Anyone else cancelling their pre-order?

Anyone else cancelling their pre-order?

Attached: vergol.jpg (900x1080, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Guys no lie should I buy this now or wait for the Special Edition I want to wait but this game looks so fucking good that im motivated!

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I never even pre-ordered this shit show to start with, fuck the director wanting to make this DmC 2 and pushing his OC Nero

Here's your vergil for tonight

Attached: right.png (319x406, 148K)

whos more ugly trish or vergil

I'm buying it this Black Friday when it's 20 bucks.

Okay that's it I can't wait anymore, spoil me the fuck off

>Waiting 8 years for a special edition again
user, please.

As he came into the KH thread
It was the sound of a SCHUM
He came into his RE thread
He left the bloodstains on the Sekiro thread
He could see he was unable
So he ran into the DMC thread
He was struck down, it was his despair

Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok
Are you ok, Barry
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok
Are you ok, Barry
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok, are you ok Barry?

Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
You've been hit by
You've been hit by
A smooth DMCfag

So they came into the DMC thread
It was Friday - what a red day
Mouth to mouth
Sounding heartbeats - intimidation

Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok
Are you ok, Barry
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok
Are you ok, Barry
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok?
Are you ok, Barry?
Barry, are you ok?
So, Barry are you ok, are you ok Barry?

(Then you
Ran into the DMC thread)
(You were struck down)
(It was your despair)

(You've been struck by
A smooth DMCfag)

Okay, I want everybody to clear
The area right now!


(Barry are you ok?)
I don't know!
(Will you tell us that you're ok?)
I don't know!
(There's a sign in the KH thread)
I don't know!
(That he struck you - a SCHUM Barry)
I don't know!
(He came into your RE thread)
I don't know!
(Left the bloodstains on the carpet)
I don't know why baby!
(Then you ran into the DMC thread)
I don't know
(You were struck down)
(It was your death - Barry!)

Dag gone it - baby!
(Will you tell us that you're ok?)
Dag gone it - baby!
(There's a sign in the KH thread)
Dag gone it - baby!
(That he struck you - a SCHUM Barry)
Woo! Hoo!
(He came into your RE thread)
Dag gone it!
(Left the bloodstains on the Sekiro thread)
Woo! Hoo! Yeah!
(Then you ran into the DMC thread)
Dag gone it!


Attached: FOR (YOU).webm (1178x332, 2.85M)

My dick is fully erected and I'm preparing to buy a PS4 and the game on Friday.

Nobody dies and V never existed

>this gif is the only hope we have for Vergil looking good in-game

Hold me anons

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Over what?

the 30 year old boomer memes were real and whew lad did Vergil run with it, it's hard to look at him now compared to 3 where that kinda behavior was somewhat acceptable

Fuck you all, Vergil is beautiful at least for the first half of the game

Attached: 1545215989354.png (319x356, 137K)

so what was v?

Are his eyebrows fucking makeup?

Attached: rBVaSFqXkjqAbAN4AAKW7UykjaI990.jpg (800x800, 87K)

>barrys next target is dmc fans
Literally for what purpose, Christ I actually want to beat the shit out of him irl.

I really need some fucking confirmation on who his face model actually is.

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I won't be getting this at launch but when I do I'm also going to buy a pizza all for myself.

His eyebrows bother me the most. They look penciled asf.

now I know how the trash fags felt

>Can you believe I'm in this shit?

When did Vergil ever have eyebrows

Attached: 1551595637738.png (2616x3073, 3.11M)

So Vergils V? How does that work?

Male Gloria

He's like those 30 year old kids that never moved on past high school. Still wearing their football jersey's and trying to hook up with high school girls. The type that teach so they can relive their peak years.

He looks great in gameplay. Literally the only character to have great in-game facial animation.

Vergil or book, pick your poison

Attached: This is my last request.png (1280x720, 966K)

Attached: uploads%2Fcard%2Fimage%2F862546%2F6e9f0a12-65cd-4593-b2b3-dd56904cb7f4.jpeg%2F950x534__filters%3Aqua (950x534, 61K)

He used da book called V to pull Jester and Gloria 2.0

They really meant it when they said he would look like hs dad more

So they are makeup?

Hmmm... well, technically it seems they erased V and his pets from existence so I suppose I should start throwing a fit or something. I'm in a good mood though.

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He's been doing that for months though. Last time he got BTFO was when he tried to pit DMC with NG, RE2, KH3 against one another in that order

It's not clear yet

Any returning enemy from the past games? Or the demons are all brand new?

Must be awkward since he was around Nero so much.

V was just a disguise and he pretended to be weaker, the whole poison tree poem nothing complicated

a book

No he just has really thin eyebrows


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Most demons are references to past demons. We do have Death Scissors though.

>Grindelwal pull a Saiyan hair better than Vergil
And this is a fucking video game. For fuck's sake, pull your shit together, Crapcom.

If you're gonna post my pasta correct the 'carpet' to 'Sekiro thread'

Scissors, Nobodies, and Sins but under different names

That's who the fuck he reminds me off.

The horror movie guy who played aquamanas brother. Fuck that was bugging me

Attached: more-cool-new-aquaman-photos-show-patrick-wilsons-orm-come-face-to-face-with-aquaman-social.jpg (1500x844, 300K)


Hahaha, why? Because of Vergil's face?

What's 'sup?

v's body was being used by vergil?

jberry is doing this shit
Eric has been posting that one xenoblade webm for so long just posting it is enough for an insta ban

Why does Yea Forums get all the angry auistics? It's like whenever they come across a dumb tweet, facebook post or twitter or some article they immediately run here to start bitching

>Death Scissors and Nobodies

Fucking nice


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>mfw I got cool new arm to show to my dad only to have him juggling it around like a pingpong ball.

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I rather pick a book.

Should have given him sideburns

Oh fuck

Am I the only one who liked that DT remix in the fight? I mean yeah, its bad alone but having Vergil shoot summon swords and doppelgangers while that shit is blaring gets me pumped.

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His outfit looks good why the fuck is his face so bad?

At least it destroys his summoned swords in the process.


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It was pretty cool.



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>go to Gamefaqs out of curiousity
>DmCfags saying that DMCV looks bad and they are cancelling their pre-order
>some making threads asking "why don't you like DmC"
>starting DmC fights on the DMCV leak thread

Wait just a motherfucking minute, you can play mission 19 as either nero or dante and that mission is called Vergil

does he say schum in the fight ? havent watched it yet

At least you got to smack your dad and his doppelganger's heads together

I can't stop waving my arms to the beat


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There no V user, just Vergil in a week pretending he was weaker than Nero and Dante to get more power, he told Nero Urizen took his arm just to make him fight


Attached: Oh hell no.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

no......... what is this????

He is starting to grow on me honestly. He doesn't look so bad. Just need to fix his eyebrows, the hair and his glare. But he looks good. Honestly part of the reason I suspect people will have problems with this portrayal is because he won't get enough screen time to actually grow on people, to see him emote and feel like Vergil.

Hopefully we'll get a DLC in the future with some cutscenes to help flesh him out.

