Bully 2 with a girl main character would have endless potential because women are catty cunts
Bully 2 with a girl main character would have endless potential because women are catty cunts
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god i want to gas waifu fags
>Start rumours about Stacy cheerleader who is making moves on your crush
>Sabotage Stacy cheerleaders tampons with poison ivy
what else boys?
yeah but girls don't get physical, it would be hard to design a game about bullying where you don't beat people. It would be interesting to see a game based around spreading rumors, sucking dick for grades, and manipulating people, but we all know Rockstar is creatively barren and incapable of originality.
>Bully a chestlet loner girl in the lockerroom by claiming shes a lesbian
>that mission where you convince the loner kid to kill himself so you can organize an small anti suicide movement just so you can get some positive attention by being labelled as a caring person
>that mission where your male teacher refuses sex for grades so you get back at him by accusing him of rape
>that mission where you sleep with Chad just to text the pictures to Stacy and ruin their relationship
Did anyone played the original bully? you were fighting bullies by bullying them back. you weren't an enormous cunt.
I would unironically play a game where it's all about female psychological warfare and really delving deep into how fucking horrible girls are to one another. If people want girls in vidya they should stop trying to take over genres they don't belong in and do interesting stuff like this. I'd play it.
The third one isn't too different than what the greaser girl did
Bully 2: It's Just Mean Girls would be fucking rad, i'm into it.
could be interesting if a dialog boss battle style mechanic was introduced
imagine breaking the alpha bitch by talking during class without the teacher catching on
>tomboy bully
>has to play the act of the catty Stacy for a lot of missions
Why hasnt this been done yet?
I've seen enough worldstar to debunk the opening premise of this post
Life is Strange: Before the Storm had something like that
it would just be life is strange but you play as a mean girl. It would be shit and w*men don't belong in video games.
>be angsty teen against her opressive dad
>fuck tyrone and the whole bsketball team and use no pills for +RESPECT points
>Now the whole school respects you
>"Oh shit you caught an STD, better rush to nearest Pay'n'Pray you didnt get AIDS or preggo"
>suck Chad in bathroom as revenge against Brock because he cheated on you with Stacey
I think you just wanna be a teenage girl user
Deus Ex HR also had a very well done version of that
while the scope was slightly different (out-debating politicians on live tv) the mechanics could easily translate
>Two Protagonists
>One is a wimpy kid who needs to learn to be a badass like Jimmy was
>One is the "tough girl" who needs to learn to navigate school politics
>Wimpy kid's story has greater focus on combat like Bully 1, but still includes new social elements
>Tough Girl's story has a greater focus on story elements, but still enough combat for it not to be a total mean girls and gossip simulator
>Each chapter you switch between controlling each character and focusing on their story (much like Yakuza 0) until their two stories overlap, at which point you can freely switch between characters
Ideal outcome
Don't we all? Having Mean Girls: The Game would be pretty fun too though.
Dude, I have been to shitty public schools, trust me when I say I’ve seen more girls get in full blown brawls than guys
>*social elements not story elements
yeah but chicks don't fight proper, they just pull hair and flail like madmen.
Even a dyel manlet could down a bitch with a single punch, since they're less kinetcally aware that way.
Ever seen a girl fall? Even children shield themselves with their arms, women don't.
Everyone puts their arms out when they fall unless they're very drunk user.
Women don't do anything except be passive aggressive and gossip. Would be boring as fuck depite what the virgins in this thread think
seriously, most women don't. Dunno if it's different instinct or what
You should be able to hit boys in the balls
I want to be the bully and kiss all the cute girls
then meet a cute girl who ends up bullying me
>Boss fight: a guy has enough of your shit and goes physical
>has a screen-long hp bar
>single direct hit takes you down
>glancing hit wrecks you from full hp to 30%
>can block your attacks for no damage
>doesn't flinch when you hit
>can't pull his hair
>once he loses 50% hp, he gains a hair grab attack followed by instakill animation
>story: he's a weak nerd who got bullied too much for being such a noodle-armed bitch
>blackmail teacher with sex
>get raped by chad on the locker
>sexually tease the geek to do your homework
>fight stacy in hand to hand combat with hairpulling
see? They always fall down like planks and end up with head injuries or broken bones
Point taken, also kek
It's a video game. Flailing arms and pulling hair will work fine.
