>game gets a AAA remaster
>it looks WORSE
Game gets a AAA remaster
eh aussies quit taking our fucking canadian tire money
The plastic strip feels so fucking flimsy. What were they thinking?
The design of the new notes are a step backwards in nearly every respect.
The clear bits are cool I guess, but the images are far worse.
You're supposed to shine a laser through that part
>Implying bills are relevant thanks to cards
>Implying cards are relevant either thanks to mobile NFC payments
Very pointless move if it was just an aesthetic decision but if it has some counterfeit/security measures then it's probably fine.
The new 20 John looks like the fucking feels guy.
is that a kiwi lmao how cucked can australia get?
>Eurocucks, Canucks, now Kkrikeys all using plastic monopoly money
How can you roll around in a stack of those, or shove a wad of that plastic shit up a strippers hooch without giving her a paper/plastic cut?
Fuck, now I can't unsee it.
Cute monopoly money
We had polymer banknotes first you maple syrup drinking moose fucking cunt.
What are the best looking paper currency out there?
>How can you roll around in a stack of those, or shove a wad of that plastic shit up a strippers hooch
>Implying you've done either of this.
Settle down wagie.
>looses his money in the washer
This made me realize how fucking ugly the rest of the world's money is
guy on the bottom looks upset like he knows lmoa
Unironically American dollary doos
You would think that the environmental impact of the plastic bits (including manufacturing) would be worse than paper bills
Why is Harry Truman on Australian money?
polymer banknotes has been consistently higher than that of paper banknotes. In the case of the low-value denominations, the average life of polymer banknotes is estimated at more than five years compared to less than one year for paper banknotes
>Loses his money to refugees and dilation stations
Cmon bruh, that's ranma 1/2
>and now australians
idiot, Australia had this first. My entire life I've only ever used these kinds of notes. Imagine my shock when I found out Americans use paper.
So what happens to American money if it gets wet?
I'm pretty sure us Aussies were the first to use this sort of money.
Do you think this is a thing?
In Canada tonight. And Jesus the money feels like plastic. Even the coins feel like they might have chocolate inside them.
It's so you can see the spiders in your wallet before you reach in there.
urusei yatsura
Ok cunts here is a hypothetical situation:
All the Australian prime ministers get in a huge brawl. Who wins? Would it be a huge fight?
Good ol greenbacks.
our coins are metal
how tf do they feel like plastic?
American money isn't paper either, despite what most people think. It's mostly cotton, with linen blended in it. It doesn't fall apart if you get it wet without also agitating it, but it's obviously more fragile than plastic.
At least the legacy of your country wasnt soiled by removing a important historical person to then be replaced with a literal WHO black women cause SJW virtue points.
Whoever has the biggest boot wins.
>paper bills lasting on average less than a year
nigger that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard
>pros of plastic polymer money
more durable
can survive the washing machine
isn't flammable
much harder to counterfeit
>cons of plastic polymer money
cant be folded into wads
new notes can be slippery
What country are you referencing?
Here come's george, in control
Women dug his snuff and his galant stroll
American Money is made out of Cotton IIRC, will just dry and be fine but will be crinkly as shit
>be american bill
>get copied
Trump overturned that decision.
? he said the coins felt like they had chocolate inside, do canadian chocolate feel like plastic?
The Islamist, because who would want to offend them?
Does the $50 note still have a spelling mistake on the side with the abo?
Jackson is a faggot so who cares. While they are at it, they need to replace Hamilton and Franklin, as neither of them were even presidents.
Another daily reminder of how fucking based our Commander and Chief is
>sold rice to fucking china
>for profit
How the fuck do Germans even hope to have the same level of pride when they look at Merkel
So how much is that worth in real money?
>using banknotes
Haven't used cash since the tuckershop at primary school
Haven't bought anything offline in 5 years
why cant they bring cool art ones back
>the money feels like plastic. Even the coins
To this day we don't have an islamist prime minister. Even then, Hawke would still kick his ass because Hawke gave zero fucks.
>implying American bills don't have anti copying measures
Beyond the fact that you can tell a bill is fake the fucking second you touch it, any bill larger than a $1 has a EURion constellation, and larger bills have more protection.
Why hasnt Trump ever released the dead Osama pics that Obama decided not to? Seems like something he would have done in his first week.
not happening in this day and age
They feel like hollow plastic containers, or maybe something wrapped in some aluminum foil at best. No weight/solidness to them.
Another comparison I can think of is Chuck-E-Cheese tokens.
Oh, you mean the Obama decision to remove Jackson? Yeah, Trump said we had better shit to do. Still, it's annoying how triggered people are about Jackson nowadays and him shitting on Indians overshadowed the good stuff he did.
read the whole fucking sentence you underage mongolian FAS child
>even the coins feel like they might have chocolate inside them
Good goyim. Now we know literally everything about you and sell this information
Are those breasts?! IM MAD NOW!
>replace Franklin
Get fucked nigger, Franklin was absolutely based
Can't release what doesn't exist
You'd be amazed how deep, dark, and disastrous our CIA and Intel networks are. There's people in those seats of power who can and do say no to the president, heads of NATO, EU, and other organizations
I'm was more looking forward to CIA documents and all the conspiracies they have ran against the American public. Even if they are none, it would still be a scary thought because that means the CIA is not malicious, but inept.
Germans are not allowed to feel prideful. God it irritates me how meek they are (German cousins).
