AMD BTFO Intel on the CPU side

>AMD BTFO Intel on the CPU side
>Nvidia barely catches up to AMD's price/efficiency ratio with the 1660ti, even then AMD just lowers the prices of their Vega 56/64s
>AMD has a new generation of Navi and Zen 2 that has the best specs of what we seen so far
God, investing in an AMD build was the best decision ever

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Other urls found in this thread:

where do i even buy the 1660ti theres no listing on amazon

Why would you want to buy the 1660ti. A Vega 56 performs 10% better for the same price (~300-350)

>AMD has a new generation of Navi
Have they already released detailed specs for those? Especially on the power efficiency side of things, I don't want to buy a 600W PSU just to get GTX1060-equivalent performance.

Also they still need to build a compute solution that is on par with CUDA

>AMD sales up
>Takes a dedicated power plant to run each card
>mfw I invested in the energy sector

Im not really trying to buy it. I just couldn't see listings for it, until a few minutes ago, when I checked amazon again.

>AMD BTFO Intel on the CPU side
i don't think this has happened in the last 15 years.

I just want a card as powerful as 4 gtx 1080s

Just upgraded from a 380x to a 590
feels good being able to run RE2 at max settings

Attached: Temps.png (1199x808, 75K)

>amd drivers
pretty shocking that after eight years they're still the worst in the industry

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What is modern OpenCL using the same base infrastructure as Vulkan?
The last thing we need is more vendor specific non-standard shit.

>not using the superior OS where AMD drivers are both the most performatic and stable choice AND open source

There's your problem.

Current gen RTX cards are a rip-off. They aren't much better than the older Pascal cards and even in games that do use the RTX features (of which very few do) the performance isn't that stellar. They also tend to perform worse in general in games running DX11. On top of all of that the pricing is ridiculous for what they offer (or rather don't offer.) Better to skip this generation of cards and wait for the next. This is basically Graphics Cards: Early Access Edition.

I ended up picking up a brand new 1080ti for just over $580 personally.

>Using the drivers from AMD
Honestly, who still does this?

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im still running a gtx 670 but need to upgrade. a buddy of mine is selling his 970 for $70. should i pick it up?

Who the fuck even buys a 2080? Do people like getting scammed?

>AMD drivers bad! You shouldn't use them!
Then what fucking drivers do I use for an AMD graphics card???

Bros do I get a 570 or 580? They come with a game coupon

>pretty shocking that after eight years they're still the worst in the industry
You really wanna know how bad AMD drivers are? In just a few years, the open source drivers on Linux have gotten better OpenGL performance than the decades old proprietary AMD drivers.

>What is modern OpenCL using the same base infrastructure as Vulkan?
Sadly, a piece of shit without as many good support libraries and that's still a verbose mess to write code for compared to CUDA's simple extensions to the C language.




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Depending on the rest of your system, and what sort of gaming experience you find acceptable, sure but try to talk him down price-wise. Its a decent stop-gap that should get you to the end of the Windows-era and a bit beyond if you're playing mostly non-demanding games at low console-style resolutions.

You should keep in mind though that if you keep cards that long you'd probably do better buying AMD in the future.

ray tracing was cool but shouldnt have been implement yet, they should just have showed like hey we are working at ray tracing it will be available in just a few years!! In the meanwhile have some beefy cards!

AMD cards continue being a housefire with broken drivers and the fac that they're like 2% of the market is nobody's fault but their own.
Source: I own a rx480

Cause vaga is a garbage housefire that's way more expensive than the 1660ti.
Even a 2060 is cheaper and miles better.

Fuck you and whoever made this thread for making me waste 3 minutes in paint

On Linux, there's usermade drivers for AMD cards that literally offer basically double the speed and compatibility over AMD's own drivers.
No such thing for Windows unfortunately since Linux fags don't give a shit about Wangablows.

