What happened, everyone said the world would end and all online gaming would be terrible!

What happened, everyone said the world would end and all online gaming would be terrible!

14 months later and...?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm glad I stayed out of this.
The moment Net Neutrality was repealed, nobody ever glanced at the subject again or ever brought it back up.


that's some really neat evidence you've got there

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please dont debate net neutrality here, retards

Noo Yonogo was wrong!



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>t. Jew in 1934 Germany

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What are you talking about the internet died a year ago, none of us are really here.

mine sure as shit hasn't

The argument you used a year ago when you were freaking out was that games are online, so yes it applies.

Democrats are always full of shit, just like that other nonsense ((((Global warming)))

>Every freaks out about net neutrality
Literally nothing happens
>Everyone freaks out about article 13
Literally nothing happens

Why does reddit freak out over stupid shit?

The fuck is this bullshit. My internet speeds have stayed the same and the price has increased $15/mo.

Some retard democrat was telling me business packages from comcast only started existing after the repeal. Legit don't know how these people figure out breathing.

What is a fast internet connection for a burger? Do you even use fiber?

Because they're Reddit

Article 13 aint happened yet

Whoa careful with your posts bro you might go over your data cap

You know this is an anonymous image board, right? You stupid nigger.

as people who play video games, you all should know better. Nobody just jams the whole dick up your ass. They carefully sweettalk you into just taking the tip until it gets deeper and deeper

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>Every freaks out about net neutrality
>Literally nothing happens
I caught my cell service throttling speeds to Amazon's streaming and they had to pretend like it was an error with one of my services. It was incredibly blatant.

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The issue is still caught up in the courts so there was never a full market repeal, plus 2017 had a bunch of cities finish off installing fiber lines.

Reminder that Pai admitted that Russians were making fake comments and trying to sway opinion on NN.


fake comments:


In January 2018, fifty United States senators had endorsed legislative action under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to reverse the repeal of Title II net neutrality.[179] While the effort was pushed by Democratic Senators, they had also gained support of three Republican Senators, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and John Kennedy.[180] The motion to restore net neutrality passed in the Senate on May 16, 2018.[181][182]

However, efforts for the House of Representatives to pass similar legislative action through the CRA have stalled; Democratic Representatives have attempted to gain sufficient signatures for a discharge petition to force the vote on the matter, but by June 2018, were still 46 signatures short, principally along partisan lines.[183] While the revised FCC order repealing net neutrality has become official as of June 11, 2018, it remains possible for the House to take action to reverse the decision, but even with CRA passage, the action would have to be signed into law by the President.[184]

Net Neutrality hasn't actually been repealed yet. It was voted to be repealed but then held up in a lawsuit for over a year. The Senate (mostly Republicans) voted to undo the repeal. Now it's held up in the House and still hasn't been repealed. Nothing changed because it hasn't been taken away yet.

This is why listening to /pol/tv/ is stupid. They know nothing but headlines from their fake news sites.

Because Reddit is so infested with shills at every level that it's actually funny anyone could take that site seriously

It was literally just neocompanies like Google and Jewtube ordering their sheep to complain and upvote gay little #resistance posts about changes that would negatively affect their monopolies. Christ lefties are so dumb.

Reddit (and twitter) are at least 30% companies, activists, bots and unironic shills and 60% braindead idiots that are easily whipped up into a frenzy by the aforementioned 30%.

What is Net neutrality and what was it suppose to do?

>he says as he shills for companies like Time Warner and Verizon

>if you're not with me, you're with them!!!
Imagine being this much of a brainlet lmao. Youre still acting like anything has changed

ISPs couldn't charge users and websites for access to faster lanes and priority, can't throttle consumers, and also couldn't block websites without a legal reason. It was all based on the internet becoming an integral part of society and not a luxury commodity.

>the argument i used a year ago
i never argued about this though. fuck off with your not videogames

Net Neutrality prevented ISP companies from treating internet packages like cables, etc. you want "faster" speeds while on Youtube or Facebook then you need to buy the Video streaming Package or Social Media. This also meant that ISP could slow down access to sites they simply don't like(like Yea Forums for example)
However, nothing liked this happened yet. Probably people got informed about NN and if any ISP actually tried this bullshit they would be committing suicide.

yes you do homo, fuck you and your bullshit

>ISP actually tried this bullshit they would be committing suicide.
US ISPs have literally monopolies in their respective areas, no?

