Just finished MW3. They really dropped the ball on this one

Just finished MW3. They really dropped the ball on this one.

>Story makes zero fucking sense. The Russian President who presumably launched the attack on America is seeking peace, now granted, this is probably because Russia was kicked out of America entirely by the second mission of the game (which itself is a huge waste of World War III) but come the fuck on you really want me to sympathize with/protect and rescue this dude? He shouldn't be returned to power to negotiate peace. He should be standing fucking trial for the innumerable war crimes his soldiers commit throughout the fucking game. /rant
>Genuinely cool set pieces but not nearly enough of them compared to the more mundane ones.
>Satisfying, accurate shooting just like the rest of the MW games; bolstered by the ridiculously fantastical weapon sound effects.
>Honestly just god tier sound design all around from the loud to the little. youtu.be/AI6fPoYgKH8
>Soundtrack is meh; a far cry from the previous game's music.
>Spec Ops Survival gets repetitive as fuck quickly and doesn't have any of the personality/craziness that Treyarch's Zombie mode had. Having 30ish maps doesn't matter if they all play the same.
>Spec Ops having a ranking system only makes Survival less appealing.
>Chaos is fucking great though. It's a digital snort of cocaine that wants you to ride it as long as you can manage.
>Good graphics for the time with solid animation.
>Very nice environments for the most part.
>None of the new characters are particularly interesting. Yuri is a missed opportunity that never speaks.
>Intel does nothing.
>Veteran mode is far to easy compared to MW1 and 2 despite removing hit markers.

I'm kinda impressed by how cohesive this game feels despite its lower quality, considering the patch work of studios that came together to work on it, but still... Not great. What does Yea Forums think of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3?

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.02.23 - (1920x1080, 3.37M)

Survival mode and spec ops are pretty fun.

Prefer them to zombies desu

This scene gets so much wrong about the Abrams, yet feels so comfy that I just don't care.

Attached: Heavy Metal.webm (853x480, 2.92M)

Spec Ops Missions are alright, though they're essentially just more campaign missions without a narrative or cool moments. Some of them get kinda creative though. I liked the one with the Little Bird that blinds enemies.

How you can prefer Survival to Zombies is beyond me though.

Attached: The Baby Punter.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Attached: Yuri Loads Up.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

The whole game was dogshit and somehow looked worse than MW2 while having zero roam to move away from the linear corridor trigger levels (MW2 already had less than MW1, but compared to 3 it had huge open levels).

The only cool level in the entire game is at the end the killing spree of Captain Price.

You know it's funny and I could be wrong about this, but that level felt like an uptick in quality because I think it was a planned level from the start. The two missions in New York are somewhat high quality overall and then the game slowly loses quality as time goes on. It has a couple spikes here and there, but that last one was such a good time that it was surprising.

I also like the amount of body awareness this game had (seeing your legs and body and shit) and wish it had more. Makes me feel more grounded in the character.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.02.23 - (1920x1080, 3.58M)

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.02.23 - (1920x1080, 3.72M)

The only thing I remember about this game is that they made a big deal about 60fps and having actual gun manufacturer logos on the guns

Even though Survival mode is just a survival mode with glorified multiplayer maps, it still felt more enjoyable than the base maps launched in future CoD games. Extinction was far better than Survival, even the survival included in Ghosts was awful.

I think that too. The very last level just does so much right what every other level in the game does wrong. For one it's extremely satisfying to just wreck shit as a bulky dude with a huge mg in his hand and then you have a actual challenging mission because there is a lot of natural cover possibilities for you and the enemy. And it also feels like they barely had enemy triggers in this level.

But all the past COD games on console were 60fps. They were just mmentioning it a lot because BF3 ran at 30.

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Well I'm playing through the entire series right now so I guess we'll see how I feel in the coming days.

It was a standout for sure. Shame none of the turret sequences were any good. I realize that's a silly thing to say usually, but one of the things about CoD that is surprising me as I play the series, is that every single one of the turret sequences from 4 on was highly explosive and brief; making them a good break up of the pacing without staying long enough to get boring. I mean they even made the AC-130 less fun to play in this.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.02.23 - (1920x1080, 839K)

And also the setting plays in it. I can forgive a clear corridor level much more when it's in an hotel than when the game gives you a illusion of an open battlefield and then punishes you for exploring with never ending enemy triggers and "you left the battlefield, turn back" on top of invisible walls.

i played the first mission and it just felt empty and generic so i never played the rest. all these random soldiers who had never appeared in a CoD game before, fighting through boring ass city streets. MW2 was the perfect swan song for the series it really really didn't need to continue after that.

I can mostly agree with you but MW2 was a perfect swan song? That campaign is a mess. Not an MW3 mess but still a mess.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.02.23 - (1920x1080, 2.3M)

MW2 was a mess, but it was a fun mess, especially when it first came out.

Fair enough. The story is interesting enough if you don't think too hard about it. MW3 can't even get away with that.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.02.23 - (1920x1080, 3.08M)

Ye and it had rather big levels for a cod

Man this sub commander was inches away from getting pasted by that door.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.02.23 - (1920x1080, 2.32M)

it ended on a light hearted cliffhanger which is the best kind of ending for a series. did Soap make it, maybe he didn't, either way the battle was won, it's over, let's move on to a different IP Activision you disgusting swines.

MW3's quality reflects the fact Activision jettisoned the original COD team in order to shamelessly milk the franchise. The Respawn guys are only just now back to making hits.

I would considered the cliff-hanger many things but light-hearted is so outside the bounds of how I would ever imagine describing it.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.02.23 - (1920x1080, 3.36M)

Respawn won't last long either. One co-founder already left after the buy out, as did two of their best animators and I have no idea who else.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.02.23 - (1920x1080, 3.32M)

he was back with price and nikolai, his friends. shepherd was dead and they were escaping. the whole thing just had a very conclusive, "The End" feel to it.

>get used by Activision
>get used by EA
Obviously the smart thing to do is run to Ubisoft now

>MW3 takes place directly AFTER the helicopter ride that begins in MW2.
>Nikolai has changed outfits and voice actors entirely.
Damned altitude sickness.

The animators went back to IW so I guess not lol.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.02.23 - (1920x1080, 3.47M)

thank you for reminding my of this game bro. it was my first COD and i played it all through high school. i swear this game is most played in my steam library. have a good day

Attached: mw3.png (542x236, 17K)

Speaking of IW I'm really curious on whats going to happen, apparently there's rumors of MW4.

MW4 will probably happen and my dreams of IW2 that takes all the money from multiplayer and Zombies and shoves it all into the campaign to create a ridiculously high quality and immersive Mass Effect sized game with CoD production values will never happen. What could have been...

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.02.25 - (1920x1080, 722K)