>this was supposed to be the hearthstone killer
Im actually amazed this didn't SOMEWHAT take off. Hearthstone and MTG Arena really took a bat to this game.
I see the /r/Hearthstone Discord’s here already.
I mean for real, this game's peak is like 800 on a good day. What the fuck happened?
Did they honestly expect this would work?
"We still make games guys! Please beleive us gamers, please beleive us! Gamers! NOOOO!"
>Gabe gets physically dragged out of game developer's conference for not meeting the minimal requirement of games recently made to qualify as a game developer
>[Seinfeld theme starts]
>[Audience laughter with mild applause]
>Produced and Written by Leth R. G.
Didn’t pander to casuals enough so only patricians with taste remained.
But that’s OK, the big patch will MAGA (Make Artifact Great Again) and a glorious new Artifaissance will be upon us.
I'll admit, all the situational voice lines aren't bad, and some are even really cool, but the game itself is just fucking awful.
it's dead, gabe, let it go
>didn't pander to casuals
Then how come MTG A is doing so well
All card games are dying, it's a fad that already passed so naturally no new game would blow up.
MTGA is a false prophet designed to lure people away from the true quality digital card game experience that only Based Artifact (or, as the International Portmanteau Society has recently voted to call it in all future official literature produced by the Society, Basedifact) can offer.
let go and move on
>all card games are dying
>hearthstone always on front page of twitch and MTG making the front page whenever theres a tournament
What`s happening tomorrow?
Who did this game even appeal to, did anyone give a single fuck after an hour of playing?
It had bad first impressions anyway. I'm not surprised it failed.
>trying to use twitch viewership as proof of anything
Just kill yourself underage.
What happened to the 1mil tournament?
It appeals to patricians with taste who appreciate digital strategy titles and the rich lore of Dota 2’s setting that only the top writers at Valve could create.
I have played over 100 hours of Artifact and I fucking love it, because I’m a freethinker.
It’s time to escape the Hearthstone plantation.
wait, what is tomorrow?
It’s coming. It will be held on Gaben’s private island.
I don't know why I laughed way too hard at this.
the only games less fun than "card games" are ASSFAGGOTS
note that this does not apply to real card games like poker, blackjack, bridge, euchre, gin rummy, pinochle, hearts, and spades, which are all god-tier and only for patricians
>mod made by chinks is more successful that legendary developer valve software and legendary game creator, richard garfield
They made a game both p2p and p2w. Its almost always one or the other.
Are they finally shutting down the servers?
Artifact? More like Shitshit!
You misspelled "MOBAs". ASSFAGGOTS are good.
>more people are playing Shadowverse than a Valve made game
Can't wait for it to get bigger numbers than Hearthstone too.
is ESL still shitting up the general?
i just played a match of it, against RG ramp because of course everyone plays that
won by skin of my teeth, lucked out on a forward charge that left their tower at 1 hp while i had march of the machines running
>Who did this game even appeal to
To some Steam employees who convinced their management they could make the next big milking cow to sustain their asses and grant job security for the next 15 years.
Did they cut down on the RNG?
OP please stop making these threads, the game is already flourishing and we don't need these MAGA kids knowing about it, partaking in it or lowering the amazing IQ of the Artifact community.
Is this the auto chess thread?
Yeah its almost as if its a metric of people's awareness of a thing and thus its popularity
are you dense?
He's sperging out as we speak.
>What the fuck happened?
You have to pay $20 to play the game, then if you ever want more cards you have to buy them.
>b-but thats how physical games work!!1
No, this is now a Shadowverse thread.
Shartifarts not welcome.
Absolutely based
>playing constructed
You get $20 worth of packs plus the starter cards when you buy the game.
>b-b-b-b-b-but it doesn't count because you can't download the game for free!!!
No fuck off, physical card games always had these starter packs with the other stuff you would need like playing mats, manual and starter decks.
This isn't a physical game. Treating it like one has lead to it's demise.
A game like Shadowverse throws tons and tons of shit at you for free. There's no excuse for this pay to start shit unless you're getting a complete set out of it.
Are you seriously trying to imply mobileshit skinner box gambling and daily quest grinding is somehow better than just being able to buy what you need? What the fuck happened to this board?
You get 2 premade decks with the starting cards and you can make your own decks out of them so that's not an excuse either.
you can sell your cards, its as physical as it gets
>my cashgrab garbage is better than your gacha RNG garbage!!
Yes since gachashit is literally gambling for kids, everything about it is designed to hook players with carefully researched addiction mechanics.
As opposed to a blatant cashgrab pitifully trying to ride on Hearthstone's success.
Both are awful.
I won't get into the motivation behind the creation of Artifact since neither of us know it but nothing about its monetization scheme screams cashgrab, it's probably the fairest digital TCG around.
false, half-life 2 is horribly overrated but in artifact's case, everyone knows its shit
Half-Life 2 is mildly overrated