"Fuck you"

>"Fuck you"
>It's literally DmC2

O i m laffin

Attached: j1en4z7mc9311.png (924x1056, 1.27M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>made by the original devs
>attractive looking characters
>no excessive swearing
>actually good
fuck off op

Lol enjoy DmC2, the first one is pretty good. You should play it since you're settling for this game. You even get to do the same Vergil boss fight in DmC5 that you get in DmC1.


"Fuck you" - Nero (2019)

both characters have short hair wow whats it like being retarded?
nice bait 4/10

Attached: 1547443861261.jpg (1119x1917, 366K)

Dante in DmC is attractive too

As long as Nero gets SFM porn like Donte all will be good.

>the first one is pretty good
so it was a bait thread after all huh

I don't know shit about DmC but didn't the creator say he actually liked the new one that everyone hates?

>pointless swearing back and forth versus being angry at the asshole father that was never around and caused a 2nd city destroying tower

he looks like a drug addict

>It's not about the hair! - DmC fanbase when NT game was announced


GG Strelok

He is one

Yeah, he said it was the best in the series. That's why every game going forward will copy it.

No he didn't, Barry.

Yeah, he said "I would also like to state that Capcom's DmC™: Devil May Cry™ is definitely worth paying us money for, please go out and buy it now that we're actually giving you what you want"

>saying fuck you to the slurm queen randomly


>saying fuck you to the father that was never around, never cared, and now seemingly wants to kill you, all the while fucking up the world with a giant demon tree.

Attached: 1497052536466.png (671x519, 146K)

Yes he did, Dave.


Attached: 67E2E27E-CFC1-4C75-8CC6-75D44B66E467.jpg (678x427, 51K)

>It's ok when Japan does it.

Attached: 07f2c263aeb47066edaf5911444ee414.jpg (736x1106, 89K)

Every DMC5 decrier is just a butthurt DmC fan who is eternally mad that the game bombed and is trying to reverse the public's opinion of it

Yeah, DmC5 “fuck you” is shakesperean

My sides, the apologists are jumping through some hoops to defend this one

Why is Heath Ledger dressed as Vergil?

Nero swore in DMC4 as well.
When using buster on Sanctus for example.
Your point? It’s not anywhere as excessive as DmC


t. you

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Yeah, it is.

>trying to pretend that DmC's "Fuck you! Fuck you! FUUUUUUUUCK YOOOUUUU" is the same as Nero going "FUCK YOU DAD"

And you had a problem with it in DmC.

Lmao and you're buying it too with it's DmC style writing. Let me dab on you, homie


Heath Ledger wasn’t that chubby, as far as I remember.

Allow me friend.

Attached: 1521149647134.png (400x225, 40K)

What part of
>It’s not anywhere as excessive as DmC
did you have trouble understanding you mongoloid?

>I-i-it's okay when Japan does it

Attached: devil-may-cry-5-trish-02.jpg (740x572, 40K)

"Fuck you" - nero (2019)

Enjoy DmC 2 bro LMFAO


It's literally okay here though, because that line in 5 is emotionally driven and a complete outburst of pent of mixed emotions all at once. Whereas in DmC it's just "le ebin fuck you hehe i said the fuck word"


>Dante swearing is out of character and is a big fuck up on the character
>Nero swearing is part of his character from the get go so it was okay
How hard is it for you to understand?

Can anyone link me the fireden thread with the Voregil reveal?

Donte's personality was always just a crappier version of Nero, which is impressive because Nero sucks in 4.
Even with Nero telling his dad to fuck off his personality looks to be much better in 5.

Yeah because the DmC series was known for it's deep story LMAO

If you buy DmC5 then you also support DmC. Prove me wrong.

Is there are real differences between Donte and his blue jacket clone? Donte 2.0 just seems marginally less edgy.

Does that change anything about the games? Is me playing DMC 5 (I'm pirating because fuck capcom) gonna make DmC magically come back?

First you can start with not using a little m for DMC5 because that's only in the reboot and is outing you as baitfag
Second, Ninja theory isn't part if this game, so how are you supporting DmC if they have nothing to do with DMC5?

It came come back because it never went away, they just changed the name to DmC5 to trick the old fans into buying it and it's working.

>DmC series
DmC apologists are literally that retarded

But it is DmC 5, they scrapped the old formula and adapted the new game instead.

Why is Nuro so hot?

Again, what does that change? If the game ends up being fun like DmC, what does it fucking matter?

You know what I'm just gonna say it. I'm gonna play it anyway and I'm going to like it. And you know what else? I played the DMC: definitive edition, and had fun with it. Fuck both sides here you can't tell me what to do.

Attached: Gonna have to stop you there.png (446x435, 74K)

You'Re my prom date you ugly sack of shit

Attached: Donte.jpg (677x677, 94K)

>when the shitty game has a better looking version of Vergil than the better game

I don’t know how to feel about this

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How do you unlock Nuros black hair?

This is actually pathetic.

Enjoy yourself user, just remember to not give Capcom your shekels

>they scrapped the old formula
Can you point out the game mechanic you are speaking of please

>March 2019
>Using June 2018 bait

Attached: 902.jpg (600x484, 31K)

I don't understand the logic behind this but I am absolutely living the clusterfuck of DmC apologists trying to prove it's not completely dead

Nero is a cocky shit, Donte is just an asshole edgelord.

Whoopsie doodles

Attached: Based and capcompilled.png (1148x239, 54K)

Yeah I know, it's pathetic they adapted their writing style but what can you do?

Yeah, it's called the characters and story writing, they just gave it the old DmC characters skins.

>Losers that kept saying DMC5 would never happen are now so assmad that they have to try and talk shit about it
>"I-it's literally DmC2 bro. L-lmao have fun w-with your shitty hack 'n slash! F-FUCK YOU haha"
I didn't know it was possible to feel this smug.

Attached: crewcut.jpg (604x540, 70K)

But it's from the new video?

