>$59.99 Game
>$20.00 Nintendo Online
>$4.99 Pokemon Bank
>More than $80...
>For this.
>$59.99 Game
>$20.00 Nintendo Online
>$4.99 Pokemon Bank
>More than $80...
>For this.
>Bloodborne - $60
>PS4 Pro - $400
>PS+ - $60
>more than $520....
>For this.
no one cares fag
Why is this something that needs to be purchased again?
>muh sony
Seething, Snoy's are literally obsessed with Nintendo & cry about them at every opportunity
>Someone points out Nintendo's shit
>Immediately deflect to Sony
Why are Nintendies so insufferable?
>will still be successful
>will still agitate your psychosis until you take some .45 caliber aspirin
if they make me pay for pokebank I will create world war 3. the online is already enough of a shitfest scam
but knowing gamefreak shitting out turds like the pokeball+ and the dumbass kantoddlers that bought them all, they will do it and get away with it
This is how chads wear their backpacks.
>game freak enablers WILL defend this
Op fucking annihilated
At least post something from the Pro if you want to complain about prices. On a base PS4 BB gets some frame drops but never happens on the Pro. I have 300h on BB on the pro and only when there's shitton of particles and effects really close to the camera I saw frame drops.
oh, don't worry, pokemon will have a silky-smooth powerpoint framerate as well.
Yep. That is the ONE THING that ALL of your money is going into. ESPECIALLY the online fees.
Bottom looks better, but they really should invest in a real game engine.
>made by B team
Unlike Sword and Shield.
the grass is legitimately a downgrade from the 3ds. the rest is still embarrassingly similar.
You don’t need NSO to play Pokémon. Even if that was the case, who would buy NSO solely for a single game? We don’t even know if Pokémon Bank is coming back and if it is I highly doubt it would be a separate purchase and not included in NSO.
I too wear a refrigerator 6 inches from my back, I fail to see the problem.
xy, oras, sm and usum all had shit frame rates as well.
On much weaker hardware. Fuck off.
The hat looks like a nipple.
Frame rate was ass in the 3DS games too
PS4Pro still consistently drops 30 frames every second you niglet
The bottom looks significantly better schizoid.
They're both dated, but don't defend the top.
i fucking love all the nintendoshits defending this garbage in this thread
if it was legal or i would at least get away with it i would end the life of all of you, painfully and slowly
you are the reason video games have gone to shit anf you deserve to be tortured mercilessly
The fuck kind of nipples have you been sucking on? There's a nipple on the guy's back tho
80 dollars is less than 2 days work at minimum wage
You can’t work at a fast food restaurant for 2 days, user?
the problem is gamefreak
notice how every spinoff game made by other people generally ends up being better than the flagship product
Nigga the developer is Gamefreak
Not Nintendo
Like homosexuals?
because they have no clue how to optimize their shit. never have, never will. the switch will be no better. there were frame rate issues in the fucking trailer. game freak is the laziest and most incompetent studio in the industry.
>3 year latter there is barely no improvement
This was a 3DS game before became a switch title. That was the comparison, gamefreakdrones.
cope harder nincel
Do you even know where you are right now?
Yeah it's fucking dumb. The moment Pokebank came out and they announced their yearly fee for that shit I knew it was all over.
Member when you could walk to the store and pick up a handheld and a cartridge and be good to go?
I member.
2 days? i want to cry
Even I can work at fucking Sonic for like 4 months now. You can be literally brain dead and work fast food
>there were frame rate issues in the fucking trailer
Maybe because the game isn't due for another nine months and it's a product in development?
We had this thread yesterday. And the day before that. And the day before that...
>uniform patches of grass, unnatural
>random patches of grass, natural
You forgot
>$299.99 Nintendo Switch
>the electricity bill you have to pay to keep playing
>the home you need to have a mortgage for to keep your Switch it so it doesn't get stolen
>Thousands upon thousands of dollhairs...
>For this.
It'll sell more copies than Bloodborne.
I've literally never had an FPS drop on that game. What the fuck did he do to cause that?
>buying pokebank
>buying online
Sonykek btfo, why are they so pathetic?
They're all 30 year old man children playing consoles meant for kids. It's not that complicated
>Being this fucking edgy
Playing Bloodborne once does not make you cool faggot.
