singleplayer games for feel/aesthetic of pic related or any frazetta work. I want to crush skulls and save the damsel in distress.
Singleplayer games for this feel
Other urls found in this thread:
Mayb Dragon's Dogma.
comes close. got any other ideas?
not singleplayer but vermintide 2 invokes this feeling
Dark Messiah, Dishonored, dying light, Mount and Blade
when I looked at that picture I thought "Overlord" but I think its not exactly what this picture is all about
God of War, Darksiders
Immortal: Unchained
Kingdom of amalur:reckoning
This B game from Russia.
Dark Messiah of Boot and Slippy Ice
dark messiah, diablo 3 as barbarian
>tfw no DOOM game but with swords instead of shotguns
If you can get over ancient UI.
And the shitty real time with pause combat
Heretic, Hexen, Amid Evil, and Dark Messiah are kind of like that.
>ctrl + f
How low you have fallen.
>no modern games listed
>Verminitide 2
Probably Diablo 1 as a Warrior.
Severance Blade of Darkness
Die By The Sword
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic
Heavy Metal FAKK 2
Berserk (for Dreamcast)
>Rune: Ragnarok announced 2 years ago
>Had steady stream of screenshots, gifs, dev blog updates, and closed betas up until November last year
>cancelled early access plans and Winter closed beta
>stopped taking pre-orders for the game
It's not looking good, lads.
The original Devil May Cry
Oh, I forgot pic related.
Loved it back then as a kid. Replayed it recently and it still holds up. Hard as nails but lots of fun.
Picture reminds me of SMT nocturne artwork
Darkest dungeon
I curse Bethesda and the filthy jewpigs at Zenimaxx who conspicuously tried to bankrupt Human Head Studios, so Todd&Co. could buy them up for a dollar.
Mad respect for HH for sticking together and enduring all the shit that happened to them. But to be quite honest Ragnarok was supposed to be an open world meme - which I got sick and tired of 10 years ago.
I hope they will redesign it into a single player experience with a badass multiplayer part just like the original. Nevertheless I wish them all the best.
One of the last, if not THE last independant old-school game company left in the west that did not sell out or betrayed their own principles for financial gain.
We need more of this. I played mostly pure barbarian in m&b and it feels pretty badass to destroy charging horses and cleave guys heads, doesn't have the aesthetic we are chasing though.
Great games.
Die by the sword remake when? Not many games allow you to kill enemies with their own severed limbs. Shame the controls were godawful. Way too ambitious for its time.
>play pure barbarian
>get lanced by superior swadian knight
nothing personnelle nordshit
ok guys, OP here. you all have been super helpful. I feel like we need more games with a specific gameplay to fit the feeling the pictures in question try to transport.
blade of darkness