Radical Heights

What went wrong?

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Radical Heights

Cliff is a faggot

Radical Heights? More like Radical Sheights!


Unironically Cliffy B being attached to it so publicly.

cliffy b is a cuck who wears nail polish and eyeliner

Instead of developing and releasing it around the same time as Lawbreakers, he released it when Lawbreakers was confirmed for dead...then he killed the project entirely.

Radical Heights? More like Radical Bankruptcy!

It was developed by BKP and had their reputation stuck to it like a piece of shit stuck to a wall. The game itself was unironically quite fun to play and had some tech to learn in it but because it was associated with the shitheap that was Lawbreakers and the retard that is Cliffy B, some people inhenrently didn't like it because of that and didn't try it out

It's a passion project, it doesn't matter it flopped.

Radical Sheights

Is Cliffy B the DSP of videogame developers?

just shat out within a few weeks just to make a quick buck after lawbreakers more than flopped

not enough black women

looks like shit and market is oversaturated with BR bullshit already.

obvious scam to make some fast money

It was a low quality BR bandwagon hopper.

you want to witness the ultimate cringe kino featuring CliffyB? Check out the Dev diary vid on the GoW1 deluxe edition bonus dvd. Still gives me shudders.

This is probably the most soulless game I've ever seen. Trend chasing by being a BR game and also hoping to thrive off of the recent surge for fondness of the 80s aesthetic. It was also just hastily thrown together to net some quick cash after Cliffy fucked up with his last game.

apex legends

Niggas tried to go up against CHADDLEBORN

It didn't even do the 80s nostalgia aspect properly. I WANT to play a game that's like The Running Man full of 80s nostalgia and social satire, but it looked like it was just "LMAO REMEMBER THE 80s? RADICAL DUDE".

They rushed it out. When your game is predicated on bombastic 80s flair, and you have plain textures everywhere still, you have an issue.

They ran out of money and released a quickly developed BR game that was unfinished in the hopes that putting it in early access would save the company. It didn't.

Most people into the 80s aesthetic only know it on a very surface level.