>Turtle speed gameplay
>This is the shit dmcniggers have been shilling everyday for a year
Yikes. Blunder of the year?
Turtle speed gameplay
Other urls found in this thread:
>i-it's just easy mode guys, p-please buy the deluxe edition and some red orbs so we get DMC6
yeah yeah baby whatever you say guu guu gaa gaa sucky thumby omonomonom
That's just the final fight from DmC. Please post the fight from DmC5.
its from dmc 5 lmao
>10k hp on nero
>literally not taking any damage from a fucking boss
>Clumsy looking dodge and attack mechanics
>Meanwhile sekiro looks like THIS
Its over for us dmcbros.
>Blunder of the year?
Could be...
There's a blunderfag for everything.
It's all so tiresome.
BASED and youtubepilled
why can't you faggots just shitpost in the dmc general instead of making your own?
Welcome to nu-Yea Forums
Here you go bro
Because they keep trying it and it keeps turning into the new DMC thread. They're mad that DMC fans aren't mad.
what the fuck is up with the music
Someone post the "You are here" pic, it's all so predictable at this point
Do it yourself fuck-face.
it was a little bit of a fake out, basically nero is forced into DT and it cuts to GOTTA LET IT OUT GOTTA LET IT OUT final club mix.
>Because they keep trying it and it keeps turning into the new DMC thread
what? Are you saying the only reason theres so many bait threads is because shitposters can't derail the general? That's actually kinda funny. literally obsessed. But seriously why are you fags on Yea Forums instead of /vg/ if its constant back to back threads?
Yeah, the music is hot garbage.
>what? Are you saying the only reason theres so many bait threads is because shitposters can't derail the general? That's actually kinda funny. literally obsessed.
Yes, that is literally what I'm saying. This is what over 11 years of hope does.
Because for some reason the /vg/ mods kicked us off of there weeks ago.
Its super shitty they dont show the Dante Vergil fight first.
Nero Vergil fight is rough but i get the feeling this dude was playing on Devil Hunter. Vergil gets faster and has more moves in later difficulties.
im cancelling my dmc5 preorder and preordering sekiro. RIGHT! NOW!
He confirmed that he was playing on Human.
Because teh autist janitors and mots at /vg/ activated fast deletion to new generals, also most of the generals tehre are hentai gaming shit by now
Comfy generals like Simg and such are dying while more garbage are taking control
/vg/ HAS 3 fucking Fate Generals
Fuck you bitch
>no turbo mode
>they used the doppelganger from DmC
I can't say I like this.
>demonic FUCK YOU
Why is this a thing?
I honestly don't like the BANG BANG BANG PULL MY DEVIL TRIGGER song.
That honestly looks like a poor man's Nioh.
Holy shit dude. Seriously go outside or something. You've made this same thread 3 days in a row. Why is it so important that you shit on games that aren't even out yet? Are you this sad in your life? Go talk to girls, get a job, do something with yourself instead of just sitting around being a fucking waste of space.
seething lmao
stay mad kekkekek
>that massive Judgement Cut
It's just Judgement Cut End from DMC4SE.
>Expecting high speed from DMC
DMC has always been action games for people too retarded to play Ninja Gaiden.
3 wasn't this slow, though.
It looks more like it’s just a style instead of being the main DT though.
DMC was never this slow, user. It looks as if he's playing in Anti-Turbo Mode.
>Why is this a thing
Because Capcom were the ones who demanded DmC be "different" in the first place?
Character animations are taken almost verbatim from 3 and 4 though. This fight looks slower because arena is so fucking big. Also is it the end game fight or the first time you fight him? Dialogue suggests the latter.
Oh noo Nero sad a swear. My sheltered christfag ears
Didn’t they swear in DMC 4 though?
Gee, why would Nero, a guy who was abandoned by his dead beat dad, want to say fuck you to him?
>absolutely everything, including gameplay footage and playable demo suggest a complete tonal and gameplay change back to the roots of the series
>but Nero said "Fuck You" which isn't even out of character for him so it must be DmC2 now
Willing to bet that it's some DmC faggot who is still butthurt over his shit title getting canned spamming these threads.
It's just XV-kun, user. Ignore him.
Wanting to fuck your father is pretty gay.
People tried to label it DmC2 since the reveal trailer. You know back when people thought Nero was Dante or how all of a sudden it draws inspiration from the west
So Vergil jobs against everyone now? Is he the weakest dmc character?
yep, nothing changed.
>we lost Urizen for this
he shits on dante, the new weakest character
Kill yourself XV-kun
> Bossfight
> Still plays Devil Trigger
haha what the fuck is this music
why do they all look like 50 year old meth addicts?
the males, the females. they all look like used up druggies.
Defend this.
You’re over exaggerating. Do I need to show you what a meth addict looks like again?
Why can't the Japanese animate anything that isn't using "limited animation" in other words lazy as fuck pause frames every other second?
You again lol
someone layer devil trigger over this plox
>shit on DmC for years about muhh wub wub wub and "fuck you" and lackluster vergil final boss
>DMC V leaks
>exact same shit as DmC
you deserve this and worse, you dropped your standards faster than a whore drops here panties.
