Can we have a shitpost-free Sekiro thread?

Can we have a shitpost-free Sekiro thread?
Just talk about your expectations for the game. What prosthetic tools you want to see, thoughts on the combat, what you are expecting for the twists on "traditional ninja fantasy" Miyazaki mentioned and so on.

Attached: sekiro.jpg (1920x1080, 2.41M)

Other urls found in this thread:

This looks like weeb Dark Souls.

All I'm going to say is that I'm really, really happy that we're getting samurai and ninja action games consistently again. The 7th gen was pretty fucking barren for them, but now it's starting to feel a bit like it did back in the early-mid '00s when we had cool shit like Onimusha, Genji, Otogi and so on.

Thank you to everyone who bought and supported Nioh, particularly at full price when it was new!

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I bought the £80 special edition of Nioh with all of the DLC and it was an insane amount of value. They really came through with the DLC, so I will do the same for Nioh 2.

I wanted a Tenchu for the longest time and although we never got one, I am more than happy with Nioh and Sekiro. Same with Shadow Tactics.

Wheres the cheapest place to buy this for PC?

I love Onimusha, both Nioh and Sekiro feel like great additions to the slower, more positioning and reaction-based Japanese fantasy "genre". Katanas and stuff work really well with the flashier and faster brand of stylish action games, but I'm glad games like these exist as well.

>1 weapon
>3 prosthetic tools
>8 bosses
>6 hours long
Bros... I'm worried

when's it coming out and will it have denuvo? wondering if I should pirate it at launch or wait a few months for DLC+sale

>no customization
>no cryptic lore
>no class or level up system
>no invasions
>no unique weapons or armor
>no magic
>no maze like world
>no shields
>meme mechanics added like stealth, parry, and ducking

Looks like Nioh but more shitty because my souls fatigue

Is this Sekiro's answer to the


shitposting that came out of Bloodborne's release?

yes but this time it's true

Demo where?

Activisions involvement suggest the opposite which is why it’s going to be trash compared to ds3

something about the art design isn't really doing it for me, but i'm still interested to see how it'll turn out

Everything is orange and brown

They seem to be going for warmer tones instead of dull piss yellow or mellow blues

Jerk off any harder and you’ll get paid

This is my most anticipated game and I'm taking off work to play it on Friday. I can guarantee you it's going to be excellent.

There haven’t been any video games since 2008

I just hope the level design is better than the last two outings. Bloodborne was alright but Ds3 was just lazy and focused too much on "wooooow look at these grafixx" sceneries.

>~16 bosses
>~20 areas
>~8 prosthetics
>~25-30 hours long

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Scenery is top 3 in what makes a game though

Yes there has. I'm sorry you can't enjoy things anymore.

Miyazaki said they were looking to DS1 for inspiration on the level design.
Also, what are some area themes you are expecting? I'm hoping for some cherry blossom kino.

I'm completely fine with just getting a good long-ish action game without RPG elements shoehorned into it.

The story being told in a straightforward manner is also fine. Deprives people like Vaati of viewership :)

>SJWs took over the industry
>Valve stopped making games
>still no PC port of Halo 3
There haven't been any games since 2008 unless you have low standards

The combat isn't really doing it for me. I don't mind not changing outfits or main weapons or having no RPG shit but you need a really good,compelling combat system to make up for all that but I'm not seeing any of that from this. I love the setting though and maybe it will be like Bloodborne where the setting and level and enemy design make up for it.

lol a halo kiddie

>>no maze like world
pretty sure they've repeatedly stated the world will be more like Dark Souls 1 in it's openness and connectivity

it isn't out for another 3 weeks though

not if it's on top of crap level designs

>basedboy SJW excited for the latest From rehash hates Halo
lol a walking stereotype

That's good to hear actually. I hope we get something like Undead Burg tier level design. Love that level. Also yes cherry blossom level would be cool or some war torn flower fields bathed in blood for absolute kino.

