Why didn't you save her?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because even if you did, it's not like it's relevant to the story since it's a themepark and they just keep adding random nonsense to it.

how the fuck are you supposed to save someone from something that strikes at any moment without an apparent source

"dude why didn't you save your girlfriend from cancer lmao"

Even if I could have, I didn't want to.

because I was busy playing an actual video game.

I've not played for about 3 years; should I get back into it?
What's changed?

>healer in command missions prioritizes topping off group with medica instead of keeping the tank alive, even when the dps/healer are at 90% health and the tank is at 1% health
this game was coded by monkeys

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More useless, tedious shit to do.

Thordan did nothing wrong.

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Ah shit. What a shame

Well besides abandon his kid. Other than that the dude had the right idea. I can almost guarantee the WoL is a primal.

Will we ever get another S tier Final Fantasy?

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They're all alive again and just fine in 5.0. We see it in the fucking teaser trailers already.

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Shitty hair.

i don't like this image, please do not post it again

He didn't abandon Aymeric. He gave him to an infertile family to save the both of them from a lifetime of political scandal.
>I can almost guarantee the WoL is a primal.
Not yet, but WoL is becoming a "living primal" along the lines of Louisoix and High Seraph Ultima.

The WoL is next

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I bet if you let her kiss you, she'd be okay.

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Where's tactics? What the hell is VIII doing at the top? Why is IX D tier? Why the fuck is II at B tier?

jp onry?

The only good elf is a dead elf

Also I don't play Final Trannypeepee 14. It's a disgrace to the series

How come you faggots always only respond to the first zero effort shitposter?

Welcome to the concept of b8, my redditor friend.

I can't wait until the 23rd when these threads will have actual discussion beyond inane shitposting.

Pretending to fall for someone merely pretending is an act of kindness you know.

D- post, apply yourself cuck.

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it's the best final fantasy since we entered the 21st century though?

because she was taking my wife's screentime

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Fuck blue mages
Fuck trannies
And FUCK shadowniggers

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Well nobody else has bothered giving me an answer in about 4 threads where I've asked now.

The subscription is an investment and I used to enjoy the game and I'm now in a situation where I can play the game again I just wanted to know if it's more fun than a few years ago because I'll probably have to start a new character

It's fun, why would you need to make a new character?

SB DRK quests were fucking kino. Shame the job plays like hammered shit. It'd be amazing if Yoshi left the job to play like ass like MNK even though it's the banner job for the expansion. Well, he did double down on Eureka so anything is possible.

You need to delete and repost. It's barely English. I get what you're saying but someone without autism won't.

We just have to believe. Believe with all our hearts that we will be cool again. We're not going to get overshadowed like the MNK's did in our own fucking expac. To hell with gunblades, sword and board, and unga bunga!

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I want to feel like I’m on an adventure again, where no one knows about the WoL, just for a little bit.

>t. Fray

Thanks man.
Mainly because I can't remember what I was doing or where I was up to when I stopped playing.

If we end up going to another Shard that might be the case.

There's a new HUD element that tells you what MSQ you need to do.

>violently chokes
>seemingly passes out due to oxygen deprivation
>its a sleeping potion lol
As much as I enjoyed Ishgard's side of HW, the entire follow up of 2.x series was worse than anything in SB.

The journal + unending journey in the inn has recaps that will get you back up to speed.

Console limitations. Please understand.

SB DRK is such a downgrade from HW it's impressive.

>tfw you will never go on a nice trip together with fray

Attached: Dark Knight changes from 3.0 to 4.0.webm (1280x720, 1.47M)

What a silly mix up, you put the S rank games in A, AND swapped around VIII and IX! You goose, you.

Because she has a dominant personality and it intimidates me.

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Nothing will ever top fray's teenaged girl bitchfit over not getting recognition for leviathan.

It was literally foreshadowed since 1.0. Anyone who played since then knew exactly what was happening. But like Minfilia's story, the devs fucked up in assuming anyone played it.

Real talk what's with the character designs that aren't the main cast. Some of the job quest folks look fucking retarded.

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Shut the fuck up. They wanted to make her look like she died as well as everyone else. They went balls to the walls then reversed hard. No one would've been safe if someone important had actually died and now Minfilia is actually coming back. NO ONE FUCKING DIES IN THIS GAME.

Before the reveal I thought I met my waifu.

Cool that's useful
Oh shit yeah I forgot about that; I think my last log off was in an inn too.

What are the new races like? I was a Lalafell; are they still cool?

they have kind of a problem in how limited their four face bases are when it comes to characters outside eorzea

I think you mean cute as fuck.

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They took a stroll around Limsa and picked the first bumblefuck they spotted to use as a model.

There is so much you can do with 4 faces.

Yup. About right.

No, pretending to be retarded is still retarded.

>Shut the fuck up. They wanted to make her look like she died as well as everyone else
Again, it was foreshadowed since 1.0. Back then, Lolorito was involved in fucking Syndicate plans to assassinate Eolande Quiveron, who held Godbert's Syndicate seat at the time. Because they couldn't get to her, they began poisoning her son with a coma potion, which Lolorito personally financed a cure for. This was the same doctor from the Christmas questline a few years ago who Lolorito bent over backwards to help out.

>Next expansion is literally called Shadowniggers
How does Yoshida keep getting away with it?

>and High Seraph Ultima.
Ultima's a different deal, she's an angel like the Kuribu in the Shadowbringers trailer. The spell Ultima came from her and it's not supposed to be possible on Hydaelyn, and spitballing the Heart of Sabik that powered the Ultima Weapon might be one of her auracites.

Au Ra are still pretty popular, Viera aren't out yet so it's too early to judge.

Fuck whoever decided you needed to do dungeons with them for the promotion. It's fucking boring.

Gosetsu's story with "Tsuyu" was actually a well done tragedy. Didn't give a fuck about the surrounding events. Asahi is a trash character and was entirely unnecessary. Nobody cares about Lyse or Fordola. Fucking nobody.