Why is it so slow, I thought this was supposed to be really fast action?
The people saying Donte looks like a meth addict have clearly never seen an actual meth addict.
T. grew up in Missouri.
So is that nero with a devil trigger or am i seeing it wrong?
Fine the character design is hilariously bad but the rest of the game looks amazing
Keep seething.
>that fucking passive summoned swords from DmC.
>I thought this was supposed to be fast
DMC was never fast. It was always slow as fuck and the retarded fanbase always propped it up as a masterpiece. Same as the reddit Jojo fanbase. Just look at how awful the walkcycle always was in DMC. Looks like they're walking on the fucking moon.
>get on Yea Forums
>5 DMC threads on page one
>"DEFEND THIS!!!!" "DMC5 leaks fans BTFO!!!" "Here's your Vergil fags lol!!!!!" "HURRR HURR HURR DMC2"
We're in the salt mines today boys.
Sometimes I wish TORtanic was actually a successful product
In DMC3 they stood by his side until he fired them or used them as a shield?
Sure, Gaidenshit.
>DmC was complete shi-
If it is just Nioh without the loot shit I'm absolutely down for it to be honest.
Stop it user you are turning me on
Jesus christ you niggers just can't admit that Itsuno isn't infallible can you?
>you dropped your standards
What? I still have my standards and they're pretty easy to check out too, let's see here
>Dante is playable with his styles
>Dante is voiced by Reuben Langdon
>Dante doesn't curse, and is still his snarky self
>Ending isn't a cliffhanger, sequel bait shit
Wow, this game seems to check out all my points to make a good DMC game, now what could be the problem here?
>tfw From's making a better game out of poor man's nip souls
WTF with music in this game? Why is it so bad? I don't want to listen DT-remix after slaying thousands of monsters with it
Why does DMC5 makes Yea Forums seethe so much? Is it because it's not on Switch? Sad desu.
This, Sekiro is already confirmed to be the peak of action vidya.
>mfw when DMC fags were shitting on Donte for saying "fuck you" for 5 years and noe when Nero say exactly the same shit damage control squad is already saying "b-but it fits his character!"
*Dubstep devil trigger.
>"Fuck you!" said in a stage nearly identical to DmC's final boss, against the same guy as a final boss who has a similar moveset and uses doppelganger while dubstep plays
What the FUCK were they thinking?
It'll just be another souls-like, what's so special about that?
>WTF with the music
What do you expect from the Japanese? They have shit taste in pretty much everything. Even including their own stuff. After Subhuman came out you should have realized it was gonna be shit. Just look at the fact that DmC had a more fitting combat theme than DMC5.
>It'll just be another souls-like
>ending isn't a cliffhanger sequel bait shit
It's a sequel bait nonending instead.
it has an ending
>People will defend excessive cursing just because it's made by some gooks
Xenophiles need to be killed.
>Subhuman was bad!
>implying it's not
Stay delusional
you're right, it's even less than one
Why the fuck are people so obsessed with games failing on this goddamn board
>those animations
Christ it looks bad. Is Sekiro being made by From's d team?
i did not like how slow the game was when i played the demo.
> Subhuman
The only decent song in the game, don't know why DMCniggers seething about it
Why does Nero look like Donte?
> peak of vidya
> shitty reskin of Bionic Commando
cant wait to shitpost even more about this game and how From has made nothing but 7/10 games at best after AC during the ps2 era
>DmC had a more fitting combat theme than DMC5
Give it up Barry
>branch conveniently growing out of a fucking rocky hill
You're right man. It's so good.
Anti shills are the worst and most embarrassing shills
Not sure, didn't watch the video entirely. Mostly judging it based on the demo I played.
spoil me please
>that fucking music
Delusional DMCfags will defend this
>Good music needs to be defended
>4 months ago
Jesus christ DMCniggers are even worse than the Smashfags.
Fucking kek this looks like shit
Devil Trigger is good. Devil Trigger + Wubbing is not.
>Epic cinematic takedown move just like every damned action game with "stealth" elements shoved into it
Because Nero is the trash talking hot head. Donte always felt like a fusion between Nero and Dante. Even to the point that he had some of Nero’s moves.
Did you really think this comment would work a second time?
>ACfag thinking ac was anything but mediocre
Ey la mao.
Wait, do you have to buy the run again?
>>Good music
Now show me that on the PS3 version.
ugh this is too fast... now DMC5, that's a good speed
Remember the original description?
This will get praise despite being slow shit. Weebs cannot become self aware and realize they are praising shit.
WHY is the video quality so fucking ass? Since when does 1080p video look like fucking this?
> thinking souls and poor man's Tenchu are above it
Souls is a bunch of poor game design decisions masked under the its supposed to be hard but newsflash souls fag hard != shit game design. AC has its problems but its clearly the best thing From has made by a landslide
>what is youtube compression
Miyazaki himself is mocapping and voicing every character.
Brazilians, man.
It's download from my.mixtape
What was the first time?
