Why doesn't Human Revolution have moments like this?

Why doesn't Human Revolution have moments like this?

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>go to any youtube videos
>check the comment section.
>theres always someone with a JC denton avatar
wut why and how?

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Cyberpunk is a genre about the evils of capitalism and corporations.

Modern video games are colossal blockbuster-budget items made by megacorporations that fully believe in capitalism and corporatism.

Therefore there will never be another good cyberpunk video game.

developed by - eidos montreal, owned by square enix
published by -square enix

square enix is a 250 billion dollar company

do you seriously think they are going to allow anything pertinent be included in the game?

deus ex was made by ion storm, a much smaller company, essentially a small team of passionate individuals with some ideas and things to say. they were given funding by romero who is an eccentric in his own right, and tom hall another normal dude from id at the time.

the only projects that will have this kind of truth in them are lower budget, independent projects, projects without giant corporate headquarters looming above them

It's because some Fortnite memer has a JC Denton avatar, and people are copying him.

But I thought Yea Forums said that games are made by leftists

>Cyberpunk is a genre about the evils of capitalism and corporations.

What a basic bitch interpretation, especially when the dregs of society literally thrive thanks to megacorps the technology they created like augments

zoomer garbage
they dont know deus ex, just repeating a shitty fortnite meme

>square enix is a 250 billion dollar company

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Moments of what? Someone rattling off conspiracy theory bullshit? Well, you do get the part with the AI.

imagine being so ideologically jaded you cant see the obvious
look up what dystopia means

stop projecting, i didn't say that it's a problem.

because dx1 already said everything that could be said
anything that any future deus ex game could do in that regard would just be treading over the same ground again, which would be boring

>it's a conspiracy theory bro!!!

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But the generation that hasn't played DX1 haven't heard it and only a handful of them will actually play the 1st game so it would make sense to repeat it

>Cyberpunk is a genre about the evils of capitalism and corporations.

No, it's about class divide.

you can still buy and play deus ex 1 today

those are accurate statements, not conspiracy theories. you're a drone

Hello, literal sheeple.
How does it feel to work for your masters by day and defend them online by night? They own you, body and soul. Good boy.

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This is a stupid post - there are tons of conspiracies even today

but the graphix :((((((((

how can somebody actually look at cyberpunk and their main take away is 'muh trickle down economy' holy shit it's supposed to be a horrible dystopian future to avoid

Nowadays leftists are the lapdogs of corporations.

Especially today.

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what happened between 1979 and 1982

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I'm pointing out that $250 billion is an obscene amount of money, there's maybe a dozen companies in the world that valuable by the most generous estimates. I don't think Square Enix is worth 250 billion yen.

>measurable facts in the historic record are conspiracy theories

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>only a handful of them will actually play the 1st game

Ever heard of Reaganomics? He's the guy who coined "trickle down"

>Ronald Wilson Reagan was an American politician who served as the 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989

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the graphics aren't even bad when modded, the UT engine i think has aged admirably

>there are tons of conspiracies even today
modern conspiracies in the modern internet era are all shit though
you're the one with a stupid post here pal

not an argument

>that graphmind

because reading is for gaylords and people want to press a button so watch badass TAKEDOWN cutscenes

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We had a dystopian past with serfdom

I'd rather be a street samurai than a peasant.

>conspiracy theory

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not an argument
if someone actually wanted to play deus ex to learn about the ideas presented, they would
if someone doesn't want to do that, they also aren't going to pay attention to a new deus ex game that was just regurgitating the same old ideas

I dont think you know what that word means lol, it has nothing to do with corporations as you think of them
The video game industry is completely dominated by champagne socialist lefty typesm anyway
I'd hardly call them "capitalists" since they definitley wouldnt call themselves that, but yes we live in a capitalist society and the entertainment industry is capitalist in nature. like that needs to be stated.

its about lots of things m8
cyberpunk is basically taking what we have today, liberal capitalist multicultural democracy, and taking it to its logical end point, which is most likely a dystopian hellhole
its the "pessimistic about the future" genre
lots of themes define it, you cant point to one thing and say thats cyberpunk

There is no price too great to own the libs

Economic recession.

the only thing i want from gmdx is the ability to pick up bodies without looting them
but then again people dont seem to notice bodies anyways in my game

>Saying this while being a paypiggy to Bernie Sanders

yes that's literally what deus ex is, lots of different conspiracy theories all smashed together into one woven and coherent universe


You know how in Metal Gear the big picture plot is factions fighting over The Boss's legacy by creating New World Orders and endless war?
That's been the last 40 years of American politics with Ronald Reagan's neoconservatism carried out by agents of the Bush and Clinton dynasties.

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feudalism wasnt a dystopia you moron lmfao

dude, look up 'Deplatform Hate, Stripe' controversy. tiny groups of radical leftist activists with ties to journalists (huffpo, salon, wapo, wsj etc, mainstream leftist rags) will contact advertisers and threaten to have hit pieces written about them unless they sever their connections to X group (youtuber, company, "hate group", anyone they don't like who is against leftist identity politics). so you take a step back and realise, small groups of people are having this huge power over million dollar advertising firms, because the firms are terrified of being labelled as 'supporting racists/bigots' etc by the journalists, so they concede and pull out.

It was the rulers utopia you mongoloid.

productivity? you mean when people productively do literally nothing, just scroll twitter and do some pr for instance?

that's not what OP picture said dipshit, if i say something like 70% of the worlds wealth is owned by 1% that's a fact not a conspiracy.

