Nintendo forcing Gamefreak to make home console games, they still refuse to do so.
Why is Nintendo ok with this garbage they produce?
Nintendo forcing Gamefreak to make home console games, they still refuse to do so
>Why is Nintendo ok with this garbage they produce?
because the fans are
What’s your donkey Kong name Yea Forums?
>gamefreak announces pokemon #326 Type-A and #326 Type-B
>still releasing multiple "versions" of the game despite the fact that all of the content could easily fit on a single cartridge, and this has been true for years now
>pokemon autists will STILL buy the shit, complaining all the while
you all need to admit to yourselves that what you really want is to play the same game again for the 50th time. pokemon is the CoD of turn based action rpg games, and you're all suckers for it.
The gameplay in Pokemon has unironically grown exponentially beyond DQ. DQXI is functionally the same game in terms of gameplay as DQVIII, released well over 10 years ago.
What's nintendo gonna do? Make them?
While everything else in that post is absolutely correct, the "Two different versions" thing was never about cart space. R/G could have had every pokémon obtainable if GF wanted, not to mention every game has the data for all pokémon up until that gen anyway, the dual game thing was purely a move to facilitate (read:force) trading.
"What would the point of trading be if you can get all pokémon by yourself?" t. GameFreak
(Not like some pokémon are a pain to get and being able to swap with pokémon other people are having a pain with isn't reason enough or anything.)
Switch is a handheld. I know this because I have a few handhelds myself.
dank ballsack rider
>Nintendo: We delayed Prime 4 because it wasn't up to our standards.
Yet of course, they wouldn't dare question Gamefreak.
Top Dong Blaster
because it will still make millions of dollars
>they wouldn't dare question Gamefreak.
>90 billion dollar IP
>lets fuck this formula up
Both look great
No its Switch owners who are complaining. The ones that are going to buy it anyways are the people now planning to get a Switch specifically just for Sword and Shield.
Rectal Banana Expander
Fucking Ogrefucker. Not exactly exciting.
200% cunt weeaboo
The Switch is a handheld, it should be OK to produce handheld games for it.
>still releasing multiple "versions" of the game despite the fact that all of the content could easily fit on a single cartridge, and this has been true for years now
Version differences are there to induce trade, you idiot.
Nintendo only owns 1/3 of the Pokemon Company also the games still sell gangbusters despite Gamefreak putting the bare minimum effort.
>erect monkey revengance
I could work with that
Dangly Cunt Massacre
Top Scrotum Expander
>Why is Nintendo ok with this garbage they produce?
Because fans are
fucking spaghetti expander
>Comparing it to DQ11
DQ11's world is small and linear as fuck too. It has a few open fields but most of it is canyons and paths with very little variation.
>Nasty Donkeysmasher
because people will buy it anyway
Because mainline Pokemon sells regardless.
Nintendo could make a Pokeball out of literal shit, label it as an accessory, and it would still sell out everywhere.
Honestly all i wanted was for Pokemon to look like dragon quest, with the old anime style
Was it really too much to ask?
I am the Tropical Scrotum Man
Disgusting coconut creampie
Long Banana Man
>Long Dongman
How did he know?
Game Freak has no soul left and they're not losing any money by not trying because people will still eat up their mediocrity for now. Give it another 10 years and maybe we'll see something new.
Also there's been a lot of rollposting derails this last week. Wish mods would start banning everyone that replies to them again.
>Long Spaghettideliverer
Long Dong Massacre
Dangly Dong Fucker
>Legendary cock sucker
A-at least I'm legendary
Long Dongfaggot
I want random encounters and think with the huge amounts of Pokemon having them wonder around without looking stupid LGPE is impossible. But I thought theyll design a better looking world and having a more open world instead of locked in "roads" again.
Dysfunctional Ogre Fucker
Nasty Cock Fucker.
>Free market
>Can just stop buying the games and chastise people who do as idiots
>Buy every single pokemon toy, booster pack, and game every single time they release a new one and while shoveling this concentrated indian street shit into your mouth complain it tastes like shit
Absolutely braindead
Gay PenisSmasher
OP is a zoomer
I’m Long Pussymassacre, nice to meet you
True, accurate, and completely valid.
>incredible pussy sucker
There's more to gameplay than a battle system. Pokemon neither delivers the same amount of exploration nor a crafting system. What did Pokemon really add in the last 10 years beyond the split between physical/special and refining the breeding system?
>Top Dick Revengeance
This tbqh, I am glad thread got derailed on second point.