This is the ideal vidya female body. You might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
This is the ideal vidya female body. You might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
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Is this official art? It's perfect.
Perfect fop blacked shoots maybe.
This is the ideal vidya female body. You might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
That's perfect Samus tbqhf desu. Just get rid of the shiity high heels.
why cant she be the right skin color
>Nose piercing
What a shame.
>average male
Oh man, that sucks for Americans.
>baked lighting in textures
her face looks shit here
I saw a really fat girl wearing that at a con one time. Funny shit.
I fapped to Metroid XXX not knowing all the references or even playing the games
So I picked then MSR for 3DS and it sucked ass! I finished it though
She's always been tall though has she not?
>amazon is my face female body type
>muscular female with big firm breasts
>tfw it doesn't exist in real life
Is it true she’s a tranny? Is that Nintendo canon?
they do exist i ngames
Pic not related.
>painted on shiny spots instead of actually being a material that could be shiny
Her suit actually looks quite good.
>tfw 5'5 and hugging her basically means being smothered in her breasts
There are some perks to being short
Wait, I thought she was taller.
>user shared hot fantasy about being Samus and teasing a younger boy but went to bed instead of finishing
Yes, Samus used to be human, and now Samus is a bird.
>Average Male
thats not samus, thats a tranny cosplaying as samus, you can tell because of the dorito shoulders
not this is what the ideal vidya female body looks like
>tfw taller than samus by 3 cm
Portable Ion Jumpjets user
>no one noticed the edit
yeah i noticed the stupid bush
but why would i acknowledge your shitty fetish?
>samus is a chicken
How would Samus feel if she were wearing a bikini by the pool and she caught a boy's attention?
>Asshole father 101
It's actually 5'9
Excuse me, it's compact.
Just keep looking
>We have hand drawn art for the introduction, should we make some for the endings too?
>No let's just use a shitty 3d model
Fucking paellas
No, THIS is what the ideal female body looks like
>expand 2
where is expand 1
Cock sycks...
She is the best
1,9m and 90kg
Shes skinny af
i wish someone could rip that model and work it from there
yeah i agree, the model that noname55 uses is just too bimbo
Feather pubes.
>190cm 90kg
user you don`t get out often do you?
>literal superhuman with a hyper advanced power suit comes out of nowhere claiming to be from a colony that was destroyed years ago with no survivors found.
she's probably in a lot of conspiracy theories.
hot conspiracies I hope
There's like 15 countries who record the average height who's above 180.
I'm part of those countries and I break the average with 15 cm
>chromatic aberration
It was a joke from the devs in an interview. But she isn't fully human either.
>Old hag.
Nope, Pic related is the ideal female body.
This is the ideal female fighter
>tfw 5'4"
Loli Samus game when?
LoliSamus was cuter in Zero Mission desu.
>Its 2019 and Jerma being short is still a meme.
I like her manga version better.
>using her feathers to tickle her.
>yanking them our and hearing her scream out 'Bacawk'
This sounds Deviantart levels of weird.
All three look cute and funny.
who and more?
>Cute loli grows up to be the hottest woman ever
>25+ years old
>Probably still a virgin
How would you take her first time, Yea Forums?
It's strange that being a Kanjilet scores you endings about Samus' background in Fusion's JP version.
Forgot pic.
Time between bounty missions are obviously spent in shoddy space bars getting shitfaced and fucking space truckers.
[Spoiler]Samus strikes me as asexual desu, being an all powerful bounty hunter who engineers her own ship and all and is surrounded by mostly non-human friends and foes.[/spoiler]
>Assume she would be just as feared and dominating as she acts out on her missions
>Ends up being a softy.
>Failed spoilers
probably 0 libido and infertile
>those skinny arms
>weird torso shape
>long neck
Cute Samus!
highlight ctrl+s you doofus.
Also acceptable.
Yes, dinosaurs used to be reptiles, and now dinosaurs are birds.
Would Samus being raised by chozo make her heretical? Would she be sororitas?
It's great if you're 6'1" and American. I tower over the manlets.
>average height
>tfw 5'8
>I'm barely taller than the average Latvian woman
This isn't Samus' canon design any more. She's been 5'2 for over a decade.
no more pls my dick is starting to hurt
Thats way too skinny, clearly the guy who made this dosnt knwo how much a muscular person weights
Im almost 85kg at 175, and im not even that big i bench only 125kg, if i was really strong i would clock in at 95kg, fer her height she needs to weight at lest 105 to have any real muscle mas
>Raised by Xenos
>Genetically altered by Xenos
>Uses Xenos technology
>Works for Xenos at times
She's a quadruple heretic at best, despite all those fanfics saying she's a missing Primarch.
Rip those shitty nose rings out and I'm ready to make some mutts
She has bird bones her skeleton weighs way less
Loli metroid with fatmons when?
SR is runner up
Texas got it right many years ago
tall girls are cute
>ywn make an amazonian alpha woman into your loving submissive wife and provide for her and your 2.5 children
Emps already deals with Magnus
How the fuck do you even have 2.5 kids?
Is one of them conjoined twins?
Does the .5 come from them being crippled?
>average male
and she's smaller than him 20cm
Samus is autistic.