Maybe against Dante but against Nero he throws subtle compliments and disses.

It's your new vergil. Make sure to thank itsuno

Holy shit this is based

Damn so Dante slept through the entire Nero vs Vergil fight?
What happened to all the "Dante is much stronger than Vergil" lore and all of his power ups?

No, but... after watching that I feel rather let down. I had a lot of misgivings about this project from the start but with there being almost no DMC anything of note since 4 I hoped for the best. I still do but my fears weren't alleviate.

Explain the prequel book then

Urizen did take his arm though

Why the poems and different personality then?

I liked it. You also have to take into account that the person playing wasn't that great, I think the highest rank he got was A. Maybe it sounds even better on S to SSS.
P.S I think nu-Vergil is cute

Attached: vergil_look.jpg (615x712, 105K)

Who style it best?

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Dante immediately got up and laughed at Vergil after the fight, he clearly didn't give much of a fuck and just wanted to see Vergil get btfo

>Literally for what purpose

because he was falseflagging as a KH fanboy in DMC threads

>20 missions and the majority is inside a fucking tree
>last boss revealed in trailers
>previsible plot twist that V is virgil souls or some shit

yea it is garbage

>vergil doesn't get stabbed with his own sword once, but THRICE
What a jobbing cunt, losing to my own son what the fuck is itsuno thinking? Isn't he supposed to be more powerful than Dante?

>Are you accepting me now?
>What, your existence or your strength?

Dante fought Vergil first and got BTFO'd by him.

Then Nero vs Vergil happened.

Attached: vergil 3.jpg (836x627, 57K)

Nice subtle shoop fag

Probably just wanted to let them fight it out, father and son. I'm sure he would have stepped the fuck in if one of them were about to die.

>slept through
He “wakes up” just in time to dish Vergil, the guy was watching the whole time

All their faces look fucked up

Wow, you really can tell that it's a gauntlet and not a cover over a stump. Nice of them to go the extra mile on that one. Though it doesn't make sense for arms like Helter Skelter or Rawhide.

He was just relaxing

I can hear fucking Woolie YEAHING from across the country at that final boss fight

DMC5 is straight fanfic tier. According to 5 Nero is stronger than both Vergil and Dante. It's fucking gay.

Like all of them, it's less jarring the more you see him. But his hair really is too damn tall.

Vergil had to fight Dante and Nero back to back, there's probably more context involving V and Urizen.

why the hell would you ever preorder a game?

>Goliath is gonna get reused as Daimon in DD2

Go to bed, Vergil.

Itsuno is a fan fiction writer level. no one can be as good as is OC

>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE my overgrown sperm is stopping me from killing my brother
The Sparda bloodline's power comes not from demonic heritage, but from autism

I know, why hasn't he been rangebanned yet? Hes been at this since ffxv.

I made the s o y face when it started, thought it was fucking great, I look forward to seeing if it gets more intense when you reach S+.

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Nice pasta you nigger

I already wanted to pirate this for the fugly female faces.

How can Vergil be both worst and best dad of the century at the same time.

>NO FUCK YOU DAD the bossfight

Why did Vergil choose Kylo Ren of all things as an avatar?

Vergil had Nero's power, too. That's what you see when they have those mid fight animations, Nero taking the DB back.

literally what were V and dante getting revenge for? shouldn't mundus have appeared?

He looks REALLY good in those shots, oddly enough.

nero is now stronger than both

monster hunter chara design failed
resident evil 2 chara design failed
dmc5 chara design failed
what happen to capcom?

Dante and Vergil were fighting before, is a similar case like with arkham in DMC3

His face reminds me on my former fat teacher (female) and that bothers me a lot.

>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE my overgrown sperm is stopping me from killing my brother

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No, Vergil is weaker than Dante. He lost to him when they fought each other at full power, fair and square in DMC3. Then he also spent a lot of time being the sockpuppet of Mundus which didn't make him better either.

>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE my overgrown sperm is stopping me from killing my brother

Does Vergil really want to kill Dante though? It seems at this point that their whole squabble is just like Lady said at the start of DMC3. Something they do for fun.

That's wrong. Nero has him arm back since before he fights Vergil, the devil breakers are just gauntlets that nico build that go over his real arm.

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I'd never consider buying a dmc game in the first place

Based Itsuno making the cinematic moments missable by making it successful Buster grab only again.

I can't fucking wait to see the cutscene(s) prior to this fight where it's actually revealed Vergil is his dad. I wonder who'll say it? Will Vergil just be like "hm yes Fortuna, I visited that place approximately 24 years ago" and then Neor will sperg out? FUCK THESE LEAKS ARE JUST MAKING ME WANT TJE GAME MORE, I HAVE EVEN MORE QUESTIONS NOW

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You know that Dante and Vergil did not take Nero seriously, right? Like Papa Vergil fucking troll his son the whole fight and Uncle Dante quip the living shit out of Vergil and Nero.

>two vergil fights in a row
Journos are going to fucking hate this game and mark it off for difficulty

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>nero knocks out dante
>no, vergil beats dante thats why hes on the ground
Which is it?

He gets bodied in 5 though.

I guess his arm can take those breakway explosions no problem.

>Dante fights Vergil without interference
>Gets fucked up
>Nero stops them for a second, pushes Dante who obviously doesn't give a fuck about joining in and just wants to watch them duke it out so he lays on the ground

The biggest thing he did was put up a fight against Vergil but neither of them were close to being done when the fight ends, the Nero power scale meme is dumb

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Cerberus (but it's a different species), Geryon (another different species) and what this guy said

We saw a pic already dante tells nero
"Hes your father"


Dante tells him, one of the leaks has dante saying
>He's your father.

There was a spoiler pic of Dante saying "He's your father".

Cant say for sure
The mission description says Nero was afraid they would kill each other before he stopped them
But they seem rather chill in the later moments, when they punch Nero together

Itsuno: Nuuuuhhhh daddy Capcom you have to make Nero strong and faster than Dante and Vergil.... and have access to a time manchine

Capcom :But Itsuno Dante is the star


Do it for Itsuno guys.

Attached: Capture.png (486x751, 178K)

I mean he is a fucking demon dude


Some Dante brainlets were trying to force the A is stronger than B discussion but they have quieted down ever since Dante was shown taking a nap.

Just image this level of frustration and dissapointment

Attached: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.png (928x450, 424K)

I don't see the problem. He looks exactly like what a edgy fuckboi who thinks he still is 20 years old but his body is like "naah nigga you 40 and a deadbeat dad"

Well, not so bad

Attached: dunesting_1327939842_crop_550x343.jpg (550x343, 102K)

>find perfect model that looks like real life Vergil
>don't use him for said Vergil

Attached: F.jpg (661x950, 92K)

Why do you care about power levels so much?

Breakaway is just DT after that.

>hm yes Fortuna, some lady told me I had no power, so I did a Judgement Mating Press on her

Wait where is that Vergil picture from

Yo, link it.

Well you should have made a good game then you shit, not his fan fic tier crap

watch you don't cut yourself with that chin

Why did they make him look like nero holy.