Yup, this one's going in my based and redpilled compilation.
>AC has its problems but its clearly the best thing From has made by a landslide
So glad I can rest easy now knowing your awful opinion was just bait and not a real viewpoint. Feel free to reply with an air of smug superiority, no one's falling for it.
Here's your judgement cut bro
Digging these md5 filters
That was before Majin Dante was revealed.
this. I dont even care about dmc but these fags keep shitting on it. the hype threads might be cringe inducing but these tortanicfags are much worse.
>DMC fans leave Yea Forums because of spoilers
>the threads suddenly get full of OHNONONO, 'DmC2' and wojaks
user responded with that comment to someone who wasn't agreeing with him in one of these previous threads. that's about it
>aerial combat: the game
>aerial everything: the game
>same shitty combos everytime
DmC apologists are actual cancer
Itsuno is on record saying he wanted to make DmC2.
>ask why the game looks so fucking slow on the gameplay
>hurr durr it's just as fast as the earlier games you probably never played the games and just watched gameplays with turbo
what now faggots? what now? try to defend literally a vorgil fight from dmc 2.0, i literally can't stop laughing
Daily reminder that ITSUNO was called in for the Vorgil DLC and was directly advising the team how to do combat properly. So it makes sense that Vergil in DmC plays a bit more closely to classic DMC
V's hot.
Would you prefer it be full of people wanting Dante to fuck them in the ass or spamming all caps song lyrics? DMC fans are unequivocally faggots, each and every one. I have not met a single one that isn't a faggot deserving the cross or an autist deserving to get beat up.
like clockwork
you niggers should've realized by now that the retards endlessly shitting on any new game probably don't even play games themselves
The irony here is that both MGS boss fights are QTE tests, the SotN fight is braindead easy to a fault and O&S can be beaten by spamming magic from a distance. At least Azel from God Hand or something on there.
If you really want to compare DMC5 to DmC, then why don’t we?
truly shakespearean
but oh wait, it's made by weebs so it's alright
Literally any boss fight from A decent CRPG destroys most of that jap shit since you can beat them in ways other than just physically beating them.
This is terrible even by Capcom's infamous bad writing all across their properties like Megaman. Reviving a character who is popular is Bad Writing 101. Vergil's death influenced a few events in this series and now he's nonsensically back in the flesh? Maybe he dies again, but the point is for that scene he's back made of flesh and blood and such even claiming he'll return after sealing that gate. Bad move man, bad move. This is some Kingdom Hearts shit of reviving characters to please stupid fantards.
And yet he didn't
Sounds better than wojak thread #369005470 DMC edition, retarded fag
>Doesn't show a mission complete screen with SSS completion rank
what's even the point of putting the loading screen above it then
The Master from FO1 is kino.
What would you say to your dead beat father, who you’ve never seen before, trying to kill you.
That's it I'm tired of waiting, give me the full spoilnopsis anons
>And yet he didn't
Narancia dies Abbacchio dies
it's not DMCniggers though, it's capcom shills
>contextless webm
He's also on record saying he wanted to make DMC5.
Read the loading screen, then look at the results.
>Jap boss fight
>Western boss fight
Hit him a bunch, convince him to lay down his arms, join forces with him, convince him to commit suicide
Wow, great job gooks. I forgot you guys are the same retards who though copying Wizardry was creating your own form of RPGs.
I've gotten A rank in the DMC5 demo just but JC Snatch looping endlessly.
It really disheartens me when people say DMC5 is just as hard as it's always been, because anyone can see how casualized it's become compared to 3 and 4.
The style meter is DmC-tier in how easy it is to raise.
I did.
The results don't show a SSS Completion Rank.
And DD2.
>nuvergil still muttering a classic "too slow"
yeah, i agree with you there buddy
>going from A Rank to S Rank by using a super move is the same as going from no rank to SSS with a single 3 hit combo
Is this XV-kun moving on to the next game to shitpost? Nice, KH threads should be less obnoxious now.
>style meter barely goes up 1 rank
>From A to S
If it was DmC he would go from nothing to SSS with a single attack.
DMC was always piss easy compared to shit like Ninja Gaiden or the PS2 shinobi. The only thing that makes it even remotely difficult is that the dodge is retarded and your character moving like a man on Quaaludes
It's wrpg-kun, are they the same person?
Not that guy, but I see what you mean. You're referring to the "Completion" being D rather than SSS instead of the Mission itself being SSS.
Galbalan is a pretty easy classic Ys final boss compared to Dalles on Yunica's route or Dark Fact.
Yeah, if it was the completion rank being SSS then having the loading screen there would make sense.
That’s the point. DmC is the easiest out of them all. You can even die repeatedly and still get an SSS.
end ur life lmfao
>DMC was always piss easy
>NG fag
that's nice, but that's not what we're talking about.
We're talking about a step down from previous entries in the DMC series. Not about your dead franchise.
T-minus 5 days till all of you shitposter cucks get your asses pressure imploded from the DMChads
Oh no no no.
In DMC4SE I can just Judgement Cut END with Vergil infinitely using super vergil.
