Are these games actually good?

Are these games actually good?

Attached: metro.jpg (616x353, 40K)

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not really

I played the Redux and found out the AI sucks ass, especially when it comes to stealth.

They’re okay but cinematic heavy.

If you avoid the redux versions, yes.



not the Redux version but yeah, they are pretty good

What's wrong with the redux versions?

first one, non-redux, on max difficulty yes
excellent game
others not so much, literally went "we want the cod audience"

Redux 2033 adds in the stealth system from Last Light. It makes the game way easier even on Ranger Hardcore (which is the only mode id recommend playing these games on). The games are an entertaining take on the source material. Worth a spin or two.

It faces a variety of issues, but if I have to list a predominant one, it has to be the difficulty settings. I'm not sure about the rest who played it, but I breezed past Ranger Hardcore without exceptional difficulties since (if I remember right) I was being showered with rains of ammunition.

Im fucking shit at survival horror games so this makes me want to get the redux versions

The teaser was kino.
The game is boring.

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Do it. They are much more guided than most games in this category but they are still fun nonetheless.

2033 was great
Last Light was meh
Redux made 2033 more like Last Light so is mega meh

No, they're terrible. I played the first one thinking it would be linear and somewhat disappointing stalker, but it's not even that. It's literally just a movie game rife with nonstop QTE's and cutscenes. I wouldn't even recommend it for one playthrough because the story is bad on top of the gameplay being tripe.

what said
2033 had a stealth system that encouraged commando style gameplay, it paid to move a lot and stay quiet for as long as you could, but you still used your weapons, and since you couldn't stay unnoticed forever, you didn't lock yourself out of firefights
Last Light introduced AAA style one-button takedowns and deaf-blind enemies. coupled with the morality system, it strongly pushed yourself towards knocking out enemies and never using guns against human enemies

Does it also add a shitload of cutscenes and QTE's? Because I played the redux version and it was about 70% move and 30% game, and the game that was there was overly simple and easy. Even if the original made that 30% a bit harder, it wouldn't fix the fact that the game is mostly just cutscenes and guided tour segments.

I played 15 minutes of last light redux before I had enough. Calling it a Generic shooter would be giving too much credit

anyone here play exodus? im wondering what you guys think of it becasue im too lazy to pirate it and see for myself

I pirated it and it's painfully mediocre.

they are alright, heavily scripted but it has it's moments
nothing, they are the superior version, the stealth is more consistent and lighting more accurate better performance and effects, ignore the naysayers they obviously haven't played the original version

Original 2033 > Exodus > 2033 Redux > Last Light

Consolfied linear STALKER like experience. A very pretty cinematic 8 hour experience but nothing more.

I enjoyed it. The last ~1/3 of the game feels rushed and is a lot more linear than the first 2/3, but it's still solid. Not being able to quicksave on the highest difficulty hurts a lot more in an sandbox game than in a more linear game, but it only cost me maybe half an hour over the course of the entire game.

It's pretty buggy though. The enemy AI isn't great, and can sometimes stay agro'd after loading a save. There are sections that take your flashlight away, and sometimes it won't come back after that part is done. Enemy corpses often despawn before you get a chance to loot them.

Pirate it if you loved the other games, otherwise i'd say wait for it to come out on steam next year. I'd give it a 6.5/10, 7.5 if not for the bugs.

>game looks worse
>game plays worse

This, but the ambiance and atmosphere they create are second to none.

No, they're everything wrong with modern games wrapped up into one mediocre, dull, lifeless package.

lol no. even vanilla stalker SoC has better atmosphere and ambiance and it's a janky mess.

>this decade old dead series has better atmosphere
I mean, yeah, STALKER was king back in the day, but it's been literally 10 years since the last one. Metro is still pretty good.



REDUX versions are downgraded AND casualized to hell.
The OG 2033 is the only passable game in the series, and only on Ranger HC mode.

>STALKER was king back in the day, but it's been literally 10 years since the last one
And Stalkers are STILL the kings.

>Metro is still pretty good.
No it's not, and no it will never be.

it's been 10 years and stalker with no graphics mods is still more atmospheric than metro. metro is dull and the knowledge that the whole thing is one carefully guided and monitored linear tour makes it impossible for it to feel atmospheric or ambient.

