Looks like someone was wrong again

Looks like someone was wrong again

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>bundled with PS4 and sold at $20

this game seemed so much like something id like, but the moment i saw that little red headed girls face and was forced to take control of this horrid little ranga i dropped this so fast and got a refund. absolute disgrace making a normal red blooded man play as a tiny ugly little redshit fuck whoever made this game

Nice try

Attached: sales.png (639x273, 87K)

Thats pathetic for such a long franchise compared to a new IP.

A highly marketed game that sells for $20 and sometimes less sold a lot? Woah, what a shocker.


>doesn't count, DOESN'T COUNT
>it's SJW shit, Yea Forumstard MEMES told me so

It's the best selling standalone Zelda to date, only Ocarina of Time and its re-releases have sold more, and you also seem to be ignoring how Zelda is still full priced while Horizon went to the bargain bin after 3 months.


I think the game was fine but for some reason it's so visually disgusting to me. Like "graphically" it looks fine but there is just so much clutter and visual noise that simply looking at it would hurt my eyes at certain points.

Sorry, add 1.5 million more for the Wii U version :)

Switchers on suicide watch.
While, Xbox friends are enjoying this peacefully with PS4 bros.

Good! Anything that fights off the absolutely cancerous Games as a Service model pushed by EA, Activision and Micro$oft is good in my eyes.

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Its just a shame that the Killzone franchise is surely dead now. Someone needs to take it away from Snoy and actually do something good with it.

Only people who dont like this game are MUH SJW boigimen fagots or PC only jelly fagots.

Its legit a good game.
An open world that doesn't have to many copy pasted activities and acualy rewards exploration.
And the combat is basically monster hunter but focused on bowguns.

>And the combat is basically monster hunter

>Killzone is dead

Actually, not really. We know from job listings that following HZD's success, Guerrilla had a big hiring spree and have expanded to two teams. Most notable of their new hires was Simon Larouche, who directed Rainbow 6 Siege, so don't be surprised if a reworked Killzone appears next gen alongside an inevitable HZD sequel.

>bundled games

Is another gymnastic triumph, HZD was forgotten and nobody cares about it anymore exept trolls.

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Both HZD and BotW was drastically overrated 7-7.5/10s to be perfectly honestly.

Which MS game has that model?

It was given away on PS+ and bundled with PS4’s.

You can get it for less than twenty bucks at a GameStop.

Garbage PS4 movie simulator selling well to a bunch of low IQ faggots who are into rimming sony's asshole, who would have thought...

The fuck? How the hell is this MH? And there is no slowmo in MH too

But they have never knew what to do with the KZ franchise. It needs to be out of their hands. KZ2 was the best one and its clear to me there is no way they will at least go back to what made the second one good.


>This game is popular but the protagonist is not a Underage anime girl but a realistic girl and its not on PC.
>And dont tell me i am wrong iv played over 1000 obscure but not realy garbage anime games and masturbated to 1000s hentai mangas about underage girls so i am objectively in the right.

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PS4 had like ten times the number of units at the time and still has millions more now. Also I believe this is just the switch not including wii u sales.

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Maybe consider the systems instal bases

>Both HZD and BotW was drastically overrated
BOTW is still talked while HZD is usually bring to the table when people talk about BOTW.

>that framerate
>especially in a game where you have to aim a gun

Imagine coping this hard