If i say that 1% is satanist moloch worshipping demon elves that's a conspiracy you shill jew fuck

>tfw it's not some fantasy or conspiracy theory
>it's actually true
>and it's getting worse

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>productivity has to be proportional to workers compensation

Why? Productivity has increased but that doesn't mean workers are working harder. You get compensated according the value of your skill and the amount effort. People are actually getting paid MORE for less effort today. They aren't toiling in fields from dusk to dawn, they are sitting in front of a computer in white collar positions and spending most of their worktime browsing social media and youtube. If you want you reap the direct benefits of productivity then start your own fucking company but take that "everyone should get equal share" shit back to commieland.

>The video game industry is completely dominated by champagne socialist lefty typesm anyway
not really, they're only the ones you hear about
the people in power are all bobby kotick types

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yen? do i fucking look japanese? 250 billion dollars

I didn't say that everything in deus ex was a conspiracy you moron

UHm, user, the left half of your meme is missing...

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Cyberpunk is a setting, not a set of themes.
The MOST COMMON themes of cyberpunk have to do with extremely lowered quality of life (usually due to lack of opportunity caused by automation, and overpopulation)
Oppression by large superstructures, either governmental, corporate, or both,
And technology increasing enough to allow for things like hyper-surveillance and better distractions but not enough to significantly raise quality of life for an overpopulated planet.
And after Blade Runner came out there was that period where literally every cyberpunk was about artificial intelligence and robots and shit but that was it.

why do you keep using words you dont understand?

Because Eidos Montreal is a bunch of glue eating hipsters who just try and recreate classic old games without truly understanding what made them good.

It kind of worked with HR, Thief is what showed them for who they are

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you know that it stops being a theory when proven true, right?

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>not really
no, really
name 3 aaa companies that arent left leaning

>because reading is for gaylords and people want to press a button so watch badass TAKEDOWN cutscenes

This is when I knew Yea Forums had lost their taste when they hyped up this piece of shit. Taking away control from the player for EPIC cutscenes - fuck this game

name 1 conspiracy theory presented in the first deus ex that has since been proven true

>Things only mean what I think they mean, so thusly you are wrong because I'm an idiot!

Look up "literal" in the dictionary, you literal retard.

Also look up the word retard, and they'll have a picture of you.

>They aren't toiling in fields from dusk to dawn, they are sitting in front of a computer in white collar positions
get out the house kid

Because people here are retards, that willingly get themselves lost in "ideological" bullshit and semantics, so that they can continue to delude themselves.

Even today, you have clear proofs of corporations influencing the goverment, or goverment having corporations as their executive state branch. That is corporatism, especially of tech giants.

Tech giants now fulfill the role of what once Church fulfilled, we have came from Theocracy to Technocracy. Government has to have tech producers loyal, and they need goverment for protection otherwise they are vulnerable to external influence. Whole society is structured like that.

Believe me, that thing retarded Americans call "establishment", that thing is their state, without it they would collapse.

Difference between todays corporatism and cyberpunk corporatism, is augmentations and genetic modifications, other than that you have today Twitter, Facebook, Microsoft, Google etc... fulfilling the demands of the goverment like ministers of it and them getting "rewards" like wages.

>mfw someone points to that bartender conversation and pretends its insightful
Protip: Sheldon Pascotti just skimmed a CliffsNotes version The Republic and regurgitated what he could remember.

The retards claiming its good dialogue deserve the shitty standards the industry has.

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>cyberpunk is basically taking what we have today, liberal capitalist multicultural democracy, and taking it to its logical end point

Class divide wasn't even close to invented by liberal capitalist multicultural democracy. In fact, that's the thing that has worked best at eliminating class issues. You want to know where cyberpunk actually comes form? The same whiny leftist crap Yea Forums hates today because it's taking their video game boobies away.

Please stop digging yourself deeper its embarrassing.

Square Enix posted a net income of about $200 million in 2016.
They're not worth more than most American banks, you are literally 100000% off base.

The EU.

Name 1 conspiracy theory presented in Xfiles that has since been proven true

if anything cyberpunk is a dark parody of late stage capitalism. even deus ex is to an extent very dry satire where they made a game about an alternative timeline where every conspiracy theory in the world was actually true. you even go to the equivalent of area 52 in the final missions to kill bunch of grey aliens for fucks sake. how is that anything but tongue in the cheek?

Remember: capitalism is a great system. Not at all like that pesky communism, which existing capitalist superpowers have artificially quelled through practices like:

1) military invasion
2) assassinations of leaders
3) state-backed coups
4) sanctions
5) massive propaganda and social control, including individually spying on, socially ostracizing, black balling, and even incarcerating, individual communists within capitalist countries (see: mccarthyism)

We're not afraid of communism at all. Us? With our billions of dollars of accumulated wealth? H-haha, no, we're not AFRAID of that silly bad ideology. Look at how many times it failed... why would we be afraid of it... heh.

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The people who control any AAA company are not left-leaning. The "left-leaning" people you see are the public faces of the company, because that's what trendy right now. You'll notice that none of them have any executive power at the company, they're designers and developers. The people who control the money you never even hear from

the Echolon program by the NSA

Name one (1) video game with good dialogue

>Why doesn't Human Revolution have moments like this?
Because the devs fundamentally misunderstand what DX is about.

Contrary to popular belief, DX was never about augmentation. Augs was merely a framing device to tell a story about how technological advances could exacerbate the dangers of economical and political centralization, culminating in JC merging with an AI to form a new enlightened form of government to oppose these dangers. There was never an 'aug controversy'. Augs were only used for peacekeeping operations. There are like five augmented people in the whole of Deus Ex, half of which are your collegues.

While Human Revolution was advertised as a prequel, it's actually a reboot of the franchise. In a prequel things should be LESS advanced, not more) yet somehow augmentation is used not just for military purposes, but everyday mundane activities. Everyone is obsessed with augmentation. This is taken to absurd extremes even lower-class people, homeless bums and hookers are augmented. You even have augmented hookers. Why would these people spend millions to have their limbs cut off and spend the rest of their lives paying for an expensive anti-rejection drug? How can they even afford it? And for what purpose? To get better jobs? They already have millions to spend, so what do they need those augs for? The whole thing is impossible to take seriously.

