I just beat Persona 5
Why was Igor evil in this game? Why did he try to kill the heroes? I don't understand how the two little girls combined into one girl. Did they fuse her out of necessity? Could they do that with any human?
I just beat Persona 5
Why was Igor evil in this game? Why did he try to kill the heroes? I don't understand how the two little girls combined into one girl. Did they fuse her out of necessity? Could they do that with any human?
>Why was Igor evil in this game?
Fuck off retard. You would know why if you beat the game.
Long story short Nyarlathotep has been causing chaos gods to appear in each game out of the collective consciousness
Who exactly does this character design appeal to?
Shut in NEETs because "she's just like me"!
People who like cute things, like Cute-aba.
>I just beat Persona 5
>Why was Igor evil in this game?
Either you are lying or you are a brand new kind of omega brainlet
Yagadabadoo wasn't chaos tho.
Seemed pretty Law to me, almost like
*record scratch*
Yes his a law style god but the last 3 gods from persona 3-5 were all caused by Nyarlathotep’s chaos acting through proxy since he was pushed back into the deepest recesses of humanity’s psyche at the end of Persona 2 Eternal Punishment. It was his chaos that caused a law god to form from the human consciousness
Isn't her phantom thief persona based on the same egyptian frog god that /pol/ was worshipping back in 2016?
I did beat the game and I'm confused. Ignor had two different voices. Either he's another summon that was replaced by the evil Igor or this is some steins;gate plot twist of another alt universe.
I know there are human looking demons / personas and angels. Was Igor one of them? Is that why you could fuse the two girls who kept you in jail?
I was able to follow this game up until those events
Her Persona are Necronomicon and Prometheus.
Her hacker group name was Medjed. Never went to /pol/ (no shit) but it's not a frog, just some weird dude wearing a cape with two eyes on it.
The "new" Igor was a fake made by Yabaddi-badda to fuck with you basically. He also split Big Loli into the two other.
>i just beat the game and i don't understand anything about it
The fuck?
imagine being this dum-
>Futaba fag
oh nevermind
weeb shut ins
Futaba fucking worst girl in P5 try to prove me wrong you can't
Ah okay. So was Yabaddi the holy grail that you fought at the end of the game? I'm guessing (aside from Jokers persona) it was probably one of the ultimate / strongest personas?
Not everyone can follow confusing plot twists.
I see a lot of negativity about cutest girl in this thread. Let's see if we can do something about it!
>cutest girl
Nobody has mentioned Kawakami though.
Futaba was the best Navigator of the 3 games. By the end of the game, shes a fucking buffing machine and everyone on my party was always hopped up on her status increases. Fuuka was ok, but Rise barely does fucking anything. She says her ability is to give one enemies weakness at the start of each fight, and she never fucking does.
Stupid cunt.
To each his own, user!
>posts a shit ton of spoilers in the OP
>that basic plot twist was somehow so confusing you lost the entire plot
user are you brain damaged?
Makoto Sae and Hifumi are god tier
Everyone else is shit
Futaba is worse than shit
>Igor, sounding completely different and turning into someone else, then saying "haha I was a fake!" is confusing
user I think you're just a little slow, there's absolutely nothing confusing about it.
How could you hate a cutie like this?
The fake Igor literally tells you who he is near the end of the game. How can you be confused when he flat out tells you who he is and what his motivation is to your fucking face?
my dick
She only a cutie on fan arts tho, in game she looks like retarded neet who didn't take bath for years.
Gameplay wise she probably the most useful, story wise she’s probably the weakest since she can’t really scan enemies like Fuuka and Rise. So it’s Fuuka>Rise>Futaba in terms of scanning ability
I disagree with your (wrong) opinions, but it's nice that you're able to express them.
you're literally incapable of understanding simple plot points, you goddamn braindead weeb
kill yourself and get rid of your shit taste
I'm not the OP though
You might be legit retarded...
>play dialogue heavy game
>can't even grasp the easy as fuck story
>why was Igor evil???????
>the fake Igor reveals that he was just yaldy
>the real Igor was trapped in the velvet room until Yaldy left
It’s explained pretty well?
how can someone be this dumb
>he insists he beat the game even though he can't grasp one easy plot element
why don't you just admit you watched a let's play. Yea Forums is zoomercore anyway.
tell me other posters, is it actually fun to pretend you are retarded and post just so people can call you that? is OP getting pleasure from this?
You're all fucking retards, he's trolling by acting like he got the bad ending and thinking that's it. People did this with the Namatame bad ending in P4 all the time you spackers.
P5 starts off strong then goes down hill really fast Once you get to around December. Everything starts falling apart. The story is all over the place. Nothing makes sense (or, rather, it's not explained properly). It could have been 3x better if the would have fixed the last 15% of the game.
Thanks for the backup, brother(s)
It's a translation and localization issue. Common themes in Japanese story-telling are not common in American story-telling so it doesn't click right away. It's not that anyone is doing anything wrong. It's just a culture-bridge that localization teams need to realize and spend more time spanning instead of just assuming the other side will be able to fill in the blanks when it's not something they'd innately do because they were raised in different surroundings with different stories.
Just because you're incapable of understanding an extremely simple story doesn't mean the story was actually all over the place.
Igor was possessed by a different god the entire game, it wasn't igor.
Everything was explained pretty clearly, just because you yourself didn't understand it, doesn't mean the story didn't explain it.
Any questions you have about the game just ask, me or someone here will answer it for you.
This was already answered really well here:
For example, the most common themes in American games tend to use normal humans as villains, usually businessmen with lots of mysteriously loyal subordinates. They always have a weakness or restraint that makes them susceptible to the common man.
Where as Japanese games use super-beings and gods with 12 different 'final forms' and and battles rooted in fantasy. The whole thing is actually pretty immature and unrealistic and uses huge stretches of the imagination to make it to work.
An non-weeb American would not instinctively assume that a villain has reached their "final form" yet because it's not a part of western culture.
Penny Pax would do the perfect Futaba for a P5 porn.
>This was already answered really well here:
No it wasn't, it was a retarded "LOL JAPAN" answer that doesn't actually address what the person was complaining about. Everything in the story makes sense if you're not clinically retarded.
>The whole thing is actually pretty immature and unrealistic and uses huge stretches of the imagination to make it to work.
I love how "a video game tries to make the most of being a fictional product instead of being a slave to reality" is a bad thing. Fucking brainlets.
Based shitposting
Guys, I get it. I wasn't able to follow the plot twist that well - not my fault that the game didn't localize and explain it well.
I've put in 109 hours into the games so I'm thinking of replaying it on NewGame++ so I'll catch all the hints along the way while maxing out the rest of my confidences
How dumb are you? Honest question
lol OP has brain damage im laughing