Net neutrality was a fancy bill named "net neutrality" that did not actually enforce the concept. Now we wait for Comcast to fuck up so we can make an actual law to uphold neutrality standards. Pajeet Pie did nothing wrong.

Attached: net neutrality did nothing it was supposed to.png (1080x1920, 409K)

>yes you do
show me which posts I, personally, made about NN in the past 15 years, excluding this thread. go ahead

The internet in the US presently uses ancient ass copper telephone wires that were erected by phone companies, who paid for some of it but most shifted the cost onto taxpayers (public utilities ROFL). Laying down fiber wire is only profitable in very populated areas and satellite is a joke, but once we can get internet reliably without copper wires expect to see those big companies start sweating.

Faster Speeds do not balance out Lack of Content.
It was a trade off, always was.

imagine capping your own shitposts

>>Everyone freaks out about article 13
>Literally nothing happens
because article 13 isn't in effect yet
when it passes gookmoot will have to either install google upload filters on Yea Forums or block all EU countries so he doesn't get sued to shit.

But the internet is a luxury. The internet isn't a basic need like food and water and a house. You're not going to die because you don't access to the internet.

And what of the other 10%?

the internet is a basic need by now. it's just used by so many things by now that it can be a basic requirement to find or keep a job even.

We have regular phones and mailing to keep in contact with each other.

More and more jobs require you to apply online, and most of the ones that don't are McDonald's tier jobs that don't pay a living wage. If not now then soon, you will actually die (or at least be a destitute wellfare collector) for not having internet access.

not enough anymore. get with the times, gramps.

>repeal of net neutrality means internet goes slower in general, not that ISPs get to throttle arbitrary sites when Goldberg doesn't want competition
Keep licking that boot brainlet, it'll serve you good later in life.

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Firewalling the EU off is probably going to be the most effective method of dealing with A13, if sites haven't already done so because of GDPR.
The Internet is necessary to be a member of society in any country on earth, unless you live way out in the fucking bush. Like, Sentinel fucking Island. It is common for people to prioritize it over permanent shelter. If nothing else, having whatsapp and some kind of money transfer capability is needed.

data caps existed before the repeal


does it mean that if comcast starts to filter internet, google would be allowed to start their fiber business?

Fucking retarded zoomer.
>Huh, they're waiting a while before they rape me a new hole! Based Jews, they said there was nothing to worry about and they were right!!


>"the only real news is the one I like"
lmao fag, enjoy your bubble. This is why you're perma wrong.

there will always be a market for doomsday hucksters

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>user, what the hell? I mailed the entire staff about the general meeting yesterday, where the fuck were you? You’d better have a damn good reason to have missed it, buddy!
>oh sorry I can’t get emails right now pls text me everything with your phone instead thanks

What's wrong with that? If your argument is that all it does is make it more convenient then it isn't a valid excuse because the only way someone wouldn't know is if he/she/it isn't actively checking their phone and mail.

>What happened, everyone said the world would end and all online gaming would be terrible!

Its coming, laws like this take time. And all those investments in infrastructure upgrades were started long before the repeal. FCC are taking credit for them though.
Pic related is why using the existing neutrality laws for phones wasn't working for the internet and NN was necessary. When streaming game services hit and even more video feeds hit the pipes, they will cut up your existing connection and resell it to you.

Because fuck you. Fuck your dumb pathetic hobby, we own all of you and you can never again live without internet.

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Why do conservatives love getting pounded in the ass so much?

you mean you dialed-it up to eleven?

>not breitbart


they're the closest thing to real news america has

They hate the government more than corporations - amusing since the corps are run by the jews. Their anti-gov stance is stronger than their anti-semitism, imagine that

Hopefully the civil war hits long before then, it really is time to burn this country down and start over.


PSA, correlation doesn't equal causation.

Paid news.

The sad thing is they eat up the bullshit about the government regulating the internet with net neutrality, which completely goes against the entire purpose of NN. Net neutrality is regulating the ISPs so they can't fuck their consumers in the ass, yet these partisan hacks love being pounded so much and so hard that they'll scream and cry about not getting their daily dicking.
They'll even ignore that this isn't a partisan issue outside of politicians trying to make it one. 75+% of republican voters support NN and that number rises the more they understand what NN actually is.

