Are you still mad about it?
Are you still mad about it?
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It wasn't all that bad.
>shitty game instead of shitty moviegame
not really lol
more mad that Dead Island 2 never happened
It had one of the best video game trailers ever.
zombies and daylight time is a combination exclusively by and for faggots.
Why would I be? I knew what kind of game it is going to be so I never bought it.
I enjoyed it, and it eventually led to Dying Light which was an even better game, especially the DLC and driving around the country in the buggy.
this. at least we can all agree it was horrible and move on without any faggots saying it's deep and cinematic
it's called dying light
The trailer for this game was absolute shit. It was pretty poorly made and shoddy looking in general (just like the full game) but just the most basic, manipulative crap.
The game was straight up bad. Felt bad, looked worse.
Got this out of it at least
Although I'm still mad how tribes got so shit
I refuse to play the series at all. My eyes glaze over whenever this series comes up
no its one of my favorite games, XIAN A CUTE
also dying light was a fun follow up
Why did absolutely everyone act so livid over this trailer's inaccurate tone?
Sure, it's a good trailer for a game whose tone is nothing like it, but Halo and Gears of War have similarly emotional and "deep" marketing for what are in reality simple dudebro shooters, and both those trailers are praised highly.
The difference is zombies for years have been a goofy romp and that trailer promised a tragic take on it that would have been a monumental breath of fresh air for the genre.
uhm no, that's mirror's edge 2
no because I'm not stupid enough to fall for generic western games, sorry about everyone else in the thread
I'm more upset about this and the dissapointments will likely continue mounting.
If there is one thing that wasn't shit about the game was the trailer which is so far one of the best trailers ever made you contrarian piece of shit!
yeah, mad I bought this piece of shit
No. I loved both games and still play them regularly