That's it?
So the gameplay is the same as the old games? Sounds fucking good to me

Nero is basically supposed to be a cocky annoying shit from the get go
He's what Dante was at the start of DMC3 but less likable
That was his character from the start
Donte was supposed to be a likable character, while being even more of a childish, annoying, bratty cunt than Nero

>having to fight Vergil after besting the demon king
I was more hype to fight Urizen. Who gives a shit if he's Nero's dad/Dante's brother if he appears after the actual bad guy has been defeated?

>not a cocky shit

>being a pre-order cück

V is also Vergil and when he's back to normal he takes responsibility to fix the mess

Cuck isn't censored Im pretty sure.

So there's no actual main villain and the story was just bullshit? Got it

I used to laugh at DmCfags, but their game seriously has a better character design than 5.

Yeah, it's not being a rip-off of the original
Donte is just western Nero with Dante's name

Did someone not play DMC4 where he swears the whole game? Nero was unironically the original "we want to appeal to the younger audience" character which is why he's cocky and swears a lot, which makes Donte even more unnecessary.

Do we even know that Urizen died at this point?

Literally what happened in DmC but with even less significance, fucking kek

People like you are the reason I take screens of receipts, stay unbased and cucked

Not with this shit rag of a coat

Attached: DMC-Devil-May-Cry-Jacket-Coat.jpg (600x800, 87K)

The "literally DmC" meme has been a thing since the reveal of the game though, same with the pic

Dmc3 is like DmC then...

>me getting ready to beat up the meanies talking about vergil (my vergil cosplay)

Attached: 1536979886338.jpg (1024x768, 79K)

>Yo Lil Donnie! I just shit my pants! What are you gonna do about it, Donnie dum-dum?!
This is you, user.

Oh what's thats? The mail man just brought me my copy of DMCV to my door step on release day and I didn't have to go anywhere? I'm sorry poor people don't know what this feels like.
>It's ruining the game industry!!!
Preorders have existed for almost two fucking decades now, are you going to be so much of a hipster as to imply nothing good has come out in two decades?

If you can't see the difference you're either retarded or one of the developers/games journalists that thought it was just about the hair.

Look at all this shit ain't no one gonna read. This dude legit seething on me

So what are you gonna do about it? Reply more about how I'm wrong and you're right? Is it going to go on for a few hours without either of us realizing how much time has passed?


I think this is just as bad as the DMC one.
Its literally FUCK YOU YOU ARE NOT MY DAD :(( mid 2000s emo shit im surprised he doesn't just go and cut himself after it.
I dont care tho DMC was always fucking retarded I only care about the gameplay.

God i can smell the essays coming.

look at dis dood

The absolute meltdown is fucking hilarious


Oh whats that? I spent 60 dollars on a potentialy uncomplete or terrible game because I couldn't wait 1 day for feedback?
Whats wrong with that haha

>Not having 60$ to blow
Maybe you should go for that mcmanagers position user?

based haha poster

Attached: 1527258406234.jpg (680x369, 56K)

>uncomplete or terrible game
But the game is complete and people already played the demo and liked it....

What does literally any of that have to do with you?
Just laugh at me if the game turns out to be shit.
Pretending you're crusading as some super consumer champion is fucking retarded and sperging out over PO receipts is fucking autistic.

is there a dante vs vergil fight video floating around yet?

what are the chances of DMC5 having a boss even more cancerous than Arkham?

Attached: 1359272382183.png (350x339, 48K)

Oh it comes with turbo mode and all the DLC characters and day one DLC extras like the music you have to buy? That's good to know, thanks.

He's trying to make a stand because Jim Sterling told him to

Attached: It aint easy bein greasy.jpg (1024x576, 63K)

>What does literally any of that have to do with you?
Its all your fault you know.

Is there Gilgamesh footage over 2 seconds long? I have a feeling he's this game's "that boss".

>It's not complete!
>Lists non essential things that have 0 impact on game completion
Are you one of those retards that think a minor glitch is a game breaking bug too?

>implying there is a single reason to preorder

Stay assblasted user. pic related is literally you right now

Attached: 1540866151655.png (888x1141, 472K)

Turbo mode is a hardware problem that we can talk about when the ga.e is out on PC, as for the DLC characters they don't exist at least not yet, the day one slc is just meme arms that don't really help, and why would you want old music in your new game? That's like asking for DMC3 to have DMC 1 and 2 music in it

I don't know why people post this meme when it literally is always unironically true.

>He's STILL mad people has money and he doesn't.
You're not a champion of the industry, you're acting like a fucking child.
You're literally the opposite of people that reeeeee about piracy, and not in a good way, retard.

Attached: 1522109844120.png (137x150, 45K)

>extra characters are not essential in a game all about mastering different character movesets
Based DMC fanboys defending the same shitty market practices they hate on in other threads

Enjoy buying your devil busters, fags

Good thing my money can remedy this problem..
You DO have money right? Haha.

Attached: 1547823533246.jpg (480x360, 34K)

>literally unironically
reddit and discord dmcuck tourists, please leave


Attached: 1527282389748.jpg (1280x720, 40K)

>I can pay for it now and forget about it later
>can cancel at any time
>If you're a mega poorfag you can make payments if it's hard for you to swing 60$ at once flipping burgers
>Through Amazon, Target, Walmart, Bestbuy, etcI can have it delivered to my door, literally waiting for me in the morning instead of having to go to GameShit or any place where I have to interact with the public
I'm not seeing any cons other than potentially getting a bad game, but early copies have been released by now and a demo has as well, if I get cold feet I can pull out at any time.

Yeah I've got money, I'm just not a thirsty idiot. Remember to buy the $8000 jacket too! You do have the money, right?

make me faggot

Attached: 1428985775142.gif (180x280, 246K)

>clothes analogy
Back to /fa/ user.

>I'm not seeing any cons other than potentially getting a bad game
Is that not enough for you?

The game already has 3 playable characters, any more of them are sure as fuck non essential, no matter how much you like Vergil

DmC is made by a different studio completely, won't even be similar in any aspect.. The shitposting you must have to do to compare DmC to DMC5 is staggering. I truly feel your burden bud.

