T-the Switch will be a Wii U 2.0 and put Nintendo out business

>t-the Switch will be a Wii U 2.0 and put Nintendo out business...
wew lad, wouldn't wanna be one those faggots right about now.

Attached: 1510186701270.png (1850x1395, 1003K)

Someone post the image about how Splatoon would fail.


>T-the Shitch isn't WiiU 2.0

Attached: 1550970708328.jpg (717x960, 172K)

Instead it's just a glorified handheld with outdated hardware and 2 games


You need to update this image user

besides anthem, fallout76 and bfv was Yea Forums ever right about flopping?

that image was from one year of the Switch's lifetime versus the entire Wii U lifetime. Also the Switch has more than doubled the Wii U's litetime sales in 7 quarters

Yea Forums said the PS4 would never get release and sony would go bankrupt
after it came out Yea Forums said it would flop and only get 1 million lifetime sales
Yea Forums said the wii u would sell 30 million the first year

it's almost as if Yea Forums is wrong all the time

Oh yeah, I remember when the Wii U sold gang busters and was supported by pretty much every third party.

here's the thing no one whines the wii u had bad games everyone always raves it had good game
people just hate the console itself and how it was handled

Where are the games, though?

when you say everything is going to flop you get some right

i liked xenoblade 2 but switch has nothing coming out after smash
whats worse is that this is a very old image

This isn't leftypol, shill your fake news somewhere else.

Hopefully Nintendo wont go back to being a 2 skewed company and just keep making hybrids.

I don't remember the Wii U having all of those games available at launch.

Rainbow Curse and Star Allies aren't anywhere near comparable.

I wanna see those inklings in an instant loss comic.

A what?

Niggers buying the shitch for this.

Hybrids are the future of consoles, might be too late for the PS5 but you can bet your ass that Sony will rip off this idea for the PS6.

the one with the bag of crows and dicks?

The Wii U was comfy as fuck to play Mario Maker on after a hard day of work.

>Tfw can switch between TV and tablet

I'm glad Nintendo fans are finally coming to terms with their Wiiu 2.0.

The overwhelming success sure does help.

People are forgetting the reason the Wii U sold poorly is almost entirely because of the name alone and bad marketing. The average person is going to hear about and see the Wii U and think it's just the game pad, like it's just some accessory for their Wii and will skip out on it, which is exactly what happened.
The Wii sold boatloads because granny could play Wii sports with the kids, not because Yea Forums thought it's game library was good. Granny doesn't care about some Wii You accessory that lets you have a smaller screen because what's the point? You don't need one to play the games they already play.

>wii u 2.0
>fastest selling console of the generation
It's almost as if the wii u was a good idea with great games, but it just wasn't executed well the first time around.

Bitch woomies are the best woomies.

kek user got ass blasted

He's right you know.

How is this Wii U 2 by any stretch of the imagination?
>inb4 muh ports
Goalpost moving non issue blown out of proportion by sonyfags

>not having any games is a nonissue