Attached: Baptiste-Overwatch.jpg (1748x1274, 311K)

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This meme became stale and was used way to much. It's like how WE posting was just used for Egyptian shit now it's used for litterally everything even if it is true.

what the fuck its just demo man

what's the scouter for?

stop shilling this flash in a pan

Attached: dasd.png (1180x942, 80K)


>black man
>grenade launcher
>eye accessory over one eye
hmmmm, who came up with this design

it's gay-dar, it'll inform you when a gay character is on screen
in 2 years it will basically inform you when any character is on screen

Probably a hud for his invincibility robot and amp wall.


theres two triggers on his nerf gun

Oh no... This is proof of White Genocide...

Rally your loved ones and start building an underground bunker now. Make sure you have enough ammunition for when they let loose the Dark Stampede...

Attached: 1519928235493.png (409x306, 102K)


>not a single white male post-release and the few ones that were there are now canon faggots

>rare video of this user moments before typing this out

Attached: 1547289741612.webm (800x502, 2.8M)

>This meme again
You nufags ran it into the ground. It's no longer remotely funny anymore because you retards use it every time blacks are brought up and not when it should be used
Kill yourself redditor, fuck you for ruining the joke

>this meme became stale
>increasingly triggered (wo)man says

Attached: 1547326309000.png (1000x906, 600K)

The fucking pain in the father's face goddamn

I smell a samefag. Either way your butthurt is enjoyable

wow, now that's cringe

I mean, incels mention blacks and women in conversation more than vegans tell you about their dietary habits. They're literally obsessed because their entire existence is based around the validation of a woman's interest.

The fact that hes black isnt even an issue, if this character was white it would be the most bland looking thing, the only thing making them even remotely stand out is that they are black, like if you changed this character outfit they just look like some guy, Doomfist is a black character and has a rad mechanical arm and still maintains a "tribal" aesthetic, this guy looks like the guy you meet in singleplayer who is part of the army that fights the bad guys and has no dialogue because hes just a random NPC. What happened to Blizzard.

That hair looks bad, why not give him a fresh cut?

fags like you need to be put into a hydraulic press

Attached: 1546590055337.png (403x281, 154K)

>still no black women
Youre not out of the SJW woods yet BLizzard, get to work or I wont buy your game.

His nigger heritage is irrelevant. Dude looks like he just came from a fucking beach party paintball session. Baby blue and yellowy-orange is possibly the worst color combo imaginable if you want a character to not look like a fucking joke.

Do you like the Demoman from TF2?

Imagine trying to rip him off, but not quite pulling it off and you end up creating a generic black guy?

You have Baptiste.

Shut the FUCK up.

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Fucking hell.

Literally Black Nappa, with an afro.

Fucking Carlton Banks

Some of those are fine like Shantae/Cerebella since they have more to them than I'MBLACK.
That E3 with the three games having the exact same sassy afro black woman revealed at the same time was the funniest shit ever.

this has to be the most underwhelming overwatch character launch ive ever experienced so far. literally NO ONE cares about this guy or is talking about him. he looks like a fisher price toy.

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Did they miss the part where Demoman was an alcoholic scottish cyclops ontop of being black? Like, if he was white he would still be a scottish alcoholic cyclops. Baptiste is so generic I thought this was a preliminary design, like a "what to expect" sort of thing.

What does he even do in terms of gameplay

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Holy shit i thought i was the only one who thought he also looked like a fisher price toy

He looks like black, white, jew and arab in the same time. How is that even possible?


The design is so fucking horrendously bad. Like it's so generic I'm actually starting to consider it offensive. Moira's design was at least shit, but Baptiste is so middle of the road and average that it annoys me more.


If you shoot him, Police D-VA comes to your house, takes away your kids and puts you in jail for hate crime.

and homosexual or even tranny too. its the ultimate sjw character.

fuck off

These dark times will be remembered as the blaxploitation of videogames.

this meme became reached baneposting levels of stale and if I say this I'm a tranny?


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>What makes me a good fudgepacker?

Did they add Demo from TF2 with Vegeta's scouter? Wow! Very original!

he's so opaque

Fucking based and repdilled

god damnit you beat me to it

>that fucking background

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Calling everyone and everything trannies is Yea Forums newest meme word craze.

wtf, it wasn't a bunch of people pasted together?

ugh, americans are fucking disgusting

I watched his origin story before seeing anything else and that final reveal was a letdown.

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He’s another incredibly broken healer. Two aoe healing abilities(one’s a grenade launcher and the other is a command that gives nearby people a healing over time effect), a strong burst rifle primary, he can deploy a robot that prevents the team from dipping below 20%(but it can be destroyed), he can jump extremely high whenever he wants and his ult doubles damage and healing if it travels through the wall he creates.

What's happening in this picture?

He pretty much screams OP, the games "balance" is a joke

me in the right

What the hell's the source of this? I see it here all the time

>"Continue doing what you were doing to not die" robot can be tossed really far and goes on cooldown the moment it's tossed
>passive heal and grenades
>Blizzard insists the 3 tank 3 support meta is dead, so they nerf two DPS characters for good measure

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Pretty sure no one on the design team is ranked higher than Plat.

Most likely reddit, they love these painfully cringe choreographed home vids for some reason.

All 8 of the white men are gay? Including the dwarf with eight kids?

dwarf =/= white

I thought having pale skin is what made someone white.

The funny thing is I never mention anyones sexuality, only their skin color. Shows where your head is at user.
>we get a diversity pass if we make a gay character and some blacks
If they want to play this game then where is the representation of male Indians and female blacks. They arent including EVERYONE so they have failed.

no, being native european is what makes you white

Swaggy P is in a video game now?

Just dusted an entire squad, hell yeah.