>Yeah I've got money

Attached: Snowy_Owl_Nyctea_scandiaca_006-by_John_White-m.jpg (680x468, 27K)

Why do you guys keep responding shitposters ? This is obvious fucking bait, get the fuck out of here.

>I'm not seeing any cons other than potentially getting a bad game
I'm not that user you're replying to, but you're a legit fucking mong. SSS tier retard

I've been buying games for over a decade user, if I get a lemon, it's my problem, fortunately for me I'm aware of what I like and I don't sling money out to every single AAA release that comes out, just shit I'm interested in.
Sorry if you're getting Brink and Spore flashbacks because you fell for hype.

Attached: 1543650620844.jpg (416x454, 16K)

>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

Attached: dante embarrassing.jpg (294x294, 22K)


There is literally an $8000 jacket version but it's good value because it comes with a free game, you save around $60!

>tfw i bait the shitposters with worst posts
>they dont bite
How do they know every single time?

He's talking about the actual 8K edition of the game, smooth-brain

If I feel iffy about a game I don't pre order. If it's something I know I'll enjoy I do. I've played the demo and enjoyed it. You seem very upset by this user

>I've been buying games for over a decade user
Arguing with an actual child here. That makes me the idiot

Any mention of money triggers the poorfag

Attached: 1528807053560.jpg (300x265, 14K)

Sorry I was wrong guys. Hopefully I didn't ruin your mojo or anything. Continue on.

Attached: 1539786466669.jpg (1740x1248, 690K)

I mean, it was an expensive jacket to make

Guys what do I have to lose if I buy the game on PS4 and then pirate it on PC when I can eventually afford a good rig?

Damn, people buy games at 7?
I personally started actually buying games at 17 when I got a job.
Then again I'm conversing with a poorfag, so it goes in consideration you might actually be fucking brain dead and have no arguments

I am because preorders with patch culture let the dev release the game in suboptimal condition because they already made a billion before the game is already out so they dont really have to care about day 1 reviews.
If console let you refund games this wouldn't be a problem but until then even trash can make money this way.

Seethe more faggot

Attached: Capture.png (777x366, 387K)

I'm another user, I just pilled on because you've said some remarkable dumb shit and lo and behold, you're an actual underage child. At this point, there's no reason for anyone to engage you further

>Kyrie makes a pizza for dinner
>Vergil asks for Dante's slice
>get in a fight to "death" again between brothers
Being Nero must be suffering now

>I'm the bigger man he says as he walks away crying

>taking screenshots of pre-orders
>seethe meme
I'd normally tell you to cope, but that's obviously beyond your means

This desu. Other dude is a dummy that doesn't even deserve a (You).

Okay dude

>attractive looking characters

Attached: 1452832705581.jpg (600x417, 39K)

>WHAT THE FUCK he said fuck you that is so out of character we need to boycott the game Yea Forumsros rise up!
>AHAHAHAH he said fuck you this is so epic bros this game will be great!
DMCfags, not even once.

This thread is just sad. Really, really sad

Attached: Nobody.jpg (500x498, 59K)

>Vergil wins cause he’s way too motivated to eat, considering the size of the lad now

>One is an incorrect depiction of Dante
>The other is a correct depiction of Nero

Attached: 1544626310623.jpg (926x960, 114K)

You guys don't understand. It's supposed to be bad, it's intentional !!! You boomers will never get it.

Attached: ce.png (259x195, 8K)

Vergil was always the antagonist of the story and the Main villain
Arkham was using him, sure, but Vergil being the Main boss made Perfect sense and it was narratively the best Way to finish the story
DmC Vergil was just a final boss because Tameem is a fucking retard and They had to push it because They didn't actually know what the fuck They were doing. It made no sense for Dante and Vergil to fight each other in DmC since it was basically
>NOW WE can rule the World and protect the humans
>What the fuck dude
>I thought that was obvious
>Guess you are evil now or something So we have to fight
>K then fuck you

>that slice
>give that to me

Attached: 1541589381664.jpg (1366x2062, 239K)

Are you implying Nero didn't have the right to go "fuck you dad" when every thing bad that has happened in his life was literally because Vergil was his father?

Still makes more sense than the DmC ending and would be actually amazing if this was the reason for a Dante vs Vergil fight in the game

I am implying he is a big doo doo poopy head who goes whaa whaa

Attached: 4chan statistic by hiro for advertisers.png (373x165, 13K)

Well, I mean, that was his character in 4, So it seems correct

i haven’t been on here in a while what’s with all the toxicity in these threads now I remember when the DMC threads were super comfy

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>attractive looking characters
Well, I like Itsuno but this is clearly wrong. Also, realism and anime clash horribly in DMCV.

New leak means new shitposts.

DmC apologists think that Nero saying Fuck You to Vergil means DmC is somehow good now and not a complete trash fire
Just read the thread, they make absolutely no sense at all

I can't wait for this turd been released so they can start focusing 100% in a good game.

Attached: scHiXKzFVWRIUWU-800x450-noPad.jpg (800x450, 118K)

So is any thread that tries to shit on DMC just immediately converted into a DMC general?

Attached: DEVIL-TRIGGER.jpg (457x600, 121K)

wrong game user. pic related is what theyre making next

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I am playing the first one for the first time and its SO FUCKING GOOD
And I almost shit my pants when I learned that in this game gender actually matters and some enemies target womans first.
I never ever seen that in any game before.

>it's cuz uhh.. cuz Nero has le short hair DX
Oh great.

>le short hair
Is that what pony-tail users say about us?

It's because he looks like Dante and literally says Fuck you in DmC5.


does he call someone a ugly sack of shit?

This is unironically the best reply in the entire thread. I love you user. Never stop.

Yeah, your mum.

>they da same cuz they got dat short hair n shit
Oh goodie.

My mom ain't a day over 12 thousand

I'll give it up. That was pretty funny.