>s.o.y is filtered
Did the tranny discord really take over Yea Forums? What the fuck, is there no place left for freedom of speech?

you are free to go to cripplechan

>worse then 3
doubt, 3 was easily the worst Souls game
I can't imagine Sekiro is going to be as bland and uninspired as 3

holy newfag

Jesus fucking christ is today your first day? That has been filtered for over a year.

This game honestly has zero hype three weeks from release. It may surprise me and be great, but it's looking very mediocre right now. Pretty sure it will flop unless it can get really positive word of mouth from those who get it at release.

Looking forward to it, pre-ordered it. I hope it'll be a solid game, since it's been pretty sparse with the information but hey, no season passes so that's good, right?

How does the resurrection mechanic work?

I've pretty much completely moved away from console at this point, idk if i'll even get it. Feel like it will be one of their less popular titles

You're welcome. Bought Nioh Deluxe on preorder and shilled the game to all my friends who bought it on release. Also bought PC version on release.

I kind of expect to have some sort of perk or skill system as you go, if anything, but for the most part, it's gonna be refreshing to play something that doesn't demand much in the department of upgrades.
Actually, when was the last time a game that was pretty straightforward in terms of weapons came out? Shadow of Mordor just had a few skills, and a couple of mostly cosmetic upgrades for your weapons, but not really much else.

It's on PC though

Sure it is.

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Really? Oh i thought it was another Bloodborne type of deal

and following up, wow you're right, it's on steam

go back newshit

fuck me

No; FromSoft is pretty much in charge, it's doing almost everything aside from publishing the games in certain regions, that's why Activation is involved, in Asia, it's another company, but in Japan, From Soft is publishing the game. Hence no season passes, or anything like that.

No expectations. I just want clean, fun, challenging gameplay. I would like to see some cutting edge shit, I know from will deliver on that.

>No expectations
>lists his expectations

Here's mine
>20 bosses
>dozens of minibosses
>8-10 areas
>10 prosthetics
>30-40 hours playtime
I know about the three skill trees, so that threw my doubts on if there was going to be meaningful progression. It's got some nice hitbox porn going for it. In regards to customizing, I hope we change our outfit at least. Also interested in what the OSTs sound like too. Everything is going pretty great by the looks of it. Expecting a DLC too after the game.

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>dozens of minibosses

I can only hope. Theoretically, the work that would've gone into movesets and RPG mechanics could be spent adding more bosses to the game, but I'm not sure how true that will be. Everything we've seen of the game makes it feel pretty "light" however I recognize that's just a first impression.

I don't consider those expectations, every game should be fun. From knows how to make good gameplay, I already know it will deliver on that front. a couple minutes of gameplay fighting those big enemies and I can see it plainly.

If you haven't seen it already.

Does this game have waifus?
Only waifus could save it after release

I think there will be a lot of minibosses. You have high mobility and stealth kills, so it should be pretty easy to rush through the game. Minibosses have to be killed by execution after posture damage, so they are probably used to adjust the pacing of the game.

I think it's possible. Like you said, they've diverted all their efforts that would've otherwise been used for RPG stat levelling systems and PvP into a pure action game. There were already two minibosses (samurai general and ogre) before reaching the corrupted monk.

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First game ive ever pre ordered because im a huge souls fag,hope its good bros.

This is your wife for tonight.

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>immediately goes into an SJW programmed routine
NPC mindset

maybe it'll turn into a beautiful princess

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I was just watching some footage if the minibosses and it seems great. Lots of positioning strategies, dodging must feel pretty good with those hitboxes... I think I've seen someone parrying an attack midair. There seems to be a lot of options in this game.


>all this shitposting with literally zero facts to back it up
why though? its not even exclusive, just shut the fuck up and let people enjoy themselves goddamn

>blame SJWs for everything
>complain games don’t come to PC
Yea Forums incarnate, pathetic

this is the nice thread, you're confusing this with the other Sekiro thread

Should I get Sekiro on PC or PS4?

are you worried about denuvo?