So that's your only response for defending Regional Monopolies such as Comcast, TWC, ATT and Verizon?

retarded neet

Neocons and rinos are in bed with (((corporations))) and foreign countries. Actual conservatives don't like big government and believe in the free market.

No, my argument is that people aren’t going to fucking text you instead of emailing like you’re high school girl friends texting each other about boys.

Literally everyone on Yea Forums is smarter than this OP.

Anyone who wants to spot shills should visit this thread.

Then just fucking call them.

You have a phone, right!?


Data caps have been getting worse and prices have been going up for the same speeds regardless. Speeds aren't getting better, you just have some ISPs offering more exorbitantly expensive packages in areas which already couldn't afford the previous high-tier packages. Rural broadband, the one big thing that Ajit Pai swore was going to be improved, has not only failed to improve one iota, but has actually been getting worse.

1) Net neutrality wasn't repealed
2) We never had net neutrality to begin with

>citation needed
Tell me when T-Mobile and ATT stops its data throttling for streaming, or when ISPs stop throttling CDNs for Netflix and YouTube. As far as I know where I am in East Texas, ATT still has the same DSL as usual while Suddenlink still has its 1Gbps service with no future upgrades in sight. Did I mention you don't get unlimited data on ATT and that to get unlimited on Suddenlink you have to pay for the higher-tier speeds?

Because apocalypses are fun and certainly better than the boring standard life we have now. Why wouldn't you want any actual threats to fight against?

>You're not going to die because you don't access to the internet.
>can't see porn, new stuff about your waifu and can't talk about hobbies anymore
Speaking for yourself, I rather sleep in a cave with internet connection than a house without it.

>We're not getting fucked as consumers by giant corporations if they do it slow enough
>The worst case scenario didn't happen after a year, big business is our friend
>What do you mean opening the door?

Try applying for a job in-person these days.

People in the past did just fine without the internet. Stop being a baby and man up.

>He said as he only watched Fox News, Infowars, Breitbart, and listens to AM Radio; whose only form of Political Discussion is shitposting on /pol/

Yes and my past was fucking shit before I used the net. It was just me sitting around reading non-fiction books for five years straight until I completely lost myself into some chuuni delusion. I was way more creative and actually did things like drawing comics and making a shitty rpg maker game back then though, so there is that. Internet kills motivation.

Net Neutrality is a battle between 2 capitalist corporate, its just so happen that one of the other side were never viewed so favorably by public consumers.


There is a reason why a

What I don't understand is what did Net Neutrality even help with? You already pay up the ass, you are given a "boost" of speed for "streaming sites", and you aren't even getting the advertise speed. I would care if any of this supposed things that NN advertise to do actually happens but I guess it becomes a concern when other companies have to chip in to the cost.

>old good
>new bad

Attached: 1527144326885.png (636x700, 158K)

>old soul
>new souless

I'm a manager in a rapidly expanding novel retail industry, I'm earning more than most of my friends who went to college, except for the few who studied law, medicine or engineering. I applied in person, with zero retail experience, 4 years ago.

Nothing. It did absolutely nothing. Nothing has changed in any way and it's highly unlikely it ever will.

Ah i remember the hypocrisy NN threads on Yea Forums

>if you against NN you're a bootlicker
>if you're for NN you're a corporate shill
>no nigger, thats backwards

I am only against NN because all it did was create unnecessary paperwork for ISPs meaning small ISPs can never compete to larger ISPs like comcast because it how much money wasted to report to the FCC about their "transparency"

oh that must mean you weren't lucky and didn't find an exception and everyone else is wrong

>Implying Yea Forums didn't get into a frenzy leading to the current President of the United States being elected
>Forgetting about how everyone believed some literal who being QAnon
>Needless shitposting of Conservative Ideals despite being well known as a cesspool of Fags and Autists

The lack of self-awareness on this site make me wonder if NPCs have really flooded this site under a different wing.

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Can confirm, I live in Europe and many US news sites are blocked here entirely since GDPR. Who knows what more will be restricted after Article 13 goes into effect.

thats like that retarded argument, that just because snow exists, global warming is a hoax. just because not every telco has acted on their now increased set of anti-consumer measurements, doesnt mean it wont happen ever or the repeal was positive.

If the guy is homeless he needs to reevaluate his life before getting things like a phone.

>I live in Europe
nobody cares, eurotard

Remember when reddit Yea Forums said this will happened after NN repeal?