>caring about the writing in a dmc game

>Genuinely liked DmC and even said he wanted a sequel for it;
>Went from an anime-style look to an overly photorealistic look with insane focus on photoscanning that don't really fit the tone and the characters of the series;
>Fills the game with "illusory depth" systems in order to lead fans into thinking that the game is actually deeper than it truly is;
>Praised as the series' saviour when in reality he barely knows what's the real appeal of it;
>One of the producers who follows him all the time, Matt Walker, used to work on the Inafune's Globalization Department that led to the outsourcing of many of their IPs, including Devil May Cry;
>Will always be remembered for being a leech that made his fortune out of working on a game created by a far more talented director

Attached: the false shepherd.jpg (387x550, 81K)

Who's Comstock in this context?

Game journalists were right

The fans' only problem was that he didn't have white hair

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t. Hayden Dingbat

Chad is in black now

Attached: Screenshot_20190303-044817.png (1920x1080, 1.66M)

Wait a minute that shitpost

Dante could be smoking in 6 and you guys would be fine with that too

This. Why can't they go back to Nero's old design with the brown hair. He looked way better then than this nu-Dante crap.

>Nero is the same character as Dante

he’a shouting fuck yous mid fight

>cry about cussing in a DMC game back when the game was released
>"Uhhhh it wasn't about cussing, it was about Dante cussing! honest!"
Hey newfriend

Pretty much. They don't actually value the actual game's qualities. They thought "Itsuno is back! That means no more NT DmC crap!" even though Itsuno himself was part of the gears that created that game.

>no Alastor in 5 because he's too busy in VJ3

flock off

>Genuinely liked DmC and even said he wanted a sequel for it;
You know who else liked DmC? Kamiya This is a nonargument.
>Went from an anime-style look to an overly photorealistic look with insane focus on photoscanning that don't really fit the tone and the characters of the series;
If it retained the anime artstyle, Yea Forumsermin would have shitposted about it being "weebshit," so who the hell cares.
>Fills the game with "illusory depth" systems in order to lead fans into thinking that the game is actually deeper than it truly is;
The game is no different than DMC3 or 4 but with QoL improvements. Nero having more options, and Dante being able to equip as many or as little weapons as possible are good things.
>Praised as the series' saviour when in reality he barely knows what's the real appeal of it
DMC has alaways been about its arcadey-like structure that encourages replay and aiming for high scores. That's the intent that Kamiya, and it hasn't changed since Itsuno took over.
>One of the producers who follows him all the time, Matt Walker, used to work on the Inafune's Globalization Department that led to the outsourcing of many of their IPs, including Devil May Cry;
And now DMC5 is an inhouse game, and Matt isn't insulting fans like Tameem did.
>Will always be remembered for being a leech that made his fortune out of working on a game created by a far more talented director
Both Itsuno and Kamiya have impressive resumes. If anything, Capcom should get Itsuno to work on their fighting games.

How do we go from this...

Attached: adc78bae69f7510069bb82008b7d02e8.jpg (400x600, 47K)

... to this?

Attached: DMCV.jpg (1280x720, 328K)

I can't tell if you are actually missing the point or just this mad about 5 you are pretending to. Nero was always far more of a punk then Dante and even then he's nowhere near as foul mouthed as Donte.

Attached: 1551585286653.png (378x365, 141K)

Do you fucking retards not pay attention to anything? Or did you only play DmC and think you have the right to Say anything about the series or it's direction

Spending 5 years plowing his waifu.

He hasn't played anything and just wants to shitpost about a new release.

yfw he won in the end

Attached: 694940074001_5386420465001_5385370785001-vs.jpg (610x343, 21K)

Ok guys, jokes aside. How do we fix Lady?

Attached: челюсти2.png (1476x1684, 2.17M)

>attractive looking characters
I'm getting serious Tales of Hearts vibes from this game. Everyone looks like an ugly, old cosplayer.

Attached: hWF9J.gif (494x349, 142K)

>>attractive looking characters

>less than a week to go
>just bought the HD Collection to get another go on 1 and 3
It's really cheap on Voidu at the moment if anyone wanted it. There's a 25% off code you can use too to get it for like £11 or whatever

Attached: 1544247217971.gif (344x270, 879K)

>>attractive looking characters

Attached: 1355933190726.jpg (266x279, 25K)

>Stop watching anime
>Get laid
>Grow a chad jaw

>Uhhhh it wasn't about cussing, it was about Dante cussing! honest!

Yeah. Way to out yourself


They can still be comfy, but the DmCfags, e-celeb dick riders and XV-kun are trying to shit on the game, with XV-kun also trying to turn the dmcfags and KHfags against each other.

Attached: Nuro.jpg (217x320, 10K)


Attached: C9877C91-8110-43A9-A840-276A8D4447B6.jpg (1953x1123, 821K)

Well, first, you need to fix your perception of reality. Women have jaws, not your 2D waifu that you fap to every night. Half the femael celebrities with "feminine" jawlines had a bunch of plastic surgery to get that look. Basically, stop falling for Jewish lies.

By marrying her

How? Nero hasn't blown open a women's womb yet.

seething. Don't be mad at me for being right while you are wrong.

I don't know what the big deal is. I like the franchise but DMC3 in particular is one of the most cringeworthy games I've played. Every cutscene is agony to sit through.

>Yea Forums now praises DmC and hates actual DMC games
Fuck this contrarian shithole.

>If it retained the anime artstyle, Yea Forumsermin would have shitposted about it being "weebshit," so who the hell cares.
That's something someone who has to deal with the drastic change in art direction after DMC4's would say in order to eat this shit up. Because there is no way in Hell someone who liked 3 and 4 in terms of general visual would also like the far more photorealistic look they went with this game due to the RE Engine.

>The game is no different than DMC3 or 4 but with QoL improvements. Nero having more options, and Dante being able to equip as many or as little weapons as possible are good things.
If you give the game more options but these options aren't properly tuned they'll feel like you're just overdesigning the game by adding filler moves while in reality only a few of them actually matter. Which is why the approach from the DMC community with JCs and more demanding tech doesn't actually reward you with much style points while just doing Break Age with Overture and blasting the enemy with the bomb in it when he's close to a group of enemies does. Depth isn't actually well-designed and fitting within the game's rewards, because they ultimately designed the game around far less than that, hence why this depth is illusory.

