Do Sonyfags really do this?

Do Sonyfags really do this?

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This is why I never take MetaCritic user reviews seriously. Literally anyone can simply review the game even if they’ve never touched it in their lives. At least on steam you HAVE to own the game to leave a review.

This guy just has good taste

Bloodborne is top 5 games of the gen easily, much better than kusoge like MK8 and hyrule warriors

>At least on steam you HAVE to own the game to leave a review
But that doesn't stop butthurt neckbeards from buying a game, posting a negative review, then simply refunding it.


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What an obvious falseflag and OP is fucking retarded for falling for it

Lol, snoyfaggot seething they get exposed

>fanboys are retarded
Imagine paying money to a corporation just to feel like your a part of something and be willing to blindly defend them from both criticism and potential competition. It's not even doing it for free, they're literally paying them to be able to do it. How fucking stupid do you have to be to fall for brand loyalty?

Attached: metacritic.png (648x1173, 183K)

Attached: averagemetacriticuser.png (629x763, 94K)

>y-your a snoy fan

Do peoples actually unironically identify and defend a multimillion corporation?

They really should just remove user ratings, they’re so useless, at least for when it comes to valuing a product’s quality

Sonyfag here, i dont do it.

He's right though. Sony movie garbage belong a in the trash.

It's only a problem on the most popular games or if some dev says something political. User reviews are just another metric that you need to learn to read.

doesnt the review get removed if you refund the game

>average Yea Forums users metacritic account

Hahaha he said the worst wow expansion was the best!! haha he said that game everyone likes is 0/10!!

Bloodborne isn't movie garbage. It only has about 20 minutes of cutscenes in total. How much does bayo 2 have?