>$4.99 Pokemon Bank
I still can't believe people pay for this.
I would shove my tongue so far up her ass that I could flick the back of her tonsils
this. most of the kids i talked to dont recognize the sun and moon starters
>The bottom looks significantly better schizoid.
Could be because of higher resolution but still looks pretty bad.
and when was the last time the final product didn't look and run like shit?
>patches of grass that blend in vs. chunks of neon-green astroturf that stick out like a sore thumb
how many times did you watch the video to notice this sort of thing user?
Why is a pro needed for Bloodborne?
Why is PS+ needed for Bloodborne?
That specific area of grass has framerate drops. It's the only area in the game that drops frames.
Probably played undocked? I get fps drops on the switch bc I almost never have it docked.
Why does every Nintendo game trailer trigger so much brigading from discord trannies?
I do not use pokemon bank I do not use online
no one bought an Xbone and PC users would be taking shots at both sides
I hope they fix the grass colour before release.
because they feel compelled to defend nintendo from all criticism, no matter how minor.
Don't forget hes mentioning the pro when by the time of the Pros release, bloodborne could be had 35 dollars complete, not on sale
Every single high res shot like this just so happens to compress the resolution so you don't see the upscaling
yes, pokemon is a nintendo exclusive and therefore associated with nintendo.
They can't be bothered to do anything except shit out another game to sell another 10m units, user. Nothing will be fixed.
>he doesn't like planet Namek grass
Don’t forget to mention that there will be no post game apart from a lazily introduces battle manor because GF are too lazy to include battle frontier.
>Christmas day
>Mom: "Here's your present little Timmy! Go ahead and open it!"
>Mom: "Oh honey, you look so happy."
>Timmy: "So where's the card?"
>Mom: "The what?"
>Timmy: "The online membership for a year card mom! I need that card to be able to play with my friends!"
>Mom: "W-what?! But you didn't need that for last Pokemon game you had? What was it again, star and rock?"
>Mom: "Oh geez calm down, stop crying. I will go get that silly card right away ok?"
>a few moments later
>Mom: "Ok Timmy here, your hard."
>Hands over Eshop card
>Mom: "Oh I'm sorry sweety, I will go back to the store right away, come with me so I get the right one this time."
>Meanwhile, after getting the card and playing the game for a while
>Timmy: "Mom, I need $5 for the Pokemon Bank!"
>Mom: "Geez that....game sure is adding up...ok"
>Mom: (I didn't think this would happen....maybe I shouldn't get him Pokemon games anymore)
Mark my words, this is the future for this year's Christmas.
It's actually just $60. That's still disgraceful though.
I'd take a rehashed battle subway, even if its lazy.
>haven’t bought a Pokémon game since soul silver
>everything that came after is considered to be pretty mediocre games
Glad I dodged a bullet
Legitimately going on since the 3ds came out.
Is there actual evidence this was a 3ds game before being moved to Switch? I've seen a lot of people saying that but no one has any real source on the claim.
You're delusional. As much as I want Pokemon to flop it's not gonna happen
You're retarded. The online is purchased via the eShop. So is the bank.
>PC users would be taking shots at both sides
>thinks PC fats can't take shots at one side at a time
>thinks Nintendo fans can't criticize Nintendo games, it must only be the competition doing it
>thinks idorts with all platforms can't criticize games on any platform
And a link cable if you wanted to trade...and two versions of the game to have it full...and batteries to play
>top's 1080p
user, I...
>little Timmy
>Implying it won't be bought by 30 year old incels
wew lad
top: upscaled 3ds game
bottom: 3ds game
What the hell is Pokemon Bank
holy based
There will also definitely be local wireless.
Let's be honest, Gamefreak is a developer made up entirely of B-Teams. They haven't had to innovate since 1996.
I LOVED Sun and Moon!
An online Pokemon box where you can store Pokemon from every game for safe keeping
Isnt black and white 1/2 supposed to be the best in the series?
Well it doesn't look like a PS1 game for one.