Nero interrupts dante v vergil
Then nero v vergil
Then dante+vergil v nero happens with pic related

Attached: 1551595427996.webm (1280x720, 1016K)

Vergil does say that they still have to settle things later. So it seems like he still wants to fight Dante. Their autism will probably never be satisfied. It was really strange though, they did feel very comfortable together, like real brothers.

it's 2 am I'm too excited to go to sleep, forgive me
where? I didn't see. Anyone save it or have a link? The only thing I saw is when Dante jokes around about Vergil ripping his son's arm off for more power but still losing. Stil want to see the cutscene in full though

Attached: ohshit.jpg (1920x1080, 745K)

That's a clip of the boss fight between Dante and Vergil. That doesn't exactly prove that Vergil beats Dante especially when Nero intervenes during their fight.

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Attached: 1551584911736 (1).png (1777x1486, 1.57M)

Itsuno already said that in 5 , the game will show Nero at his prime whereas Dante is getting older


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>Vergil realizes how similar Nero is to Dante
>The disappointment on his face

Inside nico van
Was posted last thread

STOP OPENING THE FRESH WOUNDS user!!! I'm still mad about it.

If you do good in the credits fight, you get this. Basically hinting that they returned from Hell, just like the ending to Lucia's disc in DMC2. Nero was worried for nothing.

He has yamato hilts sticking ou of his head

fuck off faggot/fujo

Shit, I missed a thread then. Can you link to the post?

Vergil's been fought 8 times, he's only won 2 of them. He's the Vegeta of the series and always has been really.

V literally days my old self when Dante called him deadweight, never said he had any kind of life before that, he didn’t even had money and need to steal

The poems like the poison tree are all about appear to be weaker, but secretly planing your revenge, we were right that he was just a disguise, but for the wrong person, Vergil was literally just pretending to be human with his autism interest like classic music and poetry

Just a pic tho not cutscene

They’re autists, like people think anyone but solid snake is the canon best snake

He doesnt, Nero interrupts the fight

He looks stupid as fuck in the edit, looks uncanny valley as fuck. Like a Ken doll or something. The only thing that looks better on the left are his eyebrows.

Attached: 1550343567252.png (371x353, 148K)

There's not enough motivation in this thread.
Shit is (B)ysmal.

They fucking practiced that.
I can imagine while they were kids they said "Hey bro when one of us gets kids and they start running towards us, we're gonna fucking backhand him like this alright?"

>identical twin of brother
Wtf? Capcom is even worse than fan artist who make Vergil look like Nero 2nd instead of Dante 2nd.

this. people expects him to be this supermodel in his 30s/20s, but he's a 45ish year old dorky edgelord, still stuck on his 19 year old glory days.

Dante at least had the sense to look appropriate for his age, despite acting like a fratboy/manchild

>dante gets his own devil arm, finally surpassing sparda
>not in his prime

oh my fucking god this is 10/10

Attached: 1547989887260.jpg (354x352, 61K)

>Nero yes your arms are very nice can we please go obtain some power now

Vergil doesn't look that bad, it's just his hairstyle doesn't work too well in a realistic engine, it makes him look like he has a receding hairline which it doesn't in the more anime art style.

I like how vergil looks in a few pics. Just need some angles and quality. Remember how autistic V looked in those first leaked pictures?

BEcause a handful of autists think of themselves as 'above something else' and so go out of their way to shit on things that they find beneath them.
In Barry's case, it was the desperation for FFXV that drove him to that end but Eric is just inexplicably against XB2 for no reason. The people I know who don't like XB2 don't even think about it until I would bring up that the game got an update or something.
It's like those 'cringe' threads on Yea Forums a couple of years back, where people would post embarrassing shit other people do just to feel better about not being those people. They get that rush from trying to embarrass people who like things they don't like

Okay, consider the following: Shortly after the Vergil reveal, Dante actually addresses how Vergil aged poorly / is using the same style for 25 years and look ridiculous now.
How would you take it? That vergil looks bad on purpose, he just aged poorly?

>God fucking dammit Nero why haven't you mated with Kyrie yet I want my bloodline in my grandchild already.


V was around for Fortuna though

They love each other, they just also really love beating the shit out of each other to the point of near death.

>we thought vergil would look better than dante

>Vergil was literally just pretending to be human

>Dante goes on about how his instincts are going off to tell if V is a demon, so he assumes he's human

Man Dante, you idiot. I guess his instincts couldn't tell because V was his fucking brother and so he was comfortable around him.

Nero also couldn't tell he was actually a demon because he's only ever used the Devil Bringer for that and Vergil stole it. Guy had the perfect plan.

Why are you lying to the poor lad. Its from the mission select screenFight with Vergil isn't the last boss

Attached: vergil.png (2001x475, 1006K)


Attached: 1536360510906.png (986x553, 299K)

This is DMC5 in case you didn't notice

I miss him

>Fight with Vergil isnt the last boss
but it is

Whos the last boss?

Doesnt explain every other character looking bad because RE engine doesnt fit DMC aesthetic

I literally don't get WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH CAPCOM? Why do they fuck up so much iconic characters? Really hit or miss.

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It is

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Holy shit Dante looks good there. I wonder what'll happen after, Dante just opened the flood gates.
I actually think they did a really good job of modernizing Vergil's outfit in this game with the new-ish outfit. It would have looked pretty stupid if it looked exactly the same as it did in that CG render of Vergil for DMC3. Only thing I don't like is his hair, at least from the front.

Attached: giveboyfriend.jpg (396x494, 45K)

Here I touched it up for you.

Attached: fixed.png (928x450, 234K)


They could've just made him look like Cowie but nope. Lets change it and make him look like a plucked fag. I don't understand what's going on at Capcom.


nigger we just want Dante and Vergil to look identical like they used to be.

Vergil, he's bullshitting you.

You think that looks good? Yikes....

Congratulations assholes, your motivation broke captcha

So his fivehead is the problem

And Dante defeated Nelo Angelo in 1, he had time during the events of 2 and 4 to wait for the right moment to strike

>Purple dots

So we got to play Vergil in 17-18 or was he still V at that point?

That gif is literally only one that makes Vergil look somewhat decent. He and Trish should date. They have so much in common when it comes to JUST'd by Capcom.

How the fuck did they fuck up Vergil? Did they not look at his face when they were working on him?


It's the hair. It makes his head look much larger, rounder, and taller.

Attached: demonbusters.png (1122x719, 664K)

Except the "perfect choice" mocap actor has a similar forehead.

Vergil is confirmed not playable.

what's the rundown of the spoilers? I aint giving capcom money for this.

Not good but still better than Vergil in DMCV.

Who did they use as his face model? Did they forget Dante and Vergil are twins? When I saw Adam I thought he was a better fit for Vergil than Dante.

Attached: 1546208221315.jpg (754x1035, 842K)


>He IS my son, right?

How many fights has Dante lost?

Yes. It's what many are saying. They fucked up his hairline way too much. He also has too much of baby fat which makes him look like overgrown baby.