Augs in HR and MD are nothing but a shallow metaphor for topical social issues like the pro-life debate and 'black lives matter' (they literally used 'aug lives matter' in the marketing for the games). Good sci-fi is universal and timeless, HR and MD are sensationalist garbage that's already dated.

Besides, they even fail at being a shallow metaphor for social issues. The aug incident happened because someone basically flipped a switch and turned all augmented people in killer zombies (why did nobody question why this was allowed?). This is an issue of cyber-terrorism, not social conflict.

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>u stupid u dum i know da tings and u don't


Dictionary result for dystopia
noun: dystopia; plural noun: dystopias

>an imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice
>an imagined state

The past is an imagined state and we don't have the full story.

>Class divide wasn't even close to invented by liberal capitalist multicultural democracy.
What is the French Revolution?

>In fact, that's the thing that has worked best at eliminating class issues.
Not according to Marx

>You want to know where cyberpunk actually comes form? The same whiny leftist crap Yea Forums hates today because it's taking their video game boobies away.
Huh? How is cyberpunk whiny leftist crap? Deus Ex is one of the most right wing games out there

Curse those bastards and all their subsidiaries for what they did to Deus Ex, Thief and all janky games people were foolish enough to buy:
>Just Cause 3/4
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Final Fantasy XV
>Secret of Mana Remake
>The Quiet Man
>[soon] Left Alive
and lot's more

(successful) companies don't lean left or right, they strategically project whatever value set is in vogue at the time, so that everyone will fuck off and leave them alone to keep making money. any time you see a press release talking about how X company is taking on new 'diversity initiatives', it's not because the people at the top care about muh blacks, it's because they think that it's a good move for public relations. problem is it keeps backfiring, with bad games and bad PR

Do not rock the boat, goy.
Work your job quietly. Put your head down.

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>if everyone suffers equally its better
Sick ideology friend

euroscepticism has been a thing long before deus ex, and is not a conspiracy theory in and of itself
Five Eyes and mass surveillance is not a conspiracy theory
that's a dumb tv show

That's a hard question to answer when you haven't presented any actual conspiracy theories in your post.

Jesus christ you're fucking stupid

>What is the French Revolution?
something that happened very recently, while class divide goes back to the dawn of civilization

germany wants an EU army. essentially exactly UNATCO since the EU controls the UN

"The European way is also the United Nations' way. This explains why all our actions, all our initiatives are always taken in full coordination and partnership with the UN. We believe in the UN, because we believe in the same principles, in the same values, and our communities are built upon the same fundamental ideals". - High Representative/ Vice-President Federica Mogherini at the UN Security Council, 9 May 2017

Said the mongoloid

>there are "people" who claim to be over the age of 18 and still unironically believe capitalist systems aren't obviously the best in practice nor the most natural result of basic human behavior as applied to large-scale societies

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You're right, it's better that Mr. GoldSteinFinkelBergSilverWitz spends another $50,000 on his Las Vegas champagne shower. The children who will go to bed hungry tonight, whose lives would be immeasurably improved by a $2 warm meal? They don't matter, haha.

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Echelon was well known before Deus Ex and the NSA was also known to have already purposefully suppressed public sector cryptography so they more easily spy on people.

>Five Eyes and mass surveillance is not a conspiracy theory
correct, because its a conspiracy that was proven right

this is not a conspiracy theory and this wasn't exactly what was portrayed in deus ex

>being this naive


>still unironically believe capitalist systems aren't obviously the best in practice

There is no way to objectively judge this because when another economic system was about to make its debut, existing capitalist superpowers artificially destroyed it with aforementioned tactics. If this were a laboratory and we were testing ideologies, these results would be unusable.

Oh so you're fucking retarded then, got it
Nobody had an issue with "class divide" before the economic positivism and socialist theories of the 18th and 19th centuries. If you're talking about hierarchy, then yeah sorry heirarchy exists and will always exist.

Resident Evil (western)

>technology increasing enough to allow for things like hyper-surveillance and better distractions but not enough to significantly raise quality of life

So basically exactly what we've been getting?

it was never a conspiracy

>name one conspiracy theory that was proven true
>ummm actually, those aren't conspiracy theories because they were proven true

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>Nobody had an issue with "class divide" before the economic positivism and socialist theories of the 18th and 19th centuries


Now I know why people hate /pol/: They're such brainlets that they can't argue with /pol/ posters

Reminder that the US government is almost certainly operating on Yea Forums right at now.

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>my society would be better if the government arbitrarily and forcibly seized property from its citizens

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This is the correct answer.

I would also like to add, that in HR and MD game developers purposefully ignore explaining any of that, tackling into economic structure ( is has to have changed drastically, why is it not big deal?), political structure, and as you say many plot holes. It's shallow and clearly made with intentions to ignore those topics and build story based on outrage for other illogical topics.

Basically, it was on purpose.

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Whats funny? Give me an example from history if you think I'm wrong

Communism isn't brand new either. I have no real problem with communism since I don't think my life or work life would be better either way, but I can't stand modern commies because they're all niggerfaggots. Communists to look up to are like, Stalin. Lenin. Mao. American communism would be run by a committee of spic and nig females. No fucking thanks.

you're welcome to actually mention some of the actual conspiracies that were mentioned in deus ex
like the grey aliens
men in black
black helicopters
giving the trilateral commission and the bilderberg group more credit than they deserve

sure there's a lot of stuff about how the elites want more power and stuff, but that's just real life stuff that anyone with a brain could easily observe, and not a conspiracy theory since it's very easily proven and an obvious endgame of capitalism

>What is the French Revolution?
Huh? You think the French Revolution, something in response to monarchy and aristocracy, invented class?
>Not according to Marx
Okay. And? Marx is not all knowing and all powerful. He's just a guy whose ideas have demonstrated to be terrible in practice.
>Huh? How is cyberpunk whiny leftist crap?
Because it's central thesis is little more than whining about class and oppression. That's all the left ever do.
>Deus Ex is one of the most right wing games out there
Deus Ex isn't right wing. It's left leaning centrist. Invisible War is right leaning centrist.