You gonna get two protagonists
A nigger boy and a goth chick
Together they stop bullying
Hope you like it.
How do women lose in fights with men when all they literally have to do is hit the guy in the balls once to win?
Are those women of a certain category?
>yeah but girls don't get physical
I got kicked too fucking hard in balls by two diffrent girls in elementary school and middle school, trust me they get physical if they want
they need to hit it, a step that's hard for them when they can block it easily.
Because ball hit only works out of surprise.
And surprise ball hit is risky, because anyone who sees a fight start with a surprise ball hit will be less likely to help.
Just think about how you'd have to position yourself to ball-hit someone who is trying to fight you.
When fighting women, most men try to restrain them, since below average man can trivially overpower all but the top 5% of strongest women.
>use knee groin stun attack
>One hit KO
The reason they go for the balls is because they know they can't win in a fair fight
I know this was just a school fight but if youre in a real fight it doesnt matter if you fight fair, it only matters that you win
Whats unfair about hitting the balls?
>just striking a body part with another body part that just so happens to be an effective weakness
>In a full blown street brawl where rules are few and far between
>stacey has a meek orbiter who happens to be into girls
>seduce her so you can learn Stacy's secrets
>stupid xanax addicted roastie whore thinks she's top shit
>be me chaddicus thurman
>I chaddicus thurman roastie slayer follows sarah the quite clearly subversive, and probably a jewish gril
>in nothing but raulph lauren boxers, and a pantera cut out sprayed painted with whoever smelt it hasth dealt it
>i look around to make sure no one can see me trying to pin sarah to a toilet so I can stop her from screaming when I shove my throbbing prank in her pussy
>it's early in the morning nobody is here except gym students getting ready to run morning laps, and tracks niggers
>lucky for I chaddicus THURMAN have found the latter
A:chaddicus gives sarah a prank
B:chaddicus is actually a suicidal terminator who pulls his penis out as a shotgun CHADDICUS IS VERY BIG, AND THIS WILL END THE GAME REMEMBER BONES AREN'T MEANT TO BEND
Anyone else get a boner when girls hit guys in the balls? Not sure why this happens to me.
>Yea Forums thinks this is a good idea and not a marketing and pr disaster
If you're in a real fight you may as well skip the ball-kicking and just use a weapon
So fallout New Vegas Ulysses speech check but an entire game?
>Dumbed down, relatable scenarios; basically CSI for kids.
This would make for a decent shovelware title. Why didnt Disney sink their teeth into THIS instead of all that live action trash?
It's a good idea for my penis, user.
It’s all kinds really.
Black girls, white girls, latinas, Asians
There’s all kind of shit on worldstar
Pretty standard for Yea Forums
When has anyones penis ever had a good idea?
You just want someone to post the webm
>hey stacy, hear about the bear and the bull?
yeah bash those balls in with a bat
As a worldstar go-er myself, I can attest that these fights are 95% flailing, followed by hair grabbing, then immediately falling to the ground to where the fight is usually won by who ever happened to fall on top the of other.
Fuck off.
Give them their own corner and maybe they’ll fuck off to a yearly bitch simulator than they’ll stop trying to self insert themselves into regular Vidyas
We'll a penis made you, and I'd say you're pretty cool!
M8, did you drop out of high school? It was basically every week where girls would tear at each other like fucking jackals
>bully 2 with a girl main character
>they remove the combat and the only thing you can do is shit talk people
yeah no
I'd play a mean cunt
Girls bully other girls more than boys bully other boys.
Why not? Would buy.
In Murica, getting busted by police with a weapon is a more severe charge than going at it hand to hand
Is it really fair if everyone and their mother knows that men are stronger than women?
We've all seen the charts.
>Expecting cuckstar to not make the game an SJW simulator
yeah no
Fuck marketing and pr. Nothing good has ever come from a developer with a department focusing on marketing and pr.
