Anyone else hoping the next map in Assassin's Creed will be smaller?

Anyone else hoping the next map in Assassin's Creed will be smaller?

Attached: od.jpg (3840x2160, 2.69M)

Well its not like it really matters except for filesize
But yeah, in origins you had literal deserts , which is fitting I suppose, but it still feels pointless
I just want a different setting

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i've seen better LOD models in fucking Oblivion, is this the best devs can do in 2019?

well they could have put more landmarks in each area, but it was nice having such a wide expanse to travel through.
I really dislike when you get constrained to a single city, even if the distance you travel is longer than a trek from one end of that island in OP pic to the other.

There were rumors the next ACRPG would be roman but honestly I hope its norse next
>OD brought back naval exploration and combat
>O started introducing mythological elements into the endgame plot beyond the ancestor bullshit, OD took it even further by having atlantis in the main plot

I'm still waiting for an AC game that's actually good.


The map was fucking gigantic and completely overwhelming. I lost interest in the game about 40 hours in when I realized I was only half done the story and had not even seen half of the map.

There are plenty of good AC games.


far cry finally managed to get good with 5, assassins creed is still dogshit though

The map size isn't the problem. It's the setting.

If it would be in Japan with a lot of great side quests, I would explore the shit out of it. But fucking Greece? Greece is pretty much a poor mans Egypt. Boring.

Especially boring if 99 % of the world is mostly just copy pasted stuff. If you look for example at this screenshot you can already tell that the ground texture and the trees are pretty much the same and that most of the building are not only copy pasted, but completely unimportant.

But Ubisoft is on the right way. Just throw out all sjw and make a great Japan setting and this game could have potential.

lmao, 4 was much better than that trash heap

Odyssey was shit but you have the worst taste I've ever seen

I hope the entire franchise gets canceled

Who cares ?Ubi Sofia is making the next one so it's guaranteed to be kino.

Wow, that is some insanely ugly LOD.

i hope you choke on your dick and your favorite franchise gets canned

ubishit needs to die

>Greece is pretty much a poor mans Egypt

Attached: 1443387392098.gif (236x224, 1.87M)

>I hope its norse next
yeah I wanna play as a poor mud covered hut living freezing farmer that lost all his teeth from eating bark




how are they supposed to insert brown people into that setting?

Imagine having AssCreed as your favourite franchise

Not him, but the Seeds in 5 were a lot more boring than Pagan Min or Vaas, fucking Faith's story was a whole lot of bullshit, the capture mechanics for the sake of story was dumb as fuck, enemies went from one extreme to another from where you could barely walk 5 feet before stepping on a Peggie to congratulations you liberated the area now enjoy your nothing. Then to me it felt like weapon and enemy balancing was off compared to FC3 and 4, where weapons felt like they had less of an impact, explosions felt less satisfying and enemies seemed to have more health to the point I just settling with going around with a silenced LMG just to deal with them. Not to mention the DLC was hot garbage. Granted a bulk of that experience was when the game first released so maybe they patched it.

Odyssey was absurdly large, gets too repetitive.

i didn't say that

im the guy you originally replied to. To add to what this guy said, what did FC5 actually add to the FC series that FC4 didn't? FC4 expanded on the formula by adding air vehicles, riding elephants, adding grappling hooks and rock climbing, multiplayer elements, etc. I don't remember any significant improvement in gameplay with FC5 over 4.
The graphics weren't an improvement either, with the exception of the wheat field areas (which look really good) FC5 is pretty much at the same graphical levels as FC4. The character models specifically are dogshit for the release year whereas 4's at least fit the times