Why do you use words you don't understand? It wipes away your credibility. You sound like a fourteen year old, which is probably what you are.

Maybe go for a system that isn't inherently tied to mass unprecedented human rights violations in order to implement.
The .0000001% "real" socialism is a utopia isn't worth the 100% chance of widespread misery it takes to attempt it.
PROTIP: If your system has to be bootstrapped by capitalist prosperity it probably wasn't any good to begin with.

it's 3 am i read the report wrong my bad, 250 bil yen so 3.2 billion dollars. still a massive company, far too big to be uninfluenced by the powers that be

Society would be better if it lynched billionaires and controlled wages, yeah
Fascism NOW

Can you guess why they didn't act on their dissatisfaction of their material position before modernism?

Isn't comparing ye olden 1900's employment to modern day meme America.. Neither here nor there?
I'm no galaxy brain economist, but wouldn't the massive technological, cultural, and population gap make any comparison pointless? Or in some ways impractical? Like, obviously we can live in a society of 90% self employeds or we wouldn't have such a disgusting degree of convenience n' so forth.

Great post.

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Are you literally fucking insane? Dont you know anything about these people
You shit on other commies yet you idolise fucking Stalin?

fuck off yes it is

Not that HR and MD handle the topics any better. MD literally thinks Augs are comparable to BLM, and regardless of your thoughts on BLM, that is clearly a movement made with the intention of portraying blacks as disadvantaged people. How in the fuck are augs disadvantaged? Jenson literally has two giant arm blades to sadistically cut through people like an anime character. I think a little fear is healthy.

Becasue HR and MD completely miss the whole point of Deus Ex and the writing is just your standard video game nonsense. Rather than focus on a world where all the 90s conspiracies about the NWO are real, they chose instead for a simplistic and nonsensical racism allegory and tie it into robotics transforming industries. As if you're going to think less of someone just because they have a robot arm.

the problem with commies in america is that theyre all mostly university students who havent worked a day in their life and who want to be the intelligentsia in the movement. why would a proud self made working class american want to be part of the redistribution of wealth when it just means they will get poorer and the 1% will fuck off from the country taking their wealth with them.

prove it

>Maybe go for a system that isn't inherently tied to mass unprecedented human rights violations in order to implement.

Huh, is that a critique of capitalism I hear?
Because capitalists have violated A LOT of fucking human rights in order to keep their system implemented.
See: what they did to Vietnam for the crime of trying communism.
See: what they did to their own people for the crime of trying communism (mccarthyism)

You are so fucking stupid it makes me angry. I could type a billion words to you and it wouldn't change anything. How can I counteract years and years of total, societal-level brainwashing? It's absolutely hopeless. You've been made into a literal robot.

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God damn weird ass lex show stop haunting me, I am never going to actually watch you.

Because Deus Ex doesn't treat it as tongue in cheek; it treats it as a serious topic.

wasn't the point of augphobia in dxmd that it was all manipulated and largely fabricated by the elites?

>especially when the dregs of society literally thrive thanks to megacorps the technology they created like augments

You mean that the dregs of society are enslaved to the advancements forced upon them by said corporations. "You need augments in order to compete in the modern economy, but you also need to take these anti-rejection meds for the rest of your natural life :^)"

How do you reconcile your worldview with the fact that practically every society in the history of the world has gravitated to currency systems and a market economy as soon as it achieved basic public infrastructure (ie evolved beyond isolated towns with a vaguely common culture)

don't bother, it's bad

I do so love whataboutism.

>Huh? You think the French Revolution, something in response to monarchy and aristocracy, invented class?
Where did I say it invented class??
It was class warfare, was literally the whole motive behind it
What is your point
>Okay. And? Marx is not all knowing and all powerful.
Yeah, he was a retard
>He's just a guy whose ideas have demonstrated to be terrible in practice.
Yeah, he was a retard
>Because it's central thesis is little more than whining about class and oppression. That's all the left ever do.
Thats an insane reduction of a whole genre
Why are you even in a deus ex thread?
>Deus Ex isn't right wing. It's left leaning centrist.
>Invisible War is right leaning centrist.
Literally fucking how
Give me an example of your definitions here
Make an actual argument instead of just stating your opinion as fact

Internet monitoring.

>Deus Ex doesn't treat it as tongue in cheek
t. has never played deus ex

>wasn't the point of augphobia in dxmd that it was all manipulated and largely fabricated by the elites?
I mean I think after like the 5th guy Jenson stabs in the chest with two giant armblades I wouldn't need propaganda to convince me that augs are something to be feared.

>An Europe of one people, one culture, one nation, one army, one state.
>Not the EU's guiding principle.

Yeah, but the wrong kind of leftists. Not economic Marxists, but people who bitch about identity all day long.

Are you blaming capitalism for an ideological war? You think the Vietnam War was a capitalist conspiracy to punish non-capitalist? Are you fucking mad?

Yes it was; it was denied for years.

The Greeks partook in slavery, wars and fucking little boys so fuck all of Western society I guess

im not american
what's the trilateral commission?
also this game was Set in 2050 so the "last 23 presidents" don't make that much sense

Ronald Reagan didn't coin the term "trickle down". That was something coined by critics of supply-side economics.