Excellent one-two punch.

Yeah, but you should rewatch the Ivalice questline and read her figurine card. After she landed on Hydaelyn from wherever she came from, people began to worship her. They imbued her with their worship and granted her a personality, making her what the lore calls a "living primal". This is exactly like what happened at Carteneau when the wishes of Eorzea turned Louisoix into Phoenix.

Why should I? It's an MMO, nothing I do in-the game is going to matter to the in-game world.

I saved her for my dick, now that she is in a coma I can use her as a personal cock sleeve whenever i want.

But Fray is a man?

asahi was necessary for the lalafell intimidation scene

No it's 5 dimensional chess with another hyper intelligent individual over Cyberspace.

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I wish yda was still a thing. At least she was basically background. Lyse is almost as bad as minfillia.

The living person Fray was a man, your idea of Fray is a man or woman depending on your character

Iron doesn't come out of the ground in sword form, my negro amigo.

>or Fordola
I care about her just for a possible romantic development between her and the rape baby, ave-whatever his name is.

This. The entire Doma segment of SB was actually the story of Gosetsu's redemption and it's fucking great.
XI had girls of the expansion, XIV has boys of the expansion.

>this is what reddit trannies actually believe
It was my own fault for entering an mmo thread in the first place.

How much of "Fray" was projected from what the job stone remembered of Fray? The Warrior of Light never met him before he died, but he did cross-class to Conjurer in life, which is what "Fray" does in the quests as a helper NPC.

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Ye, she's cute as fuck. One of her soldiers looks retarded with a two tone hair color and also like the coils raid dude with different color eyes.

It's like they're getting their kids to make the characters.

When do the pre-order items come in? I was gunna re-sub when I got my earrings. what was it, a 10% bonus exp to characters under level 70?

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I was merely pretending right there, you've been fooled.

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Mostly just the physical appearance. Fray's entire personality is just the WoL's Esteem.

What do I even do in Pagos. This is terrible.

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They are rolled out as I type this. It's 30% boost up to level 70, but also mutates its stats to comparable ilvl.

>still no NPC dating mechanic
fuck you Yoshi

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From how focused Fray is on WoL I assumed there's not a lot left if anything.

Free trial up to level 35.

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Might re-sub soon. I was gunna do it right now but Destiny 2's DLC comes out on tuesday.

I was legit getting choked up about Gosetsu losing Tsuyu, and the bit with his likeness saving her in the Tsukuyomi fight is fantastic. He just wanted to settle down with a family, man...

Challenge logs.

I was mostly thinking about the Conjurer part. Sid says he wouldn't have lost if he'd had his cane. That's something the Warrior of Light couldn't have known about.

He had a family, and he lost them. His chance at a second family with Tsuyu was exactly the loss he needed as punishment for his sins, so that he could live a peaceful life from then on. God damn, Gosetsu's entire arc is top tier.

I'm glad he's not going to be around when shit falls apart in the next story patch, I hope he has comfy adventures as he travels.

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I thought it was a pretty well done take on what I saw foreshadowed well before Doma Castle: Gosetsu wasn't the "dies to absolve his sins" trope, he was the "old warrior lives too long" trope.

Guys, are you not afraid about SHB release?
I bet SHB will flop terribly.
Cause their release date is too close to WoW Classic.
And believe me - EVERYBODY would play classic. Like it is the most important release of the fucking decade

Just image Yoshi's face when he will see the numbers! Like, huh, i believe he'll gonna kill himself

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Couldn't afford the monthly subscription desu

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Yeah, the soul crystal absorbed memories and talents of the original Fray, and conjured it because WoL wanted a teacher. The JP version makes it clear that it even animated Fray's corpse. But the personality was entirely WoL's desire to leave all of the hero bullshit behind and go live for their own wants and desires.

>loses second waifu
>has character development
>cuts his hair
Just like my chinese cartoons.

Red Mage is easy mode but also stupidly fun.

I've been doing those in Anemos, to lvl 27.

>tearing up at a roastie getting what she deserves
the absolute state of you

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it sucks now


>Yoshi "Just unsub when you're done"
>giving a shit

Why what? Why is lyse terrible? blame SE. Why is minfillia worse? just play the game.

Because Yda was fun.

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boring dumb broad with too much screentime vs boring dumb broad featuring pray return

Yotsuyu deserved death. But Gosetsu didn't deserve to lose Tsuyu. I care more about Gosetsu.

Yotsuyu got what she deserved, it's Gotsetsu who deserves the sympathy for losing everything twice.

You don't cry for yotsuyu, you cry for gosetsu who cared about yotsuyu. That you can't understand that hints that you may have autism, or some such mental impairment that affects your capacity for empathy.

Gosetsu deserved to lose it because of his own sins, but he also earned his peace after losing it all a second time.

Doma dogs deserve it and more.

I feel bad for him.

I feel bad for myself and want to die.

Speaking as an FF14fag, I hope Classic does well for you. I honestly, truly do. I legitimately cannot imagine what it's like to be hooked on an MMO for the better part of two decades, and Battle for Azeroth is what you get.

Meh I'm just going to solo everything anyway since I'm autistic and am repulsed by socialising in any form but I get obsessed with game worlds and lore and the like.

Which expansion is that on I've only got Heavensward

I think he's meant to look old but still attractive. I understand where you're coming from though. I thought he looked retarded when I did the quest but look at him now I think they were just trying to convey that his hair is greying.

>WoW Classic
... Who?

I was actually interested in WoW classic but if it releases at the same time as Shadowbringers I'm probably not going to bother.

All good things come to an end. Even XIV will one day go to shit. I suspect it may start to happen at or after 6.0. Definitely by 7.0, things will be headed downhill.

>it will never be the summer of 2014 again, where I took at least 1GB of screenshots of Yda's ass in those little shorts

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Stormblood. Also don't worry about the social content, assuming you can't just Trust everything once Shadowbringers drops, the community really got its shit together. If they don't have a Mentor crown they're really chill.