Honestly I love the concept of Pokemon. Going on an adventure with a bunch of critters that you can raise and battle with and take care of is a concept that never gets old. For whatever fucking reason though, Pokemon is the only franchise that really has that experience. Literally every other classic game has a million clones. Zelda clones, Metroid clones, Castlevania clones, Mario clones- and Pokemon has NONE. They are unnopposed so there is never really a reason to put effort into each iteration. There isn't even a sub-genre which there should be, like "collectible rpg" or "pokemon esque"
The only notable ones are maybe Digimon and Shin Megami Tensei but they don't even come close to trying to add to the Pokemon experience.
Hopefully 'TEM TEM' can change that.
A service that lets you transfer pokemon between any 3DS-or-later games.
I'm a 20 year old incel THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
>mfw I own a PS4 and Bloodborne and it's an amazing game
>tfw currently loving Kingdom Hearts 3 and my second playthrough of Gravity Rush 2
>mfw I own a Switch and am extremely excited for Pokemon Sword and Shield, replaying Moon right now with a monotype Ghost team
>tfw currently loving Smash and Valkyria Chronicles 4
If you wanted to transfer pokemon from Black/White to X/Y, you had to use an app called "Pokemon Bank", it's pretty much a bank filled with all your Pokemon from the previous games, then you can transfer your pokemon to X/Y, Sun/Moon, and now Sword/Shield.
It costs $4.99 to use per year.
LOL! I didn't know this was criticism, I thought this was shitposting!
>link cable
Yes but it's a one time purchase unlike something like PokeBank
>two versions
You're supposed to have friends, loser. Buying two games is unnecessary.
What are electric bills, manchild?
Bloodborne released before the PS4 pro. It doesn’t take advantage of the PS4 pro at all.
>Buying bank
>Buying online
for what purpose?
cool blog how do i subscribe
Maybe Timmy's single mom shouldn't have been such a whore so he would have a father in his life to beat his ass for being such a little shit.
The switch doesn't do 1080p, not really at least.
post more stupid princess
Straight out of the memes.
The concept is fairly simple, "Collect and Battle Creatures".
It's pretty amazing that in the past 25 years, nobody has even bothered to attempt to make something similar.
>someone actually made this
Because its always you. PCfags don't care about pokemon, xboxfags are irrelevant. Its ALWAYS sonyfags shitposting.
Its. Always. You.
It is criticism. its shows they are lazy and incompetent when developing a game, especially the franchise that is considered the most profitable media franchise ever
Black/white2 is the best though
What's funny is that they went out of their way to say that they were inspired by the new Zelda and they wanted to innovate and break conventions just like that game did for the franchise. But Gamefreak is just incompetent and cannot be creative.
Let's go ran in 1080p in TV mode user and this is literally an official screenshot
>Implying it isn't factually correct
pretty sure pokemon fans care about pokemon, and some of us are disappointed in the upscaled 3ds game that this $90 billion franchise just unveiled.
Pokemon already scored absolute goal with Gen 1-2, a mystical RPG-lite with actual monsters you can capture, but cartoony enough to not look cheap or cheesy.
Any clone would either have to blatantly copy Pokemon (and so, get hated or even sued), or go in a different, imperfect direction.
Meanwhile, Gamefreak is free to ruin the franchise to the ground.
unovabortion cabal please leave
Smash is 1080p60fps
Temtem is making the mistake of trying to be a single player game and an MMO while having what looks like a really tiny map. I really wanted to be exited for the game but that paired with the fact that the monster designs look like bootleg pokemon really kills it for me.
>or even sued
kek, what grounds would nintendo or game freak have to sue anyone? they ripped off megaten and dragon quest v to begin with.
Yeah cause that sure stopped all the FPS kiddies during the 360 era.
This thread wasnt made by a concerned pokemon fan
I'll need proofs because every time I've seen footage of a switch game running at 1080p it looked blurry as fuck.
And yet it looks like a WiiU game.
only zoomer's care about "lag" its never enough to destroy the fun of the game.
Im sorry your moms retarded user :( i didnt think my meaty cock would damage her frontal lobe this bad, ill pay for the damages
Monster Rancher, Digimon, Spectrobes, Robopon, Dragon Warrior (Quest) Monsters.
That's what I'm saying. The fan made: Pokemon Uranium came out to critical acclaim and it had all new pokemon, apparently a good story, a hard mode, a nuzlocke mode. Basically it was a love letter to the pokemon community and of course Nintendo shut it the fuck down but I seriously wish they would have just created their own game using pokemon as just a template, I mean they practically did but they should have called it something else and not used the hacked pokemon games. I would have bought that shit.
