Is Hades worth getting this early on?

Is Hades worth getting this early on?

Also, Supergiant thread.

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>worth getting early on
Fuck no, wait for it to come to Steam as a full release, you'll just be spoiling the best experience by playing the unfinished version early.

No wait till it releases on Steam or DRM free. That said I maintain Transistor is one of the games I've ever played. It had a lot of combat variety, challenge missions, great music, and an enjoyable story. Royce's VA is unironically one if the best performances in video games.

Yeah, I'd still like to support the devs, but I'm not a fan of the idea of a playing a game with emphasis on story in early access.

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meant to say best games

Favorite game?

Favorite OST?

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I wish Transistor had just a bit more enemy variety, but Supergiant definitely makes great games with amazing quality, especially the music.

Just buy their game when it comes out and recommend it to friends.


My only real nitpick with Transitor was that some aspects of the story were a bit too ambiguous for my liking, to the point where I wasn't sure what I was really fighting for in the end.

Still loved it though. I really liked how they encouraged you to keep mixing and matching different powers and movesets all throughout the game.

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>Favorite game?
Pyre, surprisingly. I could see why the gameplay and VN styled interactions would be a major turn-off to some people, but the characters and choices you had to make really drew me in. And it's the first time that a game has had my heart racing in ages because it actually plays around with consequences if you lose.

>Favorite OST?
Transistor had my favorite soundtrack in general, and Pyre had the best and most distinctive character motifs, but Setting Sail is still one of my favorite tracks in gaming period.

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It's a story about revenge and stopping the people who killed Red's lover. Its also about how she processed grief. Sybil was in love with her and tried to get her to join the Camerata potentially or wanted to capture her in the transistor to be together forever. The gay men group wanted power and to stop the change of the city and society at will. Royce was a scientist who desired stability and wanted to build an ideal society with his friend. Red's lover took a blow meant for her after a concert and the story starts. At the end Red kills herself because the utopia she envisioned was being with her lover, not building some city.

I think I got the gist of it regarding Sybil and the Camerata's desire to stop the city's constant change, but is it ever confirmed what was real in the end? Was the Transistor just a virtual world within another virtual world? Was Red basically the last survivor of humanity or did she simply not want to go on without her lover?

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pyre left the longest impression on me tbqh even though it's probably the worst "game" of the lot

transistor had the best ost

It's up to you to decide. I prefer to see it as Red left the transistor with Royce inside, and fixed enough of the world to get to her lover and left this world for the transistors world in her lovers arms, because no matter how idealic a world she could create it didn't matter to her if she didn't have him.


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Oh fuck, Hades is from Supergiant? I'll have to pick that up then, I completely missed that. Pyre wasn't for me, but everything else was a 10/10

Pyre > Transistor > Bastion

Hades is great. It's fun even in this early stage.
2 out of 4 zones in
5 out of 6 weapons (including a fucking automatic rifle of all things)
7 out of 8 gods to get boons from
Some story characters to add
Story moments to add in as well
Unlike all other Supergiant games the gameplay is currently better then the story. It's basically a mastered version of Bastion's gameplay distinct weapons deciding your playstyle but with the crazy ability combining of Transistor. It keeps me coming back even when no new content has been added just to try out shit.
It's up to you to decide if this is worth going through the hoop of Epic Games store. Which might I say is cancerous.

Transistor. Pyre has the best soundtrack and story. But Transistor is best overall. Although saving Zulf in bastion will always be the single greatest moment in their games.

So the story development's roughly half done? I'd probably get it now if not for the minor hassle of having to make an Epic Games account as you say.

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I feel like a lot of people who gave Pyre a real chance think that it's Supergiant's best story. But a lot of people also looked at the sports mechanics in the trailer and immediately wrote it off.

I probably would have done the same sadly, if I wasn't already a fan of supergiant's stuff.

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Well, every game of theirs was a personal 9.5/10 - so it's a fairly safe bet that Hades is going to be good. As safe as it gets I guess.

Best game: probably Bastion
Best OST: Pyre
Best total package: Transistor, winning by the width of a graphene sheet

>And it's the first time that a game has had my heart racing in ages because it actually plays around with consequences if you lose.
I was genuinely pissed when the refs didn't call out those cheating harpies for playing offsides. But it was actually interesting to see all the character interactions that resulted from my first major loss.

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That's cool. I always liked the general variety of Bastion's weapon combat, but thought it had balancing issues where enemy encounters were either mowed down left and right or they became tedious damage sponges.

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That level where you carry zulf was pure kino

I should note that all that stuff I listed is stuff they want in by the end of the year then they'll finish it up and get it out of early access next year.
But the story isn't like the story in all their other games.
In between runs you have conversations with characters in the house of Hades which have their own little stories (For example helping Orpheus, the court musician sing again by telling him exaggerated stories of your deeds.) Across the dozens of runs I've done there's only been 1 moment which has really advanced the main story in any way and it was a flashback. But it's a rogue-like, the story can't be typical.
They have even sort of integrated the fact its early access with the story. Whenever you get past the 2nd area the narrator will say one of surprisingly many lines about Zagreus having an off-screen death and there's this funny meta conversation Zag has with Hades about the rest of the underworld being "under renovation".

It's hard to assess exactly how "done" the story is. But there will be an ending.

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How do you even beat this?

I see. I'm cool with that as long as the characters are still enjoyable, and as long as the rogue-like aspects still leave room for a few structured musical moments.

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The music is unique like their all games. Being mostly strings and flutes which very much brings to mind the ancient Mediterranean but during boss fights and when facing elite enemies it shifts into the same songs but metal versions of them.
There's also two vocal songs both sung by Darren Korb like other games but ina high-pitched falsetto voice like it would in ancient Greece
I like this one because it plays after Dionysus suggests you tell Orpheus that you and Dionysus are the same person which itself is a reference to the fact in actual real life greek myth Zagreus was sometimes interpreted as another name for Dionysus.

I wish I knew what genre this qualified as, because I still can't find anything else quite like it.

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Pyre, for both

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It's own genre. Acoustic frontier trip-hop.