>and Matt isn't insulting fans like Tameem did.
Yes, despite the clear approaches at taking hints with that series. Models and photoscanning done in London, general art direction of the Red Grave City inspired by the look of an UK city, some other hints taken from that game.

>But Kamiya
Even Kamiya called out the change in art direction with that infamous Tweet he made, but people were too fucking dumb to properly grasp what he meant. He was pretty much hinting at the change in art direction DMC5 was going to show, which didn't really make people because I guess the DMC community isn't very bright and just needs to be shown the "Hideaki Itsuno"'s name to be excited like a dumb Nintentoddler Wojak getting a new Switch.

Attached: space patrol luluco worried.gif (378x386, 392K)

Yeah, here's your (You).

Attached: 1551409942472.jpg (720x817, 58K)

>bringing up nintendo for no reason


Attached: 1551597792446.png (1280x720, 966K)

> Calling absolutely real women 2D or photoshopped, because they are beautiful
Amerimutts? Are your women really THAT bad?

Attached: ла креатура.png (1600x960, 632K)

Based my fellow Snoybro, can't wait to play the last of us 2 with its diverse cast of characters, wifey will also be having company that night so I can play all night!

Thanks. I deserve it for being a learned and factual man.

>nincelniggers are still seething because they're stuck with Bayo 3 abandonware instead of based DMCV


Your lack of an argument is as amusing as this whole shitshow. The DMC fanbase is slowly turning out to be the SF fanbase.

It's just a last-gasp attempt from pathetic DmCucks before 5 gets released and their shitty little game fades into irrelevance forever.

It's just one shitposter calling it DmC5 just because Nero swears. Nevermind the fact that Donte is pretty unlikeable outside of memes. Remember how Donte told Mandus how great it was to see his unborn child get blown into chunks by Vorgil?

> How do we fix Lady?
Stop giving her hormones and transition will go backwards, I guess

Attached: тинчин6.jpg (500x406, 65K)


I never said photoshopped, I said they got plastic surgery. Learn to read, idiot.

I was sorta okay with DmC:DE. It's a 6/10 game worth $20

>Go back and fight Motivation Man 3 on Very Hard
>This difficulty
>This atmosphere and buildup
>This OST
>This fucking SPEED
I'm worried bros. Will the final boss of 5 hold a candle to this masterpiece in terms of gameplay? Sanctus was a fucking wet fart compared to this.
Actually, most final bosses are pushovers compared to Vergil 3. I hope they manage to make something that's at least close in 5.

Attached: Local man is getting motivated.gif (407x312, 3.22M)

>It's just one guy!
Where did I hear that before?

Attached: sfv.jpg (800x800, 97K)

True. Only a true intellectual can enjoy DmC's shakespearian writing.

>expecting arabs to have reading comprehension

Some bad shit gets revealed and then all of a sudden the shitposters and now winning and DMCUcks are going full on damage control mode, like when microtransactions were announced. This fandom is fickle and fake as shit

Shut it down, goys shouldn't know!

Attached: жид недоволен 2.png (183x232, 19K)

>Because there is no way in Hell someone who liked 3 and 4 in terms of general visual would also like the far more photorealistic look they went with this game
I do though.

If you think DmC's writing wasn't entertaining, you are wrong by default.

>Yes, despite the clear approaches at taking hints with that series. Models and photoscanning done in London, general art direction of the Red Grave City inspired by the look of an UK city, some other hints taken from that game.
What does this have to do with Tameem insulting fans?

It's not even fun to laugh at how terrible it is, the writing was just embarrassing.

Guys do you think they'll keep the quad jump?

>jump - taunt - air hike - taunt

you can even rev the red queen

I laughed at how shitty it is, so I guess I got some enjoyment out of it.

And by copy you mean replicate the things he added to make the game good in the Special Edition.

Lol at these kids who were too young to play DMC4 when it was new and don't know shit about Nero.

Anyway it means that your women so ugly, that you unironically can't believe woman can be beautiful without surgery, my fellow amerimutts

>donte with white hair
>original dmc fans - it's perfect.jpg

You probably have no soul.

Yeah, that's the idea.


>attractive looking characters

why would i need to cope? im getting the game, mean while you shitpost on a chinese basket forum because you're too dumb to enjoy anything

There can't even be women without surgery in America.

>you're too dumb to enjoy eating shit

Look at that quads

Attached: 1551601408943m.jpg (1024x576, 60K)

lmao more like too dumb to learn the game and git gud enough to enjoy it.

This was obvious from the reveal trailer. Whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you.

The game really is DmC2 though. Proof dump incoming.

Attached: 1537976585616.jpg (879x945, 118K)

>Th-this..is my last..request

Attached: 1551420822444.png (520x549, 225K)

Attached: 1543945036000.png (630x704, 618K)

just use gerbera arm between those and you’ll never fall again.

Heh, and people used to complain air time in DmC was too easy, oh boy, they really fucked up with 5 huh

sure bruh

DmC 2 is too difficult to play.

Attached: 1537977570556.jpg (787x754, 133K)

show me a better looking giga chad

Attached: 1534161073569.png (854x443, 162K)

Attached: 1535548142092.jpg (944x890, 137K)

>muh realism


that's a fat retarded western gamer alright

hope this does well so Itsuno can make DD2.

Attached: cat thumbs up sunglasses.jpg (432x444, 196K)

what about tyrannosaur vorgil tho

Attached: 1544465501468.png (1003x908, 788K)

>moving goal post

>Kirk "The devs told me to fuck off so i chose to leave the conversation out' Mckeand
lmao the state of DmC fags

>moving the goal post

not really

realism is always ugly as shit

Attached: 1534770053294.gif (100x100, 23K)

>we have to stop fighting a cool, interesting new demon to fight vergil instead
>final boss is fighting vergil over pizza
Who honestly gives a shit about fighting him of the actual villain is already defeated and the day is savee?

DmC was a fucking reboot you retarded niggers.

Enjoy DmC2.

Attached: 1551577285348.png (650x650, 20K)

>tfw liked both DmC and DMC

Attached: 1541400188672.jpg (395x513, 24K)

Wait, the game's out? Or some new leaks out?

