How would you guys legitimately rate this game and why?

How would you guys legitimately rate this game and why?

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Before and during Vergil 2 - 9/10
After Vergil 2 - 7/10
Vergil 3 - 11/10

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7/10, lazy devs didn't make that chick's eyes the same color


One of the few legitimate 9.5/10 games out there. If it had kept Dante Awakening's original difficulty curve (in North America) it would've been a perfect 10/10. Unfortunately Special Edition and all other re-releases of DMC3 are way easier than the original PS2 release of DA in North America.

8.5/10, genuinely the 77th best game of all time

I dunno about rating but its fun as fuck to play and Vergil 3 might be my favorite final boss of all time

wasnt captivated until i started getting fucked by vergils first fight then fell in love. genuine 8/10. wouldve gotten higher if not for some questionable enemy design, some confusing levels and the outright dip in quality between vergil 2 and the end of the game

8/10, fun as fuck, nice levels, and great movesets. Would rate higher but I absolutely hate some enemies.

in my top 5

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Honestly, it's a 10/10. I can find a few things to nitpick but in the end it's an incredible experience and there are very few games that can be so engaging for such a long time.


the level design is okay, the enemy design terrible, BUT the vergil fights are incredible, and the combat system hasn't been beaten in any DMC game (or any other beatemup game) since

>tfw appearantly 40 minutes away from beating dmc1
What am I in for lads?
Only experience I got with action games are Bloodborne, KH2FM CM abd DmC

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space harrier because kamiya


>fixed cameras
>level design

>Vergil 2
shit taste

a hell of a fun when you master things like JC,WC,and other cool shit,all of them about cancelling animations tho.

8/10, great game but there are a lot shit enemy types that make certain chapters a chore to play.

They honestly completely waste the actual tower. You're only in the main part for 4 missions then return super briefly for 2 fairly shitty missions and that's it.

Personally, I think they should have stretched missions 4 to 13 to reach like mission 17 then just sent you straight to hell after the vergil 2 fight.

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Fuck mission 15

Endless spam to kill DT enemies without going insane.
Besides that, it's a very fun game with some gimmicky bosses and tons of tech. IMO it's the only action game with combat on the level of NG2.

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It is aesthetically a very boring game and the music is just average as well. It's probably the thing that holds me back from replaying it more.

8/10 I didnt enjoy fighting most regular enemies that much.

Regarding combat depth:


Almost top:


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An 8 i guess
Enemy design is shit and I find the setting quite boring
Other than that its pretty good though


Capcom was extremely motivated

9/10 there's a bunch of shit enemies that are annoying as fuck but great experience overall