Race trait is being more resistant against diseases than other races

>race trait is being more resistant against diseases than other races

are argonians the only vaccinated race?

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Yup, because people who play as them are autistic.

>believing in (((vaccination)))
enjoy your defective children if you have any

no they just swim in freshwater and dig around in mud all day like filthy lizards so they have a naturally stronger immune system

Actual brainlets ITT

Dont redguards have that resistance as well?

Woudn't know, don't play the nigger class.

I thought argonians were complete immunity to poisons and redguards were disease/poison resistant.

One of the effects of microdoses of mercury on your brain is to dull cognitive reasoning. Making you more susceptible to (((conditioning))).

Nice (((agenda))) there friends. I too love having kids be walking bioterror agents.

I want to fuck her slimy lizard pusy

t. autist

Weren't there only like, 3 diseases in Skyrim?

Nimpou absorb soul no jutsu

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You can get vaccines without thiomersal, which isn't the same as elemental mercury, shill. What kind of expensive and ineffective (((treatments))) are you trying to sell for the foolish goy in place of cheap and effective vaccines?

female argonians have penises.

t. kike

They are but Bethesda felt it would be unbalanced. They want the player to choose any race they want and have no real advantage/disadvantage one way or the other.

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Even better
I'm sure they have slimy buttholes

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One thing is SSS+ tier and everything else is so far below it to be pointless, balance is retarded in a single player game especially an RPG. Prove me wrong

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>bend will dragon
>call oodavin
>wait one hour
>call duurnevir
Easy dragon army

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You can't because you're right. This is why mods that stick to the written lore are always better than the base game. One I particularly like for Morrowind and Oblivion are Birthsigns mods. One specifically has three versions of the Serpent (it's constantly moving) and a secondary Mundus version of the other birthsigns. Completely lore friendly and doubles your options.

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Bosmers have some resistance to poison and deceases too

Yep Canada might consider forcing these retarda to vaccinate their kids. We got to cut off American retardation before it grabs root.

Anti-Vaxers are the smokers of today lol.

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They are resistant to poison. Not disease

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>How dare people be allowed to decide what's best for their children, the government should force them to live the right way!

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Always bothered me how argonian tails just clip through all clothes and armor, I will they had a few race exclusive armor sets. Or something that sets races apart more than minor starting stat changes and an ability you use maybe once per play session.
What the fuck is that bioterrorism shit about? I keep seeing it on /pol/ and it just looks like a more schizo version of /HTG/, Qanon and Anon5.
I hope Trudeau gets btfo this election.

it would make a lot of sense, as they're reptiles they would be incapable of getting most diseases that affect other sapient species

Vaccinations should be mandatory for all who enter the US. Many old diseases are being brought over that we've already killed in our population. Better yet, we shouldn't bring anybody in who's not white.

measles is already back in action and with more cases in the last 2 months than the last 2 years

It's not just a decision that affects your kids. Also the government regulates what's good for them in plenty of other ways. It's illegal to not put your kid in a safety seat, yet no one complains about that even though unlike refusal to vaccinate it affects literally no one but your kid.

Non-vaccinated kids are a vector of disease to people who can't get vaccinated even if they wanted to, that's why.

Ironically non-white countries are less retarded about it than the white ones. Probably because they remember those diseases unlike the parents who were ironically vaccinated themselves and don't know better because they never got sick.

>non-white countries are less retarded about it than the white ones
Do you know how many latiniggers, sandniggers, and afriniggers we've brought over here that had tuberculosis?

it's mostly white religious idiots that are fueling the anti-vaccination crap
get rid of them first

In pro-vaccination user, I’m not sure what your referring to. I research multi drug resistant bacteria for a living. I just think Trudeau is an embarrassing moron and don’t want him in charge of Canada anymore.

Only mammals have mammaries. REE

203 kids died in the Philippines so far this year from measles.

Why does it look like a retextured human model?

People that are against vaccination are either idiots or just want their autistic children dead

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The problem for them is infrastructure, not antivax retardation. Those people will line up for hours to get their kids vaccinated if they know the chance is there.