Cuz I don't give a fuck about her.

Make sure to buy the lorebook.

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>yfw FFXIV: Classic fags will become a reality

What's with this game and attracting a bunch of anti social fucking losers. No matter what forums I visit some faggot whines about duty finder and tanking with anxiety. Holy shit!

Which still doesn't excuse the abysmal presentation. A sleeping potion or whatever wouldn't have you violently choking and gasping for air before passing out from oxygen deprivation. More than that though, is Rhaubahn's reaction, which is the typical "I sense someone important to me has just passed away" which makes zero fucking sense if she was just taking an extended nap.

No, it was a bullshit retcon because they couldn't figure out how to write it, they completely discarded the entire fucking storyline about Nanamo abdicating too, after all the fucking time you spent on that shit.

They already exist, 1.X nostalgiaposting is a thing

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Why wouldn't they? 1.0 was so superior to ARR onward it's more sad than anything.

Yeah, it doesn't make any sense, they're not even the same character anymore.

>My headcanon means more than the actual written facts of the game!

I'm aware they're being ironic but holy shit I would rather be castrated than go back to 1.X's horrid area-design and infuriating slowness. Ifrit in 2.X and beyond is a severely sped-up version of how he fights in 1.X and he's still abominably slow.

>server only Party Finders
>only one tier of 8-man raids
>queuing for raids only in the zone the raid is in
>can only clear a raid once per week
>no gear parts, only gear

>That doujin

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Lyse's role in any scene she's in seems to be acting confused and lost, hopeless yet carrying on. She's basically an even worse Alysaile because she also stopped actually fighting and wears that retarded looking dress rather than the far more suitable gear she had earlier, and had no legitimate reason to discard.

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Autism doesn't make you retarded like that user. Retarded is the word you're looking for, stop being a moron and using words you don't even understand.

Fuck off autist.

Classic will do well for about a week, then die because everyone realizes that WoW was always shit

I think 1.0 could have been a decent game in its own right if it didn't have so many issues with its design and client/server infrastructure.

Classic XIV will never be a thing though. There wasn't enough to do even in 1.23, the content just wasn't there.

yotsuyu did literally nothing wrong though

they already said it's never going to happen because they don't have the server side code for 1.0 anymore

Yep, nothing wrong with having random dicks in every possible orifice multiple times a day for literally a decade and a half

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Yotsuyu's first death was perfect.

>than the far more suitable gear she had earlier
Nah, this outfit is pretty stupid as well. How many belts does she have on that thing? Five. FIVE fucking belts.

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Ivalice end was kino

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I like the world but chatting to people causes me anxiety so why would I force myself to do that; it's not something that's ever going to change I'm 30 odd with kids and a wife.

I might do actually...

Thanks man. The community seemed pretty okay a few years ago too. I never once had a bad experience with the duty finder

Nice argument faggot, none of what I said was headcanon, use words you know the meaning of an not just words you think sound convincing you retarded spastic.

god i wish that was my dick


I count 6

Against your will and and to keep two truly horrible adoptive parents and their equally horrible biological son afloat

As a tacticsfag, I didn't care for it that much. I still enjoyed the raid overall quite a bit.

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Not what I was referring to but that's still more suitable than a fucking dress when she's constantly running around talking to peasants.

Also I think I've built a resistance to Japs obsession with belts. Send help.

>it's your fault you got enslaved and raped
incels get out

Waaaa waaaa. It's not cool to have anxiety.
It's even worse that you're 30 years old and you stress out over talking to other people.

Because I'm racist against elves

wow thanks!

I still love that you're right in the middle of doing important shit in Ishgard and they make you take a detour to bust Raubahn out and wrap up everything in 2.x in one conversation in some shitty bar out in the asshole of Thanalan and then send you back to Elezen Game of Thrones like nothing happened.

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Nobody said it was
It's a shitty way to live and unfortunately I can't get over it.

Elezen are the only good race in XIV

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Would you ______ this? Keep in mind you are her thousandth customer and will almost certainly gain a STD debuff from touching her

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How would you have done it?

still would

>In a world with abundant magical healing
Nice fantasy, faggot.


>step out of ishgard areas
>story gets retarded
It's best they kept it short.

Somebody post the crotch rot guy.

Depending on how far they take the Not!Japan angle, the whore houses probably do a pretty good job of keeping people with STDs out.


Daily reminder, Alisaie canonically wants to 69 with the female WoL

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There are multiple NPCs that reference the 'crotchrot'. There's also a disease in the lore that tore through Gridania called The Green Death. Mages couldn't do shit about it, but the ALC guild eventually found a cure.

Since I sub and unsub all the time I must have missed some lore or dont remember it... why is that Ultima (the spell) is not possible in Hydaelyn?

She goes both ways

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Didnt have enough gil clearly

Wanna know why? Because you're saying to yourself you can't.

Yes, but it's still an MMO and nothing you do in the game is of any consequence because monsters and bosses will respawn, servers will be reset, and it will eventually be unplayable.

>final steps of faith
>royal menagerie
>hells kier


>containment bays

Forgot they exist

fill in the rest lads im tired

>Free trial up to level 35.

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delet this

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Sounds like it would also apply to the WoL at this point, doesn't it?

Yup and people choose to be gay.

Stop being retarded user, lead by example and overcome your crippling intellectual deficiency, you too can do it! (you can't)

>Brood-brother, thou hast doomed me! But if I must mine end meet, then all shall burn upon my pyre!

Don't do this to me man.

But nah it's the autism

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Ravana is cool.

Ultima requires such a tremendous amount of aether/energy that it's not possible on Hydaelyn. The energy used when cast by the Ultima Weapon and probably Demi-Ultima spells like with the Allagan endbosses comes from outside of Hydaelyn's reality.

