Did MGSV deserve a 10/10 rating? Wasn't there are single flaw that justified dropping the score by just 1% to 9.9?

Did MGSV deserve a 10/10 rating? Wasn't there are single flaw that justified dropping the score by just 1% to 9.9?

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I know, lets discuss an IGN review. Faggot OP.

No, every IGN 10/10 review since GTA IV with the exception of shit like Inside, Undertale, Celeste & BOTW was already confirmed to be Paid off

>Ubisoft Zelda
ok retard

I decided to finish it before seeing any reviews. After completing story I felt like it was 8/10 game. Then I went to see reviews and felt it was kojima effect kicking on all of them.

Cope, by today's horrible Standards Zelda BOTW is a masterpiece

It ain't 10 but definitely a 9 for me personally and easily one of 5 best games made in last 5 years.

If you ignore the story, it has some of the best gameplay of any game you're going to play. The number of different ways you can approach any situation and the amount of different things that can happen keep it enjoyable and fresh.

There was excellent detail in mechanics but poor design in environment gives you no reason to use most of it since every landmark with patrolling enemies are similarly structured and can be approached the same way. Camp Omega in Ground Zeroes was better than anything in Phantom Pain.

MSGV is like having a 10/10 gf, but not being allowed to fuck her.

unironically the best video game i've ever played in my life. I've been play games for like 26 years or something, and relatively seriously as well.

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driving physics were ps2 tier and felt atrocious

Boy, you must have a serious case of shit taste if MGSV was the best game you've ever played.

>tons of gadgets
>exceptional sandbox gameplay
nah it sucks
>have to neutralize tanks
>knows the route and places a few mines where it leaves
>go to take care of the others and... the mine despawned because of my distance but the tank was okay

>saving thumbnails

MGSV is the game I've spent the most time on in a single playthrough. And that's just because of how much FUN the gameplay is. Not even the horrible fucking waiting for the helicopter to arrive/land could make me stop playing the game.

eat shit and die faggot

No. Its a 7.5/10 at best.

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10/10 doesn't mean perfect

Only reason people don't like the game is because they hyped themselves up to a unreasonable level and the story felt unfinished.
The gameplay was top notch the amount of ways you could complete a mission was amazing. It was like the opposite of Red Dead Redemption 2

Then how would you score a perfect game?

Perfection can't be achieved in practical terms, so no problems.

agreed, im playing my second run since release and having a fucking blast. i greed too that the story was disapointed, but outside of that the game is amazing

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too bad the map is such a empty, boring piece of shit with nothing to do. all those mechanics and smooth controls are pretty much useless since there's so little to do

seriously, there is no other game I can honestly think of that has such engaging and fun gameplay, along with the sheer amount of content and replayablity. I cannot think of a game that has that much over all QUALITY, the scope and scale of it is insane. If you don't believe this, then you need to do something else with your life because you've clearly lost touch with reality

No. And wanna know the worst part? Many reviewers praised MGS5's story. The wikipedia exposition dumps without ANY flavor to them or personality, just straight up ABCs agencies with boring personalities talking over it and Snake having no comment on anything.

THAT was the height of gaming journalism like praising Fallout 3's "thought provoking themes". Look back to Fallout 3's reviews, there was praise for its insane storyline.

I have a feeling some of the reviews were biased due to the whole konami/kojima spat going on at the time.

>Did MGSV deserve a 10/10 rating?
Absolutely not. And I say this as an oldass MGS fan, who've flown 1000s of kilometers just to get a glimpse of Kojima-sama.
>Wasn't there are single flaw that justified dropping the score by just 1% to 9.9?
There was FUCKTONS of problems.
The only reason most "journos" overlook 'em was because they participated in the Konami's "bootcamp", a 48h closed-door review session, before the release. In otherwords, they rushed thru' the plot, and potentially never even finished it.

This. Everyone loves Kojima and Kojima can never make a bad game.

Story and bosses were disappointing, but everything else was top notch yeah

>Many reviewers praised MGS5's story
Most reviewers don't finish games, they rush out the review after a few hours of game time to get more clicks, and most of them probably assumed MGS5 would have an amazing story since the previous games were known for having good stories.

Not 10/10 but definitely underappreciated.
I would call it pleb filter, since it has the best gameplay of them all.
Only "story" and/or "lore" fags get mad at this.

