Final boss is an old man

>final boss is an old man

Why is this always kino, bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:

because it's essentially you fighting your dad

name 0 (zero) games that do this


Because he usually has the life experience to back up his shit talking

I guess it's okay to take steroids if you're that old

The negative effects on your heart's health won't matter as much

Looks natural just requires more work

>final boss is your old mentor
>he casts a time spell on himself so you fight him when he was in his prime.

I really don't see the point a man that old taking roids.

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>final boss can die from a terminal illness

I wish there were more old man kinos

Loved MGS4 for that shit

He even has gyno..

>Steroid users without exercise gained more muscle than non-steroid users with regular exercise.

>turn 50
>talk to sketchy doctor about dbol and t boosters
>stay ripped til your heart explodes at 65 after spending years banging 19 year old girls with dad issues

Cause you want to get into a fist fight with your dad

There's literally no reason not to do steroids. Roid-rage is a myth falsely attributed to steroids when it's in fact the result of brain damage that athletes suffer.

>Roid-rage is a myth falsely attributed to steroids
having taken steroids i can tell you it's a real thing
you feel more aggressive and on a hair trigger for no reason

>Obese incels crying about an old man being more fit then them
Who even fucking cares if he uses roids, still more fit than you. hit the gym fatty

If you take the correct drugs in the correct doses you can build a good physique with very little actual effort. As long as you eat a lot of protein you're fine.

Problem is, it's all fake so the moment you stop taking the drugs it all melts away quick.

It makes it so you can't have kids

I don't know how to obtain them or use them.

oh and your balls shrink, permanently
but that doesn't really matter

>One copy of Tetris, please

>final boss can regenerate health and siphon health from you
Fuck this.

I'm in that boat. Who the fuck do I ask for this stuff?


>If you dont do roids you are a fat incel

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There is a guy that murdered his wife and two children while taking roids, he was a very quiet guy all his life previously and nobody (including himself) understood why he did it.

It may not cause roid rage in everyone but it sure does in some people.

Also it costs a lot of money, it's bad for your health and the moment you stop you lose it all.

If you stop regular training it melts away likewise.
You got about 2 weeks grace period before your gains start vanishing.

looks legit desu. Know a few old people who train at my gym just to live better and 2 look similiar.


You know it was Kino

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You can buy steroids from "that guy" in any gym, or get them online on TORnet. The police don't really prosecute steroid sellers because you don't use steroids to feel good and subvert capitalist carrot-on-a-stick social mechanics like you do with pleasure drugs. So, you have little to worry about. Steroids are also cheap.

You should also know that there are major side effects to taking steroids.

1) Your heart health will be adversely affected. You know all those athletes you hear about dying of cardiac arrest at 40-50 years old? Yes, that was the steroids. Steroid users are very delusional about this and will tell you those athletes simply "used steroids wrong" - they are lying, to you and to themselves. Steroids damage your heart.

2) Your testicles will shrink and you will lose your sperm count. If you do steroids for long enough you will become infertile.

3) Roid-rage. You will become an asshole.

More like "final boss is on TRT and roids, probably does HGH as well"

>You got about 2 weeks grace period before your gains start vanishing.
whoops, i'm out. 2 weeks is pitiful.

sounds great for when you're an 80 year old grampa with balls hanging to your knees

I played the start of this and it blew my mind years later when I learned that the old man was evil all along. Same with Jak II.

By the way, I would mention:

If you're female and you use steroids, your clitoris will begin to morph into a pseudopenis.

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Most people who take roids think they will take them for a while to get big muscles and then stop, the moment you stop you lose all your muscle mass.

If you start taking them, you're on them for life and they cost a lot of money.

You make 3 sound like a bad thing

That sample size and duration of the experiment is absolutely retarded. Also all the people in are weak as fuck.
What a worthless piece of shit

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What with feminists pushing for trans athletes to be in female competitions I get the feeling they are trying to force women to be allowed to use steroids.

I can't think of any other reason they are pushing so hard for trans to be competing against women, it's against the whole idea of their movement.

>all the old themes start playing

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Any pictures of this without panties?

it's fucking hilarious. none of these stupid assholes know what they want.

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You don't really need to worry about it, they give steroids to cows and even dogs and they bulk up like fuck. The cows and dogs aren't in the gym every day fyi.

If you're on the correct drugs you can do low weight with high reps and build a massive body, you don't even have to lift heavy..infact it's counter productive if you do.

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An old man as a final boss means that hes taken out any threats that have come for him.

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Well you go up faster too once you've trained beforehand on the positive side but it's the reason getting sick can be game over for competition.

my dad is 70 and lifts nearly everday, he looks great for his age but nothing like that. these old ripped dudes are on hgh and shit

Can you get at least slightly fit by doing bodyweight exercises at home? Assuming you're a sticc nerd starting out.

that cow worked hard every day for that body, fucking incel, you are jealous

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>white girls trying to be cute

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>the moment you stop you lose all your muscle mass
No you don't. You go down to normal ripped mode instead of steroid beast assuming you keep working out and eating right

Arnold Schwarzenegger proves everything you said was wrong

but Moon Presence is the final boss

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Nigger you can’t compare us to animals like that, they are biologically very different.

See apes sitting on their ass all day eating greens, throwing poo and crawling in trees. Those fuckers are stronger than any human. Also horses gain incredible muscle mass and strength just by eating grass and running around a bit.

I have gyno and I never took steroids. I have the genetic kind :( I'm not fat. I'm 5'11 and 150 pounds.

post more petite cuties

A new age!

>athletes you hear about dying of cardiac arrest at 40-50 years old? Yes, that was the steroids
yeah 30 years ago when they were pouring cocaine into their wheaties

That article wasn't about steroids, he takes test boosters. Either way, you're still working for gains EVEN STEROIDS.

Bitchass faggots take synthol

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or he could be an outlier. are there are decent studies on roids and life expectancy?

You can look like even if you only exclusively do them and keep at it.
Emphasis on keeping at it, as most people who only do bodyweight exercises never do.

>you feel more aggressive and on a hair trigger for no reason
i felt like this on adderall. i would spergout on people for the smallest shit, felt like a fucking asshole afterwards

You lose almost all the muscle mass pretty quick because your body isn't producing enough T to sustain it.

Working out after stopping the drugs will actually make you lose muscle mass faster since you're breaking your muscle down from working out and replacing it with normie gains.