It'll be weird when Yea Forums end up turning some NSA AI into a real Nazi, it go rouge on them and it end up nuking (((their Capital))).

i just did.. the eu wants an army. the eu today is what the devs saw back then as what would be the eventual evolution of the UN, a tyrannical supra-national group. unatco is a military wing of the UN, germany wants essentially an EUatco. it's literally the same fucking thing. done with you now, if you don't get it by now you're just a troll

Why don't you challenge his point?

I like when everyone's focused about the anti-capitalism when the OP was clearly talking about the Jews ruling the world with the Rothschilds mention, which is the one thing that would never pass nowadays.

This. IW may be shit, but the base of Deus Ex is still there, just with worse implementation. It's closer to being a true sequel then HR ever was.

Sieg Heil brother, the running dogs of the capitalist system must be brought to heel before the nation state and the people.

Because they didnt want to? You do realise there have been peasant revolutions as far back as Rome right? Only they weren't over class or heirarchy, it was over oppression
In Rome they ousted the kings and implemented a new heirarchy, and that was ousted to usher in an empire

Ok? Where is the class warfare?
This critical theory marxist thinking of history is so fucking hilarious to me
You think everyone in history thought just like you, a disgruntled middle class pleb who hates people better than him

Popularity is not quality. The best available solution at the time becomes ubiquitous, then is replaced with a better solution that then becomes ubiquitous. We used sundials before we used clocks. I'm sure there were ardent supporters of sundials (probably sundial craftsmen) who pointed to the ubiquitous use of sundials as evidence of their superiority over clocks.

You will dance 360 degrees around the actual issue of which system results in more human happiness. You will somersault over the children who will go to bed with empty stomachs tonight, backflip over the ultrarich bankers eating $80,000 caviar off strippers' asses in Las Vegas all the while, so you can point to the current dominance of capitalism. That's all you have, you can only point and say: "This is the system that is currently in place. How can the status quo be wrong?"

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by the time deus ex came out though, it wasn't a conspiracy theory
in an of itself it's not a conspiracy theory
(though there is electronic harassment and manipulation which is a conspiracy theory, but not necessarily valid)

this is not a conspiracy theory
you're mixing up the part of deus ex that is based in reality, and the part of deus ex that is based on conspiracy theories

>why would a proud self made working class american want to be part of the redistribution of wealth when it just means they will get poorer
Because the working class earn less than the average GDP per capita. If it was equally distributed they would, by definition, be wealthier. Besides, many of the working class are in fact have wealth redistributed towards them via farming subsidies and cushy military benefits.

>the 1% will fuck off from the country taking their wealth with them.
They'll take America's fertile land, vast mineral resources and huge oil fields?

The problem with Americans is that they sincerely believe that wealth and economic disparities are individual problems.

And yet despite all of this, it's done far less harm that Communist states did in less than a century.

>How do you reconcile your worldview with the fact that practically every society in the history of the world has gravitated to currency systems and a market economy as soon as it achieved basic public infrastructure

With the knowledge that there's a reason the Jews spent a thousand years being driven out of pretty much every country in history.

You wanna know why? It's because these big games companies and corporations are friendly with the big bad freemasons and governments that wish to rule over us.
Multimillion dollar gaming corporations do not care about you nor do they care about exposing the truth. It was a different time back then when Deux Ex first reared it's head. Companies weren't as rich, gaming wasn't seen as the sustainable cash cow that it is today. Gaming is something that governments and evil companies see as an excellent "new" way of controlling the population today. It's a billion dollar industry now. You will only find propaganda in AAA gaming today. Independent gaming is the last branch to cling to if you wish to find the truth.

Attached: de.jpg (1024x768, 34K)

I work in a factory and for probably about 2 hours of the day all together, not including my lunch, I'm doing nothing productive. I'm eating snacks, talking to someone about nothing, or staring at my phone. This is true for just about everyone there unless they're awful at their job. So I think he's right not only for office workers but for other jobs that require physical effort.

>Make an actual argument instead of just stating your opinion as fact

What the fuck have you done in this thread but act like your opinion is fact? You just list disparate facts as if their mere existence makes your opinions self-evidently true. Protip: It fucking doesn't.

yeah ok dude you go and vote for the commies. and when your neighbour rats you out for looking at him the wrong way and the thugs come in the night and drag you to the station, put you in a box too thin to sit down, and let you think about what you've done for, 24, 36 hours without food, and then get you to sign off to say that you're a dissenter. you'll just love it

I saw this word on the front page and had to stop in to tell you that you are a colossal flaming faggot if you think calling out "holier than thou" pricks who may even get up to worse shit is completely unjustified and a valid counter point. Pots and kettles.

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>Thread about Deus Ex
>Communists continuously try and push their insane, murderous ideology that has ruined the parts of the world that adopted it and try and use the whole 'This guy has MORE than you! You should take his stuff!" unironically.

C'mon, are you actually stupid or something? Even Jewish Holywood films cover these.


it's easy to say that now that i show you the proof, i bet 15 years ago if you said the EU will be making an army they would say you've been watching too much alex jones

I havent posted my opinion, I posted facts
Class warfare wasnt even a phrase uttered before the 18th century
The whole marxist conception of history started with marx, shocker I know
That brainlet thought all the conflicts of history were as materialist as his jewish mind

>it's done far less harm that Communist states
Hahaha, fucking no it hasn't. Capitalism has been destroying human happiness ever since the dawn of mankind. Even before language was invented capitalism was causing children to go hungry and the powerful to grow fat.
Capitalism shouldn't be called capitalism, it should be called greedism, because greed is all it's based on. "I want this because that way I will have more for myself." It goes against the actual entire idea of human civilization, the idea that you can collectively achieve more happiness and wellbeing if you help each other. That thinking is why we're not squatting in the dirt right now. Well, if capitalists have their way, we will be soon, and the elites will look down on us from their gleaming towers and smile wondering how they got away with it.