Stalker is king in gameplay and experiance, with great atmosphere to boot.

But with metro being a much more focused series everything is much more detail focused and it all builds up to a much more realistic feeling world in my opinion

Yes anyone who tells you other wise is just butmad because epic games or their a STALKER fanboy and are incapable of realizing two things can be good at the same time

"hey baby, you like what you see?"

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...or, you know, are NOT a game-starving console peasants, that consider every single AAA brown and grey, linear and cinematic shooter to be the best thing since sliced bread.
2033 ya played once, and then never touched.

it does the opposite for me. it comes across as if the game is constantly going "look at me" and trying to show you something with all the showcase areas and npcs, in a way that makes it as un-immersive as possible. the only time the game shines is when you're completely on your own and exploring, but that happens like twice in the entire game. the constant hand holding just sucked the atmosphere right down the fucking drain and made the entire experience impossible to take seriously or get invested in.

But people who like STALKER wanted metro to be good. Unfortunately it wasn't, it was just a linear corridor cutscene shooter.

If you guys want to replay STALKER for the billionth time, go right ahead. Metro is good enough, and scratches the same kind of itch. Like said, STALKER and Metro can both be atmospheric at the same time.

>Metro is on PC
What did he mean by this?

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I didnt claim it was the best thing since sliced bread. I just think there is room for a short linear story focused FPS. I especially love how you throw in random consolewar faggotry when the metro series is known for being a series that takes advantage of the pc platform.

If you like stalker thats great, Metro isnt trying to be stalker i dont see why there is this childish behavior where only the things you like can be good

>and scratches the same kind of itch
It really, really doesn't. The only itch Metro scratches is if you want to get annoyed at cutscenes and disillusioned with modern games

>my taste and opinions are objective fact!!!!!

fuck this bitch

People talk as if Metro was trying to be anything but a linear narrative. It's no secret, and devs expressed it to be more for story telling. It's not trying to be anything else, even Exodus focuses more on the narrative.

It's ok to dislike it as not being one's niche. But to use its intention as an insult is a good argument.

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shit. Meant isn't a good argument*

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Bro, if you don't like Metro good for you, why are you here in a Metro thread complaining about it though? I also wish we'd gotten STALKER 2 instead of Metro, but i'm not going to throw away a $40 steak just because it's not filet mignon.

OP asked for an opinion and I gave him my thoughts. Would you prefer if people only ever shared positive opinions and never criticized anything? As for me Metro isn't even a 40 dollar steak, it's a hunk of gristle I wouldn't even give to a dog. The game's not worth anyone's time even for free.

Not. The first one was a tech demo showing off cool lighting effects, which is why it's held in high regard, while the redux were consolized shit. Metro is chink shilled shit.

It depends.
The games themselves are kind of linear and cutscene heavy. The shooting is competent but nothing to write home about. At it's release the original Metro 2033 was gorgeous and a bitch to run properly, and while it still holds up more or less to this day it understandably doesn't have the same jaw-dropping effect. All 3 games feature a morality system that's kind of convoluted and can be a pain in the ass.
The strong points are the atmosphere and the story. I personally loved the bleak and claustrophobic feel of these games. Plus I'm an eastern-euro fag so the games have that kind of 'home cooked meal' appeal to me - it makes the whole thing feel more grounded in reality.

All that being said I'm fond of the series and enjoyed it a lot for the most part. If you like spooky shooter games you should give them a go.

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Anna breasts are enough for me to play it

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Nothing really wrong with sharing your opinons, but now since you've done nothing but throw a shit fit about how metro isnt stalker.

At this point your adding nothing but shit to the thread you childish buffoon

he's not throwing a shit fit at all. you kind of are, though. the only one getting childish and personal here is you due.

You tell me, user

Attached: Metro LL Boss Fight.webm (853x480, 2.76M)

>nothing wrong with sharing your opinion, but don't share your opinion unless it agrees with mine or else i'll call you childish and imply that you're mad out of nowhere
user pls, chill out

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>no u
>im not mad youre mad
and with that whatever discussion this thread was having died. Now its just gonna be a circlejerk of faggots having the NO IM RIGHT YOURE WRONG shit that most Yea Forums arguments devolve into.