>Forgot they exist

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What are the criteria of these rankings? Music? Mechanics? Aesthetics? Don't leave us to do guess-work, user.

Do not say these kinds of things so soon after harmony day!

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Yeah, exactly. People who think WoL is a primal have it all wrong. Ever since Final Coil they've been building up that WoL is BECOMING a primal because of the worship and admiration focused toward them.

Fuck off discord tranny.

Holy shit! This is another thing, it's always mental illness this, mental illness that. Maybe I should start say I'm a depressed autistic fuck so I can avoid starting to go to work in the mornings.

It's not the amount of energy that's impossible. It's the type of energy itself. The Ultima spell uses energy that doesn't exist on Hydaelyn. It draws power from literally nowhere, and the Heart of Sabik inside the Ultima Weapon can warp reality in such a way that makes that spell possible. Demi-Ultima is an Allagan-engineered spell that mimics Ultima on a smaller scale without requiring the Heart of Sabik.

The reason people say the WoL is a primal is due to sharing so many traits, it's ultimately just the form of it. Right now I'm mostly wondering if the WoL has some responsibility in the Aether running dry in some areas, considering how long they've been going around.

>run Ala Mhigo
>SAM dies like 10 times and keeps taking damage during pulls even though I always have aggro

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Mental illness has only just started being properly accepted despite research saying it's a big deal for decades. And one of the biggest factors in treating it is people not being a prick about it.

You wouldn't tell someone with a broken leg "just walk better, you only can't walk because you don't think you can!"

Yup, thought so. You can overcome your retardation just as well as that user can overcome his anxiety.

I.e; not even a little bit. Useless cur.

Someone post the screencap of Yugiri hitting on the WoL when she gets tipsy, I don't have it saved for some reason

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Knife ears asked for it

bruh it's just from the anniversary video

>nobody cares about Lyse and Fordola
Fordola "redemption" arc was well executed and the concept of conflicting her natural ethnicity with her garlean upbrings was interesting and better than yet another tragic past whore that Yotsuyu was.

There is nothing special about Lyse since after base Stormblood. She is just there as a bonus just like Yda was. Anyone claiming she takes credit on shit probably skipped all the dialogues. She says and does dumb shit which is honestly what I expected from Yda if put in a position of power.

The actual central character of Ala Mhigo side since post-4.0 is Raubahn and he's been getting some really good development. It's too bad that I think he will probably die in the next story patch.

>always the same 100 posters

In case you're new; SAM is the new loldragoon.


The aether running dry is something that has been happening since the Battle of Silvertear Skies, but that bit of lore completely slipped under everyone's radar.
If you remember way back in ARR, there's a questline in East Shroud where you're assisting a researcher and then accidentally find out Wildred has been murdered. That researcher says that the aether has been slowly thinning since Silvertear Skies when Midgardsormr kamikaze'd the Agrius.

You take that back

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A SAM who has his class down will eventually outpace a Tank who isn't constantly spamming Emnity abilities/Provoke. There's nothing you could have done.

Of course, being able to play your class doesn't mean you understand the dungeon's mechanics.

I swear the trial will turn more people away with how bad the combat is until 60. I made the mistake of doing leveling roulette and got haukke Manor. Holy shit I wanted to tear my eyes out with how mindnumbingly boring and restrictive it was.

They weren't even taking aggro.
They were just taking damage somehow and I still haven't figured it out

>Maybe I should start say I'm a depressed autistic fuck so I can avoid starting to go to work in the mornings
Cool story bro

Plus autism isn't a mental illness it's a developmental disorder you may as well demand somebody with downs get over their downs right now.

what doujin

Why and how is winning so much apparently causing light to become too powerful?
What the hell is a "flood of light" supposed to look like?

I'm so confused.

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What characters do you hope get some big roles in shadowbringers?
For me, its:
>Elezen zenos

Makes sense.

Tranny, I can't take your opinion seriously sorry.

Well fuck! Your recovery would be better if you want to get healed. This is telling a guy with a broken leg to just stay at home and don't bother trying to fix it because it's hopeless.

>quit talking about videogames reeeee

play final fantasy 3, shadowbringers entire premise is ripped off from it.

Like this.

Attached: 1547369530693.jpg (3000x1218, 3.5M)

that's probably tactics advance or crystal chronicles

Bring my main nigger Corpse Animated By Your Negative Emotions Man

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>A SAM who has his class down will eventually outpace a Tank who isn't constantly spamming Emnity abilities/Provoke
No they won't, because a SAM that knows what they're doing will be keeping Diversion on cooldown and, if necessary, using Merciful Eyes to further drop their threat. The damage gained from not pulling threat and dying vastly outweighs the potency lost by not using Hissatsu: Seigan.

>What the hell is a "flood of light" supposed to look like?
Just stare at the sun for a bit

Dark and Light are not synonymous with Good and Evil. They're just primal forces of nature.
A Flood of Darkness warps and consumes everything. A Flood of Light burns and sterilizies everything.

Think about it in psychological terms then.
If you had a country or planet that was enveloped in constant harmony and life, would it not stagnate growth and bring about calamities all its own?

ever heard of yin yang? there has to be a balance of light and darkness in order to create a stable world. too much tipping the scale in ones favor causes all sorts of problems

>If you had a country or planet that was enveloped in constant harmony and life, would it not stagnate growth and bring about calamities all its own?
>t. Amon

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>Why and how is winning so much apparently causing light to become too powerful?
In recent years the balance is already shifted towards Light since the primals are showing up to try and shift things down again towards Darkness and balance out.
>What the hell is a "flood of light" supposed to look like?
The Warriors of Darkness describe it as the entire world and its lifestream being bleached of any color, emotion, and life. The Void, a world that fell to Darkness, is a pitch-black hellscape where demons freely spawn. If angels weren't already shown as something totally alien to Hydaelyn/Zodiark's dichotomy I'd probably suspect they came from a world that fell to Light.