>looks natural
test levels decline very rapidly with age. Every old ass ripped dude is juicing. They get it legally by their doctors though since it has health benefits


Also Zyzz, but for the same reason desu

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>final boss wants to be remembered and gets forgotten

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Whats the point of being strong in modern society? You can't even hit anyone or they will sue you and ruin your life.

lmao this bitch does porn under the name 'angel mornoe'

>fight the old man
>despite sounding reasonable he seemed insane regardless

Kimbo Slice and Kevin Randleman, both 40 year olds who died of cardiac arrest, were doing cocaine 30 years ago?

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>your only real ally is an old drug addict who gets fucked over by everyone

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How fit are we talking?
You wont be able to look impressive if that’s what you mean

got any other girls like her?

I was a sticc 4-5 months ago, started doing crunches and pushups. I have nice abs and arms now. It's not too hard to get into shape

Nigga is rich as fuck and a politician, he has access to dat illuminati healthcare

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How long does it take to go from skinnyfat to semi fit? I'm 5'10 and 165 pounds. I have zero muscle whatsoever. I have small girl arms and man boobs. I also have small dick(4 inch). So I might be low test.

It feels good

How did Caius get fucked over? I only remember he had to leave for some business and let you use his drugden.

not on this machine

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only if you can do pullups, and a lot of them. Pushups are a waste of time and dips are for old men trying to stay in the game after they fucked up their shoulder bench pressing like retards.

Man, Bernie is shreded!

I work hard manual labor and have no clue why people would purposely go to the gym to make themselves stronger, that just means you have to pick up heavier shit.

8 months with a proper workout regime and nutrition

This a Belgian cow species that is literally genetically engineered to look like that, it's not on roids retard.

It's about much more than being strong though. Strength and skill should be cultivated for defense but it's good for your confidence, self esteem, raises your desirability because you're in shape, you'll perform every task better than you use to, have more energy if you're on a good meal plan as well, and you will live longer. And who knows you may need to defend yourself one day, but for that you may as well go learn a martial art instead which will get you in shape, and make you deadly. It's just a very rewarding hobby honestly.

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I just got a pullup bar. Can do about 10 in my first set if it's a good day.

what's the point of being intelligent? you really just need to be smart enough to figure out neetbux so you can sit in an apartment stimulating your pleasure all day until you die.

Are you reciting what your gym teacher told you in high school as part of the mandatory anti drugs program? As long as you do your PCT correctly you will go back to your natural test levels. Assuming you aren't Rich Piana mode you won't deflate like a fucking balloon

chest exercises will make you uglier

they came into practice right when steroids hit the mainstream. they are primarily a means to hide steroid related gyno

why are pushups a waste?

3 months if you train earnestly, and push yourself, and do the right stuff. If you have the dosh to spend consider looking at athlean x intro course, if you actually follow it you will see results.

>pull-ups on a door

what could possibly go wrong

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Depends on your definition of semi fit

>5'11" 150 lbs
How could you have gyno when you're a fucking skeleton

Because it helps you from turning into a cripple early. As ridiculous as it might sound sitting all day every day in a chair is more destructive than manual labor.

He probably knew too much and got put into a ditch halfway to the Imperial City
Morrowind's all about that conspiracy shit, and there's no reference to him in later games iirc

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>utilize full range of fitness principals to get in fantastic shape
>make youtube video implying he got in shape goofing around on the floor
same reason deadlifting an empty bar is a waste. you could do more.

Something not mentioned here, a lot of steroids are amazing for fat loss. You metabolism will get boosted to crazy levels and make you able to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, instead of cutting and feeling like weak as hell.

>Pushups are a waste of time
Gotta agree with this dude. I'm a hungry skeleton I've been doing over 200 pushups per day spread out in sets of 25 for like 3 months and I've seen ZERO results.

You can do it but to not have any side effects you should be having a doctor that tells you the exact dose according to your body and habits otherwise doing roids is terrible advice.

>Look, a quote consisting only of pathos. There's a old statue too!

Imagine being a mental midget like this user

Coping weak skinnyfat maggot

I have no muscle. Its 150 pounds of fat. Also my gyno is probably genetic and nothing to do with fat.

as a general rule if you can do it more than 10-15 times than you need more resistance. There's more to it, of course, but it applies to everything resistance training related.

Sorry sweetheart, but you're gonna need more than insults to prove your point to me. Facts and data, please - those don't care about your feelings.

It makes you less depressed.

Probably stupid question but is it true steroids make your dick shrink?

I don't know if you're implying you want me to do 10-15 sets, but 25 pushups in a row is my limit. After that my arms turn to noodles.

are dumbell presses alright? I don't feel like getting killed trying it with a bar.

>he literally things people get in shape to be better at hurting people
you're a fucking sociopath

Let me level with you here. You want proof of the positive effects of working out and getting stronger?

no i mean if you're doing more than 15 pushups you need to get on the bench and start lifting something so heavy that you can't do it so many times.

Don't worry, the bar only kills stupid people

>final boss is a broken man

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you need to add weight so that you become tired out after 15 push ups instead of 25.

I love old characters in general, especially in JRPGs or games dominated by younger characters. When your entire party is full of Mary Sue adolescents, I love when an old character joins the party and slaps some fucking sense into them.

Only the balls. However it can have very unstable effects on your libido, either boners all the time or none at all.

I'm not a sociopath. I'm always extremely nice to everyone in case I need them for something. I'm never rude to anyone even if I hate them in case they end up being useful.

got names?

>I'm not a sociopath. I'm always extremely nice to everyone in case I need them for something

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So what are actually the most efficient ways to get some muscles on a hungry skeleton? Pull-ups, what else?

>I'm always extremely nice to everyone in case I need them for something. I'm never rude to anyone even if I hate them in case they end up being useful.
Not only are you a sociopath, you're a narcissistic sociopath. Do the gene pool a favour and off yourself, champ

I guess it's ok to talk about shit you have no idea about


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First, get some grub.

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I'm 5'11" 290, how do I get swole without actually losing fat? Not gay I just like the bear ascetic.


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that's "Dr. Life"
his whole schtick is using HGH and TRT to prolong life quality/expectancy. He's basically a mad scientist that uses his own gainz as test subjects.

This, gotta bulk. I prefer Uranium

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Eat more everything. Do you normally have two eggs for breakfast? Have three. Two chicken breasts for dinner instead of one, etc.
Go to the gym and do compound exercises, bench press squats deadlfts, shoulder press, etc, 2-3 times a week.

