Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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All he had to to do was not use the dye, goddammit.
>this shit is almost a decade old
did he bwoke da roolz haha
he knew the rules and he still broke them.
Daily reminder that Jordan is a massive faggot who screwed all of his friends over for a girl who didn't even love him back. Don't be like Jordan.
She was so fat and ugly too like wtf whoredan
newfag here, waht happened?
laugh at these fools
Using the Blue Dye was against the rules of the map, but everyone in the comments were asking why they didn't just use the Blue Dye
Now that's a fucking old one.
>mfw all the stupid shit James has done on Cow Chop and its the one where he falls off a skateboard that needs a metal rod and 9 screws to fix
Never thought he would end up on a retsupurae.
I hope James is doing alright. I regret the time I wasted watching the creatures' shit, but James seemed like a chill guy when he wasn't playing it up for his audience.
what happened did he break his leg?
Simpler times...
Yeah he tried to skate off a ramp and ended up breaking his leg and popping out his shoulder
fuck sp00n, you dont just use the dye
The creatures
The creature hub... chicken joe... home
those 24 hour streams were kino