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Only r*dditors and corporate bootlickers got mad about this. Almost all the increased fees will go to companies like Netflix and Amazon.

Why bother when ISPs can charge you $80 for 10mbs down?

You do realize it is hard for small ISPs to compete with larger ones thanks to the Big Telecoms lobbying for regulations that make it hard for small ISPs to start up, alongside with Big ISPs making exclusivity contracts with Apartments, Municipalities, and other properties effectively locking them out of a market? And before you say anything about Net Neutrality, many Small ISPs had actually came out in support of it.

>Yea Forums helped trump get elected
If you actually believe this, then you're welcome. It's been pretty good do far, much better than a Clinton presidency. Plus the lefty salt mine delivers every day

Yeah he should just kill himself instead.

So call your boss every day and ask if he had any important information for you? Yeah, he’s gonna love that.

Except small ISPs actually supported NN so they can actually have a better chance of competing with the bigger ISPs.

The boss will just call you.

You do have a phone recorder, no?

The hysteria around it was completely manufactured, the Net Neutrality laws didn't actually do anything either way for consumers, they were essentially 300 pages of fluff designed to hide a single paragraph that stated ISP's couldn't charge Netflix and Google more than a certain amount for the bandwidth they used (which is/was at the time 60% of all the bandwidth used in the USA).
It was called "net neutrality" for the same reason the Patriot Act was called what it was - to make it sound nice so people would defend it even if they had no idea what it did.

>Despite falling into irrelevance, Clinton is brought up again while gleefully celebrating about Salt

Point proven.

thanks pajeet


Net Neutrality dickriders are so stupid.

We have to rise up with our friends Amazon, Google, and Facebook against those in power!

It's only a choice between the government controlling the internet (Pro NN) or Corporations (Anti NN). Both are shit outcomes. The fact everybody bent down and sucked corprocock so hard terrifies me though.

Surely these same small ISP know that the reason that those big ISP are where they are because of the same government in the first place, right?

I never cease to amaze me that the people of their own citizens hate the government yet expect said same government to fix itself.

well, when you live in the west and US/CAN/AUS, you live on easy mode, so where you can't find problems , you need to make them

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>Circa 2006

It's been a talking point for a long time user. It only became relevant now ever since large Telecoms such as Verizon and Comcast were caught throttling Streaming Services.

instead it was eurofaggots (who were ironically shilling for net neutrality) that ruined the internet with their shitty cookies disclaimer that now pops up in every single god damn web site. euro faggots are fucking cancer.

It's been a long time since this topic has came out and i'm not going to bother to redig resources since this is done and over with but basically from I understand back then FCC had rules there before obama signed it into law in 2014 so all you got was that unnecessary paperwork.

These threads make me wonder how many of you fags actually pay for your own internet.

>People who want NN also want to deplatform right wingers and drive them off the internet.
So much for "neutrality".

Except it hasn't been repealed for a full year, this "year after" is still with all of the old rules in place.

I want people to stop cherry picking data, and I want other idiots to actually learn how our govt works and stop listening to clickbait articles like this.

muh freeze peach

Article 13 will block Yea Forums and reddit. So the EU will have a forced culture.

Out of those, only was vocal Amazon in supporting NN considering that they own AWS; they wouldn't have to bend over AWS to the likes of ATT or Comcast. And how would the government mandating equal treatment of all internet traffic count as overzealous control anyway?

>I'm a flaming partisan hack

>J-just the tip, just to see how it feels, y-you might like it haha...

Actually trump was helped by another website that shall not be mentioned since you guys will spam the place again.

>government controlling the internet
The government is people. People deserve to control the internet because we subsidized the everliving fuck out of the entire infrastructure which allows it to exist. ISPs absolutely should not be allowed to do whatever the fuck they think is most profitable with "their" pipes because the pipes aren't fucking theirs to begin with.

>Zwally said he hoped his study wouldn't detract from other research highlighting the scope and dangers of climate change. "When our paper came out, I was very careful to emphasize that this is in no way contradictory to the findings of the IPCC report or conclusions that climate change is a serious problem that we need to do something about," he told Scientific American.

Kill yourself you worthless cunt

Yeah, because giving ISPs the finger and telling them to treat their consumers fairly and equally is really sucking corporate cock. The only faggots that wanted this are the major ISPs, those in the pocket of said ISPs, and partisan retards.