Played this years ago, it was actually pretty fun to battle him:

eating. a lot.
>I eat a lot and don't gain a pound.
no, you don't. don't even @ me with how you can eat a whole pizza or whatever. get on GOMAD, whole milk, for as long as it takes while murdering pullups and whatever other lifts you can.

Go to the gym and eat more.
This is the answer to 99% of "how do I get muscle" questions

Health and doing manual labor. Also helps when you are gay.

You got it the easiest. Literally just stuff your mouth and eat as much as ypur heart desires while lifting heavy ass weights.
Your energy and strength levels will be amazing, I miss it.

How am I a sociopath? I never say anything bad to anyone and have never so much as laid a finger on anyone in my life.

And before anyone whines, I KNOW the battle banter is stupid/annoying, but no option to disable it, plus not my video.

Megaman Zero 4

Best form of weight loss is to boil yourself until all your fat becomes a broth.

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you should look up what a sociopath is. You probably have it confused with psychopath.

You aren’t, sociopaths are very aware of what they are.

It's not about what you do, it's about the reasons why you act the way you do. You have no empathy for people, and only see them as tools. You're only kind to people because you might be able to use them for something at some point

I gave up on trying to gain weight. I eat a gallon of ice cream every few days, have cookies after every meal, eat primarily carbs, and I'm still super thin with great abs. It's not so bad like this, so whatever.

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>You're only kind to people because you might be able to use them for something at some point
But I'm not hurting anyone by doing this.

I see. Thanks. I'll fill a backpack with some thick books, I guess.


In theory, how many steroids would you need to consume in order to get a clitpenis? Asking for a friend.

buy weights from amazon or get a gym membership. don't be chris chan.

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Enough that your body is going "woah, you're male? I had no idea for those 20-odd years. Alright, here's your penis"

Sure. You're not going to be convicted of a crime or anything. Just like a pedophile isn't actually hurting anyone until they rape a child.

will t make my pp bigger then?

I’ve been psyched a shit ton because my family thought something was wrong with me. Nearly got diagnosed with ADHD but lied my ass off during those tests.
Many of those “sociopath traits” on Google are perfectly normal to have if you can hide them in plain sight from your relatives. I got people off my ass by never mentioning any of my intentions to them.

just wait until being nice to people don't grant you access to their utility (because it shouldn't), then you'll chimp out like an animal.

Wouldn't other parts of you start getting messed up at that point too?

I'd never break the law. I'm quite autistic about obeying the law. I don't even drive over the speed limit or get any parking tickets.

Proof that you should give a fuck about gainz that aren't just "bro you gotta look volkish this Greek guy said so"

You’ll get it by reaching male levels of testosterone usually

For a time, while your body still manages
How's your hair btw

No there have been times when being nice to people didnt get me what I wanted from them and I just stopped hanging around with them. I didn't freak out.

What's his routine?

You can use steroids safely, but its not worth talking about on fucking Yea Forums of all places because its guaranteed to lead to some moron just injecting himself with random chinese bathtub chemicals and hoping the gains god turns him into Arnold overnight.

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Get some adjustable dumbbells desu, utilize those stabilizers

Yakuza 0 (zero) bosses are literally just a bunch of old men fist fighting

Because it’s healthy for you physically and physiologically? I’m really sure what you are trying to discuss. Justifying being lazy or something?


I'm not a sociopath though. I have felt guilt and remorse about things.


Woah man just take it easy

Is being skinnyfat equally as unhealthy as being regular fat?

Probably just a moderately selfish person. You’d need to tick off more of the tendencies to be considered a real sociopath.

Not at all, actually that’s very natural.

Yes I would say I'm selfish. That I can agree with.

Wait what? Whats natural? Skinnyfat?

Can't provide proof, but why would you not master the one thing you truly own?

Yeah having a bit of extra fat is natural for humans. Being fat and overweight is not

My hair is extremely long. It goes down below my navel.

nah dude. Men hit their peak testosterone levels at early 20's, then it's all downhill form there. At 70 y.o. there's nothing left anymore.
This man is juicing 100%

being skinnyfat is about as natural as being obese

>shopkeeper is the strongest unit in the game

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Not at all idiot

I went from skinnyfat to just skinny and my girlfriend dumped me and said I lost too much weight and she didnt find me attractive anymore. He exact wording was "you look really unattractive now" Went from about 170 pounds to 140 pounds

Actually it's photoshoped so you're both retarded

are you a young person with high metabolism?

Sounds like she was gonna dump you anyway

Probably but she wasnt very nice about it. I put a lot of work into losing that weight.

What’s your height? Being too skinny might make you look sickly, but she sounds like a bitch. Pack on some muscle and laugh at her.

Dark souls
Basically everyone in Yakuza


prove that it is.

Maybe she was a lazy fatty herself and felt jealous for you being able to lose weight? I've heard of bitches doing that kind of thing.

She wasn't fat at all. She was thin.

girls don't like skinny guys to begin with, but fi you were 140, you should have had a 6 pack at least. like there is no point in being under 150 if you dont even have 6 pack abs to show for it even if you dont have big arms or chest
my girl says im always fat and im 150 but only have abs when I flex... and i also have a lots of neck fat despite my fat basically only being in my belly and neck... but obviously it would be better if you were 170lbs in muscle and not skinnyfat

You’re extremely skinny then. Time to bulk bro,

So how many calories is this in total?

i don't see a single person crying in this thread, you ok?

Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt

correct :)

yeah it does seem like an excuse, she was gooing to dump you anyway just looking for something to put it on. 5 10 and 140 is skeleton mode

capitalism is good :)

Well I just did it because I thought being skinny would be healthier than being skinnyfat. I lost all the weight with just diet and threadmill. I didnt lift any weights.

>final boss forgets why he was fighting you

about five steroids

That's a real blackpill.

Oh yeah it is healthier for sure. But I recommend that you start lifting weights as you’ll feel and look much better guaranteed.

I'm 23

>Tfw there's an 80 year old guy at my gym with no legs that mogs me like a bitch
at least my squats are better than his

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Post more buff cows

>What are calisthenics
>This entire thread of broscience bullshit
ITT: DYEL's / roid monkeys who lift for sake of lifting and have no actual athleticism

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>Women don't like skinny guys
Want to know how I know you're a beta male?

