3DS Thread

Lets have a nice 3ds thread Yea Forums, what are you curently playing? post homescreens, what are ypu planning to play?

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>having access to the entire library of 3ds games

god i love emulation.

>PC master race!

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Isnt 3DS emulation still garbage

Just finished Samus returns run, Im very slow

you can have that with a hacked 3ds too

SMT IV Apocalypse
it's the Alliance Alive theme
EO Nexus

Should I play Kid Icarus again?
Is the online just filled with hackers?

Dragonball Fusion, most fun I had with my 3DS

3ds emu is "playable"

Is it really that good? Saw gameplays and it was pretty ok,I liked dbh-like qte and shit

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the difference between a new 3ds and a normal one is big or it really doesn't matter?

Big enough of a difference to be worth it IMO, you are getting face buttons that arent tiny as fuck

Shit I thought you said compared to XL
"New" systems just run faster and can play xenoblade thats pretty much it I think

ty bro

Animal corssing new leaf or rune factory 4?
which is the best and comfest simulator game?

works fine for me besides some minor graphical glitches.

upscaled 3ds games look pretty great too

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AC is comfier but can also be the more boring one as a result

Yeah pokemon runs fine
Plenty of other games dont

I'm playing Etrian Odyssey V right now and I'm on floor 23. I have been enjoying it, but I'll be glad to be done with it too, I feel like I've been taking forever to get through it.

Gonna replay OOT since I've never finished it.

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Old pic
Last games I played were Rune Factory 4 and Drawn to Life but it has been a while, I should get back to it


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Play SoS: ToT

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>original 3DS
for what purpose

how is GBA emulation on the 3ds? Wanted to hack it to play Mother 3 on it

play Kid Icarus: Uprising, the best one so far

>what are ypu planning to play?
Sadly it's time to move on, RIP 3DS! I only use it to scan hentai now.

The middle black and white icon - what game is this?
Looks kinda interesting.

Playing Kirby: Planet Robobot as we speak. Gave up on SMT IV Apocalypse, it just didn't hold me like the first game did (sank 90 hours in to it)

Up next is either Dragon Quest 8, Bravely Default or Fire Emblem

Jake Hunter Detective Story: Ghost of the Dusk
Didn't play it so I can't tell you if it's good or not but there's prequels on the nds

This butler is kinda ugly

yea but citra can upscale the graphics and have it look amazing as fuck.

Oh yeah, I meant to play Jake Hunter games for quite some time, knew I recognised the character from somewhere.
Anyways, thanks.

I bought 3DS specifically because of SMT games. My plan was to sell it afterwards but my plans have changed.
What are some good, not autistic games (Etrian Odyssey was too much for me, I know, I'm casool) that I can play on it. Looking either for
> Any games with good puzzles
> Nonautistic jRPGs
> Comfy campy games

complete garbage.

Stella Glow. Its not autistic but trubo weeb and also has god being a dick and wanting to kill everybody.

>likes SMT
>EO is supposedly too autistic

I just finished Yokai watch 3, I don't know what should I play now, maybe some obscure hidden gems.

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>using the word autistic to describe a game
You are autistic

Try some Dragon Quest

If you haven't played DS game I would hinestly suggest trying those first on the system, like:
>Ace Attorney Trylogy
>Hotel Dusk, Last Window,
>Layton games (first 3 games are better than 3DS ones)
>Ghost Trick

Tip: If you’re playing Apocalypse on ‘Apocalypse’ difficulty, keep track of pleroma type skills and stack the high and low ones together. It’ll be invaluable in the endgame, where things get insanely hard.

> Any games with good puzzles
Layton games, I don't play them but they have puzzles, also zero scape games those are nice but have a fucking retarded plot.
> Nonautistic jRPGs
Define autistic you autist, play 7th Dragon.
> Comfy campy games
Animal crossing never played one but people always say they are comfy, Rune Factory 3, Fantasy Life, Yokai watch.

Can't fucking write today.

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Only ZTD had a retarded plot. 999 and VLR were excellent.

My Luma crashed today just when I forgot to save for 2 days in trio of towns. One of the days was a town introduction and farm redesigning

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Well not really retarded, just very complex plots, the game is simply unfair.

Not true, can't you inject the GBA games and play them natively?

>answers nothing and leaves everything about its plot up to the sequel
That's why 999 is the only good one.

This. It's a good ass game. Very polished.
It is - you have to manually map shit, which sucks balls.

Sorry! By autistic I meant complicated and convoluted. My experience with first few hours was
> Tons of customization
> Having to draw your map
> Multitude of systems to play around
I know that it is a good game. Gameplay-wise, prolly a better more hardcore version of SJ. But I'm a brainlet that while could handle SJ's dungeons (and liked it) does not want to get into it at least at the moment.
That's what I meant by term autistic.