>AMD, on the other hand, has not been competitive at all in this space and their Vega GPU still suffers from supply issues
maybe ayymd would over take nvidya if they were so goddamn lazy

Attached: lmao.jpg (2426x604, 326K)

>amd requires double the power for the same or less performance

The built-in support in your Linux kernel and the user-space Mesa drivers which provide API support.
These are available on every modern GNU/Linux based operating system, there's no reason to run outdated VMS clones anymore.

Who cares? Electricity is cheap.

is there a pc upgrade board, where i can ask some stuff before im gonna buy it?

chupame la vega

When it comes to raw performance AMD has sweet spots in some price points (the rx570 is way better than the 1050ti and are usually the same price) but when it comes to actually playing games Nvidia cards are just better, having more stable drivers. I own a rx480 and my little bro has a 1060 and holy shit the difference is abismal. Games play basically the same but I experience stutter and crashes way more often than him, specially in nvidia-jewed games like The Memetcher III.

>AMD BTFO Intel on the CPU side

The best OpenGL drivers are for AMD hardware. They're just still behind on hardware.

Attached: radeon_vii-mesa_radeonsi.png (874x937, 112K)

Yeah, it's cheap when your parents are paying for it.


>On Linux, there's usermade drivers for AMD cards that literally offer basically double the speed and compatibility over AMD's own drivers.

The drivers are still made by AMD in collaboration with the community you fucking moron

This is like a month old. Several companies fell during that time, it was linked to China's slowing economy.

Have you tried upgrading your OS for the better drivers? By all accounts Witcher 3 runs very well on RadV.

It's almost like the average gamer doesn't want to spend $500-800 on a GPU with a gimmick barely anything supports when you can get a previous gen that's cheaper and just as effective.

jej, rojopastillado

Here you go:

AMD's contribution is hiring some of the open source developers, providing documentation, and working to standardize kernel interfaces. RadeonSI, Nine, and RadV all share no ancestral relationship to AMD's official drivers for OpenGL, D3D9 and Vulkan.

don't go to /g/, use reddit

/g/ literally tells people to buy AMD cpus or dual core CPU's "because they have high clockspeed"

thanks lad

>component price crash soon
Thank fucking god

>You should keep in mind though that if you keep cards that long you'd probably do better buying AMD in the future.
whys that? i oc the 670 and can run most games at 1080p at 60fps on low settings but theres dips here and there

What are you talking about? Nvidia's stock shot up immediately after the news a month ago. It's been going up ever since.

Speåk for yoursælf

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>pushing a "tech" that nobody wants or needs
Not surprising.

Would you be surprised if Nvidia's stock has been going up for a month now? Well you better be, idiot.

That would have been better, but they should be priced accordingly. For how little performance gain you get on the 2080 for instance? Not worth the premium it demands.

>try to peddle absurdly overpriced marketing meme to gamers
>fall flat on your face because no video games even use RTX memetech
Good. RTX is specialized tech for guys making fucking Pixar movies or some shit. Tear those stupid ass cores on and drop the price $150 dollars.

>I don't want to buy a 600W PSU
If you don't have a 600W PSU you can not consider your PC a gaming PC.


power costs money

>5 months ago 289$
>now 156$
Yeah they're doing great.

Should just have gotten a 1080 Ti back then. Feels so stupid to pay 800€ for the same performance now.

they must be shitting their pants

Oh no you have to pay like $1 more a month, that's like a McChicken you have to sacrifice!

This is the biggest COPE I've seen all year.

yeah like this dip is any better you stupid nog

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One high-end AMD card + Solar + Home Battery system
is cheaper than
a high-end Nvidia card a year to deal with the driver degradation + electricty from the grid

What kind of store brand bitch-ass 480 do you have? My card and drivers have been fine after 3 years of no problems.

The current generation is barely an improvement over the previous generation.
Don't buy anything until it says 7nm on the box.

the post

it's faster than the 1060 in some game but the stutters and crashes are real.

Attached: img_4458.jpg (725x566, 62K)

Radeon 7 looks as bad as RTX though.

Have your tried upgrading your OS to work out if the stuttering and crashes are from the AMD provided drivers, or hardware related?
AMD even advises users now that their official drivers are only intended and tested for a limited set of professional workloads and that most users should be using the drivers provided by the Mesa project.