I can see why they would give it a 10, the honeymoon period is at least 20 hours and they don't play or much longer before reviewing
I recognized the open world tedium pretty quick though

It's fucking ign but all those positives are spot on. Really only hardcore fans were pissed off at this game. And even then, I consider myself a hardcore fan but V I understand it's differences. In no way did I expect it to be like old games because firstly we saw hours of gameplay before it was out and second nothing can ever emulate the previous games, there is no point in trying. I don't want to ramble too much but I think they did the right thing by just taking the series forward. They did this with every sequel too.

It's a great game but for me personally it didn't hit all the spots, especially on story presentation and boss fights.

What's the fucking point of a ten-point scale when you add decimals, anyway? Is it just because they'd feel silly rating something 99/100? Because they ought to. Nobody's opinion is that nuanced. How do you decide whether a game feels like a 9.9 or a 9.8? What does a 0.1 difference FEEL like? How do you quantify that? Is there a fucking algorithm? Stupid. Fuck numbered ratings.

unrealistic expectations ruined it for you

not as nearly as bad as the review for celeste

i played that shit and it was a 5/10 at best and ign gave it a 10/10.

what the actual fuck

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pretty much. Kojima is the only person who can start working on another project while leaving the current one and not get any backlash

20 point scale is the sweet spot. Detailed enough that you can make clear distinctions between games, while still not being confusing like a 100 point scale.

It's a fucking meme and opinions who cares really.

I know somebody who has had three Toyota Priuses in a row. She thinks they're the best cars in the world, despite not having driven anything else to compare them to in 15 years. When pressed for why she likes them so much, she says things like "it has a screen in the dash" and "it has light steering" and "it's quiet." Things that every other family sedan from the last 15 years also has, and in many case those other sedans are much better cars.

This is exactly what Nintendo fans are like with BOTW.

seems just the way Yea Forums rates games, not caring about story. whats the problem?

Expecting awesome boss fights and presentation of complex story is unrealistic expectation from MGS game? M8.... I find it's a 8 out 10 which is great game and I still play it once in a while. You need to cure that cancerous mindset that anything below 9 is unplayable garbage.

Yes, despite them not including the dead Multiplayer and the FOB gameplay the overall gameplay is amazing and fun.
Controls are responsive and it just feels great to play.

The game is polished too so it runs on potatoes, it's really good despite Chapter 2 being shit and the tapes out of order.

Basically that's code for "I'm comfortable with it and it's what I know and can trust" nothing wrong with that. Thinking it is the best is silly tho.


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>sparse story
>in mgs game

what the fuck are you talking about, bro.
Ground Zeroes plus 2 hours worth of gameplay footage pre-release and you still didn't have a clear idea of what you were getting into. It's not me with the problems.
>You need to cure that cancerous mindset that anything below 9 is unplayable garbage.
i'm not talking to you anymore

>but demo will give you what you need
Ok enjoy your 10/10 experience kid.

I remember arriving at this part for the first time and laughing out loud at the sheer stupidity of it all. It was so obvious that this is exactly where Kojima said fuck it and threw and the towel.


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found the GAYMER


10/10 isn't perfect, just the best score they can give.

the world was too empty. it needed more facilities or actual shit to infiltrate. was only a hand full of actual camps and not a single large base. even the afghani hq was almost empty.

and small nitpicking for average boss fights and story.

in retrospect I'd still rate it a 9.5 just because it does everything else so incredibly well.

>10/10 means flawless

>Did MGSV deserve a 10/10 rating?

every map have 2 big facilities bigger than any other metal gear ever had, on top of that you can infiltrate on other poeple bases, again every base is bigger than any other base of past metal gears.

Man i wonder how a Desert map could be empty

Konami paid them off. Even on release it wasn’t groundbreaking. The FOB shit was non functional, the enemies don’t adapt to your tactics and always improve their gear in a linear fashion, the maps are empty with small outposts scattered around

First, no. Fuck No. MGSV was better than it should've been, but it was an 8.5 at ABSOLUTE best.