Id'd say that's easier than DmC in it's entirety
>super vergil
wow no shit using a special cheat unlock makes the game easy
Taking a step down from retardation is pretty bad. What are you at now? Vegetative state? No longer basically wailing on borderline punching bags, now it's just Terry Schivo in a pillowcase?
What difficulty is he playing on?
I saw some people claim it's Devil Hunter while others said it was Human.
DMC fucking SUCKS
why can't i beat the bosses with a menu after i seduced V as my husband????
>using super costumes
He comes base game with deluxe edition.
Didn't cheat to get him.
But keep moving the goalpost because i btfo'd your argument that DmC is easier than the rest of the series.
It's human
When was the last NG game user?
>He comes base game with deluxe edition
No, he's a microtransaction early unlock.
kek all the shitposting makes sense now, like posting super costume hacked game dmc3 to prove his point
Incoming hot take I'm sure you fags will love but I think more leniency on stuff like enemy step and EX-act will only serve to make the game more enjoyable. DMC4's enemy step felt way too strict compared to 3's, and making the 1 pip act move a bit easier but keeping MAX-act the same will make that system usable at a casual level but still will reward higher skill.
That's what I thought.
Why are people so desperate to make this out to be a massive blunder? It has a high chance of being the GOAT action game.
When was the last DMC "game"? I can't remember since beating up punching bags isn't a game.
>He comes base game with deluxe edition
What...are you joking or something?
>tfw I'm now worried that Itsuno may also fuck up Dragon's Dogma 2
answer the question
No he doesn't. The only way to unlock the super costumes is to beat the game on the highest difficulty OR do what you did and buy them through microtransactions.
You cannot s rank any mission with a super costume, making DmC still easier to s rank.
>using a cheat costume
to do what you said in w/o the cheat costume you need to
>have full concentration
>have DT bar
>and gets zero style points
How was Yaiba Gaiden Z user? ;)
contrarians want to be contrarian, hate seeing people have fun
What's the difference between this and something like BamHam where you can do the exact same thing?
The "Demon Hunter Bundle" comes with the super costumes along with unlocking all the modes, 200,000 proud souls, 300,000 red orbs, a DMC3 costume for Lady and Gloria costume for Trish (which is the only bits you can't unlock ingame)
ReshitEra fag who posted his early copy but refused to leak last week has now dumped the post-credits epilogue to try grab attention after the hues got the ending.
From the community discord:
>Post-Credits is the sons of sparda returning and the reunion of Dante + his friends and Nero + Vergil
>Trish and Vergil have a brief moment when they show up where he glares at her and she grins, he looks at Dante and rolls his eyes, no further discussion
>Trish and Lady say Dante is improving his times at making these return trips, Lady says Patty watered his plants so they didn't die this time
>Nero greets Vergil after pausing up to now
>Vergil says bluntly to Nero he hasn't any interest in being a father or plans to make up for "missed birthdays and other nonsense" and Nero replies he's shit out of luck because he'll soon be a grandad too regardless, Dante laughs and calls him an old man
>Lady moans about how decades later neither has grown up at all but is smiling at Dante
>Scene ends with Dante's phone ringing with another job and Nero grabbing it and saying he'll take care of it on the way home since he's been covering for him anyway
>Nero tells Vergil that whenever he gets the stick out of his ass and decides to visit there's a seat at his table, and to make sure he dresses nicely for it. Vergil snaps back that's rich coming from a man with his fashion sense but doesn't outright decline.
>flying swallows 80% of your game
Nothin personnel , it only gets worse with Izuna drop and NG2 uts
contrarians are subversive kikes
What happens to V?
I don't like the music. Gunna play nujabees over it.
How new are you? Tortanicfags do this for every game
when did it become cool to be a massive faggot on the internet on purpose
Here is your DT Nero~
And you're a butthurt faggot actual shill.
Vorgil: Madness Returns
Merges with Urizen becoming Vergil.
I feel bad for dmcfags.... this is what they have convinced themselves they have been waiting for....
Looks like a drag queen.
Screencap from the discord as proof?
What the fuck asshole, spoiler that shit
So V is Vergil's good side and Urizen is his bad side?
>People unironically think DMCV is going to have better combat than this
Not that. This isn't 2006 anymore.
>No demon face
But why.
I woulnd't know since it doesn't live in my head rent free like DmC does with you faggots?
>footage of updated version of FFXV with the combat stuff from the standalone DLCs
You're as bad as people complaining about Turbo Mode not being in the base game.
Yup, Urizen was Nelo Angelo in DMC1.
>goes from chad western design to anime edge
So does this mean Itsuno wants to do a Onimusha game?
You literally came into a DMC thread to bitch about how NG was better than it. Then you have the AUDACITY to claim others have games rent free in their head?
He looks like a fucking lady gaga outfit ahahahaah
>it actually is XV-kun shitposting
Oh wow.
Do they show what happened after Vergil was defeated by Mundus at the end of DMC3?
looks amazing
preorder kept
So does this have anything to do with Tenchu like all you retards were yelling about?
Not arguments.