If you want neutrality where right-wingers have a platform, start with laws that allow Private Businesses to refuse service and censor discussion and then you wouldn't have to worry so much. Of course, Police forums would be raided by BLM trolls or that Christian Sculptors have make Baphomet Statues for Satanists but you're all for neutrality right?

wtf is that?

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>t.telecom cuck

i won't be happy until i get the 500gb internet speed i deserve

If you mean your home site then maybe you should go back there you dumb niggerfaggot

i see it's your first day here

Net neutrality has nothing to do with that. That said, deplatforming should make you responsible for 100% of the content you host since you are no longer pretending to be a platform.

Point proven. Stay salty you cucks.

>Implying Yea Forums didn't get into a frenzy leading to the current President of the United States being elected
>voting numbers still roughly the same despite polarizing candidates

I want this Yea Forums meming the trump to president to stop. they literally did nothing to influence it.

Attached: kek.png (1317x607, 430K)

>Russians swayed opinions
>This is bad
>Literally every country had their politicians bitching and whining on television
>This is Good

Fuck off. I wish the Net Neutrality Repeal was as harmful as every one cried about, then we might actually see something for once. But it's more of the same shit.
>X is going to be bad for everyone, end of the world.
>X happens.
>Nothing really changes
>Oh god the horror

This is literally every hot button issue of the last decade.

You've proven that you're a partisan retard, congratulations.

Not wanting to support your gay little Amazon sponsored resistance movement means nothing.

>mfw Finnish
>internet access is basic human right

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And Reddit had nothing to do with Bernie being relevant post-2016?

>actually acknowledging you're not from here in your own fucking post
Kek, redditfags are cancer.


How old is this image?

And you are not? Look in a mirror sometime. All i see is a salty libshit. All i want you to do is practice what you preach.


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Nobody wants to be the first to actually jew you.

Not even a liberal, but of course you would assume that.

I am still waiting for the Ozone to go away and we will all die from the sun. Black science man told on TV in 2001 that it will be gone by 2005.
2019 still waiting on it.

I haven't seen this in years and my eyes fucking zoned in on it instantly.

>Not even a liberal,
So why are you acting like on then? Don't say you are just pretending to be retarded.

>study by ookla/speedtest.net which has been compromised as a legitimate speed testing service for years ever since ISPs started fast tracking it to make themselves look better.

there's a reason people use fast.com now. because it's hosted by netflix and ISPs can't fast track it without fast tracking netflix. not coincidentally fast.com usually displays slower speeds than speedtest.net. very peculiar...

And not wanting to support your Murdoch funded Big Telecom defense initiative means nothing either when you're happy to be cuckolded by Large Telecoms.

More likely they'll all penetrate slowly. Not even the ISPs are retarded enough to go full ham with the jewery right off the bat.

Same, Comcast literally caps your data, but will allow their own content to bypass the cap. This is literally what net neutrality would stop. Net neutrality was never about the advertised speeds ISPs post. It’s about backend manipulation.

they're all already jewing you and will continue to jew you a little harder every day for as long as they can get away with it. they literally don't fucking care. they've had their noncompetitive monopolies established for years and trump sure isn't going to do anything about it.

>So why are you acting like on then?
Probably because you're the type to turn anyone who calls you a faggot into a liberal.

"Cable internet" has always been a false flag boogeyman by anti-NN ISP shills. It has never and will never make any business sense whatsoever for this kind of thing to happen. The problem is that it's the easiest and scariest example you can give to people who don't understand anything about how the internet works to convince them to support net neutrality, so it's next to impossible to get this image and concept out of their heads and get them to learn and give a shit about things that matter, like the fact that their taxpayer dollars subsidized the line they're paying an outrageous monthly rate to support and the ISP still has the audacity to try and exert control over it.

It's almost as if a ban on a certain substance has contributed to Ozone depletion being mitigated...

They already are and have no reason to avoid it since they all have effective regional monopolies.

You get a Terabyte cap. Just calm your 4k porn strraming.

>Is going the i was only pretending to be retarded route
Like pottery

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Gee, I wonder which "news" outlet would be compelled to lie about this. It's... almost as if there was some kind of agenda behind it... no. No, it's impossible. Beribart pushing a trumpanzee mouthbreather agenda based on nothing but lies and wishy thinking?

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