It was still excellent even if it didnt answer anything. Sometimes the journey being the goal is actual right.
In contrast to, say, a certain COMPLEX successor.

Also dunno, does finishing SMT IV & Apocalypse (on War difficulty) back-to-back within two weeks (I have a job btw) makes me an autist?

Are any of the Digimon games worth playing? I haven't played any Digimon games and I'm wondering if they'd be a good starting point.

Fucking this
I'm still trying to 100% that game, it's genuinely really fucking good

For 3DS?
There are only two and they are Japan only.
I loved them but Im a digifag

RF4 is getting a switch port, so you might want to play that version instead if it turns out to have more content
RF3 is the comfier though

... there are no Digimon games for the 3DS, well there is but they are in chinaman language, You can however play Dawn/Dusk for the DS they emulate fine in the 3DS and are good Digimon games.

Dusk > Dawn

Is the online still alive or is it all hackers

Okay I see now. I didn't realize they were Japan only.

Thanks. I'll have to get it then.

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Haven't touched my 3DS since ~2014 or something. I have no idea what to do with it, haven't even hacked it. Still using my AK2 DSi on an almost daily basis though, pretty impressive for something I got 10 years ago. What a great investment.

Its a shame appmon pvp battle system was legit amazing, a mix of megaman BN and pokemon I put 200h in that game

>try citra emulation
>SMT, pokeman and fire emblem work but with fps drops in battles
ITS NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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My 3DS died recently. :(
OK, it was my fault, but who the fuck cares. So I guess Citra is the only option for me now.

Playing The Alliance Alive. As a big SaGa fan, I just love this game!

Just get a cheap ass 2DS and hack it, it will be totally worth it.

How did you killed your 3DS? did you throw it against the wall in a fit of autistic rage? or you accidentally dropped it to the toilet?

Time to upgrade your pc

Dang that sounds fun. Megaman Battle Network was one of my favorite Game Boy games.

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I'm just playing on normal but I learned my lesson about Pleromas when I was fusing Alice and didn't have the regular Dark Pleroma to stack with her High Dark Pleroma. Have to re-do Black Frost if I want her to be optimal.

>The Alliance Alive
my man
One of my favorites on 3DS

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>finally transferred to New 3DS
>can use amiibos now
>don't want to bother taking them out
Anything interesting to do with an Inkling girl amiibo on these things? Only one I see it doing anything in is ACNL but idk what it does

i wish i had the cia links to mario and luigi bowser, etrian nexus, and kirby yarn

No, it was much, much worse. Bricked it while installing new CFW.
The game is just amazing. After playing Octopath, which was kinda disappointing (except for the soundtrack, that is), this is exactly what I needed. Like I said in my previous post, I am a fan of SaGa series. SaGa Frontier 2 was my introduction to series, plus it was the first time I heard about Hamauzu. Been a fan since.


>Bricked it while installing new CFW.
Literally impossible, do you have your NAND at hand?

Oh yeah the music is wonderful, it perfectly fits the areas and scenes. Hamauzu did a great job on both of the FuRyu titles on the system actually.
One sec, I'm trying to find my favorite track from it.
Here's another good track from TAA.

At least all the other games work well. I'm having lots of fun with I already beat Inazuma Eleven and I'm now enjoyin ALBW and Devil Survivor 2.

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>Devil Survivor 2
Nice. Did you play the first one?
Oh no

I don't think the first one works on citra

I played the first one on the DS emu. PxZ works pretty well but didn't play it a lot yet.

Inazuma eleven is great, long shoots break the game tho, they are stupidly overpowered, specially if the character has high kick stat, hell you can even give long shoots to non-forwards and they will still score after the goalkeeper is pelleted and devoid of energy.

I'm really sorry user but it seems like every trace of the music for City of the Unseen has been scrubbed from Youtube. It sounds really good though, trust me. I have no idea why every one of the complete OST videos have been either removed from search results or deleted.

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>SMT4 Apocalypse actually went down in price
A lot 3DS games never seem to get cheaper but this is good

how much now

Overclocked is one of the least functional titles on Citra for some strange reason.

I don't want to name the specific sites, but try using duckduckgo or something to search it up instead of google. Also /hbg/ might have it.

DQ8 is kinda Boring.
Bravely Default is longer that it should be.
Fire Emblem was never my kind of game.

Fire Emblem Conquest
Kid Icarus Uprising

Kid Icarus has shitty controls.

How would you fix them
There is no other way to do it since the 3DS doesnt have double sticks

Alright I found a whole OST for it but it's only on niconico so I have to wait until the damn thing loads. I'll get back to you in a couple hours if this thread survives.
What party did you use most for The Alliance Alive though? Robbins was my mvp as soon as I got him. Also liked using Tiggy despite her limited moveset.

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