Which game to play first?

Which game to play first?

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Either ths multiplat or ths movie game. Tough choice really.

do the right thing, son, turn it all in.

Yakuza: mahjong edition

Sonic Forces 100% and stream it with facecam

bro you're obsessed

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Should I delete my pony pron, Yea Forums?

>forces over mania

no, you're good

The nigger hand meme has always fascinated me. You must know that the only reason you get responses for your nigger hand is because people find niggers disgusting. And on top of that, you have terrible taste in games. What's wrong with your brain where you desire negative attention like this? Why do you want people to hate you?

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If that was even the original reason to begin with, it just like every other meme has been lost and it now means something else.

Most of the games he has are fine.

What does it mean now?

People get off being a victim. They purposely put themselves in situations where they will face ridicule or event n violence just to be a victim.

long as you post it to the appropriate boards it doesn't need to be confiscated

>What's wrong with your brain where you desire negative attention like this? Why do you want people to hate you?
>he saids this on Yea Forums of all places

Are retarded or just new?

>modern sonic
>modern wolfenstein
>anime musou shit
At least half of this collection is absolute shit.

You're telling me that OP is jerking that BBC from being humiliated by us?

Titanfall 2

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>tfw big fat black gamer

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Explains the "holocaust."

Why are you black?

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give them back deshawn

If it's just of Glim Glam, keep it.

please have sex with my girlfriend

He’s american

>he doesn't like lego

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Bloodborne you dumb fuck

If you dont like fotns white boy then step off.

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>tells the truth
>"obsessed xdddd"

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Wait why do we hate black gamers?

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Because they steal our girls.

It's the single most normalfag series on the market. Bar none. If you play Lego games for fun, you might as well just brand yourself with a cattle iron right now.

Our black bull comes over to play switch with us when he finishes having fun with the wife.

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because they use games to LARP as their alter ego "gangsta" personality that they can't use in real life because they look like they just got back from a yu-gi-oh convention.

I know you're just memeing but now i want thad to post his current backlog

Just Dance would be worse.

So many racists on here.