>its worse than we ever imagined
>Proving their point
I thought he was only legend....
it literally was called tenchu in development
Not sure if shown, but said yes.
I see shitposters are coping harder than ever before that the game isn't abominable like they deluded themselves that it would be. "Oh no no no no", "yikes", "blunder", constant DmC comparisons (this was here at the start of DMC5's initial reveal and went away when Nero was shown as a character, fucked off in the main after Dante was shown at the end of the trailer until just recently), in general being incredible nuisances
didn't know NGfags loved DmC so much
No, it's a spiritual successor.
So here's what I think the deal is. A bunch of tourists flock to the board in droves for both GG and the election, being welcomed by /pol/. These tourists then learn of the TORtanic and think that that was typical behavior for every release because of the reputation of Yea Forums hating games, and in an attempt to fit in, we now have an absurd amount of newfags over compensating and shitting on anything with a release date regardless of context.
Why hasn't anyone leaked this scene yet
>Vergil back
>Dante ripping his ass open with bants
>Dante still a wizard, self-inserting waifufags btfo
>Nero is gonna be a dad and now has his own's begrudging respect
That's pretty good really
> make shitty Nero model because of MUH REALISM
> Then make an anime model for DT, that doesn't fit for realsitic artstyle of the game
I love it amazing !
because it's not true, vergil being split into two aspects makes no sense with nelo angelo
>fighting Vergil and his doppelganger in a sandy wasteland while dubstep plays before he enters a permanent devil trigger until the fight ends for a reason which makes no sense
Am I describing 5 or DmC?
>The mobile port of DMC4 unironically looks better
He's more human than demon user.
lmfao what is even going on here. garbage
Only part I don't like are the claws. Always hated stupidly long claws that serve no use for a moveset. The rest is a great callback to Onimusha.
disapointing compared to dante and vergil's dt
then again nero is a big disapointment
>Saying something is piss easy means something harder is better
I know it's hard for you to read with the thalidomide riddled brain your mom gave you but come on.
Shame they didn't keep the hood.
Sounds like the ending of any of the shit DBZ movies.
I'm so mad, the story trailer we got looked amazing.
if you don't overuse the mechanics well, DMC has always been like this
I think it's true because it's stupid and I refuse to get my hopes up but it's weird that all of the leakers are avoiding it. You'd think one of the 3 main characters dying/merging/whatever would be something to talk about.
Well there's no dubstep to be found unless you're intentionally broadening the definition of "dubstep" to mean "any electronic music at all", so DmC.
thought i read that it's confirmed lady and dante banged
he looks like a cock addict
That Devil Trigger remix aint fucking electro that's for sure.
I'm actually impressed that you drudged up the iPhone demake of 4 to shitpost
>spics are the shitposters
It all makes sense now
Lol way to show your irl anger at a few lil words in screen you faggot.
and those are the only two genres of music it could be?
oh fuck off
Well it got updated just last year with iOS11 and iPhone X support.
/vint/ showed us it's all Canadians and BRs
whatever you say ngfag
TORtanic was a mistake
At least the wings-coat makes sense. I'm not sure what to feel about wings-cape. How does the wings look when spreading?
is there a more passive-aggressive form of replying?
me too, user, me too
But DmCs Vergil fight song didn't have any wub in it....
NGniggers seething
user is just frustrated, can you imagine the amount of brainpower he used compared to replying regularly?
How come it's always complete retards that try to make it a competition between one or more games? I couldn't fucking care less about Sekiro or Ninja Gaiden in relation to DMC and it's legitimately only been Yea Forums shitposters I've ever seen pit Sekiro against DMC.
That's what happens when a franchise dies with no hope of returning to former glory. Same thing happened to Thief and almost happened to DMC
How did they fuck this up i mean the demo was great JESUS CHRIST ITSUNO
Vergil boss battles in dmc3 > mexican mod vergil battle in DmC > vergil boss battle in 5
its always the shitposters who pull this sort of shit, remember when barry tried to put KH and DMC against each other when their games arn't anything close to each other?
As he came into the KH thread
It was the sound of a SCHUM
He came into his RE thread
He left the bloodstains on the Sekiro thread
He could see he was unable
So he ran into the DMC thre ad
He was struck down, it was his despair
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok
Are you ok, Barry
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok
Are you ok, Barry
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok, are you ok Barry?
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
You've been hit by
You've been hit by
A smooth DMCfag
So they came into the DMC thread
It was Friday - what a red day
Mouth to mouth
Sounding heartbeats - intimidation
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok
Are you ok, Barry
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok
Are you ok, Barry
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok, are you ok Barry?
(Then you
Ran into the DMC thread)
(You were struck down)
(It was your despair)
(You've been struck by
A smooth DMCfag)
Okay, I want everybody to clear
The area right now!
(Barry are you ok?)
I don't know!
(Will you tell us that you're ok?)
I don't know!
(There's a sign in the KH thread)
I don't know!
(That he struck you - a SCHUM Barry)
I don't know!
(He came into your RE thread)
I don't know!
(Left the bloodstains on the carpet)
I don't know why baby!