I fucking it hate it dude. Everything looks so good in the RE Engine and then we get Trish and Vergil's face. It feels like they were cutting corners.

V is in awakening when V just becomes Vergil again and why you can’t fight the last 2 boss fight, because he can’t fight himself, which was a missed opportunity to use Vante again

The game looks fucking awesome but why the fuck didn't they use the same Dante model for Vergil's face? WHY CAPCOM? I am somewhat convinced they scanned part of Dan's face

Awe, now Nero can get bullied by his Uncle and his dad.

I think 17 is the reveal that Urizen is using Vergil body, so you can play as V.
18 is the defeat of Urizen, V taking back his body.
19 is Dante vs Vergil (dante side), and Nero going DT to stop those 2 (Nero side)
20 Is Nero vs Vergil

Alright. What did I miss? Just feed me the spoilers.

so what breakage is the only way to switch breakers now?

Anyone reuploaded the video?

Attached: Dane_DeHaan_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg (926x1200, 205K)

This is my Vergil now

Attached: Vergil Preto.png (600x459, 309K)

>bear with it. just bear with it. you got no job or a home here. he's your son. he'll feed you so long as you don't screw this up.

HOLY FUCK IT LOOKS EVEN BETTER. SO THE 5HEAD IS THE PROBLEM. Now if someone could edit his hair to make it shorter and have those little hanging hairs it would be perfect

More than that. There's some subtle changes to his cheeks, chin, and jawline. I also gave his brow ridge more of a pronunciation that you can see for his right eye (from your perspective).

Here's my last edit. The changes are subtle but I think it looks like Vergil now.

Attached: fixed2.png (928x450, 236K)

Twice. Vergil 1 in DMC3 and Urizen in DMC5. Vergil 2 in DMC3 and Vergil (DMC5) were no contest due to intervention.


>V initially looked autistic in leaks before his look evened out
>The exact same thing is happening with Vergil but we don't have all the downtime to grow more used to it for so all we can do is wait out the torment until the game comes out to see his look improve


Attached: 1546197547352.gif (320x180, 1.39M)

>Total Vergil face reveal. He looks odd, wrong and old. You might argue that its supposed to be like that because he is old, but still, pretty jarrying
>Final boss fight leaked in its totality. Its Nero vs Vergil, the fight happens because Nero is trying to stop Dante and Vergil from killing each other
>After the final fight, Vergil is mildly impressed with Nero's strenght (despite being the one who lost, he refuses to admit it). Vergil and Dante team up to jump back to hell and close the portal, while Nero remains on earth
>We dont have a full epilogue yet, but it seems they are back surprisingly soon despite being locked into hell

> "ready to do some accepting yet?"
> "of what, your existance....or your strength?"
> " BOTH you fucking asshole!"

JYB's delivery on that last line is so fucking good.

>yfw you're a PCfag and mods will fix all the modelling issues

the cutscenes make everyone look shitty but in-game everyone looks hot

Eh I tried doing that but adding single strands of hair is really hard for the type of art style they went with, and I can't draw worth a shit so that's out of the options. I can edit the hair some more though.

>V is autistic because he's Vergil
deepest lore

I get why Kamiya decided to leave Capcom. Capcom is too much of a pandering machine to be some sort of visionary artist.

>no job
As if it would really be a problem for Vergil to get a fucking job. Even outside of demon slaying, the man has a lot of talents. He would be welcomed in the entertainment industry.

He lost nelo angelo 1 but amulet saved him also

Attached: 1551597840257.jpg (720x1024, 81K)

I thought for sure there was no way they could fuck up Vergil. All that time waiting for his reveal. I hope these are just bad screen shots.

Here is your Vergil before getting Bogpilled bro

Attached: tap_dance.webm (1920x1080, 1.28M)

Now can someone make him stab Yamato through his 5head and say "Oh shit trigger what are you doing"

I mean, you can see the cutscene for yourself.

> Kamiya is his own person
> But Itsuno is not, he's capcom sheep lmao

everyone listen to this clown and laugh at him.

V is vergil soul,urizen is the physical manifestation of vergils Power out of control,last boss is Nero vs vergil,you spend the whole game to discover this,i didnt like it

So... like real brothers.

I do wonder if the devs subtly evened out some characters after their reveal. If that's the case I kind of doubt they can do it for Vergil.

I'm afraid to.

His FUCK YOU after Devil Triggering is pretty hilarious and perfectly fits how angry Nero is at his deadbeat autistic dad. I honestly don't know why people have an issue with it.

>my favorite character is vergil
>my new favorite character is V, no connection, honestly

Man Itsuno, you are not good at hiding this shit.

Why the fuck did they not use Cowie? I get why they would want Eva to look abit different but fuck man. Either Itsuno's gone senile or the face modelers were fucking with him.

Nelo Angelo 1 Actually got surprisingly close of killing dante, but got stunned by the amulet.
Would consider that a victory

So what happened to the guy who said he'll become V irl if V dies/becomes Virgil? Is he getting inked and taking falconry lessons now?

>visionary artist

His hairline is too high

Alright boys, favorite quote?

Attached: disgusting.gif (268x396, 1.66M)

>My new favorite character is V. Who is also a Vergil. My old favorite character. But V is my new favorite character.
Really Itsuno?

Dante looks great in most cutscenes and then we get Vergil. This is painful to me.


Attached: fixed3.png (928x450, 248K)

They could've fucking adjusted. His forehead's huge. His facial features also doesn't even look as sharp as Nero's or Dante's

Vergil looks fine I'm convinced this is falseflag garbage by people desperate to find something to bitch about.

Three losses, two draws, and a bunch of wins is Dante's record. It is written.

God, how many times has this happened? All of those idiots that were saying they would do X if V was Vergil and saying how BTFO we would be when it was revealed he was a completely new character with no relation, or at the very least Mundus.

I mean, V knowing about Geryon was the final straw for me. There was just no way that it wasn't Vergil.

a bit of the hair physics make his animations that much better
then we got vergil the hedgehog

thanks for saving me 60 bucks

>this is in Human difficulty
>Vergil's heavy Yamato Slash cuts almost 3 bars of health
Jesus Christ

He was giving us hints all along

Just pretend he's still V.

Attached: autism_speaks.png (620x566, 350K)

It always was. Yea Forums wants everything to fail

>You will not forget this Devil's power
for Vergil
>The fool who persists in his folly will become wise.
V/William Blake

Human is easy?

can't believe they really pulled a bayonetta 2 huh

How do you know it's on human?

>Playing DMC games purely for the story

Attached: c95.png (766x653, 525K)

I dont preorder fagg,but im getting the game.

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"You are not worthy as my opponent"

>get BTFO by your unga son
>your only reply is 'interesting....'

can someone photoshop the 'be patient i have autism' hat on vergil

Attached: interesting.png (926x669, 1.12M)

So does Dante die at the end or not?

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>hairline is receding
>still keeps his hair swooshed back

Yes. Then it goes Devil Hunter, Son of Sparda and Dante must Die. I'm afraid how much health he takes off in DMD. We have already seen how much a Hell Caina does to Nero with DT on.