Second, review scores are bullshit, because they're all objective, and the ABSOLUTE AUTISTS on the internet can't wrap their heads around the idea that a 10/10 score doesn't mean a game, any game is perfect, because perfection doesn't exist in a subjectively quantified art form. Perfection implies theres some rubric somewhere, some checklist that every game has to mark off to get a perfect score, and that checklist doesn't exist.
Also, having flaws doesn't necessarily diminish the value of a game. 10/10 games can have flaws, because again, it's a subjectively quantified work. There will ALWAYS be flaws, even in the single best game ever made.

Well you started this thread and cant find a valid criticism to lower its score so i guess you already know the awnser

Even if they weren't paid by Konami, it'd be in their best interest to give this game a high score. The hype for this game was insane; giving the game a more appropriate score isn't worth the negative attention from Kojibros.

this guy gets it. collecting soldiers and developing weapons and the base was like being on crack.
the story sucks but we know that, I'd still give it 8.5 or 9/10

based, ignore the sheep, they are probably all mgs2fags that enjoy smelling their own farts

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why are you samefagging

>new IP

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>implying there are no cretins here who are desperate enough to reset ip just so they can samefag with excuse
keep lurking and exploring autism more

A perfect game would get a 10/10.

On a 1-to-10 scale with no decimals, any other game in the top tenth of the quality spectrum would also get a 10/10, whereas 9/10 is for the next lowest tenth, and so on.

>durr no game is perfect so nothing should get a 10
Then you're using a 1-to-9 scale.

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why would I reset my ip on a id-less board?
do you think it is so unusual for two guys who like mgsv to be in the same thread?
if there's an autist here it's you

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>art criticism should be treated like a science

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Cause of poster count and your writing pattern style, which is exactly the same like of the kojimabot knight ITT.

Pick aspects of game like five of them, rate them and get the middle score. You do need standards if you want to grade something.

>writing pattern style
>kojimabot knight
how the fuck do you talk, weirdo? stop replying to me creep

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>there are 10 possible ratings but you can't use all of them

You wrote to other dude that you aren't talking to him anymore and you ask me to stop replying to you. Same pattern of triggered behavior mr kojimabot. You are really bad at this stuff.

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MGSV just sucks. Once it got into base management I was like WTF are these cunts doing. Run around in the desert simulator, turned the game off and never even wanted to pay it ever again I was so bored. The intro is literally the worst opening level of any game I've ever played

what are you talking about?
this are literally my only replies in the whole thread, nigger

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no, you are wrong.
fucking faggot making me reply to you again

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biggest letdown of my life, i had such high hopes for it but it failed spectacularly, atleast i knew MGS4 was shit going into it so my expectations were really low.

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It's hilarious, really. These days all reviewers care about is story, and when Metal Gear of all things drops the ball they couldn't gives less of a shit.

It didn't.

While I don't agree with "only perfect games should get a 10/10", I do agree with "only games with very few flaws should get a 10/10".

I constantly see people rating games as 10 out of 10s when many of those games have massive flaws.

I've seen people call the NES Metal Gears "masterpieces" and claiming "Kojima did it again!".

If that isn't proof about the Kojima bias, what else is?

Not as good proof as people acting like Death Stranding would be a masterpiece while we have next to no real information on how it's really going to play.


> IGN Outright admits that GTA IV & MGS4 were garbage, overrated as fuck & didn't deserve their scores
> Later gives GTA V & MGS5 a 10/10 despite being even worse games
No, MGS5 obviously didn't deserve it's score

Kojima was sniffing his own farts way too had when he made this game.


The game unironically focused too much on story and not enough on gameplay. Should have just took off the V and made it a spinoff with more varied missions and basebuilding like the original trailers showed where you could have sandbags, soldiers doing exercises together, mess halls, etc.

Reviews aren't mathematical, objective scores, or measures of number of flaws.
This person's opinion was probably that the flaws are only small problems that are so minor they don't even remember them.

But also it's probably like GTA4, MGS4, Skyrim, etc. where because the writer is a braindead fanboy they give anything that has a ton of hype a perfect score because they decided it would be perfect before ir even came out. I'm still assmad that I read all these perfect reviews in all the game mags at the time for GTA and MGS and then I played them and couldn't believe someone honestly thought they were nearly perfect games.

I still can't decide if modern retard reviewers who are part of the hivemind are better or worse than the absolutely useless fanboy reviewers from the last two gens.