This I also like vaccines but treadea is a tard.

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problem is that they're not just endangering their own children, but everyone else's children as well by breaking the herd immunity

Does that explain why people who like argonians are so autistic?

>Those people will line up for hours to get their kids vaccinated if they know the chance is there.
False, if white trash people are some sort of baseline then the trashiest shit skins probably eat their children. I seriously doubt any of them don't think modern medicine is some kind of voodoo bullshit

I hope her kid dies tbqh.


I'm not joking user. They really did. I'm sure if you give them a generation of not seeing what these diseases do they will go full retard like the rich white people who tend to be antivax too because shots are scary, bloo bloo.

stop letting racism get to your head
people who have seen children die from all kinds of horrible diseases are more likely to actually jump at the first possible solution regardless of their intelligence

No, they're like poojeets in that they live in filth and their immune systems have adapted

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>Western funded organizations are spreading disease controlling infrastructure in 3rd world countries
What else is new? If anything Africa was due for a massive die-off decades ago but we keep preventing it.
>people with 70 IQ who know nothing of modern science aren't so ignorant that they are scared of modern medicine
Sure thing

people with truly low IQ are actually extremely likely to innately trust people of authority such as doctors
it actually takes a minimum of intelligence to be idiotic enough to reject vaccinations

>people with truly low IQ are actually extremely likely to innately trust people of authority such as doctors

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>all these people who think its anti vaxxers that are causing all these 3rd world diseases coming back in the USA
>not the thousands of unvaccinated 3rd world immigrants being distributed throughout the USA

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Yes, they are Western funded, but they are accepting the vaccinations of free will because they know what the diseases do still.

For them to know that thy'd actually have to know what was going on in the world and that's too much to say for the general Yea Forumsirgin.

Last I remember the measles outbreak in Oregon came from a person in Europe, but that's besides the point. Disease vectors coming here wouldn't matter if the vaccination rate was high enough that pretty much no one who came in contact with the immigrant could get sick in the first place.

>Africans super willing to accept vaccination aid from westerners, almost to the point of begging
>Still don't have hospitals that vaccinate, or even carry vaccinations

1 he was not a person of authority
2 he had nothing to offer those people
3 he didn't even speak their language

>Old diseases are taking off in urban centers with massive homeless populations
>It's the anit vaxers!

>Africa is a shithole where most countries can't afford to get any real infrastructure up and have to rely on foreign aid
I really don't understand how this concept is so antithetical to your racism.

>linking a site with a fucking Pidgin mode and implying they're reputable

>People who spread Christianity to knuckledragging sisterfuckers aren't doing so from a position of authority

They're taking off in wealthy suburbs and it's the unvaccinated who are getting sick.

Why should we care about niggers dying from ebola? Not only are we preventing their entire species from collapsing under its own weight every day, but we're also shipping them over he and infecting our own populations. It doesn't make sense.

>person from Europe
Of course, Europeans...

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Because if we don't vaccinate them they can bring it here. Notice how we eradicated small pox entirely by using a vaccination program? You get dropped on your head as a kid or something?

Do you know how many Somalian "refugees" and the like that were bring over here from Europe and list them as "European"?

Why not let them all die?

you honestly make me wonder, are you just stupid enough for anti-vaccing or to stupid for it

On race da hooman race

>tfw no argonian mommy gf


It's not a coincidence these outbreaks begin in places poor people can't afford to go.

Because if they don't die and come here they can bring it here. Then people who can't be vaccinated for medical reasons get sick.

I feel like Canadians are getting kinda snooty about being more "with it" then the American public, so most people are getting more into Environmental issues. If the conservatives fail to address it at all, they'll get screwed by younger voters. I fear they'll be cornered into doing just that since their whole thing right now is blocking the Carbon Tax, which is really just a not shit version of the Cap and Trade system already in place, so what the fuck. Trudea just did a circuit of "Town Hall" meetings in various universities so that's clearly his target.