I guess my penchant for playing shit from like the 2000's has ended up being a nice inadvertent strategy for avoiding the Crypto-fag habbening that made everything triple in price + the "Improvements" of the "Next Gen" cards.

When my card finally craps out hopefully shit will have settled. Idk.

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Your card is faulty
why the fuck are you even still using it, if it doesn't work you return it

>tfw got a 1080ti when prices were low
Still feels great

Dude, I run RE2Make maxed out on my laptop.

Install gentoo faggot

same here but it was not worth, it's an unstable mess that will freeze and shit out "device disconnected" errors


i hope nvidia will pull through it. i don't have any particular fondness for a green jew, but real time raytracing is a wonderful idea, this is a revolution of the same scale as first pixel shaders or first 3d accelerators. i want to see it happen, i don't want conformism to win, i want to see a proper revolution in vidya graphics

I asked /g/ for help with a setup I plan on getting:

They proceeded to change things up on me:

Which one is better? Keep in mind that I dont plan on getting this right now, because I more than likely will get one of the new AMD cpus thatll come out soon. I don't think I really need to spend $300 on a monitor, plus I know EVGA has an upgrade program for their gpu's. $1,500 is my budget, so I want the most bang for my buck so I dont have to upgrade for a long time.

Works fine on my system :)
Seriously though, you should refund that shit user

Waiting for 3700x cpu and 570x mobo to make a new build. Haven't decided on gpu yet.

Currently using {spoiler}Athlon 200 ge {/spoiler}

Wait for the 1670. It will be similar to the 1660ti but with a 256-bit bus instead of 192-bits.

If you're unsure of how significant this is, then you're not ready to buy a graphics card on your own.

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Nigger everything breaks after newer drivers on nvidia


speak for yourself

you don't need a 2070 for 1080p
I have that fan - but I can't use it because I keep forgetting to order mounting brackets cause I'm using the new AMD CPU socket and be quiet only works on weekdays and for like 2 hours AFTER I get off work.

I'd get /g/'s list

>2070 and 2080
Literal waste of money. The 2060 is a very good buy tho in my imo.

>Keep in mind that I dont plan on getting this right now, because I more than likely will get one of the new AMD cpus thatll come out soon.
Then why the fuck are you already making lists fag? Seriously PC parts pricing is so volatile that a good list now might be fucking garbage in two months time. Wait till Zen 2 comes out and then start making lists.

I bought a used GTX1070 for 300 CAD, which is 225 USD.

This card will never come out.

>I'm a dumbass

Nah, I'll just wait for the 1670 Ti for the 7.5GB VRAM

It happened last year.

Can do that on regular 1070...

on a*

Should I upgrade from a 1060 to an RTX 2070?

Whatever, it works and it runs games.

Nvidia aint gonna give your anus 256-bit bus unless you cough up 600 bucks.

If it's a 6GB 1060 no, if it's a 3GB 1060 maybe

God no. The rtx series is a fucking meme especially for that price. Wait for a massive price drop or the next lineup. Or buy an amd equivalent and enjoy problems you never knew you could have.

What monitor do you have?

>OP trying to trick people into buying AMD cards
Do not fall for OP's lies

Attached: OP needs a Cock train for the amount of faggortry he just emitted.jpg (835x716, 142K)

>get an ayymd card
>emulation is now much, much harder and more tedious
No thanks

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people always say this shit but honestly who the fuck still emulates enough to care?
People typically have a 3ds or wiiu to emulate virtually everything nintendo and a modded xbox for everything else

I'm going to have a GTX 970 until the day I fucking die, aren't I?

How is Radeon 7 shaping up?

>price/efficiency ratio with
this isn't a thing
there is only efficiency

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I upgraded from the 970 to the 1080ti actually. At this point almost anything is better than a 970.

1060 6gb is perfect for 1080p 60 fps. Don't bother upgrading until you upgrade your monitor, rtx lineup is shit and amd is disappointing as usual. Maybe navi will be good.

Hello brother.

