ITT: Yea Forumsidya OC

Post your finest vidya OC
If you can't draw, photoshop welcome
If you can't think of anything
ITT: Draw the cover of a video game based on a randomly generated title

Attached: Master yosho.png (800x800, 230K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: choose your character.jpg (425x340, 43K)

Previous thread went to shit and had dozens of posts deleted because some fags attempted to derail it

I did this some time ago

Attached: Roll Dab.png (496x526, 11K)

Check out my OC

Attached: hehe maybe not.png (855x746, 185K)

Attached: gay alert.png (640x880, 52K)

I like this comic

I made a Pacha back when that was the meme of the day.

Attached: huitzil-pacha3.png (518x518, 80K)

Attached: deltarunescape.jpg (1267x1579, 224K)

Good work

You can't make an OC thread, the stuff just comes out as forced. OC comes naturally like the Shaggyfag and MR VIDEO GAMES.

Which one of you did this?

Attached: 1548870831559.jpg (2048x1318, 436K)

Attached: a toast.png (1333x1080, 1.53M)


Attached: 1549942707353.png (800x1200, 619K)

Attached: lang.png (479x364, 83K)

is this loss

Why does it always end up like this?

Attached: 1050587396653.png (737x667, 43K)

why gril is nekk?

Attached: HD police calling.png (340x362, 10K)