That's why everyone called him Dante in name only retard

Most did.

>there is no way in Hell someone who liked 3 and 4 in terms of general visual would also like the far more photorealistic look they went with this game due to the RE Engine.
Categorically wrong. I like it.

>this depth is illusory
Mastering jump cancelling makes DMC games miles easier and more fun. Whether your mastery is rewarded by an ephemeral scoring system is more or less irrelevant.

>Models and photoscanning done in London, general art direction of the Red Grave City inspired by the look of an UK city
That's your point? Really now? Wow, definitely DmC2 right there.

Pretty sexist to assume all women are born as ugly freaks and only plastic surgery can make them look good.

Imagine being a DMCuck and reading that.

nice revisionism. it was trashed by Yea Forums on release. Only cuckold critics and normalfags liked it.

I don't think you understand what the word 'depth' means if you think it has to be tied to an incentive.

>DmC ruining existing characters is fine retards
>DMC5 using existing characters properly is not fine retards
Okay retard.

>getting lectured on old Yea Forums by tourist redditor
That's not happening.


Attached: Ледибрендон.png (746x776, 651K)

He even has the lil zoomie haircut

Why is there so much shitposting?

>swearing once is the same as everything in DmC

imagine coping this hard

Attached: a well mannered wall expressing it's opinion towards donte.gif (470x264, 1.99M)

oh wow Yea Forums hated a game while the rest of the world liked it haha wow Yea Forums is so hardcore and contrarian

It's a reboot. The characters never existed.

Cope more weeb


>beat the game
>'oh yeah now fight vergil over doritos or something'
What a great ending worth 11 years for

it's called newfag dumb redditor and lying won't help your case

Attached: dmc.png (975x371, 69K)

Still prettier than 5

Yea Forums is dumber than normalfags. Normies destroy Yea Forums at all games besides being the biggest findom cuck for gacha games.

I understand that the only way you can ever pretend DmC is worth a shit is by pretending the rest of the series never existed, but that's not how anything works.

You sound like a fag
DMC4's visuals were trash and it's art direction lacked the atmosphere of previous games even DMC3 had better atmosphere, DMC5 seems to bring the dark gloomy art direction and atmosphere back so it's good by me and is far better than what 4 was
And DMC5 being set in bootleg London means Jack shit of pandering to Ninja Theory, it was all because Itsubo recognized how there is both Gothic-like architecture while still being modern which fits DMC perfectly

>>>>>>>>>>>>>attractive looking characters

>knowing the term newfag means i'm legit
I can see your fucking fanny pack and cargo shorts, nigga

>its just DMC4SE Vergil as a boss
Yup that sure was worth a year and a half of hype to have the game end with fucking nothing and a copypaste.

My dick.

>pretending the rest of the series never existed, but that's not how anything works.
That's exactly how reboots work, retard. It's not a remake.

Attached: 1ewdzs.jpg (399x385, 44K)

To think.....that DMC5 would make DMC look better, rather than shittin on it.
I feel like fucking obiwan with "you were supposed to restore the game not destroy it, bring back all that made it good not shit on it"

And the original series didn't stop existing to remove the comparison. To this very day, you can still compare DmC to DMC and see how DmC is inferior in all ways. But you can keep seething because no one gives a shit about your unbooted game.

Tell me, is this shitposting to grief the original fans, or are you an actual shill with a script?
I need to know if you are just mentally damaged, or literally have no soul.

Im a faggot who played none of them games, why do people hate DMC2? What's wrong with it?

Also which one is the best one to start with? People keep saying 3 is good, is it a good point to start?

Attached: 1534657270855.jpg (903x1213, 127K)

Then stop comparing completely unrelated games

Who gives a shit about how he looks, he's literally a copypaste from DMC4SE with only the same moves and we're fighting him for no fucking reason. Imagine being such a cuck you're excited to fight a copypaste and to fight a literal fucking nobody involved with no part of the game besides taking Nero's arm at the start.

Fucking retarded.

This but Unironically

DmC and DMC are not the same thing

They are now, sweetie.

Attached: 4cf2dd877d2fb430ac44b8da5385946bc156a22c1d91af0247eda87c88cfa36b.gif (250x200, 970K)

Then can you give an explaination for the sudden rise of DmC comparisons?

For real, why do we have people here claiming that this is not the case, why is there so much damage control on capcom games right now?
When will these shills leave?

The director of the game himself said that he wants V to be as much like DmC as possible, so he essentially made a DmC spiritual successor out of it. His own words.

Just play in release order, you can skip 2 if you can't stomach it

>Who gives a shit about how he looks,
The original fans do. Obviously you have a hard time grasping that.

Make a DMC: Something Something if you wanna make a Nero game, mainline is Dante’s story and Dante gameplay. Now we have seen the mission list and you get to play Dante for a total of 8 missions only, wew. Mission 19 is his last one, the game ends in a cliffhanger with Dante and Vergil killing demons in hell during credits (what everyone would like to be a full blown mission).


Have fun with Sonic the Hedgehog fat Vergil, I’m out, DMC died with 3.

Attached: 1551618667927.jpg (2896x2896, 916K)

>Inb4 your mother's gaping vagina

>The director of the game himself said that he wants V to be as much like DmC as possible
No he didn't. That's not at all what he said. He said that he learned a lot from DmC, and even gave examples of what they learned from the game, such as the style meter, the announcer, the slowmo on kills, etc. In other words, absolutely nothing to do with how the game plays or is designed.

What the director says is contradictory to what has been shown of the game so far.

>nero never used bad words!

so how long will we have to wait for the super ultra edition with playable Trish, Lady and Vergil

>claiming that this is not the case
Because I have yet to see a valid reason for the comparison to be true. The director's word and superficial visual similarities are dogshit reasons.

You might be a brainlet.

Don't reply to discord trannies.

>Then can you give an explaination for the sudden rise of DmC comparisons?
Besides people seeing the comparisons?
Besides people who played the originals obliviously seeing it's off and not like the original
Besides people who played DMC seeing it's similar?
Besides the developer saying that stuff?

Look man, I was really excited for DMC5, not DonteMayCry2.
Do you understand my grief?