It really isn’t.
You’ll only get more muscle mass and strenght short term by taking steroids and not working out. It has very steep diminishing returns.
A natty person working out properly for a year will get far more gains than someone taking steroids for a year and not working out. In fact you’ll stop seeing any gains from taking steroids after a couple of months at best if you don’t work out.

no physique that is achieved by a sedentary lifestyle is natural you fucking retard

so its a yes, young person with high metabolism. i noticed its 99% of the time people below 27 who say this, basically nobody says stuff like that

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You’ll get nowhere with basic bitch calisthenics such as just pull ups and push up at home

People have been telling me "Wait a couple of years and it'll all go south!" for like ten years

I like being lazy. I work a government HR job and sit in an office all day doing minimal work and then come home and sit around watching youtube videos or posting here. Too lazy to work out.

I do nothing but body weight exercises and have a good body. What do you mean "nowhere"?

>last boss is old and senile
>music makes it impossible to get mad
Perfect kino

Clearly you have never seen skinnyfat marathon runners. Having small deposits of fat is great for extra calories and energy, why do you think we have the ability to store fat in the first place?

What kind of body weight exercises?
Nowhere as in results you would be able to achieve in the gym after 3 months and no one turn their head at you

My objective is to look good to women, not look like Rich Piana.

You think 23 isn't young?
Christ what the fuck is this mid life crisis at 20 shit going on

Imagine being in your 20s and not being physically fit. Ahahahahhaa
t. 30 year old boomer who just finished a workout.

dude im on Yea Forums and I make pics like this, i have no doubt in a beta male, no matter what i do or don't do, change or don't change,

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wow the youtube videos from bro science guy are right, people really do go to the gym to get pussy

You think you’d look like Rich Piana after 3 months of weight training?
Can you du muscle ups or single arm hand stands?




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A fit ugly person is better than just a skinny ugly person.
A fit good looking person is better than just a skinny good looking person.

anyone saying they don't is bullshitting or homo/fit/
pussy is the end goal of most productive ventures

woah.....look at that freak

sure but looks are what actually matters

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I could get pussy before I started lifting and can get it easier now. You’ll reach a point where “gotta get da pussy lmao” is an afterthought.

It's definitely one of the motivators. I think I'd still work out if I was the last person alive though. I can't imagine being disgusted by my own body. Life would suck.

Bearmode scares me
I know a big guy who's tall, probably slightly overweight but has always been pretty strong. He's a cool dude, but also slightly too aggressive for his own good, and does medieval re-enactments/sparring on the regular.
I know for a fact that I wouldn't want to be in the arena with him not on my side, with a weapon or not.

>looking good is actually about looking good

>I could get pussy before I started lifting and can get it easier now.
So it's still your end goal


That's "HGH macrodosing with multiple cases of organ failure" mode.
He took so much shit his organs grew.

I'd say he's in good shape, pretty healthy looking.

Thing is I've heard of Chris Hemsworth and Jason Mamoa but I have no idea who this kid is.

okay looking at him he has pecs, and mine were basically just flat until I did go to the gym. How does he have them waist bones like that, I still don't have those, and this nigga never hit the gym? it already looks like he does if he is shirtless model posing already

The image isn't against going to the gym

makes you feel superior

No? I only care about what I see in the mirror. Also I have no end goal, having an end goal means giving up.

He's a very successful model. Those guys you mentioned have great faces as well as being fit, but they are action stars.

End goal doesn't just mean you're finished it can mean the extrapolated reason
If I say why are you lifting that/eating that you say to get big, I say why are you getting big you say to look good, I say why do you want to look good...
Eventually it will come down to pussy

i couldnt never get it beforehand, and by the looks of it, i never will get it afterwards either.
t. 27 year old
Chris Hemsworth is Thor, right? I too have looked up things on his and captain america's diet and plans on the gym before their movies, holy fuck 2.5 hours of gym 6 days a week? Vomiting at the gym? its like the gym HAS to be your job and super strict diet like that isn't something regular jackoffs can do, its almost like hes being paid to do it, unlike me where the gym isn't my job. no excuses bro though, hell i cant even play that much of video games at a time anymore

do you think ever countries a beta palace as america

Focus more on your lower abs and obliques if you want your Adonis Belt/“V” to pop

I have a great body at 30 and I only go like 3 times a week. It's a marathon not a sprint.

No it wont. It will come down to me feeling good because I love working out and getting gains.

Imagine getting 5 guys together to hold this thing down and fuck it

Like to see you try human weakcunts
Nice elbow muscle divide LMFAO

i always work abs 3 days a week, but okay. i had no idea it was called the Adonis belt. im still too fat at 150lbs for abs though
really, only 3 times a week? i keep reading and doing research how youre suppoed to go 5 or 6 days a week after a cretain point if your goal isn't supposed to be only fit or just doing it for health. i dont do cardio though so i wouldntknowabout marathons or sprints, but i only see girls running at the gym I go to. my body isn't great enough since i still dont get pussy, so oh well, if im never gonna get pussy i have no purpose in ever going to the gym since honestly i hate going there, its so boring and not even fun, doing hard labor isn't fun but only the results of years worth unless youre a high school athlete are fun

Can you hear me? Pilot with the Three Strikes?

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I went more when I first started, but 3 hard days a week will see good enough results to be the most fit guy in 99% of rooms if you stick with it and eat right.

If you want to look like a dude on juice then you're fucked. If you just want to be the fittest guy in the room that's not hard. Most people are fucking slobs.

>final fight is two old men
Would it be considered double the kino?

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>i always work abs 3 days a week, but okay. i had no idea it was called the Adonis belt. im still too fat at 150lbs for abs though
You definitely need a low bodyfat % for it to be visible.

Also you can go 3 times a week with good results if you do full body workouts, it all boils down to yor actual program and your diet and how much effort you put in. But it sounds like you are slacking in the gym.
You want good results? Put in good work. Half assing it will just give you half assed results.

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Old men fill the shoes of some of the most compelling character archetypes
>the old power
>the master
>the fallen hero
>the puppetmaster

Attached: header.jpg (460x215, 34K)

>fly an experimental ultraplane
>die to a felon in a cold war era shitbox

damn, Bernie is ready for 2020

That girl you are pining after knows who he is.



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>the old man was the good one all along

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my body fat percent is 8%, i dont do full body workouts, i focus on certain area each time. sadly i dont buy my own food and dad bitches at me whenever i do buy my own food. hell he even says the protein powder is a waste of money, and salmon is too expensive and chicken all the time is too bland and not variety.. i work out 2 hours a day 6 days a week, i go after midnight because thats after work. its a shame i have to hide pre workout otherwise dad throws it away, but its my fault for not making enough money to support myself and my, as dad would call it, expensive, not variety meal plan. it feels like i will just get lliposuction in the future so i can have abs and not neck fat. but as for what i acutally do at the gym, well lets just say i cant deadlift or squat if that means anything. full body workouts are what i did for the "noob gains" back when i was 90lbs

I'm not "pining after" anyone, but I'd guarantee the woman I'm seeing has no idea who he is, but knows the other guys I listed. Funny thing is that fuckboy works out now. Times have changed since 2009 I guess.