Yes, but it's my understanding that somewhat coincides with the birth/rise of the WoL and the further summoning of primals, the decline of Hydlyn etc.

I do wonder how the Ivalice story's mentions of a WoL: they seem to imply it's simply a recurring aspect that manifests itself, and when taken with the concept of auracite and what it does, it seems that the "WoL = Primal" could be a bit more nuanced, and that you're merely housing the essence of the "WoL" which is itself a primal.

Think about it like this: light as an "element" is often treated as warm and comforting in its benevolent form. Dark, when treated as benevolent, is much the same, on the opposite side of the spectrum. When there's too much light, it burns, sears and cleans everything away until there's nothing left. Too much dark is the exact opposite, covering everything, stifling and choking until there's nothing left but darkness within darkness.

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Yugiri is cute! She's cute!

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I'm sorry, I get the concept of a world beset by Light and what happened to it. The WOD describe their land as an apocalyptic purgatory. The world of darkness is the land of tentacles and succubi.

But how is killing primals, ascians, and other assorted villains tipping the balance toward "light"? What is the "light"? Is it Hydaelyn? Does she get more powerful with every Extreme Trial we complete and leak crystal space radiation onto other worlds?

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This list is completely fucking retarded

As a guy who's first FF game was 3, I'm pretty excited about where Shadowbringers seems to be going

>I got BTFO oh shit I better call him names
Nice meme, faggot.

Warrior's of Light always appear on the eve of a calamity according to the Minion of Light.


You triggered tranny?

It is also interesting like zenos said. We are not influenced by the presence of a primal because our presence is bigger then theirs. Could we then not in return control them
-zenos says as he merges with a primal and reverts back alive

Theres a lot of loose ends and shadowbringers seems to be the start to the answers.

fordola hasn't been well executed at all
for one, she's still alive

I'd keep my expectations low

You ever play SMT? Think Law.

That's the twist of XIV. That the WoL is a primal based on the main character from 1.0.

I know that Yoshi hates interracial relationships but are there any halfbreeds in XIV currently? I know he chimped out when someone asked about playable halfbreeds at NA Fanfest

>M-maybe it'll work if I try it again?
Retarded burgers doubling down on their retardation never ceases to be hilarious.

Don't be stupid.

I know...

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I can't get over her VA being brutally murdered. I can't explain it, but every time I see Yugiri I just think of that and it kills my boner.

>Yes, but it's my understanding that somewhat coincides with the birth/rise of the WoL and the further summoning of primals, the decline of Hydlyn etc.
By about 5 years or so, depending on how old you headcanon your WoL, yeah.
>I do wonder how the Ivalice story's mentions of a WoL: they seem to imply it's simply a recurring aspect that manifests itself
It is. Remember you're not the only WoL. Ysayle was a WoL too, and Matoya has one of the previous Crystals of Light which is much more powerful than any of the ones you carry.
>you're merely housing the essence of the "WoL" which is itself a primal
That might be possible, but Ramza, a previous WoL, remind captive and sapient inside the piece of Auracite. There's also the implication that having the Echo doesn't let your soul dissolve into the Lifestream like a normal person.

>I'm sorry, I get the concept of a world beset by Light and what happened to it. The WOD describe their land as an apocalyptic purgatory
The WoDs describe their world as a sterilized wasteland scorched by Light. They believe the only way to salvage their world is to cause a Calamity and fuse it into our world so that someday that aether can be reborn.
>But how is killing primals, ascians, and other assorted villains tipping the balance toward "light"?
Because those things are aspected toward the primal force of Darkness/Chaos. Light is simply another primal universal force opposite to that.

What about louisoix literally telling us he teleported us 6 years ahead in time in COB storyline?

Siiiip. You sir just called me a burger. I am reporting you for misgendering me.

It's ma'am! Ma'am!

Well yea, but that's a bit of a tangent from what I was suggesting.

I'm just wondering if those crystals we were gathering for hydlyn were a type of auracite now, each one imbuing the character with more WoL.

>Ysayle was a WoL too, and Matoya has one of the previous Crystals of Light which is much more powerful than any of the ones you carry.
You're still unique as the Warrior of Light, it's just that the Echo isn't unique. Very rare and not discriminatory about who gets it (even beastmen can have it), but not something exclusive to you.

That only applies if you played 1.0 and continued playing that same character during 2.0

>level 70 bard with full i380 gear pulling less than 3k dps

How do these people even breathe?

Hilda is a Hyur/Elezen halfbreed.
Arenvald is a Hyur/Garlean halfbreed.
There's a side quest that describes a Hyur/Au Ra halfbreed, who the Ruby Princess is descended from.

Imagine being this obsessive about your own delusions. My, almost like how trannies are.

How quaint.

Ongoing in-world joke that highlander hyurs are hyur/roe halfbreeds too

Warrior of Light is a very vague term in the first place. They call your character Warrior of Light because they remind you of all the warriors that died at Carteneau. But Ysayle has a Crystal of Light and the Echo herself. And there are other figures you see flying around Hydaelyn in your initial vision. Plus Tenzen, Ramza, Wiyu, and Urth.

You know who doesn't shut up about trannies and tries to bring them up whenever possible? Trannies

You wanna fuck?


>Seiryu ex today
>MNK in group doing 3-4k dps
>Keep seeing him die and get debuffed
>Tell him "you can sprint to swim faster. Also, dont worry about positionals during hectic moments
>His dps jumps to 5.8k and we kill seiryu
Sometimes you just need to give em a little push

No way fag.

I got the joke, but it wasn't funny.

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So it can be disregarded.


It's about as substantial as an off-handed mention of "oh yes there was a claim in the family tree that a hyur is in our royal ancestry" for the au'ra halfbreed.

>someone actually being nice instead of an impatient little shitlord who bitches and whines about a player not being pro
I have a hard time believing your story

So both can be disregarded.