I work in HR and I'm the only dude. Why do women hate each other so much? They are always bitching about each other behind their backs. And they always come to me and complain about their personal issues and marital issues. I don't give a fuck. I'm just there to work. There are so inefficient. They waste so much time talking instead of working.
I was regularly kicked and hit by girls in 4th/5th grade. They did not have a reason for this. It was just amusing to them because I refused to ever fight back.
>Rockstar writing a decent female character
>Work in Human Resources
>Complain about people coming to you with their human issues
>Why do women hate each other so much?
They don't want to fuck each other.
This is literally the only reason men don't hate women - the lizard part of the brain tells weak-willed men to love women because ooga booga breeding.
Take out sex and everyone would hate women.
>seduce some dude and he follows you around
>make out with random guy while he watches
>instead of getting mad like the girls do in Bully 1, the dude just stands there staring and starts jacking off
bully 2
Rockstar can take it. They're pretty much the only dev who can get away with saying nigger while also having people finding it funny.
Bullies would be a step down in controversy.
Is it bad that a female bully game is one of my dream games?
>complex social systems to navigate (possibly via dialogue trees and the like)
>getting to play dress up as a cute girl, with different clothes affecting your social reputation in different ways
>having to find creative and indirect solutions to conflict rather than just punching shit (possibly having a focus on stealth over combat)
>absolutely savage bitchy dialogue everywhere
>get to do comfy girl's stuff in an open world with your girl friends in between all the bullying
That's game of the decade material if done well.
They are my co workers in HR. They should come to me with their non work problems
I'd buy it only if I can play as an alpha dyke
Nigga we can make writing intense
Cinema can make anything interesting
>Rolls her ankle
>Doesn't immediately bend the knees to reduce the fall distance
>Doesn't put the arms out to protect her face
>Just contorts to the right like a spastic as she falls like a plank
It's like watching a child. The few times I've rolled my ankle I've always managed to do the above if it's resulted in a fall.
Their marital lives and shit, that's correct, they shouldn't. But their issues with each other, that's actually work related.
You either keep being a pushover and letting it happen or you start to find ways to discourage it, like mentioning that you will take action and make the two parties talk it out, or have a recorder etc.
embrace it
It's an old fart.
Try being agile when your body is an obsolete wreck.
Yes because you're a waifufag
I'd be cool with that, I don't know why anons keep acting like the girl shouldn't fight.
Unwinnable boss fight, but he gets expelled afterwards in a cutscene
>tfw have gotten off to the idea of second to last one several times
>Turn Bully into a dating sim
The state of waifufags
Dude. These are my HR co-workers. They literally all bitch about each other. Its not people from other departments. Its just the women in HR bitching about other women in HR. Even the manager does it. I stay late in the evenings some times and she always comes over talking to me for like an hour about her personal life or about women in the office she doesn't like.
Imagine being this guy hahaha
>would have endless potential because women are catty cunts
Don't lie to us, you just want to play as a girl.
What's the matter user?
Hits close to home eh?
sounds like it really sucks to be you
At least some of them are hot.
>even the girls want her
Why are you like this
black characters do that all the time in all kinds of media.
Women get a sick enjoyment out of mental bullying. A girl I slept with in college laughed at my dick for being small. I can still hear her saying "Its so small" and laughing. This was like 4 years ago
>yeah but girls don't get physical
have you ever seen a girl in your life? get out of your basement user, they get physical and can be extremely violent
they are shit at it
vs men? only when they think he wont attack them back.
Women beings bullies isn't ground breaking either.
Why do yank only use the word cunt when referring to women?
Why are women so much sexier than men?
if you still hear her saying that years later then you truly are a dicklet
>small dick
Yeah you're 100% going to get cucked by any girl you hook up with. Your white dicklet ass won't satisfy them, so they'll sleep with a chad like Tyrone instead.
I didn't say it was, it just doesn't fit a video game.
Yes its 5 inches hard
Because if you do, and fail, you have just showed youre a weak bitch that has to resort to the lowest of tricks to win. So if you lose, the guy kicking your ass wont feel as bad stomping on your unconscious body as he would otherwise. Hows that hard to understand?