I think he looks to realistic and a huge departure from his previous look. He also loses alot of sharp features that Dante or Nero have. I don't know what they were thinking.

I swear it feels like the changed the story half way through. The e3 leak mentioned dante getting revenge for his brother and mother but then mundus doesn't even show up? And we get the flashbacks to eva for what? And what was V's revenge?

Why do you tards care about story in an action game? You're probably the same people to jerk off donguri and claim you're as good

vergil doesn't look completely terrible but maybe he would look better if he didn't have a massive forehead and more slicked back and less anime looking hair.

hairstyles like that can work out if done correctly, wtf capcom

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Nah. Biggest problem with Vergil is that they fucked up his hairline. Which makes his forehead looks way larger than it actually is. If they just adjusted it lower a little and made his hair shorter, he would be beyond fine.

Nah they both die

It's fucking Bingo. Of course he would pull the same shit. Why wouldn't he?

See the difference in jawlines. Vergil looks like a baby.

no they're the same people who argue about power levels and say they canceled their preorder because their favorite character jobbed or some shit


His hair is just too big.

You fags shouldn't have believed him when he said that on Twitter

russian style

No, Vergil isn't playable. Wait for character DLC, which Capcom is obviously planning.

Leaker said he was playing on human.

Attached: The path is clear for us to rule.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

And they are supposed to be twins

He isn't.


Looks pretty good here. I'm convinced it's the angles and quality, like V in those early leaked shots

>Tries to cut Nero in half in a last ditch effort to win
>"Ah hell no"
>Nero snatches Yamato from him, cutting half his midsection apart in the process, and obliterates him
I love Vergil, but that was amazing. Nero is literally the exact opposite of Vergil when it comes to fighting, no finesse, just brute forcing his way through everything.

Don't lie to me

it's not even that massive what the hell are you fags talking about

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(game looks awesome but I think Vergil is the worst face so far, why did they fuck up so hard)

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Twins? Right...

Said what on twitter? God, I was one of the first that was saying that V was Vergil even before his proper reveal because it was just that obvious. The first fucking leak that was posted here even said it and yet still people denied it.

Oh thank fucking god this is on human. I was seriously worried the final boss would be too easy.

I don't think that hair works in photo realism. Maybe they should've given him a realistic hair style instead of spiky. Or add bangs?

brenndan fraser post injury


I like Yakuza artstyle. It looks realistic but it's stylized enough to look awesome. RE Engine models feels lazy in comparison. Which is weird since the demon designs and models look great.

>people made fun of his chicken legs
>now they make fun of his fat face

you're completely right, fuck
I feel like a complete dumbass for expecting a decent enough story instead of having them repeat the gloria fiasco

His hair looks TERRIBLE. Reminds me of Vorgil wearing the classic Vergil outfit.


He might be added with the free update adding Bloody Palace. I hope they add a campaign of Lady, Trish, Virgil.

>I went to the doctor, he told me to stick out my tongue and say "oink."

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more like virgin

Attached: pepe_2.jpg (1600x1600, 1.41M)

the gameplay looks like shit too so yeah thanks for saving me 60 bucks.

Barry are you ok?! Let us know if you are ok!

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It's bigger but it hardly looks massive.

What is going on with his jawline? He's got a double chin too. Is it a mocap issue?


You didn't take any fucking DAMAGE from getting stabbed.
this is bad. Cinematics taking presidence over gameplay.
either give the player a way to avoid the stab + damage or don't have it at all.

provide some proof

He's like Borgils in photorealistic style. Who thought this was a good idea? Can't Capcom change it back? Didn't anybody ask how bad it looked? The point of them being twins is that they look similar and it's cool to see them side by side.

>"One nice big helping of POWER, please."


Reminder that all the leakers said he was the most handsome

>one's a 45 year old hobo fratboy, living in poverty, with rarely the chance to see 3 square meals a day
>the other is a 45 year old dorky edgelord still reliving his 19 year old glory days, eating wild game in the demon world at a daily basis.

I think it's just how all his facial features combine into this bloated off model mess. They really could have polished the model before finalizing it. I really doubt anyone looked at that and thought it looked good. Maybe they were rushed I don't know.

>Lumen sage
No guys, it's a completely new character
>It's fucking Balder, but from the past, so Bingo can do a time loop story

You only bring yourself pain for not expecting it. I saw it coming from day 1, when people kept posting the first leak that said that DMC5 would be at E3. The fact that they wouldn't show V's face only made it more suspicious.

You do realize there were similar cinimatic's in DMC4 if you grabbed the boss at the right time. This is the same thing, its not something you're forced into.

Why didn't they the same model as Dante? What the fuck were they thinking?

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>worst face so far
that's just a bad angle, overall he looks fine except for the hair (the top part anyways). Trash is the biggest downgrade.

Attached: 5verg_smile_side.png (470x261, 146K)

I'm just assuming he'll look better in action at this point
Just give me the fucking game Capcom, I can't deal with this shit anymore

Attached: boomer_vergil.png (400x468, 364K)

They WEREN'T thinking.

Reminder that most also called it obvious trolling.
Fact: When someone start emphasizing on something way too much, you can tell it's bs.

they did retard

It's a buster animation you dummy.

I don't understand. This can't be a mocap issue can it? I mean Dan Southworth doesn't look that fat and he has some pretty nice facial features.

Cause he had to also look like Nero

Vergil looks like he partook in too many wacky woohoo pizza times

>his face is better when you can only see half of it!

Attached: 1529509354907.png (613x594, 536K)

He LOOKS playable but he's not. Gotta wait for that DLC user. If they don't make him playable Capcom is literally fucked in their heads

>Buying a full priced game with microtransactions

Doesn't look like it.

The absolute state of Sparda's legacy.

That's because his jawline is covered by his coat.

you don't even get that moment if you don't buster him. normies gtfo

the edits in this thread look more like nero than the final model

>Copy Bleach sword dynamic
>Get Ichigo's voice actor
>Vergil is a literal copy of Hitsugaya
This coupled with the mixed audience reaction. I'd lower my expectations if i was you DMC fans

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does nero get his hand back?

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That sounds so retarded. You make Nero look like Vergil, not the other away around.

They were making fun of us user.

>That Remix


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no there were not. sword fighting with dante you never got hit (especially not stabbed) and didn't take damage. you got wacked away by dante & took damage or beat him and you knocked him away.

Nah, he looks as bad as Trash but he's worse because he doesn't even look like Dante.

Reminder that this was mercy.

Attached: 20190302_043129.png (2522x1578, 1.15M)

> hating microtransactions despite not knowing how it even interfere with the game because muh clickbait headlines

MTX you don''t even need at all. you're not required to touch them even a little bit, and can attain a perfectly good amount of orbs by, yknow, PLAYING THE FUCKING GAME WELL ENOUGH?

Vergil: Dante... why are you hanging out with Mundus's demon copy of our mother?

I'm disapointed in Vergil's face, but I think I'll still enjoy the game. I want to experience it myself.