How I imagine red mage mains saying their job has a semi complex rotation

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Clearly that's why you repeated it.

user, this is an anonymous image board, you do not need to try and salvage the situation in such a pathetic manner after you've embarrassed yourself like that.

Quiet, tranny.

she's literally a dog on a leash forced to kill Ifrit with a bunch of amateur SMNs and will literally blow up if she refuses to continue doing so
good enough punishment

How I imagine healers who slut glam

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Oh I admit it's a simple rotation, but damn if I don't feel good when I manage that clutch mass Verraise when things go to shit.

I try, simple advice like this goes a long way. I also do shoutouts for friends on voice mostly because i play blm so i know them all by the second anyway
Just a small goes a long way as it gets people focused again nad stops tunnel vision, too.

Oh. Back to your old shtick of calling people names when you get BTFO? How adorable.

As Hydaelyn's champion (the warrior of light) grows stronger, so does the influence of light upon the world. By stopping Zodiark's influence in the world (slaying ascians, destroying primals, etc) you eradicate the darkness and begin ushering in light to the world. Even Elidibus mentions back in early Heavensward after you kill Thordan and stop the Ascian (followers of Zodiark) influence that the balance between light and darkness are beginning to shift due to Hydaelyn's influence growing stronger and her champion is basically becoming a god upon the realm that's hard as fuck to stop. That's when they call in the Warrior of Darkness to help delay or stop the unbalancing of the world.

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>actually thinking red mage contributes anything

who cares, she only voiced 3 lines at the start of hw it wasnt even her first va

>actually thinking it doesn't because you want to fit in with all the other The Balance rejects on XI/v/ threads

Tbh i dont think hydaelin or zodiark are bad. We will see i guess

Kaguya sama is a shit anime.

I do appreciate you going back to the more classic version of "oh shit I got BTFO" but I'm not sure what you hope to accomplish.

We need to bitch slap them and force them to kiss and make up.

I like rdms, especially in pugs or progression (the only place where team comp matters anyway)

H-how did you know

Red Mages are fine, I like seeing one so long as they know what they're doing. They shred ARR content when leveling low jobs and can clutch-save a raid or dungeon.

Keep proving his smarmy fedora-tip macro right by trying to get the last word in every time

>BRD is pulling ahead of the boss
>healer rescues him into an AoE

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according to yoshida we're only halfway through hydaelyn's and zodiark's arc after the events from 1.0 to now. so we won't really find out until 8.0 at least.

>talking shit about Ravana
Fuck (You)
He also has one of the best weapon sets in the game

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>Going to have to do savage to upgrade my Scaevan weapon
I feel like a bitch for feeling this apprehensive over savage when I can do ex trials just fine.

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Being this brain damaged into thinking this is true.

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yeah he pretty much embarrassed himself by actually typing out "Siiiiip." like some twitter boomer or fucking Jacob Wohl, just stop replying

Oh shit, I thought you were a burger but given your obvious failure to grasp the concept of Irony it seems you might actually be British.

Nigger what the fuck are you doing if not trying to get the last word you inbred fuckwit.

His fight is extremely unmemorable though.

literally me

The Hotel Dusk image sure showed me wrong, the job is shit.

I liked it, fuck you.

>t. shitter that did it for the first time well after 3.0 launch

farm party
no doubles allowed
lootmaster rules first come first serve

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I hate savage because PF is so bad that you need a static to make progress and at that point the game feels like a part time job having to make appointments and shit.

I didn't say it wasn't fun, just not memorable. It lacks unique mechanics and is just a basic circle arena "dodge the markers kill the adds"

Leviathan is memorable because you get knocked off the ship and the chaotic nature of the fight allows for many unique interactions and moments to occur, like one of your healers getting knocked off the ship and then the remaining one clutching the fight by himself. If something happens in Ravana it's the same old either full wipe or easy res.

Grow up kid.

>t. shitter that did the fight unsynced well after 3.0 launch
Also you forgot about how Ravana had the same thing, where if someone was knocked off the edge they were permanently out of the fight until the entire party wiped. Of course, you'd know that if you fought him during 3.0, before that was changed.

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>he missed out on the glory that was getting a critlo off raw intuition and deploying it to cheese mechanics

So here's a question about this new job:
What mount will they get for their Tanking achievement?

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I'm hoping mechanical lion

Well the lion's out the window because PLD already has one. DRK has a black panther and WAR has a bear. What does that leave?

Maybe it's a lion

Nah, did that, it was not an interesting mechanic, and a piss poor replacement of using lustrate to cheese mechanics in ARR.

>Also you forgot about how Ravana had the same thing, where if someone was knocked off the edge they were permanently out of the fight until the entire party wiped. Of course, you'd know that if you fought him during 3.0, before that was changed.
Why lie on the internet user?

Paladin already gets a lion for Tank You, Paladin III

here is a superior, EX mode difficulty list

elder god


it's ok

>King Moogle




some type of recolored bird mob maybe, something that isn't beefy or aesthetically fit for a tank like the job itself

we are called vanafags thank you very much.

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Squall's 3D model pulled directly from FF8

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Hahaha no. Tedious in addition to being obnoxious, I'd actually prefer Thornmarch over that shitshow. Hell even Shiva is better on account of at least having interesting mechanics.

Only one here I actually agree with is Bismarck, what a shit fight that was.

DPSfags STILL crying literal rivers of salty tears


ok so the fight is boring and lacking in mechanics and just plays out like a 2.x encounter design snoozefest, but ITS FUCKING SHIVA. SHE STEPS ON YOU AND THEN THE BEST SONG IN THE GAME PLAYS.

Dont give a flying fuck of her and has Japanese fanfest started.

and another thing: im not mad. please dont put in the thread that i got mad.

Ragnarok. pls ;_;

Why the fuck would Rathalos be counted? It's an event battle as in non cannon bullshit. If you add that you might as well add Gilgamesh as relevance

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You can't just arbitrarily declare something as non-canon, user.

