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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck lolygon and everything they stand for.

I don't block ads to deny you revenue(though they are fucking annoying). I block ads because hacker groups buyout add space/time so that their adds can dump malware on everyone who visits that site for 30 or so seconds.

So yeah, fuck you.

game journalism as a career is cancer.
I prefer the old days of it just being some autistics doing it as a hobby to discuss their passion.

Why the fuck should I pay you for sharing your opinion?

haha yeah journalists are the enemy! woohoo fuck educated people who uncover the truth! fake news! da joos! vote trump! #maga!

Fuck you.

>woohoo fuck educated people who uncover the truth! fake news! da joos! vote trump! #maga!

We're talking about video game journalism. It's literally people writing their opinions about video games. Don't shitpost.

This. Unironically. Whatever else to say that I fucking mean it. Remember when Yea Forums injected malware through ads? Yeah multiple fucking times. Adblock and Umatrix and whatever else 24/7.

sites that flatout block you from accessing their site unless you disable your adblocker are the truest cancer

Fuck off electionfag.

>your mind on leftism
Imagine equating game """journalist""" with what are supposed to be actual journalists just shows how low they've all fallen.

While I'm inclined to agree I'd also wager they don't have anything worthwhile on their site to begin with and are in essence saving you from wasting your time.

lol cringe

I don't want to pay more to use websites and I will never do it.


Can far left retards please just mass suicide when Trump gets reelected in 2020?


why would i want to enable polygon lmao some idiot will always screencap it for me anyway
not that i'm saying anything about op
or am i

Capitalism is immoral, but also you should look at these ads.

Attached: Dtk18cdWsAAJ8t0.jpg (866x997, 68K)

>game journos aren't glorified bloggers I swear!

Attached: 1276968066103.png (399x399, 291K)

>educated people who uncover the truth

Royalguardfags BTFO

>He blocks
Fucking casual

Attached: 12408124.jpg (1080x1080, 320K)

Youre far away from the safety of Polygon, Kuchera.

>You criticize society, yet you live in a society.
What would your suggestion be?
>inb4 "Capitalism."

>hahah ya if you make something sound hysterical in a childish manner that means i'm right haha
I've yet to see any investigative journalism by the left in over two decades. They run stuff that is extremely vague in the hopes they can maybe prove it down the line. Its a disgusting behavior that has amplified for the simple fact of not being held accountable for destroying lives. More so when they no longer do it to prove something, but simply to attack something they don't like. Now with tech powers such as twitter and facebook introducing these behaviors by importing these types of people, yes they are the enemy. I hope you tie a noose around your neck and end your life. I honestly hope you do tranny.

Imagine actually unironically visiting Polygon.

My suggestion would be to block all ads. Ads are the vehicle through which satan enters the mind.

I like polygon

Attached: A65A1E76-7D35-4F2B-B10B-B4490430BA2E.png (100x100, 29K)

>Uncover the truth
Imagine actually trusting the media

Part of the Vice network

Attached: 1551407817031.png (583x477, 148K)

>woohoo fuck educated people who uncover the truth!
Out of the many years gaming journalism has been around, there's only been one article where that was true. It was a Kotaku article (of all places) that went into detail about the troubles at Silicon Knights and Dennis Dyack's power trip that lead to the company's closure. Not surprisingly, this was written not by a Kotaku staff member, but by a free lancer who has worked in credible publications. I have yet to see any other article from the gaming press come as close to that article since then.The worst part?

Nobody ever talks about it.

>remember when libtards were skeptical of the media during the bush years.

Attached: 1984.jpg (995x1066, 226K)

I saw some vice channel or show or something were one of the people said they agreed with the dc sniper, like wtf

Blocking is for protecting yourself from malicious shit being thrown your way.

I'm not blocking anything, just not requesting some data. Internet is a pull service.

A game journalist's job is to obscure the truth

>turning your ineptitude into a depressing soapbox
Just fumble with the video game controls and call it a day Pagliacci

Attached: flip it turnways.gif (260x237, 1.99M)


This, 100%. Even if I support a site and don't want to deny it revenue, the security issues ads cause mean that my blocker has to stay on.

That's where blocking with hosts.ini comes in handy.

I'm a democrat, and I think journalism can suck a dick.


The truth about the evil misogynistic gamers rising up?

>pic related its you

Attached: 1512140307390.jpg (365x274, 27K)

I disable adblock for every site that at least makes the effort of asking me nicely



Now this is next level soi. You're not even human at this point. More bean than man.

>this is a succesful bait in neo-Yea Forums

Attached: 1541755890471.png (908x646, 942K)

Holy shit, I love Yea Forums now!


Never gonna unblock you.

If you're doing good journalism -- ALL of you -- I might sub you. If you know you're not doing good journalism and don't have a sub option, just hurry up and go out of business please.

>educated people
I think I could beat 99% of the games journalists in the game of their choice

unraveled is a good series

I lean left on most issues. I'm Mexican. I hate game journos.

>It supports the work we love making.
I guess gaming "Journalists" really are failed English majors.

when polygon stops making clickbait and campaigning for censorship, i'll stop using adblock and noscript

And you are a living meme

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It's so pointless to ask people to enable ads. The kind of person that blocks ads, isn't going to click them even if they see them.

>uncover the truth

so Yea Forums is actually a hacker?

What kind of person even clicks through ads? I don't think I've even clicked one in my life.

Your lies are coming out.

Fuck you.

>blocking is for fighting games
based tbqwy phamily

Attached: fang-sfv-artwork.jpg (2048x1152, 321K)

>game journalists
>educated people
>20+ replies

Attached: fishing.jpg (331x240, 22K)

boomers who are trying to find the download button.

>block javascript

the press are literally the enemy of the people

Haha so respectable!

