What even is this?

What even is this?


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

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Looks like a walking sim.


Looks boring



True autism. Normal people require stimulation, which guns give. Meanwhile broken animals think boring trash is """"good""""

Why don't you like cinematic experiences goy?


woah female

looks like a moddest AA budget game to me. What seems to be the problem, Yea Forums?

Yeah it looks like a walking-sim but a creative one that you can actually die in that actually requires effort. It looks less like, say, Life is Strange, and more like Metal Gear Solid with no combat.

>incel triggered over female
get laid dood

Remember to preorder goy

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big yikes roast beefs mad again

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ironic shilling is still shilling goy


yikes! I made the incel angry. Want me to proof read your manifesto?

nothing thi-...i mean,fellow human
nothing to see here at all
just slightly bigger lice,is all

Attached: skaven merchant.jpg (600x800, 185K)

>Normal people require stimulation

Yeah thats why lootboxes are great huh :)

More shilling


It is a full price game.

>preorder for
>a red shirt
>a green shirt
>a blue shirt
nice try but no horse armor no buy

do we get to /ss/ the little boye

Am i suppose to know these Houses?

Its like they forgot to put in the facial animations half the time.

The boy runs as fast as his grown up sister and she looks to be running at full speed

>Another shitty cinematic walking sim that white people will pretend isn't boring trash
Can't wait for people to pretend that shit like this is good, just like they did with Hellblade.


I feel like these games really depends on the mood of the reviewer.

Either it will be praised for its none combat focus or people will find it a borefest.

>uuh u need 2 get laid
ye ok discord tranny

game looks alright to me only because of the rats imo. Just a less polished TLoU on a AA budget.

>I totally get laid anytime i want!
sure incel.

Imagine if Aloy was this cute

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It's an interesting premise, it has nice visuals and and even the voice acting is good (which rarely can be said about games with kids).

I never heard of this before but now it's on my radar.


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at least the developers understand that females have evolved to give birth and take care of children and didn't make another game about a Strong Womyn roleplaying as a man like other (((feminist))) games

>that average to sub-average voice acting
>that DISGUSTING background music
>muh parent/kid walking simulator
Jesus fucking Christ, is it that hard for someone to just make a proper medieval game set during the times of plague? Preferably something with actual good melee combat and music that fits that time period?

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Oh, I love walking sims. That's how real adventures go.

Attached: Tolkien.jpg (279x439, 22K)

preordering anything in 2019

What kind of sucker do you think I am, fucker?

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But then you would have to pay extra for the outfits? You want the full experience right?

Although I'd rather be duped by some literally who dev rather than, say, EA or capcom, I'd rather pirate anything and see if it's good before buying it, since renting games is no longer a valid option.

I unironically really enjoy walking sims