Also, Garuda has best arr primal theme. Since it sounds good and ain't weeb shit rock, rap, bullshit.

It starts on the 23rd

The Warring Triad are potentially non-canon

Ok then Rathalos is very important to the events in FFXIV

im a tankfag and im more salty about the fact that we have another tank class with asscoats

Does this game ever actually kill anyone off that isn't haurchefant or louisouix?

nobody is stopping you, friendo.
you sure take your theme park fan service FF MMO very seriously lol

body sliders when?

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Is your entire life seen in black and white? Rathalos in XIV is literally just another thing you've fought and killed.

Go to sleep burger.

Just use mods

>GNB's artifact armor isnt a XIV spin on the SEED uniform

Monk positionals are a meme now anyways, it's a mere 20 potency boost per hit and not worth the dancing compared to DRG or SAM

>wanting an XIV spin on something after the travest that was the "eorzean designed" rathalos armour

Is XV still ruled by parseshitters or is it fun again?

Dollet needs to be a 24 man raid.

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>Get my WoW friend to play the game
>He gets Lancer to 30 and doesn't understand why he should go Dragoon
Is this a WoW thing? Because I sometimes watch him in towns and he just runs around and jumps over things with no idea where to go, or how to do it. It's kinda sad.

True. They would probably give it a buttcape and high heels for no reason.

WoW players are used to depending on a third-party resource to tell them absolutely everything, so, yes and no? he's certainly a moron but whether or not WoW caused that is unclear.

Buttcape, high heels, potentially a ton of belts, and a HUGE collar that clips through every hairstyle.

IIRC in WoW you don't have to "upgrade" your job

He probably sees DRG as a "spec", such as Demonology is to Warlock

What do you mean 'doesn't understand'? Did you legitimately tell him that's the only way he'll get new skills?

it isn't a wow thing. he's just flatout retarded

He thought lancer would still get new skills after 30.

WoW players basically have the game on autopilot with the amount of add-ons they use, so they likely aren't used to actually having to play the game. I would cut him some slack

Lad be lucky we're not getting this retarded thing despite getting a Seifer trenchcoat.

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Why do FFXIV players have such hyper-inflated egos? Its obnoxious. You're obnoxious.

It does, technically. You get a smattering of new skills independently of Dragoon, but the levels are staggered out since Dragoon skills fill in the gaps between new Lancer skills and vice-versa up until 50. Tell him he's a moron and Dragoon is mandatory, there's a reason it's a tooltip on the MSQ bar.

Shit monk detected

Everyone's pretty chilled in XIV. But watch our for trannies

A dire wolf?

Player egos are hyper-inflated in any MMO but XIV is fairly lax on the whole. "Epic raids for epic raiders" mentality is rather low, for example.

Futa fags ruin everything

>still have no idea what to do with acceleration bomb

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stop moving/attacking when it turns red. usually on the count of 2 or 3

Yugiri is for ________!

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> futa
look closer

The Dissidia version that Squall can use looks a lot better though.

trapfags are like furries


It does, follows the design set by Squall's own gunblades a lot more. It still looks insanely goofy, but the whole weapon-type does anyways.

FF 4.0 had some good ideas, and terrible execution, I can understand why people would miss some features from that game.

The ones who say reborn isn't an absolute improvement usually accidentally admit they've never played 1.0

Kys retard

>I still can't do a 3 years old mechanic

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I don't understand

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she marries yugiri and takes her name, duh

This poster has the right idea. Kissing cute girls is the answer to all ills.

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kys yourself subversive faggot, always editing images to please your fetish, like furries

Thats hot.

Do you think she has a pusy or a cloaca? haha just asking haha

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I know ONE guy who did prefer FF14 1.0.

ONE guy. And he's a senior 3d artist at blizzard now.

im a wow refugee and game literally yells at you to upgrade your class, your friend must be retarded

She has whatever you need her to have. Ninja magic.

Is there any mechanic you secretly don't know how to do after all this time Yea Forums?

I still have no idea how King Mog works after 3 years of playing.

that's absolute horseshit, you retard

they're referenced in other content too

Right but Binding Coil also may have never happened depending on whether you chose to do it or not, X'rhun Tia brings it up in Red Mage quests as Alisaie's motivation for abandoning ACN for RDM if you did it but says "she was inspired by you dawg" if you didn't do it

The short-story where Alisaie spergs out about the WoL and all the things he's busy with suggests anything optional is definitely something that happens either way, beast-tribes and constant poetics trades and Khloe sticker-collecting

it hurts bros

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it's all canon you dipshit, holy shit

SEETHING, traps is Yea Forums culture, jump off a bridge.

kill yourself, orbiter

Read nyigga

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being a retard on purpose is Yea Forums culture too

Yea Forums has always wanted to be a little girl strictly for platonic reasons then for some reason you degenerate subversive newfags invaded and thought that meant we liked traps.


>about to hit 100 days on /playtime

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no u
fuck off to /r9k/ tranny cultist

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Who the fuck is this

fuck off broken record

What? What happened to Alisae?

I'm unsubbed atm

She got married to the Tidus Slayer Roegadyn :(

we just dont know

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Got split in half by Gaius' giant dong

>currently at 241

I knew those fucking black mages (or nigger mages as I like to call 'em) couldn't be trusted.

getting raped by ala mhigans every day now

Fuck man, don't resub. I nearly cried with what happened in 4.5

Thanks for the spoiler, asshole. I've been unsubbed since 4.1 and was planning on catching up in May. Go fuck yourself.

Yeah man, it's a rough scene. I don't know how I'm going to do New game+


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get fucked waifufag

The unironic answer is that she got soulsnatched by some extradimensional force and while she wasn't the first she was the last one left besides you and Krile, and Krile is still dicking around on the island of Eureka so you wind up having her body drop into your arms just when you manage to push back a Garlean assault.