The bossfight is ok
The theme on the other hand needs serious replacement with DMC3 soundtrack for the fight to be more enjoyable

Attached: D0tt4DyXQAABlF7.png (500x519, 328K)

He has a good nose but everything else looks off. He looks fat too.

the real fucking funny thing is that all fan theories that went around for the past months sounded infinitely better than this shitfest
bingo gets way more credit than he deserves

but you want to buster him. and buster attacks result in you bashing the enemy not getting stabbed. this shit is not how busters work reserve that garbage for cutscenes.

Johnny Young Basch was always Nero's VA even back in 2008

This is what most of DMC fans wanted, isnt it? Besides for Sparda? More screentime for Vergil? I dont really like nor dislike it but I think they kinda delivered

Shirrako was protecting us after all

>Nero vs Vergil


He looks really bad in that angle just a warning

Well... It was Verg's time to get his face FUCKED desu.
Dante already got his face fucked up in mvc and reboot shit (Vergin wasn't even that ugly). It was Vergil's turn to taste some despair about having his face FUCKED up real bad for a change.

Attached: just.jpg (684x719, 528K)

It is kind of dumb that you can't do anything about it, but eh, it doesn't look like a big deal.

Attached: 1551017056577.png (1024x1024, 881K)

The leaker also said that Vergil has new moves in SoS and more in DMD. I think this DMD Vergil is going to be worse than Vergil 3 on DMD. He now uses his Summoned Swords even if it's just the Human Mode.

>Defending microtransactions
I've S ranked every DMC on DMD you raging faggots, never buy a game with microtransactions though

>Oh, that old bag of bones? Forgot to tell you, she's my fiance and I'm looking for a best man if you're interested

Thanks, user. my worries have been calmed
Now I can just wait in peace to play the game on friday

Attached: 1463967761870.png (84x178, 11K)

Dante's version of the fight has a remix of Vergil 3

Show us the truth

does nero get his normal arm back!?

also where are you guys getting these webm's from? sorry i don't browse Yea Forums 24/7.

>That is truly disgusting Dante

It's a buster animation you absolute retard. Dante doesn't have a buster so there is no buster animation for him to get. Nero has always had this since DMC4, it was his fucking main gimmick.

>Tameme: Dante would get laughed at if he walked into a pub
>Meanwhile, at Ninja Theory

Attached: disheveled weeaboo.jpg (500x684, 99K)

Post it so we can judge it please.

So you didn't buy 4SE? Or did you pirate it to get that turbo mode and new characters?


He gets a human arm and the breakers are remade into gauntlets

He looks like

Attached: Jack_Frost.jpg (300x450, 15K)

It's a huge deal. I want to use busters and when I no damage perfect an enemy feel good about it. now i can't do that I have to not use the buster to have a perfect fight.

But why Capcom? Why would you do this to us? Why subject us to this horror? It's like everybody in the japanese industry knows how to make a good face in an specific artstyle while Capcom is still stuck eating glue.

So other people have different opinions than you and it upsets you?

sure you have.

No one would laugh at Donte.
It's not polite to laugh at the mentally handicapped.

Is there any footage of it? I don't want to be dissapointed but my curiosity is stronger

I want to protect this smile

Attached: BROTHER.jpg (1920x1080, 714K)

We got neros dt,vergils face, and dante telling nero about his dad

Go get aids from your eceleb dick somewhere else faggot.

>yfw you notice all the money went on RE2 rather than this shit show that's been slapped together

Attached: 1180655944552.png (520x520, 14K)

dante does have a buster what is wrong with you idiot?

ok, but does his health regen in DT? that shit was what frustrated me even on normal.

DMC5 Vergil would get laughed at for how ugly he looks with the hair and jawline. I could handle Trash being ugly but not Vergil.


I mean, it's just a stupid animation, but I get ya'. Maybe there's counters where you don't get stabbed, I hope there are.

>Hey, whatever man it's your loss. She gets real nasty if you know what I'm saying WAHOO


I read that they changed the model's faces after the scans but this is WAY too different from the source material. Both the model and the character's old designs.

I pirated it and actually sent a message supporting Itsuno but not wanting to support capcum. Stop defending microtransactions
>Defending microtransactions

I really do think they ran out of time for vergils face

>Nero uses the fucking buster and the animation plays
>Somehow not a buster animation
Are you blind or what? Its just a stylized buster cinematic like the ones in DMC4

lol did you forget dante is a boss in DMC4?

I think this is what everyone thought and its not rocket science to figure it out. But since nobody really want to go with their gut feelings they hesitate to believe something else otherwise with theories after theories

Its like those easy but tricky puzzles that people give too much thought in when the right answer is just right in their faces

>so angry and powerful that you are not even damaged by some universe-cutting blade

I don't think so actually. Once it hit me with Crimson Cloud and split myself in two. I was all on board for it. Everyone else was desperate for Mundus and his great deception, but it just sounded lame. Even worse when people started to realize that V wasn't bullshitting and it evolved into suddenly that Mundus was actually becoming a nice person. FUCKING MUNDUS! Get the fuck out of here with that shit. Yea Forums theorys were just as bad if not worse. At least I can laugh at Bingo being Bingo and enjoy DMC.

>yfw RE2 wasn't even that good and overrated and your only hope was on DMC5 but then you see vergil's face and his boss fight

Attached: 1530912114800.png (500x530, 276K)

mocap was a mistake
dmc should have stayed semi cartoonish

>I pirated it and actually sent a message supporting Itsuno but not wanting to support capcum. Stop defending microtransactions
Power move.


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RE2make isn't any better. Claire and Annette Birkin look really off. RE2make also lacked fully fleshed out B scenarios. I don't think I want to support Capcom after this shitshow.

Why does he look like Phil Spencer

>tfw more hyped now i spoiled myself
thanks faggots

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>yfw it's blatantly obvious you're a shitposter
it's time to let go

>can only see half of it
you mean exactly like that picture of him and Dante standing next to each other, which is an even worse angle because his face is turned even more? fucking retard.

can you read I never said it's not a buster I said there are no buster animations in DMC4 that result in you getting stabbed & not taking damage.

you fucking idiot, if that wasn't a lie then you should know better.
> you're not required to touch them even a little bit

you think Capcom don't fucking track their mtx sells number or someshit?

Bleach Anime was 2004

Dude as an animator there are SO many animation errors that it completely triggers my OCD. PS2 mocap was peak animation.

Also Yakuza makes the original faces that aren't scanned in from real actors look just as amazing as the ones that are.

Jesus fucking christ, why does Yea Forums defend this shit now? What happened?

How do you run out of time when the Dante's model is perfectly ready? Why not just use Dante's model and tweak it abit? This is so retarded. This is the person who made DMC3.

that's a neat head canon but I can't fool myself with that bullshit.

Yeah it's really funny how that works.

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No, like that picture of his full face you stupid crazy bastard. Work on your reading comprehension kiddo

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> Vergil's handsome as fuck best looking character so far
I've never been trolled this hard, ever, in my entire life.