>i decide who is a fan or not
That's how those bags work in real life, my friend has one and every time I see him I call him a faggot for having one
>presented with fact
>resorts to anecdote
You don't need any grounds, suing is literally "we have more money to see this through than you, so settle you fuckers".
And no company will greenlight a "Pokemon, with no changes" project. You're asking to be crushed.
Are you the guy that said there was no improvements in the bush in Pokemon lets go compared to this cause if so you're still retarded
>implying I made both of those posts
That's right user, there are only two people browsing Yea Forums at all times.
>someone remembers Spectrobes
I definitely like Nintendo better than Sony. Especially now. They've been making a lot of good choices since that fuck Iwata died. And at least they aren't censoring the shit out of their games. Well, for now.
>I definitely like Nintendo better than Sony. Especially now.
That's hardly a surprise, this place is known to be infested by Nintendo manchildren. I wouldn't be surprised if 90% of this board consisted of mindless Nintendo drones.
Optimization isn't really something you can do LATER, unless you rebuild a lot of the assets and the whole scenes.
Made for BBC
You forgot the one that started it all papikana
But I forgive you because you are a 40 year old pedophile trapped in a teen body cause fuck logic
Why are you so mad people prefer the console and company with the least problems?
Most people already have a PC, and Nintendo's got the best exclusives around nowadays, which is pathetic.
It's still got a while before release. Hopefully they do make it a lot more interesting and yeah I wouldn't oppose a MMO style multiplayer but they should focus more on a single player experience. Also the monsters look pretty good to me. Better than a lot of the throwaway pokemon like clink clang and stunfisk. But yeah none of them so far have that appeal that a good pokemon starter trio would have like in the gen 3 pokemon.
Is there anything stopping them from running a text replacer for "pokemon, pokemart, master ball" and just selling that?
and making new graphics I guess, that would actually take some effort
>Why are you so mad people prefer the console and company with the least problems?
>Most people already have a PC
>intendo's got the best exclusives around nowadays
Some of you must still be delusional then if you expected otherwise.
Tem Tem is pretty blatantly copying pokemon, they just change the names of everything. I doubt anyone could get legitimately sued for copying the concept and adding their own twist on it. Remember when PUBG tried that shit?
You can't do optimizations early either unless you feel like hamstringing your development and wasting time.
You can collect monsters in DQV? never played how did they rip them off?
>20 year old incel
your a little baby, do you even make sperm kiddo?
its the worst bait and switch game in generations
That's how console war threads work retard. Don't pretend like you came in here to have a civil discussion.
>We're making Pokemon for Switch? Guess I can do some extra detail
>Yeah sure, let me just whip up a model
>300k tris on a shitty pikachu because the more the better right
>suddenly they put 10 of them on the screen for the trailer
>game lags
And i thought ea's micro transactions where bad, Nintendo/niantic has these retards paying online storage fee's lol.
PUBG sued because they alleged Epic stole their ideas during development, before the game was published - but you are not immune to propaganda.
Anyway, while Tem Tem mechanics are close enough to Pokemon ones, it looks fucking awful, so I'm not expecting Nintendo to bat an eye.
Ikr I'm a manchild because I prefer one company better than another.
Get real dude.
Whatever benefits me the most is what's important to me. For the time being Nintendo is definitely better than Sony. I didn't say I would drink Miyamoto cum, just that I like them better atm for reasons like pic related
Do you remember?
I think Pokémon fans have just given up at this point. We've all kind of resigned to the fact that the series will remain stagnant unless some radical shakeup occurs at GameFreak, which will never happen since Pokémon literally prints money
YES! I'll have you know I wake up covered in it at least once a week.
yeah The entire trailer was at like 20fps hopefully that was just them doing slow mo
why would you need nintendo online for a single player game
because the only other console has gone extinct
Mind if I sleep with you to confirm that ;)?
Why does Nintendo religiously avoid using AA solutions? It's like Miyamoto or someone at the top doesn't understand it, and decided he preferred the "crisp" look with jaggies all over.
The trailer is a smooth 30. I assume you only watched the trailer on the stream which was where the fps drops were.