Have a (You)

Was this supposed to sound bad? Cause that ending is actually kinda fitting for them

Already posted in the thread, denialfag.

>Hideaki Itsuno spoke with vg247.com about his desire to make DmC2 instead of DMC5, right after DmC ended production:
>“I really wanted to make a DmC: Devil May Cry 2, after the first one,” Itsuno told VG247 at the Tokyo Game Show. “I was really pumped up to do it, and then that didn’t happen.
>It was very upsetting. So… when it came time to make a new game, we said, alright, let’s make Devil May Cry 5.

>We learned so much from Ninja Theory and DmC. That was a collaboration between Capcom and Ninja Theory. I went to Cambridge once every couple of months to work those guys. So we learned a lot of from them, and you want to talk about stylish… Ninja Theory, those guys are style incarnate, man. What they did with DmC, that art style, those animations, that is real style, y’know? So we took a lot of what we learned from that.
>Like you said it’s been 10 years since DMC 4, and there’s a couple of reasons that I wanted to do a sequel. The first was, I thought, “Okay, there’s actually a couple of new things that I want to do now,” after it had been seven years or so, and I said, ‘All right, I want to see what we can do.’ So that was kind of the first reason to get everything started.
>DmC is one of my favorite DMC games, if not my favorite. And we wanted to make the game in a way that people who enjoyed that game will enjoy the way it controls just as much as they enjoyed DmC.

He's saying Rock You in that. The only time her curses in 4 is when he says he's done with Sanctus's bullshit.

>Because I have yet to see a valid reason for the comparison to be true.
>I will ignore all brought up reasons and comparisons, be it visuals, sound, or gameplay.
Well no wonder. Must be easy to shill when you just ignore and pretend no reasons exist.

>If you give the game more options but these options aren't properly tuned they'll feel like you're just overdesigning the game by adding filler moves while in reality only a few of them actually matter.
Not everybody plays in a homogenous style in which they spam 1-2 good moves while ignoring everything else. What one player finds useless is what another player would find useful.
>Which is why the approach from the DMC community with JCs... Overture and blasting the enemy with the bomb in it...
And at the cost of using Break Age, you lose the breaker. Furthermore, Overture's moveset isn't as big as Punchline's nor does it add extra mobility like Gerbera.
Also, you can get an A-Rank in style by just constantly JCing Snatch, so JCing is actually incentivized in normal play and counts towards style. Hell, the game even rewards you for constantly JCing as "triple enemy step" is an extra bonus reward.

>Depth isn't actually well-designed and fitting within the game's rewards...
Its depth is perfectly fine. A guy who has a better grasp of DMC's depth will do better than in DMD than one who doesn't. As far as a single player action game goes, that's all that needs to be said about depth.
>Yes, despite the clear approaches at taking hints with that series. Models and photoscanning done in London...
What does that have to do with Tameem treating fans badly? Matt did his job with DMC5 well which is all that matters. What he did for DmC is irrelevant.
>Even Kamiya called out the change in art direction with that infamous Tweet he made...
No, Kamiya is blunt on twitter. There is no underlying meaning to what he says, and you're foolish for even thinking that.
>He was pretty much hinting at the change in art direction DMC5 was going to show... Nintentoddler Wojak
First off, your analogy is stupid. Secondly, you're trying to make it seem like Kamiya is taking lowkey potshots at Itsuno even Kamiya respects him.

>ad hominem
You might be the actual retard.

>is a retarded falseflagger
like pottery

And where does it say that V the character resembles anything from DmC you autistic retard?

There is a difference between visuals and artstyle. Visually speaking they're similary because they both use realistic graphics like most western games. Artstyle wise, they both have different colors, tone and mood.

Both are similar, yes

5 has actual lock-on, no color coded enemies, more weapons, multiple playable characters, and better style system

Vergil really wants that Doritos, he’s fat now

Nice script, did you write it yourself?

MOOOOOODS do something about these spoilers all over the board ruining Yea Forums

DE had those problems fixed.

>no refutation
DmCfags, everyone.

Yes, by Itsuno's team.

>shitposter gets BTFO
>N-nice script
Kek, never change shitposter-kun never change
And that changes what now? It still has a dedicated button for fucking high time instead of styles and directional inputs aren't there gameplay is still vastly diffrent


Seeing those sales numbers, no. Most didn't.

>V the character
Holy shit, you goon.

Dis you seriously refer to DMC5 as just V? Even when there is clearly no V in the title at all, well I'm not expecting anything much of a faggot that never played the series anyways

That's irrelevant, user. Those who played both generally enjoyed both.

Fuck I haven't seen DMCucks seethe this hard since the last DMC thread.

the FUCK are you talking about?

Attached: Capture.jpg (556x369, 58K)

V is 5 in roman numerals, Tyrone.

And what are they seething over?

It's very relevant. It basically erases your input as anything worth noticing.

That they paid $60+ for DmC2 and have to accept it.

Those are Nero's fucking wings you retarded fag, have you not seen the fucking leak? That has nothing to do with the number, you can clearly see a 5 on the right you blind shit
And this is relevant for DMC how? Calling it V will just bring more confusion since there is already a character named V

I'm just saying that all the things brought up as concerns have been ignored.
Then you return with your shitty strawmans and frame it like "look there is no arguments" (when you ignore all the points you can't respond to)
What follows after that is usual samefag congratulations as "shitposters BTFO"
This happens in every single thread anybody says anything bad about the game.
So I can only assume you have a script for this shit considering that's how shill groups work and there is guidelines of what to spam, what to ignore and what to reply.

Seems like the shitposter are all over the place

Attached: 1551169893513m.jpg (698x1024, 102K)

>It's very relevant
Let's pretend it is then. DMC doesn't sell for shit and never has. DmC selling fuck-all in an entire franchise that sells fuck-all is not that noteworthy.

I mean they did try out a demo before hand, and they seemed to like it so, I can't tell where is the seething in this

Cope harder my dude

It is seeing how they un-rebooted the game.

I just witnessed Donte saying 'Fuck you' to Vergil. Try harder.