I think you obtain them by killing certain enemies (minibosses I believe). I don't remember though. Also note that there is going to be a death mechanic that is more "personal" to quote Miya. DeS's world tendency maybe?
I hope it's punishing

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You need an orb or something to resurrect, you get one from each checkpoint, so you can resurrect at least once per section. You can gain a new orb by killing enemies, but I don't know if the details are clear yet. I think it just refills as you kill enemies and executions count more than normal kills.

Basically if you die, you get a second chance and can come back with a bit of health left. Dunno if it's the case with bosses, but normal enemies will walk off so the idea being that you can sneak back up on them.

It gets refilled at totally not-bonfires.

I remember one guy in a thread a week or two ago guessed that they might have you lose your prosthetic. That would be pretty damn neat in my opinion.

It's just going to be BB with a weeb paint coat on it. Nothing wrong with that but everyone expecting something completely different are going to be disappointed.

I don't get stats, I don't get different weapons, I don't get to create my favorite anime characters in character creation.

So all I can hope for is satisfying combat, great boss battles, and genuine surprises in terms of enemies and level design.

And if it has any kind of fucking snake person enemy, Miyazaki is a hack.


Will Denuvo be present?

DMC will take ALL shitposting

Not sure, there hasn't been any talk about Denuvo, and it doesn't mention it on the game's page.

Kinda off topic but will cyberpunk 2077 have denuvo?

Can't wait for the special edition to get here.

I mean... Do you know what kind of developer CD Projekt is? Their store is DRM-free, so I really doubt they will use Denuvo

no, you retard

did witcher 3 have denuvo? I don't think it will either


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i think on some level i'm just wishing it had really bold colors like a kurosawa film

>RPG fags cant wrap their brain around action games
Every thread


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More like Sekino

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I'm hoping for a few good swamp levels, and multiple levels of poison/toxic/moldy/radioactive environmental effects. I'm also hoping adaptability comes back.

What were they thinking?

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I remember someone speculating that the resurrection mechanic would be tied to the life of the young lord. Something about coming back each time slowly killing him.

It looks good. Fair amount of difficulty with stealth being important to win but not overpowered.

Hi I'm that guy. I'm happy people will remember I totally called it.

>swamp level
Nigga how are you not tired of that shit already? It's like in every souls game and usually the weakest parts too.

I can't fucking wait

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has there been anymore gameplay footage shown outside of that event from last year

I’ve managed to avoid all spoilers and trailers so far. I want to go in competly blind

>>no customization
>>no class or level up system
not in terms of stats or how the PC looks but they have confirmed skill trees and upgradeable prosthetics
>>no unique weapons or armor
prosthetics are your unique weapons and they seem pretty fleshed out
>>no magic
>>no shields
git gud
>>meme mechanics like steath, parry and ducking
stealth and parry make the combat deeper than block r1 roll repeat

>Everything we've seen of the game makes it feel pretty "light" however I recognize that's just a first impression.
I think it's just marketing, they don't want to show off more than the first 2-3 areas in case of spoilers. That was an issue with DS3 where if you watched all the trailers you would see 90% of the bosses and cutscenes

he is clearly being sarcastic

You shouldn't reply to obvious bait pasta. Though I do find it funny that it says no shields when not only is blocking a default action, there actually is a shield arm tool that was shown in the very first trailer.

I guessed it was b8 but I see the same complaints every thread so I took the benefit of the doubt

*unsheathes katana*

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I realized I got a fucking letter opener after preordering it. C-cool Miyazaki.

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>>no unique weapons or armor
They confirmed no alternate outfits?

that post is b8 but nothing has been said about alternate outfits, at least as far as I see

A lot of people are just either shitposting or wildly misinformed on the game in general. It's not like they haven't shown enough to get an idea of the systems at hand either. The parry is the most obvious example.