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It's the juxtaposition of anime hairstyle and clothing with a realistic face. It's not a good combination.

I don't see your point user, who cares if you don't take damage in a buster animation?

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> What happened?
because we have brain and know how the mtx works in this game. We don't go full reeeee the second we see the word microtransactions.

Nah not a shitposter. RE2 was legit overrated. It's a good game don't get me wrong, but it's just too modernized for my taste. I prefer the original. As for DMC5 I was legit excited for the story but that's been diminished some for me. Still buying it though.

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>monster hunter chara design failed
Only with the handler, everyone else looks fine. Previous games had hunters looking like fucking goblins too.

This is not a mocap problem. It's a model problem. Capcom must be feeding their designers scraps.

As far as I could understand, I think the real problem with the RE engine isn't that the faces are too realistic, but the expressions the models make, they look too forced to ensure/make it clear they are saying those words, when in reality real people don't do that, since they just scan the face models and make the voice actor do the lines, it ends up odd because it isn't how the "owner" of the face speaks, things like how much their muscles stretch, etc. On some videos made with SFM the models look more natural because it's edited by someone instead of just meshed together.

I can't remember, is Hitsugaya actually a shota younger than the rest of the other shinigami or is he as old but just short?

imagine being this autistic

He looks really fucking good in there.


10/10 here.

Attached: CUTE.png (640x445, 237K)

>anons care about Vergil's face
I knew Yea Forums was gay, but that's too much

>it's okay when I get i-frames in other games but DMC5 has to be the blunder of the century guys oh no no no!

fuck off and die.

Vergil has been a character since 2001

That is literally how it works. Nero gets stabbed, but he is not damaged. Blade's owner, on tge other hand, loses health.
And you are delusional.

Is there some sort of official Agnus mod for Vergil by Capcom? He looks like Agnus BLANCO!

Attached: NANIKA.gif (459x459, 2.6M)

You should you fucking retard. Because of faggots like you we have games with $100+ season passes, KT has $1000+ of microtransactions too

Vergil hasn't had a decent model of his face since DMC3. Give us a break.

it'll be $20 by june probably

Fucking same. Now I really want to see the actual cutscene of Dante telling Nero Vergil's his dad.
If Bui really ends up being a non-character/temporary host body or half of Vergil or some shit i feel really bad for all the people who have been making all this fanart and shit of him and getting excited about him as a character.

Attached: v_bluebird.jpg (1280x1706, 1.23M)

nah, I've always thought both v = vergil and v = mundus were equally stupid as fuck, I was referring to other theories that actually backed up v as his own character instead of just being vergil in his late my chemical romance phase. this outcome is just the cheapest plot device ever.

He's younger.

>It's a good game don't get me wrong
>RE2 wasn't even that good

Nero>tired Vergil>>>>>>hko>Dante

Fuck me for wanting established good lookign characters not turning into fat goblins. It's stupid since Dante looks good and they're twins.

Holy shit! I knew his face was familiar to me for some reason. This explains it.

>wasn't even that good
>somehow means it wasn't good
Did you flunk elementary user?

>mad qualia lyrics fit the last boss fight

>Because of faggots like you we have games with $100+ season passes
Unrelated dude, MTX is different to DLC, fuck off retard. and if that is your problem blame consoletards who have no choice bur to pay those prices for DLC, PC has Creamapi

>We find out all this shit about the game, get to see nero vs vergil, see vergil's new dt and majin dt
>And all you faggots can talk about is his face looking off
Just admit you're all faggots already jesus christ

They DID use him to. It's the same fucking face, but he's paler and clean shaven. The hair doesn't help, should be more slicked.

Attached: Vergil and Dante still have the same face.jpg (1476x1200, 386K)

because people caved in and pay for the microtransactions you fucking dumbass. Profit numbers for the game and dlc and microtransactions are comepletely different. If no one bought them the game (even full price) would be declared as a failure.

I feel like V was a waste of a character. They could have just had him not be playable and do the Vergil thing halfway through.

The abyss of intellect microtransaction shills operate on

It has to be the angled and low quality. The side profile and that pic show promise. Remember fat lipped V?

DMC4 Vergil has the saving grace of looking anime. Everything looks worse in photorealism if it isn't perfect.

Ill keep this vergil

Attached: 1551511338819.jpg (2522x1578, 1.22M)

He looks like he has more of Nero's nose.

>See the difference in jawlines. Vergil looks like a baby.
Is Vergil physically younger than Dante now? Dante is over the hill but Vergil is still in his prime?

They made him fatter and rounder than the model.

I like this outfit unironically
Better than default costume

It's not even DMC fans making these threads, just "oh no no!" chasers who want the next tortanic. Anthem isn't as big a controversy as they hoped, so what's a bigger disaster than a game awaited for a decade having some bad faces am I right?

fucking discordtrannies man.

I don't care if I get called autistic. it's a fucking stupid buster animation, bad game design and bothers me to no end. doing well in gameplay needs to be reflected in the animations. getting stabbed is not doing well. it's a visual punishment that means you did something wrong.

Nice shitpost. Now delete it. We don't want someone mistaking it for an actual opinion.

>imagine having standards yeah that would that be stupid right? haha


>Bailed when the fight dropped and everyone was going apeshit
>Said "fuck it I can't stay away"
>Come back to all this bitching
What did you guys think a photorealistic Vergil was gonna look like? Did you expect his fucking Ps2 face plastered onto the RE Engine model?

And why isn't Nero allowed to grow and get stronger? Who gives a fuck if he surpasses Dante/Vergil? You people are acting like Itsuno is just a fanfaggot hyping his OC, but guess what niggers, Vergil is his OC too since his entire characterization and history is Itsuno's work. Disappointed in you lads right now

Attached: remember what we used to say.jpg (3518x1080, 219K)

do you really think microtransactions are comparable to season passes? and again you avoided my key point that consolefags are to blame and the mobile market too

>wasn't that good and overrated
>somehow this means it was a good game

They saw how popular he was and decided to cash in on it.

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It's mostly the hair's fault. Looks more like Doc Brown than Vergil.

desu no

This lack of eyebrows really messed up the dude's features.

DMC4 vergil looks way off considering it's supposed to be before 3. He looks like he's 40 trying to be a teenager again.

>conviently ignores all the complaints about the boring gameplay
k den

Oh, you mean V is an alchemist or something? He was a summoner trying to bring Dante back from hell because he didn't get the word he escaped and instead got Vergil and took a summoned sword to the leg and is why he needs a cane? Or how about Dante's illegitimate son with fucking LADY, because obviously that's original. No, it was all equally retarded because they were trying to mold this preconceived character around what they had seen and stupidly believed when they were told that V was a new character without any relation to anyone else.

I like that they're experimenting with different play styles, but it's disappointing that they're ditching it in the same game.


Attached: 1551602097584.jpg (896x448, 139K)

Dumbfuck nigger can't even read post properly.

