What are some good freeware games? >durr all games are free if you pirate them Okay great. But what are some good freeware games? Commercial games later officially released as freeware (e.g. Marathon) count too. Free-to-play games can fuck off though.
I made a thread like this last night (), and people mentioned lots of Japanese games whose official web pages are down, so if you know where to get the latest versions of the games you're recommending, links are appreciated.
Someone also mentioned The Suffering, which, according to Wikipedia, "was released as freeware by the United States Air Force on FileFront (no longer available)", and the only citation for this fact is an article which indeed mentions the Air Force doesn't explain WHY the Air Force had anything to do with it. Does anyone know the story of what the hell happened there?
Image is of Maldita Castilla. The non-free version, Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX), has extra levels and stuff. So don't worry, you technically didn't pay for freeware on Steam.
What about make a chart or put mega folder or something?
Matthew Lee
Dink Smallwood is simple fun for a simple quick playthrough. I have no idea if it's still easily findable and can run on modern systems. I played like 10 years ago.
AM2R is a good game and is "free". Go get it from some torrent.
Carter Kelly
OP here. I should have included my own recommendations in the original post. I'll do that now.
Maldita Castilla is pretty good. The developer, Locomalito, has a bunch of other free games, but I haven't played them all, so I can only say that they look promising. The developer is still in business so the official web site still exists (locomalito.com/), and has extra goodies like PDF posters, user manuals, and DVD inserts for most of the games.
Lyle in Cube Sector (pictured) is a good Metroid-like game by BogoSoft. It looks like this was the developer's last game, unfortunately, but the official web site is still up (bogozone.net/).
I've downloaded a few free games from itch.io which didn't suck. Here are two of them:
But I just came across these games randomly, and haven't really delved into what's available on itch.io, so I can't honestly say I think these are the best free games on that site.
Does anyone know of any good free games on itch.io? I have the client on my PC for some reason, so I figured I might as well use it. I know most of the site is probably shit; that's why I don't want to look through it all myself.
Fucking Iji man, good times. >all those fucking secrets >the actually touching pacifist route Fuck man, it was always such an underated gem.
Blake Moore
It loses the horror aspect of the original
Jackson King
You are thinking Metroid Fusion. Metroid 2 wasn't scary.
Ryan Perez
Was it temporarily free? It looks like it's $5.99 on GOG right now. Incidentally, I already have it (probably because it was free once and I grabbed it), but I don't think temporary giveaways of commercial games really qualify as freeware.
>that art style Oh my. I'll try the game, but damn. The graphics were literally done in Paint.
Hudson Long
>mentions the Air Force *but* doesn't explain why the Air Force had anything to do with it Fixed. I swear I'm not a phone poster.
Noah White
dink smallwood wouldn't run on my system like a decade ago
This is a cool thread so I will help by posting some of my favorite freeware games in no particular order
Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden Bit Pit Eggnogg Plus The Freak Farm (DOS RPG, fun if you like lost media type stuff) Gang Garrison 2 QuadSmash GUNGODZ Guxt (shmup by Pixel) Hyper DBZ Mega Man 8bit Deathmatch Castlevania: Simon's Destiny Super Mario Bros X (godlike local multiplayer) SRB2 and SRB2Kart
All of these can be found with a quick search. Also Lyle is Cube Sector is amazing like that other user said.
Also I totally forgot but Hydra Castle Labyrinth is really fun, it's a great metroidvania
Matthew Gonzalez
Do fangames count? Lecarde Chronicles 1 & 2 are great, the second even got Alucard's SoTN VA to do some voices.
Jason Robinson
came here to post exactly this when i first saw iji i didn't think of the art that way, it reminded me of Another World/Out of this World i've played through the game a lot recently on its hardest difficulty, and i still have trouble with it the soundtrack is godlike, too