What's the best weapon and why is it the Black Knight Great Axe? Basedboy fuckheads with soup in their head usually choose something faster with more range so they can keep the "skawwy monsters" away but one thing I've always noticed about this less-than-men communists is that they can't bench more than their bodyweight- I learned long ago from Mark Rippetoe that a man is only as big as what he can lift. In that regard, I go heavy.
Choose the right choice, choose the great axe.
What's the best weapon and why is it the Black Knight Great Axe...
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me only use big club
Sorry op but I only use the fume ultra greatsword
Because it's not a guaranteed drop.
I get that you posted a "contentious" topic prompt in an effort to generate interest, but "skawwy" gets a yikes and a hard pass from me.
What a huge thick throbbing cock you have, I bet you walk like a fucking three legged spider with that thing.
You don't want to work for a living? What a surprise.
You can only farm for it at the end of the game.
Fume can be axe, sword, or club
Step aside
You can get it in smouldering lake.
that mak and cheese looks delicious
Naw. I level dex and poke you fags to death. Stay mad.
>not playing DS1 only
Shit I thought this was a thread for men not pussies.
That's a very strange picture of the Pickaxe or the Dragonslayer's Greataxe.
Good luck getting past my DEF twig boy
Yeah enjoy my hyperarmor frames crushing you like a fat slut with low self esteem on prom night.
Haha sorry I don't play old games I'm not poor.
Just poor in taste and testosterone.
A-are you gonna punish me for leveling dex?
>tip curve like axe, does axe things
>can be swung like sword
>can squish like hammer
Fume a best
Step aside plebs, the god of hammers appeared.
Oh wait, you can't because you've been frostbitten in the first hit.
Oh no. I thought you were a chad but you’re just retarded. Using the axe in straight sword souls 3 is just asking to lose
Listen here bucko, this old bull's ready to fuck you, your mom, your girlfriend and eat all the food in your fridge. I'll leave a steamy giant alpha shit in the top tank of your toilet and burn out on your lawn in my pontiac grand-am.
I'm more man than man, recorded in science as a lumbering humunculus of testosterone. There's studies on my dick, teams of hot researchers from Scandanavia or some shit came over here to hop on one by one. I'm so full of testosterone, all of my children (lots of them) look like hairy iranian weightlifters.
You better step back you fucking chode.
I like the challenge, that's why
>not taking advantage of the desperate R1 spam to get easy parries
Whatever chode, my estoc is going to make you scream and die.
Dancing around the monsters like a fucking European? It's not even worth the win if you have to do that.
>Double headed axe
>That blade shape
>Dark like my Soul
>Dishonest buff because demons are too scary daddy
Looks like something a fag or a Gwyncuck would use.
Here, take this and stop chocking on a gorillion dicks already.
That's right bitchmode, I will do the tango on your swiss-cheese ass. Float like a butterfly, sting like a fucking bee.
Well I sting like a dick shaped knife (male)
My only gripe with this was the short-range making it just stagger enemies most of the time, and having to hit a second time to get in actual damage, but it's a great early game weapon.
I'm just bummed DS3 only has like 5 greataxes.
have you ever seen a more reddit post
Pictured: two dex users "dueling"
haha no but for my money its the winged knight twin axes
Get that faggy shit out of here. Real strength weapons only.
based iosefka poster
Axe weapons in souls games are 10/10 in terms of cool. Pity they've all fucking sucked ever since the absolute monster that was demon's souls great axe.
Gravel brains use imbalanced jumbo sword and ax cause they think looks cool.
No understand that once you strong enough to swing hefty, big club always better.
Purpose of sharp and point is for force multiplier into small surface area big damage, handicap no necessary when can blunt trauma entire head into chest cavity.
>butcher knife in 1 and 3
>demon's greataxe in 1
>millwood greataxe in 3
>dragonslayer's axe in 3
>great machete and yhorm's great machete in 3
its creamed corn amerifat
Not even the best black knight weapon
For me, it's the Black Knight Halberd
Lucerne is the best girl and doesn't overcompensate for anything.
It's actually shells and cheese, you're wrong. That's definitely not corn and I would know because I live in Iowa. Not that you have to live there in order to have a functional set of eyes and working brain.
shells are made from corn
Are you attempting to be witty and say that corn syrup additives are in Macaroni?
*parries u and stabs dicc*
Jokes on you, my dick has withered and fallen from excessive use of DEX, and thus your attack misses.
I regret giving you an out
Shit moveset is shit.
Can you even buff your axe, bro?
Thought so.
Retard, the only bad moves it has are its R2s. The rolling attack, running attack, and R1s are great. Add in the massive physical damage, buffability, and only requiring 27 strength to 2-hand for both wielding it and getting max scaling, and you have a great weapon.
I'll just burn you to a fine crisp
It's slow as fuck and with the R2s being so shit half of its potential moveset is gone.
Shit weapon.
>TFW inducting farron memelords into the Lothric space program.
Of course an ant would be a dexfag.
Came here to post this. Ice Cold ChadHammer is unstoppable. Press to poise, 1 hit Frostbite, Strike Damage, nothin personal DS3. Always reminds me of the interview with id Software guys when they talk about the future of gaming will be beating the shit out of something with a giant hammer.
true CHADS use the PGS