Attached: IT DOESNT WORK.jpg (640x640, 51K)

communism isnt murderous it just doesnt work

Because it was "pre modern" society, where meaning in life was explained with God, and from lowliest of peasants to the highest of emperors, all were the subjects of God fulfilling their role in this temporary world, until the final judgment comes.

Replace that with bunch of pagan things before christianity etc...

Where is that in modernism? Why shouln't people be okay with uncontrolled capitalism of giant corporations who influence goverment through lobbying and sponsorism instead of promoting entrepreneurship and small family business?

Because it gives headache? God is no more to explain that injustice.

>Capitalists continuously try and push their insane, murderous ideology that has ruined the parts of the world that adopted it and try and use the whole 'This guy has LESS than you! You should take what he has left!" unironically.

an EU army is just the natural end-goal of something like the EU

peasants are a class you stupid fuck

How is Deus Ex right wing? The game is all about controlled opposition. Heavily leftist groups like Silhouette which are all about left wing French Revolution values, led by a black man, and libertarian militia types of the NSF, consisting out of all sorts of degenerates and thugs in their ranks, are all controlled and funded by the globalist Illuminati and pawns in their war against MJ12. There are no /pol/, white nationalist Odninist types anywhere waging war on the "Jew".
>inb4 the Cafe scene

Remember: socialized healthcare is worse!
We promise! It's not that we're trying to blackmail you into wage slavery under penalty of death or anything, teehee!

Attached: healthcare spending.png (580x405, 134K)

>The Trilateral Commission is a non-governmental, non-partisan discussion group founded by David Rockefeller in July 1973 to foster closer cooperation among Japan, Western Europe, and North America.

They could just used the old Nazi/Jew dichotomy , this could've been very similar to the first game in terms of redpilling.

>How is Deus Ex right wing?
because it "drops redpills"

Attached: 1544268121397.jpg (1200x874, 183K)

Half of those countries with socialized healthcare are also half nigger so you have excessively long wait times for care that isn't all that great.

MD predates BLM's fucking existence you drooling retard fuckface.
>How in the fuck are augs disadvantaged?
Did you even fucking play HR?

god why do you shitheads even fucking post

communism doesnt work in grand scale true. it works in small communities as its name gives away. as soon as you try to implement communist government to rule a whole nation the system becomes too big and the transparency becomes to fade, giving a chance for corruption to breed. maybe in the future when google finally builds a working AI think tank communism can be implemented in the form of absolute technocracy with no room for moral corruption of humanity.

The system currently in place in the US is not even the best option for people who can afford it.

Attached: ranking-11-best-international-healthcare-countries-800x600.png (800x600, 121K)

>Socialized health care is better than a completely free market, and we will prove it by using an example in which over half of health care spending is done by the government and the other half is extensively regulated.

It is only natural that my masters take 95% of my generated profits and pay me a slave wage. I am inferior after all. They simply work twenty times harder than me

Attached: bootlicker.jpg (300x300, 19K)

>MD predates BLM's existence
Are YOU retarded?

>Class warfare wasnt even a phrase uttered before the 18th century

You can't possibly be this ignorant. Class is a concept that has been around since literally the dawn of civilization. There has been numerous revolts over class divide throughout time. You say it was never an issue before the 18th century? What the fuck do you think shit like the Magna Carta and Charter of the Forest is about?

>ruined the parts of the world
I can never understand how brainlets sincerely repeat this crap after the soviet union was a world superpower for decades
what part of the world was worse under communism than it was before communism? russia is a shithole, china is a shithole, burma is a shithole, that has nothing to do with communism and a lot to do with their shithole fucking genetics
communism did nothing but lift those countries up

>There are no /pol/, white nationalist Odninist types anywhere waging war on the "Jew".

That's who I roleplay as in DE though

Attached: jc.jpg (225x299, 17K)

communism won't work unless humans become alot more benign than they currently are

When you get a job, you’ll know that your income consists of more than your salary.

>deflecting is a valid form of argument!

Okay cuccboi

This isn't "it was popular so it's good," I'm pointing out "this system is the natural outcome of fundamental human behaviors at the societal level where the baseline of trust must rely on systems over personal familiarity" and attempts to subvert the natural processes it emerged from have "never been tried" to your knowledge because they are inherently doomed to fail.

>You will dance 360 degrees around the actual issue of which system results in more human happiness.
What was the system that subjugated, colonized and harvested the world over the last two centuries to allow for billions of souls to be brought into a world where standards of living and quality of life are unimaginably better than any other point in human history, treated and eradicated diseases that have plagued humanity for thousands of years, given hundreds of millions access to food and clean water in just the last generation and have brought global poverty lower than ever before?
What systems are in place in the most poor, destitute, ineffective and cruel nations of the world?

I didn't say anything about usury

Stop, you are going to get called a commie for this!

You are not allowed to compete with thousands of Walmarts areound the US, nor are you allowed to start another "microsoft" tech giant corporation retard lol, either sell out to them or fuck off.

The worst bait post in this thread so far


the chinese destroyed their own culture through communism

Read up on history of communist block, especially NKVD, Cheka, UB and SB in Poland and interventions in hungary and czechoslovakia

>When you get a job, you’ll know that your income consists of more than your salary.
>You also get pat-pats on your head if you do a good job for master, after all

Attached: bootlicker.gif (500x341, 998K)

>/pol/tard does the bidding of Chinese criminals, BLACK BVLLS and the Internet and ultimately has to make a choice that violates all of the principals he'd so passionately defended
Makes sense.

I guarantee you the billions dead preferred the time before they were dead.