(Then you ran into the DMC thread)
I don't know
(You were struck down)
(It was your death - Barry!)
Dag gone it - baby!
(Will you tell us that you're ok?)
Dag gone it - baby!
(There's a sign in the KH thread)
Dag gone it - baby!
(That he struck you - a SCHUM Barry)
Woo! Hoo!
(He came into your RE thread)
Dag gone it!
(Left the bloodstains on the Sekiro thread)
Woo! Hoo! Yeah!
(Then you ran into the DMC thread)
Dag gone it!
Holy fuck based
Can the Mexican mod still be downloaded anywhere? There was a bigass DmC mod repository at one point that ended up just dying one day.
that hitbox was fucking sexy, A Team delivers yet again
>this DT
No wonder trannies like this game.
there was a dude in these threads that has it but doesnt want to share
though i have it saved
Its one dude trying to start a shitstorm so people can forget about how bad FFXV was, apparently.
Ain't that right, Barry?
Jesus, it looks half speed
based AND redpilled
I cannot understand the mentality of some people. I can't picture someone legitimately sitting in front of their pc or mobile, posting 'OHNONONONO' threads with totally straight fucking expressions for what I would hope is no personal gain . At least I'd hope they're straight expressions. I couldn't imagine the autism of feeling genuine glee over the most low effort of shitposts. Nu-Yea Forums is a fucking cancer. Fuck the TORtanic, fuck the elections.
>318 posts
>125 ips
legit fucking autism
What? That's about 2-3 posts per person.
Yes, you can always be a faggot and not reply but still cry as if you were
imagine having no respect for your medium. FUCK Yea Forumstards
It's like one or two retards spamming this shit and replying to themselves when no one takes the bait.
>XV was a blunde-
You can dodge and attack. I'm so glad XV has the fundamentals for basic game design.
>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim
It's multiple people user, you also have the
>No stakes guys
>Vergil is a literal rehash
>They stole this ending
Xv is trash
I'll miss you in five days time, user.
>Press Triangle once
>Armiger mode
>Hold Circle
>Press Square once
>Resume holding Circle
This is good combat?
Western boss fights are unironically better
>2 replies
barry how mad are you when someone says XV is bad? do you shit your pants? please reply barry im concerned. i like how you dont even need to be a tripfag and everyone still knows who you are when you post
the stuff I like is good, the stuff you like is bad – the thread
>the stuff I like is good, the stuff you like is bad
This but unironically.
Vergil looks fat
Cringe, the only good example is the Master WRPG kun
Dios Mio....
what was everyone expecting with the vergil boss? are you fags retarded? its more of an extrs epilogue fight than anything. the final boss is urizen before
and none of you have ever played 3 before clesrly because his fights were always arena-like
>wrpg kun still deny the inferiority of western games
Realistic running form for a common human, but these guys aren`t common people...kek
>expecting shitposters to play the game they shitpost about
The problem is that DMC Avergil 3, even on easy, had much better AI than this shit. He’s literally as passive as DmC Vergil, but deals even less damagre.
>inferiority of western games
You need to be 18+ to post here.
stay mad westcuck
I'm glad I'll be getting this on PC and that there's even a slim chance someone will fix his damn face. It looks really fucking terrible, and I hate the overt Hollywood, Western influence. That is by far my biggest disappointment I can think of. The DT transformations on the other hand look great.
> apples to oranges comparisons across the board
nice b8
>what were you expecting
Honestly, I expected him to use Urizen's tentacles and abilities mixed with his own and when he DT'd he'd turn into a Nelo Angelo version of his devil trigger with a cape of tentacles and smash your shit up with his massive sword.
>it's an epilogue fight
It clearly isn't since it's what finishes the game and the story, the main plot, isn't resolved until this fight.
user, out of the 7 stages we fight Vergil they picked the one that was identical to DmC that was also the most bland. The cathedral room with the high windows at the end of DMC1 or any of the DMC3 stages would have looked way better.
They phoned in Vergil.
>The DT transformations on the other hand look great.
Nice try, shill.
I love both of Dante's and V's but Vergil and Nero aren't great imo.
I'm sorry my post wasn't completely negative, blunderfag. Your accusation was duly noted.
Does he have to take a shit real bad or did he just get fucked in the ass?
>tfw you just had hemorrhoid surgery
Isn't Vergil's basically a color swap from Dante's?
Nero's DT is really sleek, and looks better in motion. I like the long hair too.
I don't find most of the faces given to characters in 5 really appealing myself (Except for Dante, Nero and Nico), but it's not enought to stop me from playing the game. Visuals are not the most important thing, and 5's gameplay seems just fine.
Except there is probably some dedicated shitposters with 50 posts or more each
Nah, he has weird arm sheaths, a tail, his head crest from 3/4 and most of the similar details to 3/4. It's just been retextured and made pretty again.
I'm not a fan of Nero's long hair or face, it looks silly compared to most of the demons we've seen but having 2 Devil Bringers and his wings help form them is neat. I am glad he doesn't have another cape coat but it feels a little under designed because of it.
