic entries. Virtually no intricate patterns and yet everything does ridiculous damage, even your buster. I think it's the weirdest entry and not in a good way.

Gemini or Hard
Knight or Yamato
Hornet, but Fake Man if he counts
Dangan (damn that game was shit)

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>>Gemini Man
What? What does he do? Fight crimes with the power of horoscopes?

Well, we know Wily has hologram technology thanks to the alien charade. Considering he doesn't have a transformation moveset where he simulates other robots other than Proto, I'm gonna say illusion.

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I know classic mega man never had a really deep story but are the game boy games and wily tower considered canon?

Also, for your consideration: look at what the starfield illusion generator from shadowman's stage looks like. Kinda looks like Darkman's brain dome IMO.

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Hologram machine at the end of MM2 looked like a giant version of those.

Wily Tower, maybe not. But the Megaman Killers show up again in 10, so everyone except Quint is probably canon.

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Ignoring the fact that one of them should be dead or something

They're all based, but probably Snake Man
Pharaoh Man
Gravity Man
Tomahawk Man
Slash Man
Based Frost Man
Never played MM&B so Tenguman I guess
Splash Woman
Sheep Man
No idea what those next two games are
Impact Man

The only real answer I can give is that MM10 had stages and fights against Enker, Punk, and Ballade as DLC, which makes Wily's Revenge, III, and IV more likely to be canon, but those games are literally just "Wily stole some robots AGAIN instead of making a brand new lineup". MMV is the only one that has a real story to it and I'm not sure if that game has anything that would make it non-canon so to speak.

Yeah I don't like the idea that wily built a time machine and the only thing he did with it was capture mega man's future self, reprogram him and gave him a fucking pogo stick.

They really all should be dead. But in every Megaman game, you fight each robot master twice anyways. Wily must have some serious advanced recovery tech, or builds duplicate bodies like crazy.

Good call, yes it really does. I guess there's your answer.

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The two games you don't know are Megaman V for Gameboy and the MM&B sequel for the Wonderswan. That one's shit but V is basically on par with the NES titles.

5 had great aesthetics going on with cool music fitting each stage. I'll always love 5 even if it's stupidly easy.

Except it isn't and will never be. Megaman 2 was just a mess of level designs disguised as a game.

The Megaman formula was perfected in MM3 and never surpassed.

It's such a hackneyed plot. If you're going to make a "I'll make Megaman fight himself" he should fight a copy with his own distinct moveset. No reason to make him into Commander Keen. Also, resolve the plotline by having him go back to the future. What poor anticipation they have that that might be the end of Megaman if left alone.

I guess they just thought alternate future was a foregone conclusion. Or didn't care.

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t. Keiji Inafune

not that I dislike that one, but I think it's different. Still saved

>and never surpassed

In the original run, perhaps. I'll take 9 and 11 over 3, though.

I meant Ballade's sacrifice, I get that robots get blown up and shit in these games all the time but I felt like that one in particular seemed a bit more serious.

V is great. I love it. Great robot masters, great fights, all original stage themes and battles. I wish all the GB games put in this much effort.

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Inafune thought 2 was the best one, though.

I know what you meant. But the games play fast and loose with mortality. Ballade coming back is pretty unsurprising all things considered. I haven't played their missions in 10's expansion. But do they address it at all? Maybe it's just a copy that doesn't have his sympathies.

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Inafune hates 3 though.

Wish they could come back in some way. Seems like such waste to leave them in a single game on the Gameboy. I'll even just V as part of a collection.

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MMV and R&F Wonderswan are damn near opposites in quality despite being the only wholly original handheld Classic games. MMV really does feel like its own thing and an extension of the NES titles at the same time. R&F WS is just a pile of shit with a couple good songs.

There should be a collection of the Gameboy games plus MM&B.

ever read gigamix?

10's Mega Man Killers are just bonus stages and probably not canon, no cutscenes or nothing. I wouldn't worry about it.

Ages ago when they announced mega man anniversary collection for ps2/gc there was also going to be a collection of all 5 gb games for the gba but it ended up getting canned, said they lost the source code or something.

>R&F WS is just a pile of shit with a couple good songs
Aren't those songs recycled from the original R&F?

Disappointing. I don't ask for much, a mini-plot doesn't seem unreasonable to ask for.

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No, but I do get the gist of their part of the story. Kind of weird how they were all stored inside of Duo, but I like how every single robot comes together to try and stop them.

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Triangle Man > Universe Man > Particle Man > Person Man

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definitely worth reading, especially because Arakis take on Wily is a really good one

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There's some original themes on there since there's original stages and bosses:
I admit I didn't play through the whole game when I emulated it since it was just not good so I didn't hear tracks like the 8-bit version of Ground Man's theme for Konro Man's stage, which is actually really nice:

Sorry lad but ~2010's Capcom was pretty adverse to effort.

Nevermind that Dangan Man link, I only just now realized it was Dynamo Man's theme.

Add in a WS R&F port as well, so they can market it in the west as having a never before released game on it.

Sad but true. I really hope this new Megaman team turns it around. They're off to a great start.

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Top Spin isn't bugged in the Wily Wars version

That would be cool if R&F WS wasn't the worst Classic game by a decent margin. I'd rather play SFxMM.

I don't think Capcom can do that.
I think it's some weird thing where they don't actually own the game, like the Mario and Zelda games on Philips CD-I.


Id argue 5 or 1 are worse with 5 being alright with some questuonable parts, like Ice Man's stage. And 5 being far too easy with easily the most broken buster in the classic games

i feel like making a mega man wallpaper.

Magnet is from 3, brobot. I assume you mean Gravity. Good list though.

i mean it certainly is no surprise how no one likes to mention it despite being the appearance of protoman

Ice Man
Metal Man
Gemini Man
Pharaoh Man
Charge Man (Only one I could remember 5s masters were really unmemerable)
Knight Man
Junk Man
Sword Man
Concrete Man
Sheep Man
Tundra Man

Go for it user.

They always wanted a real brother relationship
Ya big DOPE


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I never minded JUMP JUMP SLIDE SLIDE but my brain is retarded when it comes to trajectory based weapons so I loathe the Wily 1 boss in MM8 since Mega Ball is how you hit it. Really like the game otherwise but it's one of the most frustrating bosses in the series for me.

That image sure brings back some memories

From what ive played
Zero>>>Classic>MMBN>Starforce>X(The good games are really good but the bad games are really bad)> Shit>>> ZX

Underfucking rated post

this helmet situation is fearsome

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That's one high-IQ Mega Man

Needs a big helmet to protect his big brain.

What were they doing at that amusement park anyway? I can't remember exactly what happened.

Working part-time. It's in the name, dog.

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It's pretty fucking awful. They gave all the RMs those annoying attacks where you can't hit them for a good ten seconds or so, which gets grating incredibly fast. All the other playable characters are either awful or boring, with the exception of shit like Guts Man. The music sucks too, which is weird since the soundtrack is one of the few things MM1 had going for it. The fortress bosses still suck, they gave the footholders back their erratic patterns for hard mode, the whole game is a mess. Voice acting is fun, though.

I wish legends had mouse support

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I feel you. But the games are easy enough without it.

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It's one of the best tied with 2 wtf

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4 has one of the better weapon line-ups out of all the MM games. Only Dive Missile is really useless out of all of them.

I use dive missile to kill those little skull dispensers on the roof of some areas. It's pretty useful for that.