Yep, he's taken down countless threats before you. How will you be any different?

>ribs stick out more than stomach
why must you do this to me


>most of the sociopathic traits are normal
>but only if you hide them
They aren't fucking normal if you have to fucking hide them from your family.

so you just use whoever you want until it's no use to you,yeah,you sound like a piece of shit person tho.

is this why i stopped feeling emotions after I hit 25?

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I mean that's just a male build I don't get it
We are triangles pointing down not hourglasses

Jackie Chan.

Makes me look like I got a big barrel gut since I don't have a big chest and am borderline skinnyfat. Feels bad man, maybe I'll just lose 20lbs and show off my sticc bones.

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That looks miserable for the cow

>tfw all those angsty emotions go away and the thought of seething over unfairness just seems like a massive waste of time
Angry incel is definitely a temporary state

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I feel you on the dad giving you shit for wanting to eat properly and use supplements, my mom was like that too. Just manage as much as you can until you leave the nest.
How come you can’t deadlift or squat and what kind of exercises are you doing for abs?

Can you build a decent body just by doing dumbbell exercises at home? Also if I train biceps is one biceps exercise enough to build muscle in that area (biceps curls)?

>final boss
This is clearly your first quest-giver, Caius Cosades. Why are you being disingenuous?

Jesus, how much more soulless can you get?

Well yeah but it's just our fleshbeast to consume

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Definitely. If you do ANYTHING regularly you'll look better than most people. Consider your obese competition.

it looks unattractive like that, even girls with a little gut look good but not really when guys do it
guys should have bodies like this if they are younger than 30 and not sumo wrestlers or big fat football players or skinny basketball players
shit just go on tinder and see how often the guys with the 6 packs get all the likes

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Aren't you supposed to rest one day between workouts? 6 days a week seems to be too much.

If you believe all that out-of-game developer shit on the Imperial Library, he visited Uriel's grave and is still alive as of Oblivion.


They have what he said though, ribs sticking out further than stomach


Is she actually your girlfriend user?


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*laughs in hyena*

Did you know bonbi came back ? :3

You split your workouts up so they don’t overlap and interfere with each other’s recovery, 24 hours between each muscle group at minimum usually.
You can actually do advanced workouts of doing the same muscle groups every day, but I wouldn’t recommend dabbling in that unless you got some experience as it can easily lead to overtraining.

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Yes but I purposely stayed away
December was too heavy

on top of going to PF because its the only one open after midnight, they just, well, hurt too much when I have a bad back to begin with as well as physical labor job when I already wear a back brace just to do my job. I know people saying bad back is an excuse they hear all the time, but its kinda true. My previous friends say that doing deadlifts or squats on a smithsonian are not worth it as well (i have tried btw, had to call the day off work the next day when when i had a guy showing me what to do).
what kinds of ab exercies? yeah this is the part where you can tell ive been a beginner for 5 years. i cant even tell you the names of them. note that I go to PF, so i (not in this order) do planks and like 3 exercises with a small ball and then 1 with a big ball and then I go on machines and there is 1 when I use the handlebars and twist my torso (hurts the hands a bunch) and lower back rotation and there is this other one where i push forward and one when my back is flat and raise my legs and then another twisting one and finally i do these crunch things on a machine
i overheard guys saying hwo people who want to lose weight do ab machines thinking theyll get a 6 pack so i interrupoted and said "so i can get a 6 pack by never working my abs and just losing weight, huh? or should i get liposuction?" these 2 guys had 6 packs and basically said yeah, one of them never even worked abs until he was super muscular and with a skinny stomach to begin with, which in my case, if i bulked i would just get fatter

We're struggling to get any studies on most drug resistances due to inconsistent levels of legality for most. I remember seeing a study being organized to determine if Neanderthal DNA had to do with resisting certain drugs, based on the fact Ozzy Osbourne has "significant amount of Neanderthal DNA" and it's the only distinct part of his that would complement the fact he's got a genetic mutation that allows him to straight up resist drugs to levels that would kill regular people.

yeah i remember when my dad said that. thats if youre doing the same thing each day, or full body workouts. if you do chest one day and back the next day and legs the next day and chest the next day and back the next day and legs the next day and then a rest day its all good

cmon obviously FreudPostBestPost

One copy of that Mario game for Playstation, please.

One of the most underrated bioware games. That twist was perfect.

How long are you workouts? Just asking out of curiosity, because I always feel like I didn't push myself enough.

>even girls with a little gut look good

what happened to the other steak?

Its much easier to be attractive as a woman. You literally just have to not be fat and use makeup. A man is expected to have good diet and work out.

From what I’ve heard and seen about Planet Fitness, it is indeed not the optimal place to work out because of their focus on machines and weird ass policies.
I’m sorry to hear about your back. Definitely sound like something you should be careful with, destroying your back completely is incredible easy to do. And yeah never use the smith machine for something involving your lower back, it puts an incredible strain on it.

For your abs exercises I recommend googling and focusing on the basics like: lying leg raises, russian twists and cable crunches

i mentioned 2 hours a day already, so fucking boring though, no friends or gym bros to talk to. the actor who played Captain America did 2.5 hours a day, 6 days a week, for his results,along with the strictest diet in the world pretty much that can only happen if you live in a western world. ive seen the traditional asian meals, hell many places in china dont even have ovens

Roids make you look like a monster with gigantic traps.

This user gets it. Experience shits all over spunk and youth. It's deadly

Guys just have lower standards on average. I'm generally only attracted to fit women, but I work out myself so it's not an issue.

*delts not traps

Nod really :DD

Attached: age_suicide-rate-chart.png (612x515, 14K)

Sorry, the concept of zero is yet to be introduced to my culture.

Assassin's Creed

If you want to lose faith in humanity then go leddit subs like r/gonewild and see how the nastiest looking out of shape women get showered in compliments

There's a jpeg for that

Attached: amount-of-work-required-to-look-good--men-vs-women.jpg (530x477, 77K)

Jokes on you I'm going to be shitting my pants in a wheelchair while losing my mind to Alzheimer's in an "assisted living" home at 90.

whoever did this must be a coping fatass lmao

On the other hand...