Both Vergil and Dante have humanoid DT forms. Only their Sin DT forms look truly demonic.
Don't tell me you do this for free
>Nero replies he's shit out of luck because he'll soon be a grandad too regardless, Dante laughs and calls him an old man
So those fagets wishes came true
>DMC5 is going to be shi-
Mad weeb.
>people still pretend Max Payne's gameplay is good
You can't even aim, you just point the center of the screen at an enemy and hold down fire, occasionally diving or entering slowmo to enter godmode to avoid hitscanners.
Imagine being so insecure about the games you like you have to go around shitposting about games you don't.
>that judgement cut that leaves reality pieces
fucking fantastic
Dante's arsenal is fine now, but I want at least another melee and gun.
That's not "Fuck you," that's "Rock you!"
No, not at all. The retards pushing that never played Tenchu. There isn't an alert phase in this game, if you're seen only the enemies in the immediate area will activate. The enemies in the next area will still be on their regular paths as if nothing happened. The stealth gameplay they have shown is incredibly bad, even fucking ubisoft's nu-splinter cell beats it.
if you are not braindead
sekiro gonna be fucking AWESOME AS FUCK
>grandad too regardless
so there is more after they go to hell
thank fucking god
DMC3 recycled fight but not nearly as climatic, fun and with shitty soundtrack
This game is looking worse and worse every day.
Came to post this.
neat, he unlocked the oni form
>Nero gets his real arm back
>probably cant have ampute nero after he gets it back
dont know how to feel about this, 2 armed nero just seems wrong
Nigga you think I don't know how few buttons are being pressed?
Still more buttons than any Souls game.
you only truly realise how shit this board is when the discordfags come into the threads about a game you actually like.
>Go talk to girls
not him but literally about what?
Souls games have timing, choices and resource management. Short of trying to do the Sewers super early or something, your health decreases super slowly, and you can just spam healing items, and dodge windows are stupid wide.
Probably an option between the two post-game, have a permanent Devil Bringer walk in with the Devil Breaker
>fighting monsters with steel sword
you gotta admire the discord fags at least, they never give up
>you can just spam healing items, and dodge windows are stupid wide.
You just described Pleb Souls.
This has to be like the prologue or something, if this is actually how the whole game is then fuck that
I actually like it.
if you are a DMC fan I would just bail from these threads until like a week after the game releases.The Tortanic fags are gonna plague these threads until then
DMC fans are going to be too busy actually playing than the game.
> dat remix tho
If you have so little faith in a game that random shitposters can change your mind then you should just leave Yea Forums altogether. Hell you should just do it anyway, this place is awful
>The main problem isn't sovled, the tree is still there, Dante and Vergil are in the underworld
That's not an ending! The main problem hasn't been resolved. This game is like 3/4 done. Thsi is so anti-climatic! Unfinished game!
where's his bulge
No I didn't. Dying while healing is super easy because healing isn't instant, can be interrupted, and dying in 1 or 2 hits is super common. More than that, aside from a much weaker healing source in 2 that loses value as the game goes on, healing is extremely limited, and face tanking enemies is never an option. In XV potions are cheap and plentiful, and essentially act as health bar extensions, because if you want to use one, or even several, they're getting used no matter what.
As for dodging, most Souls attacks come out in under a second, in FFXV, I struggle to think of an attack aside from maybe the final boss, that has under a second of wind up. What's more, a Souls dodge needs to be directional in most cases, as your dodge just doesn't go far enough in all directions, not the case in XV, where only huge AoE can't be dodged in any direction, and can be dodged as early as you want, because they can't track for shit.
Why are you lying about these things user?
No random shitposter will change my mind.
But the shitposters tank the quality of every thread. I'm going to be enjoying the game while they make NONONO posts
>without Diablo loot
It's like a cheeseburger without the deer placenta. It's just better.
This game is for the normalfag Western audience, we know this since the reveal.
The game looks amazing, you guys are just hating ass faggots
>Willing to bet that it's some DmC faggot
Why would you hazard such an unlikely guess when the far more likely option would be
>willing to bet it's a shitposter that shitposts a currently talked about game to generate replies
But why be here if you know the threads are going to be shit? Go somewhere you can enjoy being in or have a laugh and join in the shitposting. Never understand why people do something they don't like when they can easily walk away
>face tanking enemies is never an option.
Why are you lying?
Get some taste.
>This game is for the normalfag Western audience
In other words: It's a DMC game.
dmc is a western styled game you dumbass
>Griffon is kill
Anyone else feel sad for the birdie
Yes, poise is OP in DS1, which is why it was nerfed in all following titles.
You can still facetank enemies in later titles, particularly BB thanks to the rally system.
What fucking platform do I get this on.
PC, ps4pro, or xbone
The rally system is what makes BB probably the easiest Souls Game, but I feel pretty confident you can't facetank bosses or larger, heavy hitting enemies. The only thing it totally invalidates is Hunter enemies.