Attached: 1551073730440.jpg (900x963, 150K)

Yeah, fuck free speech

Those Russian download sites with 10 download promps and 3 captchas in the late 2000s


You mean right now? Sure hope you're running noscript or umatrix, sugartits.

they are unnecessary in this day and age
We get information fed to us directly; I get to watch the latest Brazilian beheadings while watching childhood cartoons. The world no longer has the need for your opinion pieces, you piece of shit faggot.

Journalists throughout history have uniformly been one-sided political writers or paid advertisers. Investigative journalism is a myth. People don't buy textbooks just to learn the truth, they buy them because they're told to. If journalists cared about the truth and tried their best to write it, no one would fund it and no one would read it even if they did it for free.

Its only lease on life is people bankrolling the viewpoints they want published. This has always been the case. You don't have to go to college to write a blog, it's just a lie they tell each other to make the job more prestigious and "intellectual."

>The absolute STATE of lefties

Attached: piran ha.jpg (762x681, 61K)

/pol/ and /news/ feel like actual journalism and investigation is taking place at your fingertips when you sieve through the raid horseshit and shilling.

Imagine circlejerking to a false flag this hard. You'll literally believe anything you read.

CNN doing reports on pepe still makes me laugh

I actually find that useful, because I'll just flat out refuse to visit sites that pull that kind of shit.

>be current year
>gayyym journalism is the same as actual journalism guise I swear!
>be actual journalist, uncover corruption at the highest levels, be on the run for the rest of your life
>be game journalist, 10 reasons why Lucario's tits are offending the religious views of Botswanese transgender mosquitoes


all of vox media should die

put me in the screenshot "the day i triggered /pol/"


the international edition of cnn used to at least prioritize news, but at some point the entire thing just became a giant pile of garbage

ignoring the part where you're implying that people who blog about toys for a living are equivalent to journalists who report on the state of the world
you won't take my word for it but how about one of Obama's most trusted advisors, Ben Rhodes?
>"“All these newspapers used to have foreign bureaus,” he said. “Now they don’t. They call us to explain to them what’s happening in Moscow and Cairo. Most of the outlets are reporting on world events from Washington. The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”"
>"The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. ... They literally know nothing.”"

Facebook and google have completely devastated the industry but they can't admit it as that would further damage their credibility. They literally cannot afford to hire competent individuals. Also you nu-libs are pitiful. Blind worship of corporate media used to be the antithesis of left beliefs. I predict that the left will continue to become bourgeoisie and establishment-loving while ostracizing its former core.

I play fighting games so I should keep Adblock on then. Thanks polygon

Attached: Who Could Be Behind This Post.jpg (750x750, 75K)

one is not like the other. propagandists aren't people.

Attached: 134699682087456.jpg (850x780, 144K)

>I predict that the left will continue to become bourgeoisie and establishment-loving while ostracizing its former core.
That's already happening right now. You know what it feels like when you're someone who would have been considered leftist in the day for wanting to keep check on corporate violations of workers in poorer nations and violations of environmental laws and by through no actual change of your personal beliefs and values you have automatically been deemed to be centrist or centre right now? The struggle is real and it is in solitude.

Heh, I get it. Now that's some lingo that speaks directly to me, a gamer. Unblocked.

Attached: o-CHEERS-LEONARDO-DICAPRIO-570.jpg (570x319, 33K)

I thought the only blocking they do is on twitter?

>I-if you don't turn off add-blocker, you won't be able to visit us!!!!
>ok, cool, fuck you and adds
>uh... w-wait, I'm a g-ga-gamer like you, pls turn off add blocker
>no, fuck you and die

Based desu

>turn on ads
>ads take up entirely too much page space, surrounds content in all directions, break the page format, and often covers up the content that is the only reason I'm visiting their website
There's a reason everybody uses ad blocking software. Well, that and malware.


Attached: vice creates an article.webm (640x360, 2.54M)


based, everyone knows ads get blocked due to hidden malware/blatant scams
why are you talking about trump and the jews, this is a video game board retard

I use an ad blocker on literally every site I browse, you ain't getting any of my fucking money.
Especially niggers like Hiroshimoot, I tried to browse Yea Forums on my phone on Chrome once (which doesn't have extension support anymore since Google are kikes) and threads on places like /gif/ have fucking mid-thread ads.
Immediately switched to Firefox and downloaded both Ublock Origin and Adnauseum.
Fuck ads.

>giving 453121827 all those fucking (You)s

>fuck educated people who uncover the truth
this is what game """"journalists"""" like to larp as

>pwease no blocky ads uwu
>ublock shows 40+ requests

Attached: 041.jpg (340x195, 39K)

You don't need just an adblocker to browse safely but you need a bitcoin mining blocker now too.

I block literally every site I go to because I know these faggots can't be trusted.

Or just use noscript.

I do use noscript but you still need a mining blocker as well. Just as well the mining blockers are simple enough to literally ON/OFF.

Yea Forums(nel) ads are particularly bad because they run flat out fucking video ads as opposed to just picture ads or text ads.
Because Hiro is greedy as fuck.

All me

Attached: file.png (729x37, 1K)

>every website
>"blablabla we care about your privacy. do you allow us to share, to use it,analyze and whatever more we do"
No, I dont. Fuck off

>it's a Yea Forumseddit mass-replies to obvious bait episode
i wanna put all you niggers in a fucking mass grave

Attached: 1551558035031.jpg (1903x529, 286K)

Pls gib us money

Ples captiliraism is bad but pls comrade ;_;

I used to try and be nice and whitelist sites but I got fucked every time so screw you. Unless there's some kind of ad standard passed to make them not cancer I'm blocking all day erry day

>teleports to about:config
>turns off javascript
>"heh... nothin' personnel, kiddo"

And I always will be.