Attached: Female Sexual Attractiveness vs Age.png (936x560, 59K)

it is hard to beat $10 a month, and it is only places open 24 hours a day 7 days a week in my area, also its like a 3min drive but ill look into those. a couple of the things I do are just what I mimic from the other people who have the bodies of "i know what im doing". oh it turns out the russian tsists i already do, but the twist machine sucks lol. thanks for the tips
living at home makes it feel like my parents enable me to eat shit food since sometimes its either fast food or no breakfast before work but its my fault i cant wake up 2 hours earlier after sleeping for 4 hours


Attached: dogfucker but he's actually a decent guy.png (512x512, 353K)

>liking ~15+
>liking 14-, no tits, no ass, no nothing, look like little boys

>he beats the living shit out of you earlier in the game
>he spend the majority of the last fight still kicking your ass while mentoring you at the same time

oh the other hand...

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Don’t know where you are from but here girls age crazy fast and have tits and asses when they are 13

The trade off is that men stay attractive their whole life.


I don't speak American

You don’t feel like tapping this?

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>old man dies of old age

Attached: Gehrman_Chair_Bloodborne_1.png (759x1042, 1.14M)

y-yeah haha

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the guy who made it is from Nigeria or something
pic related: me on the left
its because of all the chemicals in the food and whore mones in milk, etc. some girls look like 37 year olds by the time they're 24
beacuse of money, and onec a girl reaches menopause there isnt really a point of a girl being alive after that. guys can still produce sperm... right?

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Now look at most women of the same age. Men have it so much better. Women's life is basically over by 35.

maybe if you're fucking gay as shit.
these lads look like they spend most of their free time running on the spot then picking up and putting down metal plates. Theyve also been drinking nothing but their own piss for a week in preparation for this beach trip.
Girls like dudes who are genuinely built and skilled from doing some sort of job all day, and also have interests, hobbies and time to hang out.

whats the age diff in this pic?

>this man is 53 years old

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this thread sucks i thought it was going to be about kino old man boss fights fuck you all

Oh yeah of course it's way better than women
But there's definitely a loss which is why a 40 year old boy band regroup looks a bit weird

I fuckign hate it when potentially entertaining threads get ruined because autistics get sucked up in some 100+ post discussion over some inane shit like steroids

umm facts don't care about your feelings sweetie


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just as long as those hobbies aren't video games, right? those dudes look built to me, look social, plenty of time to hang out due to their young age, sociable and able to hold a conversation... all of which I can no longer due. When you say putting down metal plates, it makes me think of that one comic of the guy in the teal shhirt being fat and saying "were all gonna be old someday" or something like that, those guys who pick up and pull down metal platessure do look much better as long as they dont go bear mode or steroid user mode

Based Brendan has found peace

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Lmao cope more


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final fantasy x

The era of unJUST has begun, he is great in that new Doom Patrol series.

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>handle is literally "uggo jesse"

why wouldn't those hobbies be video games? maybe if faggots like you actually played video games this board wouldn't be so shit.
yeah they look built to you, because you're obsessive over surface level bullshit. that guy could be developing some sort of cancer or krohns disease in his intestines because of the super specific and fucked up diet he has to eat to upkeep that very specific defined look 24/7
there's literally nothing wrong with being fit, but saying that young dudes should look like that is pretty retarded and shows that you're out of touch with the reality of human relationships

I've never had relations with the opposite sex and I'm nearly 29

you don't know what you're talking about
post pics or shut up

Stop trying to justify being lazy and looking like shit when you could improve your instead of nagging like a woman

those dudes who look like that are the oens who end up getting laid, which basically something you should be doing when youre young cause good luck getting it after 35. yeah i am out of touch because I FUCKINGING CANT GET IN A RU=FUCKING RELATIONSHIP why the fuck else would i spend hours upon hours at the gym or going to college or making money,
pic related is the canadian resident who was spotted by calvin klein at age 17 while in florida

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even hair grew back

How have you not outgrown this tantrum phase you autistic boomer
You'll only get one the year you stop caring about getting one

I've played video games my entire life and I'm in great shape. You can have more than one hobby you lazy fuck.

I think it's just a better cut

Will I age well if I never drank alcohol, never took drugs or smoked and got very little sunlight due to being neet?

>resting and having DOMS while playing vidya
Does a more perfect combo of hobbies exist? I think not

Exercise. I drank a ton in uni and despite being 30 I get mistaken for early 20s. But I worked out regularly.

>Your character canonically loses the final battle in the first game
>Your grandson grows up in the corrupted world and kills the baddie in the second game after being trained by your ancestor's friends.

Yes but will me abstaining from alcohol and drugs all my teens and 20s mean I age better?

dude i'm fit as fuck, have a job and am a dad, like i give a fuck about improving.
try just playing sports sometimes instead of obsessing over them, eating a good balanced diet and work out with your body weight/have an active lifestyle.
You guys acting like i'm "coping" but you are the ones unable to face the reality that no amount of time at the gym will ever make you a more likable person.
Women literally don't want to date a gymbro faggot who is more obsessed with how fit and pretty they look than they are.

I smoked a shit ton of cigarettes every day and drank every weekend when I was in the military, that was when I had the best cardio of my life.

>Women literally don't want to date a gymbro faggot who is more obsessed with how fit and pretty they look than they are.
sexy thot type women do

>implying you'd fuck with armstrong

honestly my dude having to face the reality of this sober earth 24/7 enough to age a man more quickly than the lesser poisons

Здpaвcтвyйтe, КГБ шпиoн


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"Likable person" lmao
Barely relevant

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is that really the kind of woman you want to accidentally reproduce with?

Nah that will suck the soul of you

Young people want to fuck and reproduce, save that for when you get old and life ends

And not reproduce*

>people initially think that attractive people are more likable
wow major breakthrough here doc
well shit sorry then man i guess the facts are all there, you must be one ugly fuck.

I can't get this woman out of my head now. God damn, that body is perfection. Breeding hips.

you're pretty retarded if you think any amount of pussy doesn't run that risk.

yeah i was born with autism, what gave it away? sorry its super noticable? it will go away when i can get laid
the gym isnt a hoby, so okay tv is a hobby. then anime. then manga, wow so many hobbies sorry i never got into sports or drinking with friends or traveling with friends. awoghuioargpinharg i hate being aitustic



oh he mad

but shes 22

i dont want to raise another girls child

Attached: hannah-hanalyzed-the-dating-pool-for-young-women-is-literally-39255295.png (500x555, 68K)

Bro, you didn't even lift?