Attached: for(you)brother.jpg (1280x704, 76K)

where did you get it?

for a while i was pretty sure nvidia sabotaged their drivers if you didnt download the new ones. Would be playing WoW fine at 60fps stable, after a few weeks it would start chugging along. No updates to the game. Check nvidia site, update drivers, game runes smooth again. No changes to rendering in the game in all this time.

Based Spain, exorbitant prices and laughably low salaries

AMD pushing 7nm.
Intel and Nvidia still stuck at 10nm and facing issues with further reduction. Not to mention Intel CPU's reduced performance due to specter and meltdown.

That's just what happens when you stay too long at the top with no competition in sight.

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even at 156$ their stock is stupidly overvalued. expect more of that to come

Wait for the 3000 series or Navi. RTX is a beta test meme right now, don't pay the early adopter tax.

RTX effects are cucked anyway. Double the price for effects that cut your FPS in half.

90% of games ship broken regarding directx / opengl usage because it's so damn hard to debug or test stuff on the GPU. GPU manufacturers have to add program-specific hacks to games so they can run without crippling issues. Most likely the game was updated and a performance issue cropped up that was already hacked around in the new driver version.

Lincucks can't play games.

You didn't post an image you stupid phone posting fuck

This was obvious and inevitable ever since Intel made that announcement a few years ago about a massive hire of women and blacks into engineering positions.

>Intel and Nvidia still stuck at 10nm and facing issues with further reduction.

Why would Nvidia be stuck on 10nm? Unlike Intel, they use TSMC for their shit, just like AMD.

I'm more under the impression that Nvidia is merely holding back their new card generation due to lack of competition (and to clear inventory after the end of the mining boom).

>superior OS
>update for game comes out
>cant play for a week because a group of autists who refuse to use windows for some fucking reason have to figure out how to get it working
>pat eachother on the back when they get it done, sharing stories about the one time they had a BSoD on win98 and never used windows again

Vega 56 is trash, just buy a 2060

I don't know about computers and I have a gtx 760 what should I buy? I have been reading about 1060, 1070 and 1080 but I'm not sure what's the difference and which one is better I can only assume the higher the number better the quality???

It's no surprise. Anyone serious about the RTX series was pretty much getting a 2080ti or waiting for AMD's next move, hence the 2070/2080 becoming paperweights. On the plus side they may be forced into drastically lowering them in price eventually just to get rid of them.

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don't expect it before the next crash. everything is stupidly overvalued, we're in hyper bubble territory after a decade without a crash and the FED just printing dollars like crazy.

Enjoy your housefire

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Is the Radeon VII actually on sale yet? Been out of the game for a while (still running adiscounted air cooled R9 Fury) and thinking it might be a decent upgrade when the price drops a bit

Not particularly interested in giving Nvidia my money, I already feel bad since I didn't wait for Ryzen to upgrade from my old Phenom II

Was thinking of upgrading my pc from 2012. Is this good or are there better options for similar prices?

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What are you talking about? All the cores on an AMD CPU should make it easier to emulate games. Why would you say harder?

Good, fuck Nvidia. They ballooned the price of their cards because of the BitCoin mining shit, as well as thinking their regular install base would just gobble their shit up, despite nearly doubling the price of everything from the previous gen. I truly hope they suffer even more. They deserve no sales at all.

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They're completely detached from the market now, they think that China is going to save their revenues and that demand will increase in the year

How the fuck did they arrive at that conclusion? There's no reason for increased demand in China, not with the shit they're playing

When was the last time AMD had the defacto best processor on the market? Atlhon 64?

Shall I link AMD's accumulated losses and Intel's retained earnings to you?

AMD isn't BTFOing anyone but itself. The entire company is surviving on shareholders bailing out its crippling debts

>drop the price $150 dollars.
Nowhere near enough. They each need to be halved

>Cards that cost an arm and a leg for minor performance increases over hardware that can be obtained for half the price or less don't sell

Never saw that coming!

>lmao AMD has no drivers

it's not 2007 anymore grandpa. Nvidia stopped using wood screws and AMD finally got their driver support together