Why are disabled characters so misrepresented in video games?

Why are disabled characters so misrepresented in video games?

Attached: cripple.jpg (300x319, 14K)

The disa led should be put in mega domes away from society to fight to the death. Those who win will get the body parts of the fallen attached to them to be whole and allowed back into society.

This would actually be a neat game.

Because they don't provide anything of value.


Attached: Bikko.jpg (1024x768, 450K)

>no footjobs


>tfw no cute wheelchair gf
Someone post that pasta of an user making fun of a disabled girl in school by destroying her art project.

Now we are talking.

Attached: 003.jpg (1140x1650, 455K)

Damn, I haven't seen these pictures in forever. Got the rest? Is she actually from a game?