No it's faggots like you no matter what platform buying any rubbish with microtransactions

yeah, why did they even bother to waste resources on a character they would just off later lol



>doesn't understand the use of "that good" with the use of "overrated" in the same sentence
>tries to lecture other anons on what they meant

Attached: 1528958868369.jpg (400x411, 43K)

>No it's faggots like you no matter what platform buying any rubbish with microtransactions
i dont spend a dime on microtransactions, so try again nigger

I expected pretty much exactly that picture. But they can NEVER get his hair right.

Removing Adam's eyebrows was a fucking mistake.

Tweet #patchineyebrowsforVergil to Itsuno and Matt.

No. They edited some part of his lips, eyes, chin, and jawline. His face also looks considerably wider.

>folks thinking the son wouldn't surpass the father
>oldest trope in the world


>What did you guys think a photorealistic Vergil was gonna look like? Did you expect his fucking Ps2 face plastered onto the RE Engine model?
Explain why Dante's realistic face doesn't look bad but they can't do that to Vergil

>FATTO CATTO memes became real

Attached: kyrie always makes too much.jpg (810x810, 217K)

>guy uses robot arm in finall boss
>nero has his arm back in cutscene
did I miss more leaks? also do they show when nero learns vergil is his dad?

>Boring gameplay
Nigger what? I have literally never seen this complaint(read:not a shitpost) in ANY of these threads

You buy games with them in it you stupid fuck, that sends a message

they also forget he's 45 now. no one that age can pull off 19 year old Vergils' looks, not even himself.

That doesn't make sense since Vergil never looked round. They also look like the same age more than Vergil being younger.

Cheekbones, where did they hide his cheekbones

The breakers are refitted at some point in the game into gaunlets as he gets an actual human arm back

he reminds me of pic related for some reason

Attached: file.png (737x768, 1.2M)

No, people have figured it out, it's the eyebrows


You're gay dude just accept it lol

Did absorbing FATTO CATTO make him bulk up?

Easy, I don't think Vergil's face looks bad and you're biased because you've got whiplash from passing Vergil's old look back and forth in these threads since announcement and the new face hasn't set in yet. Remember all the grandpa Dante shitposting at reveal?

Attached: brah.webm (1920x1080, 627K)

I expect that photo but more polished. It makes no sense for him to not look identitical to Dante.

Can anyone upload the video the streamable got copyrighted

>legs like sticks
>face like fatman
Mundus feeding him cum entire time meme was real.

and yet any of this shit would've been better than him being a pre-established character, because, again, it would be shit but at least he'd be his own person

hey faggot read

>You buy games with them in it you stupid fuck, that sends a message
yea the message that i like the game, to send the message that i want microtransactions I would fucking pay for microtransactions, now fuck off out of this thread, i cant believe that microtransactions are a huge crime to you but paid online isnt one you seem to bitch about.

>E3 reveal
>Hate the new artstyle, muted colors for the costumes, immediately worried they're trying to appeal to a western audience again
>Itsuno explains 5 was only going to get made if they made it look cutting edge and realistic

It was a retarded move, they should have stuck to 4's and the Pachinko's artstyle for the characters and only made the environments more gothic.

I feel validated because I've been saying the characters look pretty bad from day 1, especially Trish and Lady. But Vergil certainly takes the cake by far.
All I wanted was a great mainline DMC game, but this along with the music which doesn't appeal to me in the slightest just feels like a monkey's paw scenario.

I just hope modders can fix the garbage facemodels and salvage this somehow.

I think they changed it a little to look more like Nero

Attached: AdamxVergil.png (1011x592, 868K)

Oh so it was that scene

Kiryu has the hairline of a 9 year old boy, it looks weird as fuck. Vergil's hairline is more fitting, but his hair is too long.

Fucking hell DMCfaggots are retarded, if you stopped buying games with microtransactions they would stop adding them. But no, you had to ruin the industry

I've got the vid, where i can i upload it so it cant be striked?


Well sorry you're so disappointed by it, but I fucking love it. It expands on Vergil in a way that I didn't know I wanted. This revelation, the knowledge that I was right. It's only made me like the game even more and I can't wait to get it in my hands.

nope they know if people don't pay for microtransactions and then make no sequel because the game would be deemed as a bomb.

modernwarfare2 dot jpeg.

Just as I feared... it was autism

Pachinko's artstyle isn't that good. Everybody had chin for days. It was only the females that looked good.

>if you stopped buying games with microtransactions they would stop adding them. But no, you had to ruin the industry
ahahah, is that what jim sterling tells you? Hey retard, once this money making method got discovered it will never be not implemented, and not buying games that have it would lead developers into thinking people didnt like THE GAME/SERIES,

> Muh industry

Fuck off.

>Visual punishment
>trading blows with your half devil father who abandoned you and cut off your arm because he was playing 4D chess

you sound like a fucking journo and need to get out immediately

Not him, but there's nothing wrong with Vergil's face. It's just the anime hairstyle doesn't work with such a realistic change. Dante's face looks good because his hair matches his hoboness. Vergil's hair looks like it went through a blowdryer (which is realistic).

Because his Anime hair makes him look like Doc. Brown. The fact that he's clean shaved and has sharp, thin animu eyebrows exacerbates it. Mesh-wise they use the same face, tho Vergil's might be younger, they seem to have removed a lot of wrinkles both the model and Dante had, probably to keep in line with that bit of lore about not aging the when DT'd.

>It makes no sense for him to not look identical to Dante
His facial structure is extremely similar to Dante's, the differences exist because they aged differently. One's been slowly dying in hell for the past couple of decades, you know.

>Doubles down on blaming muh anime
the issue is that he isnt based on adam cowie

>Vergil has been a character since 2001
That's stretching it. The most popular and recognizable incarnation of Vergil has always been DMC3 Vergil. He was a blank slate with a vague backstory before 3.

Just don't upload it.

Holy shit
It's tyler1

Attached: GazNocM.jpg (1735x1735, 555K)

Can you make a webm and link it?

He does but everything has been flabbed out that it looks horrible. It's like they fed him a buffet before getting there. It's also not a mocap issue since Dan Southworth isn't fat.

did you just never play DMC3

trading blows is not the same as getting fucking stabbed. I just want to be able to annihilate my enemy perfectly like I can in every other DMC game.

Of course he is retard.

ok, dont buster then

Pretty sure they used Karlo and made him look older

>It's also not a mocap issue since Dan Southworth isn't fat.
Maybe not but Southworth has an inhuman jaw. Like, not even "haha he's so chad chinlets btfo", I mean Southworth's jaw looks like it could block traffic if he stood too close to the edge of the sidewalk.

>Don't use neros main mechanic that is how you do a free chunk of damage in the fight and add variety.

then dont complain, pick one retard

If you're that upset at the animation that results then yeah, don't use it.

Please give me the thread this was leaked in

Whatever, modders will fix it.

It doesn't fit to the battle I guess.

Well, considering that there are OTHER ARMS now other than Buster to use. Why yes, don't use fucking Buster grabs

>don't use it
"don't use it" is bullshit.
"don't use it" can be used to defend the worst mechanics and decision in gaming history.
No i'm going to complain about poor visual feedback design and bad animation. because it's bad.

Terminal autism. I'm sorry.