Its basic honor, are you a woman?
I don't see how it wouldn't fit a game.
Just because combat would take a backseat doesn't mean it wouldn't work.
And the west?
Oh my god Becky I am the west.
For me its
Face > Personality > Boobs > Thighs > Legs (not feet) > Ass
>Not taking the cuckquean route and letting the guy fuck another girl
tits, asses and curves that only 0.01% of traps / trannies can mimic
Plus they generally smell better than men
>haha women are so weak
>wtf you can't use my weakness against me that's unfair
Having grown up with a tomboy who always wanted to fight, it can.
Or if they have some weird issue of a teenager being able to beat other teenagers, just have a GTA V thing and use two playable bullies, one male, one female.
Wrong thread tranny
Because it’s real and reality can be pretty boring
If they give everyone at least green belt tier combat things will be a lot more interesting
Anyone else find it extremely annoying how sexy women are because you dont have sex with them?
I don't hate how they look
I hate the attention and free stuff they're getting
great - another "could've, would've, should've" thread #57'000'001
I can already see the headlines
>Rockstar makes a game that allows misogynists to play out their sick fantasies of beating up and raping underage highschool girls under the excuse of playing as a female character to make it all seem ok
I'm unironically into ryona and I would like this game to happen but let's be realistic for a second guys.
>people saying that the combat would have to be toned down
>in a game where a slingshot is a viable weapon
>having fun is not possible because my strawman of the other side of the barricade would prevent that
It's Rockstar. They could make a blacksploitation game and get away with it. The company practically lives on its controversy. The same thing you posted could be easily changed to being about black people.
I can imagine some ideas for the combat system:
>hair pulling as a grapple (cannot be done against NPCs with shorter hair)
>growing out your nails for stratching
>melee weapons like boxcutters, baseball bats and pepperspray
>traps like throwing marbles on the ground
>getting your orbiters to do the fighting for you
Seems like a good balance between a combat system that looks feminine while also being practical to design and balance.
Chad and Tyrone are two different things newfaggot
>>getting your orbiters to do the fighting for you
That would be pretty funny actually. Could even be like a second wind mechanic. If you go down, a guy distracts the enemy while another one goes over to help you back up.
I can't remember Rockstar doing anything controversial the past three games except depict black ghetto culture accurately, which has already been done several times before by dozens of movies and series
>no combat just designated name calling buttons
>press x to say bitch
>press o to say cunt
>press square to roll eyes
>press triangle to open into your ultra combo of spreading a nasty rumor
>xhe went to an all-white school
I like that man
Write this shit down
They’re both a version of Chad
Because you're straight. Congratulations.
No one wants bully with a female tranny, keep spamming.
WTH are you talking about. When I was little around 8 I got "tricked" by the other boys into going and pinching one of the older girls butts on the playground and i thought I was safe because I could just tell them that the other boys told me to do it. They didnt see it that way. They pinned me down by sitting on me and laughing while they pinched and pulled my nose my ears my cheeks and my hair and wiping boogers on me while the other boys watched.
Yes but both different versions
If you took sex out of the equation, women wouldn't behave the way they do, thereby cancelling out most of their harpy-like behavior. Being the sexual trophies men compete for is what drives them to treat each other like shit; the same way staffers at comic con San Antonio hate staffers for Austin comic con, Austin is stealing all of San Antonio's traffic and revenue, let's spread rumors that there's people cancelling and they overcharge on tickets and they don't prevent sexual harassment in the restrooms
>final boss fight is you and your army of orbiters vs. your rival Stacy and her army of orbiters
>the orbiters launch a full scale battle with each other all over the campus while you and Stacy go toe to toe in a one on one fight in the middle of it all
I forgot some:
>groin kicking is a OHKO move and works on both boys and girls (it doesn't work against football jocks with groin pads though)
>you can feign defeat by crying in tears for help so that everyone else can gain your sympathy while your opponent receives disciplinary action
>rate of random battles is affected by your social standing.
Fuck off you underaged faggot.