Im gonna go play Exodus

Not sure how you warped "i don't like this game series and think it's a cinematic slog" into a "shitfit" but I can tell you don't like my opinion and are personally incensed by it so I'll ignore your attempts at personal insults and hope you manage to calm down and have a nice day.

holy shit man. let it go.

that's literally how you started your half of the discussion and you're continuing to do it now. no one else is being an unreasonable jackass here, just you.

Since the thread is derailed anyways, should I give Stalker a go? Where should I start? Modded or vanilla?

I liked the book but that's about the extent of my exposure to the series
The definitive stalker for me famalam

>tfw there's another bear boss fight in exodus
>tfw it's terrible

As much as I would say don't go to Yea Forums for opinions, as generally most things get bashed a majority of the time.

Metro is worth the time and money, mostly for its story telling and how the gameplay presents the story. Artistically, the environments and atmosphere is really nice.

It has a charm to it, as well. While the immersion elements are pretty nice by staying as gameplay mechanics without being annoying "muh realism".

Overall, you'll lack enemy variety. It has no replayability, the AI is dumb af (improves in Exodus), english voices (on the children, at least) are horrible. But that's all, nothing is perfect.

Exodus has incredible visuals in the environment and I find myself taking screenshots often, it truly is very pretty.

tl;dr Metro is great if you want some isolation survival horror alongside some nice story telling.

Pic related, it's Metro Exodus.

Attached: Metro Exodus.png (1836x990, 3.27M)

It seems as though you made the mistake of attributing other user posts to me, if you're new to Yea Forums i can see how you'd make this mistake.

Stalker is pretty great, I'd recommend the ZRP mod for a first time playthrough since all it does is fix bugs.

thanks user

I'll check that one out too and choose accordingly, thanks.

Personally I think vanilla is fine for a first time, but it's over a decade old and I can understand if you want to look for some beautification mods. Just be sure to play on highest difficulty, it's what the game is balanced around.

The Call of Chernobyl mod, like mentioned, is more of a complete overhaul that combines the areas/NPC's of all three games into one experience, but as far as I know there's no narritive. Personally I think ZRP, like mentioned, would be best for a new player.

The Absolute Nature/Structures mods give some good updated textures, if you use it and zrp you should get a relatively vanilla experience without crashing every 3 minutes.

No. Yea Forums is full of russiaboos

2033 is pretty good, play the remaster for better sneak mechanics
LL wanted to be more cinematic so i don't like it, there's a bunch of cut scenes and on-rails crawling
Exodus is a mixed bag, it's like it wanted to be STALKER and Farcry at the same time, but doesn't get any of the two right. Exodus is at it's best when it's in a linear section like the previous games

As much as I liked wandering around Volga or Caspian, I have to agree. Taiga (with the exception of the goddamn underground slog right before the end) was the best part of that game because it forced me to approach camps from one direction, instead of being able to circle it.

>there's a bunch of cut scenes and on-rails crawling
like 2/3rds of the first game was just that. i'd hate to see how bad LL is if it's even more cinematic compared to the first.

2033 wasn't that bad with cutscenes tho
and most of those were pretty good at setting up atmosphere
if anything you get long walk sections around the start and end of the game while other npcs talk
and all the games suffer from the fact that you can't just skip those events to make it fun to speedrun

I have it on PS4. It's pretty good so far, only in the first area though. Way, way better than Last Light at least if not as tight an experience as 2033. Volga feels like STALKER set in winter and I mean that in a good way. Story seems good. Playing on a controller doesn't feel great though. I've played a lot of shooters on console in my life and never had a problem like some people seem to (normally those complaints are purely a git gud situation), but the aiming sensitivity and speed in this leave a lot to be desired and make it difficult to deal with some of the mutants that have faster and more erratic movements. It's perfectly playable though. Runs fine and looks good. If you like the previous ones, you'll like it. But if you weren't a fan before, it probably won't change your mind.