Mizztake, makes shit guides and fails mechanics

Still better than Mr. Crappy and his team of hard carriers

She doesnt even make her own guides or scripts.

what happened

>yotsuyu is my waifu
of course user. hate fucking A-cups bitchy tsunderes is high-test. cmon son.

if commander ISNT in 5.0 for dark apocalypse im cancelling my account.

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She fantasia'd to male roegadyn and was lynched by her orbiters because of it.

So I just got into this game I'm around 45. Is the pvp any good?

If you think about it a world of "balance" is also stagnation, because balance is just keeping the status quo and keeping the status quo is always a bad thing too.

Just look at how shitty America is with the status quo. No communism nor Nazisim, and the citizens of America are worse off than being in either of those form of governments because the status quo has caused people to not only be souless but degenerate. Under communism it is degenerate and evil, but people have soul while the Light the Nazis the people have soul and are striving to always be better.

is this legit?
because it sounds hilarious

based orbiters

>XI in anything other than F




Do I really need 60gb of space for this game?

Shut the fuck up and start downloading.

how the fuck do you make a mount out of this

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it will be a hyur created to look like her.

Doesn't matter.

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t.never played FF past Disc 1.

Large scale pvp is pretty fun
Frontlines is probably dead in all servers though

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>hate fucking A-cups bitchy tsunderes is high-test

This is what separates us from /vg/.

I'm not going to waste space downloading a game on my SSD that I may or may not like.

Should I farm 200 fragments for my 2 relics?

I have a question.
What would you like for the last story boss of Shadowniggers?
>1.0 Nael
>2.0 Ultima
>3.0 Thordan
>4.0 Shinryu
>5.0Eden (from the moon by Zodiark)

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Where's the XV event SE?
I want my fucking CAR.

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>What is Shift+Del

What level can I hop into that

zoomer detected

You leave and never go back. Trust me.

SSDs only have a limited amount of writes to it.

This badboi

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That's how i got nidhogg scale. Made my own lootmaster party and get myself first scale that dropped.

You need to have cleared a quest at the wolve's den

what the fuck are you talking about?

Lakshmi EX was easier than Normal mode. Like in some ways it feels like they accidently swapped modes and just never said anything.

Imagine being this retarded.

Lakshmi just stinks in general. Susano was way better.

Clip or was it on social media and shit?


My m8 found his gf through this game. Are there a lot of cute girls playing on EU servers?

>22 trillion in debt
>wages hasn't gone up since the 70s
>less community and more inclusion
>People getting more and more stupid and lazy each generation
>normalizing of criminals and degenerates
>males are beta as fuck and the rise of feminism
>influx of evil people(non Whites) into America
>automation going to take over and kill millions of jobs
>(((they))) tell you to tolerate all this evil

Stagnation, but but but all these things are good by your kind, because a world of light is evillllllll!!!!!

If you have low standards then yeah, unless you care little about looks and more about personality.

>>influx of evil people(non Whites) into America
that makes me sad user im not white.

You can't chase girls. They always just keep running. They're like rabbits.

Just unlocked fire IV holy fucking shit
the explosion
the chunking of health bars
the casting animation

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>this is what Estinien comes home to every night
It's not fair, bros

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It's seriously boner inducing

user. You're retarded. Stop thinking people should listen to anything you have to say. You're a useless beta faggot spouting this drivel on the internet because that's all you're good for. Nothing. Fuck off.

do calm down, nabriales

disgusting fujo delusion

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But how can they bo together if she's dead?

Ah, the Grand Illusion...

they fugged when they "set up camp" and you and alphy boy were gone

they can't be she's dead
estrien and alphinaud can't be with each other either since they are straight

wait till you start doing aoe at 70

>an internet tough guy thinks he/she/it can tell me what to do

Think how mentally ill you have to be to hate free speech and to suppress it just because he/she/it doesn't like what is coming out of the other person's month.

They suppress free speech in worlds of darkness(socialism and communism) you know.

>made me take off my hat while lording over me with his giant beard and sleeves
I'm glad he's dead.

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Nah dude was fucked.

but when do they give us the shadowed face/glowy eyes option

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I want to fuck Y'shtola.

How long till all "event" items are cash shop only and all we can farm is a basic table top item and fireworks?

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So do I.

next year

Man fuck those housing food items. What a shit reward.


that brown lala looks retarded.

Already almost there. You know what's amusing is this na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/36c27078c56d754f8b8392fdbea2dde08dde3e59
It's like they don't understand people are getting sick of their overpriced shit and are now using second hand sellers to get it for over half the price or even less. Yoshida and his team are a bunch of fucking lazy faggots trying to milk whales while putting no effort for all of the people who are giving them money monthly to do their shitty "events".

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I see what you did there even if didn't.

>little ladies' day

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>There were only 3 samurai-themed armor set for the entire Japanese-themed expansion
>Genji, PvP, and Kojin and that one isn't even colorable


>Japanese-themed expansion

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>mhiggers still SEETHING

It was the Monk expansion.

what is japanese-themed exactly? just kugane and a couple of armor sets, that's it
even the asian part is more not-china and not-mongolia rather than not-japan

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i think they mean it's an asian oriented expansion, which it definitely is. we spend a majority of the time in gookland than detroit

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It's our slot, not yours!

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at least you almost had yours

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I need a Good MMO to play is xiv worth playing?

Because I quit playing after the final fight with Nidhogg. Seemed like a good place to go out.

Yes. Join a populatred server and find an FC. Most players are more than happy to guide you through the game.

like anyone with a crown icon

Those just guide poorly.

The real question is why we'll never go to hingashi.

>Crown retards
>Being remotely useful

>tfw used all the mitigation I had and I still ripped hate off the tank with a 60k crit Midare.

>open 2000 boxes
>want to keep the v ss to overmeld for ba because why not don't care
>so tired I mutamix them with the rest
oh oops

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>Overmelding for BA
What a fucking retard.

who cares when you have 50+ materia

>Le ebin not even raid viable.

Hydaelyn, duh.