Trudea's India trip is still fucking hilarious to me though, and always will be

But if they don't die they got vaccinated

Why are we letting African animals into our country exactly then?
This should be the real question

People didn't used to vaccinate for chicken pox you dumb fuck, it's not that big of a deal. I had them, now Iim naturally immune.
>HPV vaccination
How can an unvaccinated kid get the measles without coming into contact with a foreigner with measles?

>if a parent wants to kill their child it's their right! they can do WHATEVER they think is best!!!!!!!! parent rights trump human rights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

It says in the study that you linked that the source was some dirty Filipinos at Disney World.

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Just suicide already tranny, we're waiting

Just get measles and die, righty cuck ;)

>no lizard tits posted yet

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>links NPR
>doesnt even read the articles that state foreigners were the cause

A lot of retards who eat shit up with no level of critical thinking

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I dont hang out with shitskins so I'll be fine


Right, sorry.

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those are some massive venom sacs

so they can do more drugs than the average person

Oh, didn't know you avoid white people, good for you user! Stay healthy ;)

honestly I wouldn't have seen it coming, the way the American empire ends
Then again plagues have brought down a lot of empires before, but usually they're the result of malice or chance rather than incompetence

>Communist californians
>less than 5% of the population
>all of america

>implying it's just californians
anti-vaccing is spread among libtards and religious fundies equally

>the only cases have been on the west coast cities and the Mormon capital of the world
>It's all leftists and religious people
Slow your row there dipshit

mormons are the definition of religious fundies
turns out gullible idiots fall for crap like that

>1.5 million Mormons are all religious people

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>The Reddit test.
Fuck that shit
If I can fuck it I will fuck it

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Are you confused about what a Mormon is?

What does this even mean?

The American empire is ending because of demographic shift

THIS, although lizard dick is good too

Why not both at once?
Post lizard dickgirls

In Morrowind and Oblivion, High Elves, Wood Elves, Argonians, and Redguards all share the same 75% resistance to disease. (or "common" disease in Morrowind's case, in contrast to Blight diseases which are not inherently resisted by anyone)

Have you ever known a mormon? Have you ever been friends with a mormon? Then shut the fuck up.

>Implying mexicans move out of their border states

As the border moves north they will just do it over and over

We've had open borders for 50 years and they've just now gotten to the cold states


Tired of people sucking big pharmas dick when they haven't been liable for vaccine injury since the 80s. They can out out shit medicine and the govt foots the bill w taxpayer money

And nothing is being done to slow it down or stop it so what is your point?

>And nothing is being done to slow it down or stop it so what is your point?
Mexicans have barely spread past the border states in 50 years?

So the demographic shift is slow, what difference does that make?
America will still crumble and balkanize

jokes on you you're outnumbered here

Just like every western country for the past 50 years. The white people aren't going anywhere. We can't stop what has been set in motion with the shitskins that are already here without mass genocide. But that will never happen thanks to our kike overlords. So the whites will continue to move north and populate

Ironic that you bring up smoking. They down played the fact that cigs caused cancer for so long

still got a butthole, don't they?

What happens when we're stuck between the Somalis in Canada and the Taco niggers in the south?

>talking about autism
>posts train
what did he mean by this?

War, most likely

Enjoy your kid for 3-5 years until you have to make another one.

it's actually true, autists play argonians, literal furry animal fuckers play khajiit. Men play redguard.

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Most of the shit you get vaccinated for isn't deadly

Men play nord/imperial

Based, but still retarded.

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too generic

is this okay?

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how do i get a lizard girlfriend

>not generic
the fuck?

several thousand generations of interracial inbreeding
also, reincarnation


Got any lizard dicks?

Bosmer are also resistant to diesease and they're the most autistic race.

I tend to crop them out

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Why not both?

i for one welcome the anti vaxxers. the more dead kids the better.

>can freely have sex without fearing STDS

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Which one?

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that's a looooooota hist sap

>that ugly penis model

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that's not a good-looking dick

>laughing my butt off
My cousin posts stuff like this because she refuses to swear. Oddly enough she's also vehemently anti-vax.

>can freely have sex without fearing STDS
too bad your here.