People have wanted bully 2 for years now
They dont even do that, they just send the packs of niggers they are fucking on the side to jump you and to that any passersby high school kid will gladly take on the "oh he hit on a girl?!" excuse to smash someone elses skull
an unit management game, collect betas to get favors and resources, fuck chads for protection and to put down other girls BFs lowering their status, ace classes by sucking the teachers.
Instead of high school make it university and age 20. You changed universities half way and have illicit relationship with a hot professor while you go to great lengths to hide it.
>dev who can get away with saying nigger
But they only said nigga a bunch of times.
Just have her combat focus around being fast and not being hit
I know STR vs DEX is a meme, but fuck it, it's vidya. Maybe give her shit like brass knuckles to account for her weakness
I could definitely see that working.
Throw in some light BOTW climbing, more class bonuses like acting for fake crying and a bigger town to explore
They say nigga all the damn time
just gimme the MR shakedown sistem but whith School shooters instead of gorillas dressed as humans.
That could definitely work
The fembully combat with men could only work if you could shriek for help.
The combat wouldn't be about dealing damage but distracting the target so that orbiters can beat him up.
>chad comes to beat you up for stealing his drugs
>bear mace him and tell the cops he was trying to rape you
tell me this wouldn't be video-kino
>melee weapons like boxcutters, baseball bats and pepperspray
This is Bully, not Female Juvie Simulator.
Or you could kick them in the nuts.
But yeah, male characters (proved they aren’t noodle arms tier) would act as elite enemies of sorts like the prefects in the original Bully. You can beat them in combat, but it’s challenging. On top of that, it’s also better to avoid combat with them and instead manipulate them into doing what you want.
>girls don’t get physical.
Conservashits are stupid
you gotta take self-defense classes with the frazy feminist teacher that hates men to learn the ball kicking technique like how you trained with the hobo, other unlocks in the tree are mace which stuns the enemy, a whistle which will summon nearby combat allies to your aid if they're close, and some hold break or some shit.
This whole thread is just giving reasons why they shouldn't make a female Bully
Girls have nice skin compared to men. Very soft and smooth. Much easier to work with
i wanna touch girl skin.
Have you had relations with irl women?
>whistle which will summon nearby combat allies
That has to be a shriek.
Even better: if enemies don't see you fighting back, you get a scared shriek that converts some of them to your side
no, I just live in a white country. We don't have sheboon tournaments like your crap schools.
Maybe if you went to a nigger high school
when i was young my only friend was this girl who kept hitting and biting me, she would do other shit like push me off the play structure and down the stairs. it didn't help that i was kind of a pacifist as a kid so i never really stood up for myself against her.
Didnt one of the rockstar executives basically say he was afraid of the current political climate and wanted to stay away from gta 6 until things calmed down.
Sounds like avoiding to me
The tricky thing is how would you make our hypothetical Janet Hopkins not come across as a cowardly scumbag
what webm?
Well, no. Girls are catty cunts, but their way of bullying is more psychological than physical. Bully is all about physical abuse. I guess a game about spreading rumours and being a fucking bitch could work, but not as a sequel to the first one.
the same way they did it with Jimmy
just make an even bigger cunt to make her look good
Post yfw rockstar goes full SJW
Has this place degraded so much that the mere sight of a girl protag makes them to sperg out?
She could just be a normal girl who wants to have a normal life with her girl friends. However, she has a bitchy streak whenever somebody tries to insult her and her friends. She has to learn to harness this inner bitch in order to survive. Basically, she’s like all other R* protags: An asshole with a heart of gold.
The guy needs to man up. Realistically, even when GTA is being more family friendly, some people are still going to go against it for this or for that. Being dictated by that fear is nonsense, specially when we're talking about one of the most profitable vidya companies in the world.
fillmore was one of the most amazing cartoons
csi/school parody works incredible well
ur mom fag
Activism really ruined this place.
SJW stuff makes this site sperg out. Video games are for escapism, of course people are gonna be bummed out if they force their stupid shit on video games.
smol goth gf
>muh honor
stfu you fag
>dont hit girl back
lmao what a loser, haha user is so fucking weak hahaha
>hit girl back
*everyone stands in defense of a girl, beating the shit out of you*
ms user mom, your son have problem with his agression
you realy cant win, huh?