>Let's just take this generic as fuck design and throw a hideous scarf on top

sometimes I unironically wonder what people like that think.
'haha omg xDD its epik if i write a lot of banned text!!!!' or "I am the Grim Reaper of Yea Forums and I will purge this board with my Righteous Words" or any combination of this

look at this white man

Attached: Negroid_albino_2.jpg (347x526, 33K)

Attached: Fortnite Burger.png (512x512, 135K)

Valve has gone on record saying they made the Demoman black specifically to differentiate him from the scottish alcoholic Groundskeeper Willie styled stereotype. He's a textbook example of blackwashing a character to make him stand out.

The difference is that the Demoman is hilarious and hugely entertaining thanks to great comedy writing. Execution is everything.

Attached: mister explosion reads the paper.jpg (200x200, 6K)

You just described every single character in Overwatch.

Does it count if every fortnite character is wearing a scarf?

Only defaults and default reskins are


Regardless of WHY they did it he has something other than "he is black" going for him and his design as a character. If you changed Baptistes clothes would it even be recognizable? He just looks like some guy, there is nothing interesting about his head design and outfit or anything that suggests what he is about as a character like all the other characters
Like you look at all the characters and you can tell what they are about, what do you get from Baptiste.

That tiny little shoulder pad offends me to no end

Attached: tumblr_pnftd35IGf1sdfwrao1_640.jpg (564x545, 58K)

>the only attractive women in this picture aren't even black,just tanned

The dwarf is swedish, I highly doubt any of those kids are actually his.

It's a regular size shoulder pad, it's just that the kang has very large shoulders

Also they weaved it into his character, with the Demoman drunkenly bawling about how much of a tokenistic hodgepodge he is.

I’m still laughing so hard at people who thought Soilder 76 was more strength than McCree and that McCree would come out as gay. Anyone who try hards edginess and masculinity is closeted. McCree meanwhile is somber the right amount and chill the true sign of heterosexuality.

What makes me a good demoman? If I was a bad demoman, I wouldn't in a shitty game, discussing it with you, now would I?

>What makes me a good Demoman?

>Cowboy cosplayer with two dads and used to be a member of a leatherdaddy biker gang
>Not gay

I went to the Renaissance fair yesterday for the very first time and had fun watching the presentations, but god DAMN it was full of white trash. What gives?

Attached: apkekx.png (562x628, 51K)

See reunion and tell me this is not a sign of a straight man. I’m glad Blizzard agreed with me since they made S:76 gay and not McCree. Get rekt.


that doesnt surprise me


From his trailer I get the impression that he was a generic henchman who turned coat and became a vigilante (maybe I'm off the mark there?). Given that the Demoman doesn't communicate his drunkenness or Scottishness in his visual design (aside from his melee weapon) I can forgive Overwatch Dude for not communicating his personality visually either. Visuals aside, though, "Generic altruistic repentant do-gooder" is harder to get across in-game than "Pissed-off Scottish drunkard" anyways, since the Demoman gets to lean into stereotypes the moment you hear his accent and inflection.

I'm not about to jump on the cross for Baptiste's design though. Everyone in Overwatch is fuck ugly, and Baptiste is especially. He's also unquestionably less likeable than the Demoman. I'm just saying that Baptiste is a harder sell right out of the gate because they're trying to do something less self-evident and exaggerated with him.

LIterally looks like an NPC

If it's a travelling fair than the white trash will flock to it because it's the first thing they've had to do in a long while. The same is true of travelling circuses or amusement parks.

>tfw League has only two black males out of 120+ champions and one of them is already hotter than any of these punks in Overwatch

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Well said my brothas. We must spit on him. *HAAACK*

Attached: le no chuckle man.png (300x300, 66K)

>some shitty genderswapped loli archer
They aren't niggers

I'm saying they're all gay, user. They wouldn't be in overwatch if they weren't.

Trigger Nigger has a great design. Gun Templar is an awesome angle for a character. LoL has 3 black characters though, Ekko, Pyke and Lucian

Attached: trigga nigga.jpg (1215x717, 374K)

>shitting on Nyx from infamous 2, shantae, bullet cerebella and more
Broski, you lacking the brain function to think, dont you even @ me about this shit.

What makes TF2 so replayable and fun and Overwatch boring ?

When I played Overwatch in beta I was so into it for 2 days maybe a week and then I feel so bored playing it.

aayooooo hold up
>*smacks lips*
Ya be finna sayin
>*turns scouter on*
Some bid bud so bidda
That dud sum chigga sugga
>*comes out the closet*
AHAA yoooo muh fuggin
>*panders to audiences*
so you be sayin WE
>*gets jiggy with it*

Pyke is fairly ambiguous

>the characters have a good personality like real militar people
>they go to the objetive dont wait thinking about gender or faggot thinks
>makes fun about violence like a cartoon
>its fun to play like character because are balanced by maps


>the community is a nest of furrys and bronnies
>no updates
>valve is a shit that doesnt give a fuck about nothing.

I can tell hes about explosives from his design. His personality comes through when he speaks and in his emotes of course, I cant really get anything from Baptiste visually and otherwise I think hes just a weak character in that his personality is kindof lame, granted we havent really got his personality yet because we havent heard his dialogue in game, thats where it should come through.

If they wanted to have him be a turncoat vigillante they couldve had him look more like a vigillante and less like a generic soldier. Give him a cape or some shit or something that covers his face like a hood or something, and since hes into explosives give him some kind of protective armor that looks like it would protect from an explosion. Make his clothes a bit more ragged since hes suppose to be a vigilannte and working in the shadows. The problem is he looks so bland and his personality on paper is just not that interesting, look at the rest of the casts stories and then back to his, its fucking weak ass. Its like they wanted to make a protagonist for a no-mark fps game.