Ok then how do I play the originals

it was pretty bad for me. i felt like i spent most of my time on 2033 rolling my eyes and wishing i was playing a real video game. the excessive hand holding and reliance on cinematics took away the atmosphere rather than add to it.

not really sure why anons want you to play the original
stealth in the original 2033 was fucked since getting spotted for a millisecond instantly triggers the whole room
redux might be easier, but it's also fair

the morality system has been there from the start, and i'm almost sure that in the original getting the good ending was way harder

Yea Forums advertised it as a STALKER lite
It was a linear shooter with little control

You'd probably have to pirate them, I don't think anywhere sells them anymore. Honestly, having played both of them, just play the redux. It's more casual, but it's also more consistent and there are less bugs.

Getting the good ending was almost trivial in a stealthy Exodus play through. I don't think i've ever gotten the good ending in 2033, there's so many things you have to do I always lose track and miss a couple.

iirc in 2033 there's like 10 or 14 events miss able, and you need like 8/12 positive points respectively, and negative points are substracted
thing is you either had to find 8/12 good boi points OR could only get 1 negative point and do every other possible event with good karma
shit was fucked
Redux gives good karma for pretty much any possible "good" action

It's made by the retards who couldn't hack it at the studio that did STALKER, so no.

I think the bad karma is what always got me then. Idk. New one is a hell of a lot easier, is what i'm saying.

Well I'm capable of obtaining the originals if it requires roundabout means however I don't really want to go to the trouble if it's necessary so I'm open to hearing more opinions on what redux adds/subtracts.

Play S.T.A.L.K.E.R instead. Better everything except maybe graphics and gameplay

eh, its more complex than that. OG 2033 was a stab at a more focused "STALKER" based around a neat world in a neat book. It's been a long time since i played the original 2033, but having just beat redux again, Id say there are some sections where you are "heavily guided" (following someone or some people to somewhere), and there are some parts that free you up a bit more (most of the time with Hunter, which is the best part of the game besides the frontline sequence). If i remember correctly, Last Light has more scripted stuff in it, so that the game feels a little more on rails. Exodus, from my understanding, does this for a bit then opens you up to some light sandbox zones. Either way, they are fun games that provide some entertainment if the whole "guided tour" thing doesnt bother you too much. If it does, there's always Stalker and FarCry 2.

It's up to you. The original has a better atmosphere, but the redux has a lot of bug fixes. The graphics are better in the redux, but the lighting is better in the original. The redux is easier overall, but can still be challenging on the higher difficulties.

Some people want games from this decade. Not to knock STALKER's quality, it still holds up pretty well, but it's over a decade old. I need something new.

I havent finished it yet but exodus blends both of the styles of gameplay well in my opinion, the sandbox areas are just varied and large enough to be enjoyable to explore and when the game locks you in an area for a scripted/plot event it feels as focused as some of the good parts of the other 2, even taking your pacifism/blood lust into account to the overall story and not just the end.

The odd thing is the first 2 hours of exodus i wasn't liking it at all. Its 100% scripted and some of the worst on rails segments of the series but since it's opened up i love it

main difference between 2033 and redux is just stealth options and lighting technology
then there's the karma thing for the good ending, and they added like 3 weapons from last light to 2033 redux
metro last light and LL redux are the same game, not even sure what they changed maybe just higher resolution textures
if you gonna buy both then the redux versions come bundled

OG 2033 has the most busted ass stealth LL is casualized but better than the BS that the old engine had.

Haven't played redux but,
Metro 2033 is better than Last Light I'd say.
Dunno why really.. long time I played them, but that's how I felt at the time. Both are well worth it tho.
Exodus I have no idea about, waiting for steam. Too many people say it's like far cry tho which has me worried.

Where do you even get the original versions now?

Seems janky as hell. Im in the last area and constantly see floating people/ rocks/etc. Also as the other user said the AI is retarded.
I also fucking hate that you can't kill all human enemies or else consequences wil never be the same. Stealth fucking blows in this game.

It gets that way at the end too, a bit. The atmosphere's better, and the climax is emotional, but a lot of the gameplay is kind of boring.

>tfw i actually thought i was gonna crush for 5 bullets

They are making another...