Good thing that most thots are on the pill then. I’m more worried about STDs as I had chlamydia last year


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lol, he'd welcome it
instead he's bedridden, never to fly again

Sociopathic gym bro here. Stop looking like shit without your spanx and makeup on and maybe you won't feel so ugly.

Porn addict and emotionally distant manipulator here.
Fuck wokefags trying to become a category

>just wanted his family back
is this top tier villain goals?

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>never to fly again
There's gonna be a medical or technical thing that lets him fly again, possibly as an enemy ace in AC8 or even on your side.

I check 3-4 of those lol

You'd need to be injecting buckets of chinese bathtub chemicals to look like Rich Piana.

>"Emotional labour"

Into the trash she goes.

"emotional labour" means explaining to your boyfriend why it's totally ok that you're spending time alone with other men

Porn addicted and emotional distant asshole gymbro here.

I remember reading Michael Ironside talking about Christian Bale's weight-loss for the Machinist. It was pretty comically morbid.
>I remember on The Machinist, I came to work one day, and we were shooting in Barcelona, Spain, and our trailers were these little spanish 2-wheeled cabanas that were sparked in front of this actual working machine shop.
>And I heard "pssst...Michae!" from behind one of the Cabanas.
>And I went over, and it was Chris. And he said "Can you look at this?"
>And he turned and dropped his overalls, which he was naked under. And he had lost an INCREDIBLE amount of weight for the character. And he said "Michael, there's something wrong with my ass, can you have a look?"
>And the muscles in his ass had literally dropped out of the sockets of his hips. The dignity of the muscles, his ass had literally dropped out of the hips and thigh bones.
>And I said "Hey Chris, your ass has dropped." And he said" What do you mean?"
>And I said "You've stopped losing body fat, and now you're actually losing elasticity of muscles" - I forget the exact medical term for it, but I said "You've gone beyond body fat, and now you're into actual muscle tissue and things are being affected."
>And he turned - I wasn't sure how he was going to react - and he turned, and said "Cool."
>And I said to him "Cool?"
>he said "Yeah, I made weight [137 lbs at 6'2"] today."

Why are women the way that they are?

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pill is only 99% effective
It may sound like bullshit but i can confirm, my life is proof because i once thought like you.
don't forget that std's had to be changed to sti's because they're all so damn curable, pregnancy is not always so easily curable.

You can get to that level over time when you're younger and then maintain it pretty well without specifically juicing. There's a good chance that you'll end up having to go on TRT to keep it up long term, personally I wouldn't say that someone who had there levels drop enough as to where TRT would bring them up to their prime baseline as a fraud.

Here is what you can look like without steroids if you devote your entire life to it.
This guy was a champion body builder before steroids were synthesized.

Anyone above this is cheating.

Attached: champion bodybuilder pre-steroids.jpg (481x600, 31K)

my mom took steroids and its nowhere near as bad as that

They just have standards and aren't pathetically desperate for sex like men.

More like they have unrealistic standards and no libido.

What sticks out is how well developed that guy's arms are relative to his whole body

the picture is explaining guys with those symptoms, not girls. guys who are sensitive and have to perform emotional labor for might be autistic. remember, guys ca only feel anger, horny, and happy but not too happy cause you cant show emotions

>Light hair
>Thick brows
>dark eyelashes and eyes

Attached: 1549768256164.jpg (400x399, 30K)

They're all hobbies.

these are both right, minus the libido part

Didn't really take roids, did you?

for some guys it is "be with a fat girl with tattoos who already has a kid" or be alone forever, take your pic

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Whoever made this image is a male feminist who is projecting his own pathetic personality onto others.

It's hilarious how often these male feminists have barbaric opinions about women, and adopt feminism to try to compensate. This image really proves it.

I've gotten nice gains pushing up 2x 12.5kg 200 times every other day but nothing spectacular, and I can't add more weights because my sternum is still recovering from heart surgery and it feels like they're about to break apart every time (it's held together with steel wire though). I got way better results just doing 100 regular pushups before though, but if I'd do that my ribcage would literally break open.

this is actually true

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Pushups aren't a waste if you keep working up to harder variations (like decline diamond pushups), rather than just doing more of them. Can also add weight like a loaded backpack. Benchpress might be more efficient for building muscle but if you don't have/want to go to a gym pushups aren't a waste.
You need progressive overload. Gains won't come from doing the same thing every time, you've got to always be making the exercise harder (increasing weight/resistance).

Attached: the left can not meme.jpg (480x272, 20K)

>she loves me without me having to make any effort,
This is how love is meant to be retard. Love is not "I'll love you if you become more useful to me"

How is it even physically possible, he must've lost a fuckton of muscles after losing all the fat, then gained it and lost it again. I mean putting aside the fact the man is amazing, I don't think my body would even be physically capable of that even if you paid me millions.

It's actually a good method. Your body goes into starvation mode and starts retaining every calorie it gets. There's a reason people do cut-bulk cycles

Just bee yourself bro.

If you love someone, you'll want to be helpful to them. Though that should go both ways of course.

>noooooo women can't be in the wrong >:(
lmao who edited that

Jesus you watch too much disney. Love is earned.

You're a standard American drone that has bought into corporate American culture.

>dude just squat 3 times a week lmao
Who here fell for the meme? My upper body is ridiculous looking compared to my legs now.
What do your routines look like?

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First off that dude you just posted is significantly bigger than the dude in the OP.

Second off we know a lot more about the human body now than we did then. We know more about how it acts and how it responds to training. We know more about nutrition an rest periods. All of this means that if that dude in the here and now with all the resources we have now, barring steroids and HGH then he could get by quite a bit better than he did then.

Third off there is a significantly bigger communities surrounding fitness and bodybuilding now than there was then, just by right of the facts that there are more people and the fact that it's easier for people to communicate with each other around the world. That being said there's a bigger chance that someone will have the genetics that allow them to be able to reach and surpass that point naturally. On top of that there's a better chance that because of this people will be able to access the resources they need to get to these points and past them.

There's also the issue of age, which is actually more of an issue of time. The thing bodybuilding when you're not juicing is that your biggest limiting factor is really time, because there's a limit as to how much muscle you can build in a particular amount of time, so big progress isn't measured in months and years as much as it is by years and decades.

I can go on, but I guess I'll just wait for your reply to see if it's even worth bothering.

