>watch a stream for travis strikes again
>he has a picture of himself in the corner
>he's actually a douchebag
holy shit
Devil May Cry
i don't watch streams.
how is he a doucgebag.
Out of all the youtubers Yea Forums likes to post about isn’t he the smallest?
Why do you care about a DMC channel
he says pretentious "hot takes" and acts like he's never wrong, while complementing himself a lot
so he acts like everyone on Yea Forums, neat.
Character Action Games
Why did he ditch twitter for Instagram?
this dude is actually pretty based. is there a youtuber with a bigger disparity between their faggy avatar vs their actual videos?
Redpill me on this topic
He thinks character action games are just action games with good combat instead of an actual genre
Why would it be considered a genre? Because it has combos?
it's not a real genre.
much like "role playing game".
>turned out to be a total blue pilled cuck
hard pass
wasn't this actually only about him comparing God of War or some other action game's combat to dmc combat and fanboys got pissy because you can't compare X to Y?
>character action game
What does that even mean
What happened?
With really good combat
didn't he defend re6 because it reminded him of "character action games"?
Is this like a samefag circlejerk around this guy? I legit tried to ask what was “wrong” with his videos and you told me he didn’t believe in a genre titled “character action games” and then didn’t explain anything about it
>I legit tried to ask what was “wrong” with his videos
No you didnt, people were memeing about him, you asked to have one of the memes explained but cant be arsed to just google it once we give you the basic idea. We arent here to spoonfeed you
What will he think of the final boss of 5?
t.britcuck discord member
No, he thinks RE6 is a bad RE game but still thinks it was pretty fun so he defended it
it's essentially what this user said he just compared some games to dmc or something and that comparison pissed of fragile minds because such a thing as "uncomparable" apparently exists in their lives. Then he made his character action video which basically said that you can compare games independent of their respective genre but retards are too dense for that and twist some retarded message that I don't really get out of it.
Is it literally just DMC and Bayonetta?
Plus God Hand, ninja gaiden, a couple more random one offs
Do 6 games make up a genre?
>Wahhh Ninja Gaiden 2 is too hard
As if we needed more proof DMCfaggots were bitchmade.
Autistic weebs can't handle just calling it an action game
??? Did he say that? I thought he liked the game either way, it's not like he hates or bitched about it much he was just stating his opinion
So wait is the British guy calling them their own genre or not?
He isn't, which in turn means he isn't an autistic weeb according to this user
i'm getting phil fish/dan slott flashbacks
that's too generous, you are implying TGB isn't a nobody
He likes it tho?
how is he a douchebag?
I mean he bitched that he couldn't judge the distance from which he could do flying swallow while showing footage of him trying to do it with no forward movement so of course he's retarded.
this guy putting out dmc 1 2 and 3 videos before DmC came out while Yea Forums was shitting on the pre-release stuff was very transparent pandering
comes out of nowhere and positions himself as some action game aficionado when he's hardly even touched them then parrots Yea Forums opinions back to them so he can shill his videos here, pathetic desu
You must be retarded if you can't tell it's edited.
>I’m here to pick up my copy of DMCV
is he the only vidya youtuber who is actually fit?
I heard the dude once had some fans raid a discord when the owner stopped pledging on patreon
This is too obvious and forced to be real
Looks like he does nothing but curls.
You take that back >:(
i guess his shoulders could be better
but we can't see his legs so who knows, maybe he can squat, deadlift as well
the original picture is obviously edited
he looks like he sucks dick at the back of gas stations
frame is too small, 0/10 aesthetics
Gotta love how he still takes that pussy folded in stance even though it seems like he has good muscle definition (more so in the tank pic, pink shirt looks like he just sits and does curls all day). Does he not do core at all? Did his dad never teach him proper posture? The world may never know. He should definitely take advantage of those arms and milk them for some pissening Invisible Lat Syndrome poses fuck.
>good muscles
>literally poses like a woman
Why is this so common