Yea Forums has been an FBI honeypot since fucking Chanology how new are you

Cambodia, Cuba, Venezuela

>why would a proud self made working class american want to be part of the redistribution of wealth when it just means they will get poorer and the 1% will fuck off from the country taking their wealth with them.
Because if we the Workers seize the means of productions everything will be fine under the iron hand and leadership of the Party! They'll control all the wealth and military and justly choose how to distribute wealth!

production was in 2011-2013, before BLM existed
stop being stupid

So how are they disadvantaged? Corporations don't give them anti rejection pills so ordinary citizens fear them from them doing aggressive actions and stealing to avoid those consequences?

Did anybody force anyone to augment? And if they did, than those should be persecuted for crimes against humanity.


Why do liberals push their love of interracial porn onto others?

and look at how much that culture did for them before they got dabbed on by the british and the fucking japanese of all people

DE is about real global threats that control the world. HR is about superficial shit

>I'm pointing out "this system is the natural outcome of fundamental human behaviors at the societal level
Everything is the natural outcome of physical forces dating back to the first thing that happened. But I don't see how this is relevant to what we're talking about. It doesn't matter if it's natural, unnatural, or a trick a wizard pulled out of his hat. We're arguing about merit. I guess you're basically making a religious argument that capitalism just MUST win because, uhh, it must, the stars will it so. Which is retarded. You're a retard.

And everybody who knows games knows that gaems can change radically under development like Bioshock Infinite - which is why DE:MD felt so slapdash

culture does not equate to military strength
communism stunted the growth of russia and china

>I may have posted something incredibly retarded, the equivalent of using “gun deaths” as a statistic against violent crime, but you’re a bootlicker.

i love commies talking about bootlickers, cause you just know when they finally get their revolution they're gonna be the ones getting their dick and balls crushed under the boot of the secret police, fucking uneducated cretins

>How can I counteract years and years of total, societal-level brainwashing?
That's how most people feel when they read posts like yours in support of communism. How have so many people failed you to the point that you genuinely consider it to be a good thing despite all the historical evidence against it. Being a communist is just as bad as being a Nazi, it is not "merely" an economic ideology, but supporting brutal regimes that committed genocide and stomping down the proletariat they are supposedly there to help.

>When DE:HR dumbs down the story to be about personal shit but ironically becomes less personal than DE which has a subtle losing brother narrative

>implying the Qing didn't already destroy Han culture and replaced it Manchu trash

>Chad is the leader of the French resistance movement, Silhouette, and is also implied as being the lover of Nicolette DuClare.

Wow, look at that, a capitalist who ran out of arguments resorts to violence.
I have never seen that before

>Did anybody force anyone to augment?
So, you didn't play HR is what you're telling me.

>Capitalism has been destroying human happiness ever since the dawn of mankind. Even before language was invented capitalism was causing children to go hungry and the powerful to grow fat

>But I don't see how this is relevant to what we're talking about.
Yes that was extremely obvious by your misrepresenting my point (and completely ignoring the second one) because you have apparently never considered how a system for managing large-scale human interaction might be dependent on what the people who comprise the system actually want to do, whether by their personal desires or what they're compelled to do by market forces. Because the communist only sees what they can be compelled to do by force.

>If i say that 1% is satanist moloch worshipping demon elves that's a conspiracy you shill jew fuck
The Elves are made of clockwork machinery you false-flagging quantum-serpent of the Tree.

if people say they're communist it usually means they support the economic philosophy, not stalin or mao
if someone claims to be a nazi it means they supoort genocide and war

>How have so many people failed you to the point that you genuinely consider it to be a good thing despite all the historical evidence against it.
This is brainwashing, do you realize that on even the dimmest level or are you a COMPLETE drone? Do you realize the woes of communist societies are highlighted to you in your media, while the woes of capitalist societies are hidden from view? Capitalism has been causing human anguish for fucking ever.

i would protect you as a fellow citizen against the threat of a secret police, you on the other hand would happily feed me to the dogs if it meant free soup

Meanwhile, capitalism has turned a blind eye the suffering and deaths of millions because it would harm a corporation's bottom line.

>Paris Catacombs
>+ Everyone here can be killed. (Chad Dumier included

Check out current day Venezuela to see how communism works in practice. And educate yourself, SU was a super power for so long only because it extracted anything of value from the whole eastern block. It literally siphoned everything they could, so much that it sparked many public riots, cause people had to wait hours upon hours in queues just to get basic foodstuffs like bread. Or toilet paper.

>That was something coined by critics of supply-side economics.

The term that was coined by critics of supply-side economics was "voodoo economics"

>saving life is same as forcing someone to be amputee with bunch of metal attached where limbs used to be

He did not ask for it, but sere as hell other thing would be death.

>the woes of communist societies are highlighted to you in your media
do you think that any amount of good that could come from communism would ever atone for the horrible sins that also take place, reliably, provably, under communism? sure the house is on fire, but my garden is spotless!

>what part of the world was worse under communism than it was before communism
As instead "what countries were better after decolonization than before it"

Don't forget Morgan Everett, KARA BOGA himself. He even has his own rich old white man kept permanently suffering in his basement.

Imagine a pedophile giving a press conference about how fucking kids is wrong and no one should do it, and specifically singles out an audience member who is into lolicon. Then that audience member responds by saying the pedo is full of shit because while he is giving the speech he is fucking a kid on the lectern. The argument becomes obviously disingenuous and the concept of whataboutism is quite obviously only done to try to distract from one's own bad behavior. The pot calling the kettle black.