>female protag is sjw now
Are you telling me that Samus and Lara Croft are sjw too? Sex means horseshit as long as the character is written well
Why are they in hr? They’re either judge mental, or surrounded by crazy thots and bitches and family. Hr gives them the power over peoples behavior that they crave.
A character switching system akin to Gta V but with a Boy Bully and Girl Bully would be great. The boy characters gameplay would be much of the same things from Bully, with updates ofcourse. Whereas the girls gameplay would be more centred around distilling rumours and manipulating. With combat being mostly used as a last resort. This along with a new cyberbullying system would be the best direction Bully II Could go imo.
All they need is to make the game relatable to girls. In fact make it relatable to ghetto girls, because if they love it then the liberal white bitches won't want to attack it.
Rockstar never had a female protag tough. RDR2 turned out to be shit, you can easily see the sjw influence compared to their other games, and I don't expect much for future games. Somehow I'm pretty sure rockstar is gonna shoot themselves in the foot pretty soon. If the protag is a female, and the writing is well done, well rockstar saves gaming, but can they really pull it off tough?
>protags are a black guy and a stronk wemen
fuck white men, amirite?
Just immobilize without punching.
That story made me mad, user. I'm going to tell one that makes me smile.
>way back in the 60s, dad on his way to school
>girl and her friends would occasionally pelt snowballs at my dad if they were there when hed walk by their house
>one morning after a pelting he snapped
>waited until after school
>went over to her house with a plastic snow shovel
>waited for her to walk home
>walked up to her, smacked her in the face full force with the shovel
>she drops and starts sobbing
>he runs home
>apparently he broke her nose and knocked out one of her teeth
>has to apologize to her
>never gets pelted with snowballs again
Sounds like a great manga.
Rockstar's brand is so strong that the game must reach F76 level of awful in terms of gameplay and create the most stereotypical and mind numbingly boring story in order to disappoint normalfags. I think it's the most beloved company by normal fags besides EA and Nintendo.
you're literally the first person ITT to imply this
Christ, that’s a bit excessive. Why not just throw snowballs back?
That's a strange story to tell to your kid. Escalating violence is not usually something parents like to teach.
i would bully a boy mentally and emotionally until he shot up the school
i'd flirt with everyone that's next to him but never him
i'd send him vids/nudes of me "accidentally"
i'd ask the guys im fucking to beat him up and make fun of him too
i'd ruin this poor soul he wouldn't stand a chance
I identify with that feel
I don't think it's too hard. Have female bully, show off the awful parts about bullying, both male and female since the focus is usually on male bullies, show online bullying and how social media can enable these mentalities, show how people try to stop bullies, show how these systems can also lead to their own set of bullies, etc.
eh, I guess it is a very good opportunity to show the bad side of women and how they're easily getting away with it.
>fag too oblivious to understand the tsundere route
They could easily get away with it as long as they make sure to show the bad parts on all sides. The social media aspect in particular is important since if the idea behind defeating bullies is to out them as bullies, you end up with what happens now, where if you say the bad thing, you get your own internet army giving death threats, finding your info, creating rumors, etc.
One part of the game could deal with a bully killing him/her self because they in turn got bullied online by random strangers from across the world.
Meant for
Also, the beautiful part about this is that if people start targeting Rockstar for somehow "supporting" bullies, just because they assume it from the title, it only reinforces their point.
>final boss is the autistic kid going on a shooting rampage
Anyone else expected Pete to shoot up the school in the first game? The fact that they did nothing with him surprised me.
your dad seems like a bit of a mouthbreathing retard
>Final boss is school shooter
>Dance off bro, you and me!
All bully threads are fucking awful now due to them. The threads aren't even video games related it's nearly nothing but cunts furiously masturbating over femdom and have blatantly never actually played Bully 1.
No surprise I've seen one of these threads get deleted before.
If/when Bully 2 gets announced with male MC it'll be good to see these little shits get BTFO.
Guarantee my dad is stronger, smarter and better looking than your dad. He also has a bigger penis.
make it anime and it will sell like hotcakes