Yeah, the rumor is that they had to cut a lot from the last two areas (hell, look at the original map for the Taiga), and they're a lot less polished than the first couple zones.
Taiga (and even then there's bandits), fish worshipers, and the slaves were the only times the game wants you to be nonlethal. You can kill everyone else, the game just wants you to do it stealthily.

Attached: taiga.jpg (2050x1593, 314K)

>Too many people say it's like far cry tho which has me worried.
i honestly dont feel like this a worthwhile criticism the gunplay, scrounging for/managing of resources and maps feels 100% metro to me. The only thing that it shares with far cry is the psudo open world

Can I get a sauce for this guy?

What's the point of playing something new if it's bad and worse than the old? Just for the sake of it being new? Sounds like a 20iq idea.

how did you turn on ansel? mine says it can't activate during all the camera locked conversation moments

>still shitting up the thread with HURR ITS NOT STALKER

who are you quoting?

Personally, it's because I get bored with sandbox games after a while if there's no narrative to support them, and i've already played through the STALKER games so many times it's not fun to play it anymore. I want a new story, and Metro's is solid enough to be worth playing.

Plus there's nothing else out, so it's not like i'm missing out playing another game.

>Metro's is solid enough to be worth playing.
this is where i strongly disagree.

Mediocre 7/10. Worse than both LL and 2033 for sure. It loses steam about halfway through the Caspian desert and the half finished nature of the game absolutely ruins the third area. Novosibirsk is too short, linear, and unfun to play through until you hit the institute, then the game ends 30 minutes later.

Very glad I pirated it.

First game was alright, after that it quickly went to trash.

I liked the first half of Taiga (everything before the lumber mill basically), and the first underground bit of Novo felt like 2033 in a good way. The rest I agree with, it really loses steam after Caspian.

i've always hated how on rails the metro games were so the open areas were exactly what i wanted however they needed more stuff happening in the world. the desert feels like everyone is just sitting around waiting for you to murder them because there's no patrols or anything

yeah. play the first one and skip the 2nd then play exodus.

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You have to use cheat engine to do so, some guy posted the code today but i just saved the picture

I was having a good time with exodus until I got to the desert. My average fps went for 50+ in the ares up until then to literally 25 in the desert. Dropped the game for now because that shit is unplayable

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Portishhead is the only reason this trailer is good

>Playing Redux

Attached: metro 2015-10-17 21-36-49-32.png (1920x1080, 3.64M)

Key sites but piracy is free




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>guys let's create open world zones, just like stalker!
>let's not actually fill them with anything that isn't bandits or mutants though.
>let's remove our economy system and replace it with "crafting"
>actually fuck all this shit, it's too much work, let's go back to being linear halfway through the game.

Anna if live, Anna is happiness

Attached: metro-exodus-anna.jpg.optimal.jpg (1080x600, 126K)

2033 > last light > exodus
very last level of exodus was really good though

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What is even the basis for their relationship? She has sex with you in Last Light because she admits that she doesn't want to be alone. The two know each other 10 minutes before that happens

I got the bad ending boys maybe i shouldn't of killed literally everything.

Wait so just like Dishonored you get the bad ending if you have fun?


I was happy they included an optional romance with Nastya but desu her voice acting got a bit annoying after a while.

Attached: nasty.jpg (640x360, 59K)


I guess i mean i could of spared some people but most of them attacked me unprovoked or was just some bandits assholes, guess you gotta just stealth around and knock people out for the good ending.
pretty boring desu
killing is bad lmao

shooting soldiers to death when you meet giul is fine but heaven forbid you shoot a wounded one

with a name like nastya you just know she'll end up as an oiltown stripper

>cant kill bridge guard, fanatics, or traders
>get the teddy bear and guitar
>cant kill slaves or tribals or the wounded guys
>free some slaves and find the picture, help woman being beaten
>cant kill pirates/pioneers (the kids)
>can kill raiders and bandits and mutants
you need to have 2/3 area's good ends to get the goodest end and stealth is required so yes

OG 2033's stealth wasn't hard at all either, it's just the little touches that people appreciated, like broken glass or armor actually doing its job against bullets and throwing knives. I think the inclusion of takedowns in LL really watered down the gameplay and left people wanting more from it.