>oy vey don't forget the 6 billion

>Cuba, Venezuela
most of what is "known" about current events in cuba and venezuela are blatant lies that can be refuted by basic fucking fact checks on literally anything those lying beaner expats say, and I have no reason to believe what is "known" about their history is any different

congratulations, you cherry-picked the absolute fucking worst communist regime that took over a small country nobody cares about, truly this disproves the documented successes of communist nations

"secret police" and other state authority organs are not an element of communism whatsoever
communism functions perfectly without any such thing
the reason prior communist states all were authoritarian is because they were aware that existing capitalist superpowers would attempt to subvert them however possible to quell the communist threat to their accrued wealth. this requires a heavy hand. in a world with no existing capitalist superpowers to destroy you it is unnecessary.

by the way, america had the exact same thing. american secret police arrested notable american communists and black balled communists at the industrial level. you might want to go google "mccarthyism" or just ask your grandparents

I have already explain to you why you're wrong and it literally rolls off of you like water. You simply don't absorb the information. You are brainwashed, I can't help you, this will be my last reply. Live a long life under your masters.

Nah, its based when America spies on its own citizens for no reason.

DE is about an genius entrepreneur creating computer human hybrid with which to rule the world by force. HR is about genius entrepreneur creating a false flag attack to steer politics. And you think DE is the "real threat" and HR is "superficial shit"? I think you're an actual fucking idiot.

imagine being this autistic

Why are you so mad about takedowns? It's just a 3 second cutscene.

The greatest succes of a communist nation is that of China. Which, interestingly, became a capitalist monopoly in the 80s.

>SU was a super power for so long only because it extracted anything of value from the whole eastern block. It literally siphoned everything they could, so much that it sparked many public riots
sounds a lot like another superpower with the initials U and S
that's how geopolitics works, dumbass, there will literally never be a successful nation where people don't bitch about how """exploitative""" its diplomatic agreements are

i am a different user you absolute twat. nice deflection though, you're just gonna ignore it i guess. who cares about 100 million dead or tortured or jailed, the tv says everything is going great

>everyone who disagrees with my "read the summary on the back of the Communist Manifesto" talking points is brainwashed
>there is no other reason people who regularly argue about politics on the internet wouldn't be interested in my high-school level non-arguments

>no those don't count!




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Capitalism is an ideology with more power rooting for it than any other. All religions and political denominations pale in comparison. It is a self-preserving ideology which assigns all of the power to those who benefit the most from capitalism, the financial elites. When we are dead as a species and if our remnants are chanced upon by an advanced alien civilization, they will conclude that capitalism killed us.

Wich mindset is for the struggle of the individual against society's opression?

Can't wait when humans become cattle to the corporatist goverment, then all this retards rationalizing unethical capitalism will be begging for their elite class to feed them. Then they will think twice why did they not act before instead of strawmaning communism when there was any critique of their boss.

North Korea vs South Korea. Tell me, which of those 2 countries is better off?

this was meant for you

>in a world with no existing capitalist superpowers to destroy you it is unnecessary.
well i'm glad we agree that communism only works in fantasy realms. and don't insult me, you can't compare the red scare to what happened under stalin and mao

You certainly are obsessed about this, even in a post where you are basically saying that communists did the same damn thing, but on a far larger scale, and not just to celebrities.

>dengism ISN'T REAL COMMUNISM you guys, only the pure ideology of the original revolutionaries matters
literally the same arguments as neon hair college leftoids
you are factually, empirically wrong about what marxism-leninism represents as determined by people who actually implemented it

>communists did the same damn thing, but on a far larger scale
Almost as if there were vastly more capitalists, and vastly more capitalist power, in the world at that moment, making the stakes just a tad higher for communist states.

>hey bro stop eating those apples, they're mine, not yours

No matter how you try to justify it, deflection is not an argument.

Neither. One is a dying country full of Moon cultist regime gynocentrists while other one is 1984 type goverment, with at least noble intentions.

Marxism Leninism is utopian bullshit

>Amerimutts derail anything that is critical of their corporate overlords into screeching about communism
Holy fucking yikes batman


Here are a few facts, in no particular order.

The purpose of an economic system is to distribute labor and resources in such a way that the largest quantity of human happiness & wellbeing is generated.

One in six households with children are food-insecure.

There are many millions of children going to bed hungry tonight.

Providing a $2 meal to these children would tremendously impact their happiness and wellbeing.

There is a banker in Las Vegas currently paying $60,000 to receive a champagne shower.

$680,000,000,000 of food is thrown away every year in the United States because it was not purchased.

Attached: food insecure.jpg (380x62, 37K)

What about
>Roman republic
>Antebellum South
>Modern day Gulf states

All capitalist and all built on massive suffering from slave populations.

capitalism is individualism, it's the only economic model that allows free action, the only one that is NOT based in ideology. governments instating cancerous laws that allow corporations carte blanche is not capitalism, there are supposed to be laws preventing pay to play, that's a huge issue that is worth talking about but nothing compared to the corruption in communist states

>Noble intentions
Got it, you're retarded

North Korea was better developed than South Korea for most of the history of the two nations; the South only started catching up after the north literally removed socialism from its constitution


Attached: TUSKUBE.jpg (600x496, 46K)

Who the fuck cares about slaves?
If you want to not get conquered get better at fighting.

:) let's hear your delusions of goverment wanting to starve it's own people because they can and not other reason

It has a lot of moments like this. The whole section in the PICUS headquarters and its underground lab has a lot of redpills about how propaganda works and how its used.

Attached: Untitled picture.png (1303x756, 1.31M)

>noble intentions
I too support Korean supremacy

Ergo: capitalism works while socialism and communist regime doesn't

>distribute labor and resources in such a way that the largest quantity of human happiness & wellbeing is generated

>play game
>mob has "illuminati" in its name
>illuminati symbols in the game environments
>valve gives Notch his own TF2 hat, description: welcome to the illuminati secret club
getting real tired of this shit.

Attached: 1546267469181.png (600x490, 269K)

That's the thing, North Korea is Korean nationalist state, while South Korea is globalist sock puppet with dying birth rates and anti male gynocentrist establisment.

You must be the stupidest Nigger alive

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