As with every multiplat title: PC > Xbox One X > PS4 Pro > PS4 > Xbox One
PC for future mods fixing
what you dont like dt. dt should be playing every fucking second of the game,
am i the only one that thinks virgil's hair and face look weird? i know that's been a pattern for some time now but it's a little too much this time
>am i the only one
Statistically unlikely.
>am i the only one
Have you even read the DMC threads recently
Imagine Nero having kids before Dante.
i have not read the threads lately because i was too busy saving more edits for shitposting later
and redpilled
Virgil looks hideous, anime aesthetics do not look good in a realistic style.
>DMC5 start of month
>Sekiro end of month
I'm getting both because I love Japanese games.
why would you keep wanting to find lost souls every level over and over
He's not wrong.
why the gameplay is slower then dmc
>Destroying all Lost Souls, collecting all Keys, and opening all Secret Doors, permanently awards a SSS completion rank for that mission.
It only requires doing them once and you get SSS on replays no matter what
It's not.
no dmcfag refuted the screencaps and itagaki
NG is the best
autism is a hell of a condition
He played on the easiest difficulty because Vergil was destroying him on hard
What's there to refute? DMC has been the king of action vidya for over a decade.
I don’t even dislike the loot system but even I think every single second developing and integrating it would’ve been better off spent on any other facet of the game
it is i have played the shitty demo maybe dante will be faster but i am not wasting money too find out
yeah for collecting items. there are what three categorizes time, combat and finding shit so getting all the collectibles will give you sss in the collectibles categories because no one wants too find the same shit over and over
Honestly NGfags are based
>I feel more threaten getting my combo broken than actually for my characters survival
Is the biggest problem with DMC
Stop playing on easy.
>poor man's Nioh
Nioh is a poor mans Bloodborne. Nioh has by far the worst game feel I've ever experienced. I dont get how a game can have mechanics that dont work at all with the level design bosses or just normal enemies. That game is a fucking train wreck and idiots like you ate it up.
Hey shitposting weeb, I got news for you.
Hetshit killed your fucking witch anime. It has a very shitty game too.
These pointless game wars need to stop already.
ninja gaiden fans are fucking autistic
DMCV will get neither the sales, nor the critical acclaim that 2018 GoW received, screencap this post.
Seethe my seething goy
That's what happens when your game isn't a cinematic walking simulator for game journalists.
GOW is reddit while DMC is Yea Forums
normalfags will keep playing the shitty normalfag game while real conoseurs will play the REAL game.
>people actually thought the devs wanted to make a true dmc5
>even after a whole controversy, Dantes theme somehow still managed to stay as the song written for donte
They CLEARLY didnt care.
why can't you just enjoy both of them without being autistic?
>DMC is reddit, God Hand is Yea Forums.
Pretty much. Dmc shitpost threads just get turned into normal dmc threads, or at least that's how it was until the final trailer came out. Most have left since to avoid leaks.
>"Fuck yurifags, we're putting het!"
>Sales was dropping and fans were hating the forced het
>"Fucking yurifags every goddamn time! Let's drop the het and pander to them!"
>Game was a broken pile of crap too
you know i dont visit that shithole but posting fucking boards from there is stupid because you can literaly create a board for any subject in there
there is a fucking Yea Forums board there
this exemple is stupid and you should feel bad for using it
>asshole dad shows up when you're in your early 20's for the first time in your life and get into a fight with him
>Not swearing at him
What a fucking cuck you are, christ.
I hope they can finally move on to what everyone wants, now.
You just proved my point. DMC is demonstratively more reddit.
Why is being assblasted over a new game release so common now on Yea Forums? Last I remember, people only got extremely, EXTREMELY buttmad over Bloodborne when it got released as well, but that was salty PC players who still, in 2019, shitpost in BB threads. But I did not expect butthurt to come from a DMC game of all things. Is it because there's more meme zoomers around on the board? These people don't seem to be pretending at all.
its because dmc is a garbage franchise
If Yea Forums isn't mad about everything, people will think they're going soft and they won't look cool on the internet.
>zoomers around on the board?
They think that being cool here is shitposting and hating new releases.
oops forgot image hehe
Reddit also like nuVegas yet Yea Forums can't stop circlejerking over that, this doesn't mean shit.
>DMC is a garbage franchis-
nu/v/ hates everything and dmc threads use to be more like how old/v/ was, so they especially hate it.
Guys, is DMC4 playable with kb+m?
That only shows that reddit has invaded this board as New Vegas is literally the quintessential reddit game.
forgot the image again
it's at least as bad as it is with a controller.
Technically, yes, but I wouldn't recommend it.
How does it feel that DMC was considered inferior to NG back then?
itagaki and the screencaps prove me right.
>27 people agreed with this literal who, that must mean its true!
So because some who's on reddit like thing nobody else is allowed to like it? This is about as retarded as making a twitter screencap thread of some random faggot.
Mods confirmed a while back that it's the same group of faggots who do this for every game.
Considering how bad DMCV looks, I don't know if I'd have faith in DD2.
>nobody else is allowed to like it
Please show me where I said or implied this.
Why does it matter when I can play both?
In other words, you just paid because you're a faggot. No wonder gaming is dying.