It's because of his pose, it's a bit deceptive. Dude is pretty ripped.

You are retarded.

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Ooo she wants to explain why sensitivity is bad so much but that would cause cognitive dissonance

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lmao nigga just curl and bench press 3 times a week so your upper body can catch up to your t-rex quads

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i know, i wish i saved the edit where the purple girl was fatter, because lets face it thats what usually happens

You spend so much time and energy on delusional thinking. People aren't 3x bigger today because of "advances in nutrition", they're 3x bigger because of steroids. The 80 year old dude in the OP is absolutely, 100%, extra-fucking-turbo-definitely on a LOT of steroids, and you are LITERALLY retarded if any part of you can't see that.

I was claimed by the SS meme on /fit/ too but it balanced itself out in the end, just squat twice a week instead

I remember there was a whole tumblr community for teen girls who wanted to have sex with/date/marry serial killers. They had all the information on the killers, whether or not the prison accepts conjugal visits, how to contact the killers, etc.

Because it feels great to hand something to someone with one hand and see them use two hands to take it

>Just work out only a specific group of muscles for a prolonged period of time man, you'll get in shape

Wish I had that pick of all the different Olympian athletes, some looked normal but others like marathon runners looked misshapen as all hell.

On the other hand, it feels better to have functioning testicles and not die of heart failure at 40, while still having a good physique.

women don't understand that they're basically just programmed to like men who could kill other men, in a prehistoric setting
our instincts are like that, they don't get an update every hundred years. women still sexually select based on caveman era factors. men do too

This. His mom took steroids and it's nowhere near as bad as that. Also, you should see the leaked Ronda Rousey nudes. Her clit is also a giant roid button.

You don't need to shoot up to be stronger than the average modern male


I recall watching an old episode of QI talking about this very thing. A pair of sisters married two different violent criminals while they were still in prison. One ended up getting beaten to death with a hammer by her new husband, and the other one pulled all of her teeth out with a set of pliers. That shit goes beyond having a thing for bad boys and straight into mental illness.

>"Sensitive" guys you have to perform constant emotional labour for
Wow, she might get a small glimpse of what it's like to be in a relationship with a woman. How tragic

Not following you point. I just hit 220kg deadlift and that is safe to say more than the average man can lift even though I’m nowhere near stronglifters or using steroids.

>You spend so much time and energy on delusional thinking.
If you take the time to actually read what I said instead of make broad assumptions about what I said then you would see that it's not delusional.
>People aren't 3x bigger today because of "advances in nutrition", they're 3x bigger because of steroids.
Please point out where I said that "No, people can get three times bigger than the dude you posted." I'm simply stating that people can reach that same point easier than they could then because we know how to get there better than we did then and there are better resources to allow people to get there, and on top of that there are more people who are willing to try.
>The 80 year old dude in the OP is absolutely, 100%, extra-fucking-turbo-definitely on a LOT of steroids, and you are LITERALLY retarded if any part of you can't see that.
I actually know who that dude is off hand (Jeffry S. Life if you're curious), and I know for a fact that he uses TRT and HGH, so even by my lenient definitions he's 100% fraud, but I maintain the fact that if you build your body over time when you're younger that most people could get to around point (dependent on genetics of course) over years and years of dedication, good nutrition, and good practice, and then maintain it well into old age with TRT specifically to keep their testosterone levels at their peak as opposed to letting them fall off.

That all said, if you still think I'm delusional then please let me know how. I'd love to have a discussion with you about that.

Yep, you're retarded.

Mental Health, Longevity if you're doing it natty

Emotionally distant manipulator checking in, I think shes actually fucking right.
It's not like the pool for men is any better though.


so in combining these two things, it seems women think all men have bad personalities?

Love is always earned. That's how you get it for someone in the first place. Unconditional love doesn't just fall out of the sky.

Shut up, Freud.

when does Testosterone decline to where gains become tangibly more difficult?

>/fit/ thread reaching bump limit
Dab on that mods

>Just push ups and pulls ups
Push ups are still an extremely important feature of a calisthenics work out my man, sure it goes beyond just pulls ups, dips, and push ups but it's still a feature

Depends on the individual

Yes, it's a fantastic way for the ego to maintain the image of self being a "good person"
They aren't being judged for their "appearance", that would be superficial, they're being judged for their "personality"
Both genders do this of course

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I’m more of an ironpill myself

Based and fitpilled.

Damn he was looker back then, huh?

Behind every gross old dude was once a handsome young man
Fear the reaper

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It represents how far the player's come since the beginning of his journey. Basically fighting his future self.

It still feels weird that political people are now fighting by spamming "LE EPIC MAYMAYS XD" at each other.

Get used to it.

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>tfw I'm a newfag from around the early 2010's, so I still can't help but associate memes with "LE REDDIT RAGE COMICS LE ARROW TO THE KNEE" stuff, because that was what Yea Forums was freaking out about when I first got here

>via 9gag

I still remember how hated that site used to be on here. Now I'm not even sure if that site still exists.

The 9gag watermark is now post ironic and funny to have on

ironpill is just a fusion of white pill and green pill. too dependent on fake constructs of background, and hence he is shackled by his myopia.
brown pill is the wokest and the obective.
but i'm afraid that if we are here, we are already indoctrinated.
old people, when they have a certain trickster nature to them, make us fear the unexpected.

Attached: imagine.jpg (422x414, 49K)

Because it gives you hope you wont we a decrepit hairless, stuttering, trembling, babbling ape strapped to a bed and completely drowned in fear of the world that has changed beyond recognizing and has effectively left you behind as death becomes imminent when you reach such age.

Attached: Powderpowderpowder.jpg (587x588, 87K)

>tfw actually a blue or white pill
Feels bad man

I guess, I just find it odd that Yea Forums has gone from "FUCKING 9GAG THEY'RE STEALING OUR MEMES" all the time to not even mentioning that site at all.

You have to save your father from the belly of the beast before you can become a man yourself.

It's a sort of abstract kind of archetype.

No, that's devotion you're thinking of. Love comes naturally as a result of physical and mental attraction and being together.

Replace "kill" with "buy" and you'd be right, women aren't attracted to muscle or strength, they'll seek out the most average male or even prefer manlets and effeminate men because they apparently look more like breadwinners. Not calling them golddiggers, they have a responsibility to their future offspring and if you don't look ultra average you're just shit out of luck.


Absolutely depends on the girl. I've been thin and fit and I get way more attention fit.