The barbershop I go to never put in a fucking credit card system so I had to get a 20 every time I wanted a haircut. The owner actually retired recently and left the business to the other guys and the first thing they did was set one up. Now I usually don't even carry spare change
Looks like tacos got new ones too, someone got them?
>founding fathers aren't allowed to be on the bills
nigger they were more influential on the united states than half of the presidents following them.
you think that's bad? take a look at the new 20 dollar bill
I thought Obama said they existed but wasn't releasing them.
Course you should take anything like that with a grain of salt, but I don't think you can get away with lying about killing one of the most wanted men in the world.
They're coins
They feel like coins
I honestly have no idea what you're on about, there's barely any difference between them and burgerbucks
If anything they're heavier, since they have larger one and two dollar coins while burgers have paper dollars
Would be intersting to see what they keep secret from Trump.
i don't get inflation money, if it's so bad why don't they just remove a couple zeroes from the bill?
>Double dealing assfuck who told the King there was no issues in the colonies
>Then told the colonies George won't listen to their complaints
>Told the mariners and importers where to safely land further south the carolina's
>Then told the King's navy where they were docking and had them arrested
>All on colony and monarchy dime
Franklin was as close to a jew as an anglo man can get
Jackson was a slave owner, which automatically should be the sign to remove his racist ass from our freedom bills.
2015 called, it wants its meme back.
if he wasn't dead he would he would have announced it to make a mockery of the U.S. no one doubts that hes dead.
He clearly struck a nerve
>liking Franklin
The man looks like a literal tranny.
Didn't Franklin want America's mascot to be a turkey instead of a bald eagle?
It's still got to be weighted against real gold.
The scariest part of this, is that liberals in Austin legitimately think this
This is photoshop right?
Why are they universally despised?
Dude was literally the first American shitposter.
Aren't they not going through with that, or something? I don't even care about the politics behind it, if you're going to be replacing someone on national currency you should at least replace them with someone of equal importance. Jackson was a damn president, Tubman was just a smuggler
Literally fucking word art
>Uniform color scheme for simplicity of understanding
>Popularized the word "Green" to represent money
>Light but durable for its purpose
>Intricately designed florets reminiscient of the peak of glorious architecture
>God and Freemasonry combining itself within its span
The American Dollar is the kino of currency. Fuck your Aussie "planes and camels" faggotry
I think he said that a Turkey would have been better than the Bald Eagle, not that it should have been it.
Franklin was a real IRL shitposter though so who knows.
As did Washington, Franklin, and presumably many other presidents but I'm too lazy to Google. The real problem people now have with Jackson is that whole Trail of Tears thing.
Because soft cunts can't handle banter.
American's are sensitive and can't handle the banter.
what emotion is that face trying to convey?
Wait a second, those girls look... familiar.
Success breeds jealousy
baste reddit poasters
we shuld start printing our bills on onions paper too
Is only bad when it is open information on how much of the money is circulating, China for instance is keeping it printing hush hush, and can make up millions on the fly without any impact on the economy.
>that disapproving look that Franklin gives you when you're about to roll him up to snort a line of coke
Trump overturned the decision like on his first day as President.
Contempt at what Americans have become.
"Nigga what the fuck are you buying"
The 100 kind of has to be ugly now to keep away forgery but i don't like how the portraits aren't in neat little ovals anymore, it really tied the composition together
They're almost identical
Have you ever actually handled Canadian coins, or are you just larping?
>can't fucking believe they slapped in shit from a microjew program
Don't look too much into things
You know the saying about those who go hunting for monsters
The blue line down the middle ruins it.
>Dude why are you carrying around 100 dollar bills
don't know what you're talking about
>Savages spend all their time sacrificing to sun gods than advancing their society
>More knowledgeable people arrive to their country
>Try to scalp them instead of cooperate
>Colonists retaliate and defend themselves
>wtf whyte man put us down :(
If blacks are the dindus of Africa, natives are the dindus of america
oval framed portraits need to come back. they are part of the iconic look of u.s. paper money
I think that's a one time anti-forgery or anti-theft mark. That or I'm retarded and that's an intentional part on the design.
Fess up, I want in on this, is it hentai?
>he shouldn't be removed for treating the government like it's a reward, allowing any retarded overly-loyal lapdog to get in (spoils system)
>he shouldn't be removed for the Trail of Tears
>no, he SHOULD be removed for whipping niggers!
Fucking brainlet
which currency note celebrates the emu war?
>uh-duhhhhh my money no pretty
its actually a shiny strip in real life. its not too bad.
To add onto that, based on the book, Empire of the Summer Moon, people shouldn't be too upset over kicking out the injun fuckers when they're still subhuman stone age people.
urusei yatsura
We might as well summon him why not.
Goverment has always been a fucking nepotism based place in the USA. Add in some NBR family and you got a 2019 version.
Nobody gives two fuck about a dying race.
Black people are 51% of the USA. Get fucked.
shiny holographic strip *
yes, anti-forgery is its main purpose.
did you guys know about the hidden owl on the old one dollar bills?
I want to _____ that gryphon.
it's just some cute girls user
Is guro or scat isnĀ“t it? But if not, sauce.
Native Americans didn't have the same domesicatable animals Europeans had, so they never had the easy transport a horse provided, the absolute free protein a cow gave (they had Buffalo but good luck trying to domesticate those things), and the warm as fuck coat of sheeps to stay in colder climates, not to mention all the trade of exotic goodies that came from asia.
They were fucked from the get go but at least they couldn't have made huge congregations that festered their own brands of plague to wipe out huge chunks of europe after settlers came back.
0/10 needs more effort
it's a lyrebird dumbass