>anything bad about the game.
Listen, I never said you can't say anything bad about the game. I have issues with it too but criticisms are only valid if they're legitimate. Saying that it's "DmC2" using vague comparisons and the director's word is irrational.

Okay then, where is the argument? Because visuals are obviously not the same, gameplay is barely the same, and sound doesn't matter to me as long as it sounds satisfying
And if you think I'm just dick riding the game non stop than you're retarded, I personally don't like the music, and think the realistic direction is meh, but it doesn't mean much to me since I'm getting what I play DMC for the gameplay and fun characters

Are you a female or a faggot? Because both find him attractive

>Shill are all over the place

>Saying that it's "DmC2" using vague comparisons and the director's word is irrational
How is that irrational? That's perfectly legitimate, especially if you have the director's own words. I'm not the user you're arguing with, you but come off as deluded.

You might want to Smash your head into a fucking wall
Cope harder, DmC is dead

Based fucking retard

>Cope harder, DmC is dead
Is what you should be telling yourself, my man.

>Itsuno saying something positive about DmC
>Never mind the gameplay
>nevermind the visuals and tone
>nevermind the environments and demon designs

You didn't user. It's all in your head.

Where did you get those borgil pics? Was a video leaked?

I'm not reading that, user. I just want the best for you and that right now is learning to cope.

But you read it anyways user....
There is no need to pretend to be retarded

DmC was a great game and there was literally nothing wrong with it

autistic fanboys crying over hair color



It had the miserable fault of removing the taunts, if only they kept them, maybe then they would've liked the game

The claims need to be specific. Don't just say it looks the same or plays the same, give examples. I already did for the opposite.

Its better then Darksiders and GOW and is pretty fun but compared to nip shit it's ok at best. Yea Forums is just inept at judging vidya

when you see people talking shit about DmC here, the hair colour is not even mentionned, it certainly was before the game was released though.
It's Donte characterization that is shat upon, because it's shit and that game story is shit despite Tameem being certain of having done something better and cooler than classic DMC

>compared to nip shit
But DmC was western shit....

I know you're funposting but for anybody that takes you seriously:

>made by the original devs
Itsuno LITERALLY said he liked DmC and wanted to make DmC2.
>attractive looking characters
Nero is the only attractive looking character and even he is way less attractive than he was in DMC4.
>no excessive swearing
Watch some more leaked footage retard.
>actually good
If you like to eat shit that is.

>Itsuno LITERALLY said he liked DmC and wanted to make DmC2.
Fake news

>they're the same, because both have good looking white guy with short hair
I really hope the next game will have proud black trans woman as a protagonist.


I'm more than fine with that, I loved DmC.

honestly Donte already felt like a bastardization of Nero, with the whole punk and "vulgar" aspect. even his moveset is directly copypasted from Nero

How kind of you to concede defeat.

I don't get the hate for the new Nero. He looks like pretty good. Then you have Dante for the boomers, and V for the weeb emos. Everyone gets what they want.

is this game even comin out?


>All this seething Nintendo damage control

Do you even motivated? LOL!

>Nero is the only attractive looking character and even he is way less attractive than he was in DMC4.

>DMC 4 Nero
>With that fucking haircut

Lmao fuck outta here

>generic anime bishounen
>actual human being

Yeah, progress is totally bad

Why don't they range ban the discord trannies by now

If you don't like DMC, whether it's DMC V or DmC, you should just be banned

Mods have literally openly stated it's the same handful of people that use this exact posting style and jump on every single new release, no matter how good or bad.
Nice try though tranny.

I don't even have to read this thread to know there's a bunch of lost spaghetti. It's fucking great.

How so? DmC fans are getting their long awaited sequel, they're pretty hyped for DmC2, and so are those who ( for some reason ) are calling it DMC5. Seems like a win for everyone except those who liked the original DMC series.

4 days left and it's out

No way it's DmC2, it actually looks fun to play

Ok in all seriousness the game looks fine and DmC didn't look that bad. Don't know why people are bitching

>implying it wont be that image where nero steals dante pizza with this rocket punch

People complaining about nero telling a man that sliced his arm off to go fuck hinself are the same kind of people that complained about Prince of persia calling a woman that almost sliced his eye off a bitch

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1005K)

Literally this

It's Nero though. Not only it's 100% in character for his punk-ass to swear, it's also him talking to deadbeat vergil.

These people are the kind of sheep who don't even really know why they don't like Donte, and just say it's because of the swearing. Dontes fuck yous are so bad because it's the only tool in Tameems kit to express badassery. Neros fuck you aren't """witty""", they're emotional.

>Saying fuck you is deep

Here, have more of these to clutch at, that should be about enough.

Attached: Straws.jpg (300x168, 17K)

Honestly, you have to have a pretty high IQ to comprehend the delivery of a Fuck you
Here, let me try, ehm, Fuck You

>implying youd say anything else to the man who cut off your arm
Ok Shakespeare, I though you fucking died ages ago? Get off the board GRANDPA!

>b-but they only craving for Donte's dick! Not like they REALLY want to make DmC 2... r-right?

Attached: 1551224700011.jpg (1084x362, 88K)

you ok?

>Told Yea Forums about this shit months ago
>Was called a shitposter
>Random DMCfag screencap my post for a seething compilation
>Nowhere to be seen now
Every single time

>Told Yea Forums about this shit months ago
What did you say?

that's all v is now dude

Did Ninja Theory get a break from making mobile games that they tried to shitpost Capcom? Keep it up op I'm sure someone will believe you.

That this game was basically DmC2, and that the girls were goblinas

>Actual video proof of him saying it
>N-N-No, it's not real!

>Are you a female or a faggot
i fap to traps does that count?

The girls in DmC weren't goblinas so I don't know why would you mention that
The gameplay isn't like DmC, it isn't locked down to 30FPS, It doesn't have color coded enemies, it doesn't have a shit DT that makes enemies fly in the air
So now how is it like DmC?
>inb4 le fuck you XDD

Fuck you.

i'm genuinely amazed that people could get this worked up over a character using curse words in a vidya game.

you're on Yea Forums m80