I wouldn't say it stole the idea just because 100 players drop from an aircraft and murder each other until there's only one winner. By that logic, PUBG 'stole' the idea from mods of Arma 3, H1Z1 etc.
This will be the first pokemon game I dont own/play going all the way back to gen 1 when I was 6.
Not because I dont want it, I just cant justify getting a switch
>loli with big tits
No I've watch the trailer on YT as well it seems slowed down but maybe I've just been playing to much console lately
I fucking love it. Triple A is dead to me and alot of really good indie games have come to the switch meaning you basically get 2 versions of the same game as you can play on the tv/monitor or on the go in handheld. Playing zelda while shitting pleases me and mein asshole greatly.
I dont care about nintendo first party IP's really is the thing
I got a DS/3DS because it also had support from square enix/capcom
What do you mean?
>that purple filter on SnS
WTF?! why are people defending this shit?
She's an early bloomer.
And she had a hard life too, she could use the support.
I mean, it gets plenty of indie games, as well as some games from older consoles you may have missed like Valkyria Chronicles or Dragon's Dogma. Playing these on the go or in bed is maximum comfy.
Not trying to convince you or anything but Square Enix and Capcom have started to really support the switch, square even making an exclusive "Octopath traveler" for it. Capcom is apparently making an exclusive monster hunter for it.
valkyria chronicles is fucking sweet on a handheld. All strategy rpgs are imo cuz you can pick up and play whenever you want. Same with fire emblem, Disgea, and now wargroove holy shit.
>not paying $20 to play it on pc
>he didn't adopt levitating bag technology
Look at this caveman and laugh
>those 2D jpeg trees
>that N64 ground texture
>those character models ripped straight out of sun/moon
$120 + TIP
nigga wut BB is on pc?
ps now. dont forget to dab on stinky sonytoids
The fucking pokemon models too. The same ones for 7 years now and they were never great to begin with. Every pokemon is just standing in a neutral pose, no creativity whatso ever
havent seen seething this hard in a while
>no DLC
>noticeable input lag no matter how good your internet is
UH PCBROS?... I thought we were the master race???
Does it run better depending on your rig or basically the same as a ps4?
Don't forget the $50 masterball plus that everyone's going to buy again because they're retarded.
It's a streaming service so it's always gonna be inferior to even base PS4.
Well that's more Sony's fucking fault because they're dipshits. They aren't even a japanese company, they moved their HQ to Cuckistan.
its streamed to your pc what matters most is internet speed.
I have shitty 25mbs and beat the game twice without noticing it, I had more issues with sly cooper.
Wait, you forgot the cost of the $599+ TV to play the PS4
Sony doesn't require an online fee for online content that doesn't involve direct iteration with another player. I was able to do all of the Gravity Rush 2 online features without paying extra. There is still a very small chance Nintendo may do the same thing and allow trading.
What is a pokebank?
Do you not have a tv or monitor already? wtf
You're not buying a TV just to play PS4. There are other consoles/devices hooked up to it.
Same argument to you drones that say "PC is expensive" - it serves OTHER purposes, you fucking dumb ass under-aged faggot.
I doubt that trading will be exempt. I have let's go eevee and I couldn't trade to evolve my Machoke because I didn't have Nintendo online.
>Companies make new pieces of hardware that are more capable than their previous hardware, so they fund and make games that work on said hardware as they often weren't powerful enough to run a game like it in the previous generation
Maybe someday they'll get to this point, Yea Forums? If a 2007 Wii game can do it, a Switch can too? And Genius Sonority is still around!
read the thread dumbass somebody already asked that
>$59.99 Game
>$20.00 Nintendo Online
>$4.99 Pokemon Bank
>$80.00 monthly internet payment
>$500.00 T.V.
>$125.00 gaming chair
>$50.00 snacks
Fuck nintendo how do they expect me to even play when i have to buy all this
>free TV or monitors
>free 4k TV or monitors
But you need a tv to play PS4, you ass mad retard. You trying to argue price in a hobbie that is leisure is fucking retarded.
Ikr "CTRL+F" it aint hard but he might be a nigger.
>there will never be a huge post-game island like Platinum's ever again
It fucking hurts.
As long as the story doesn't clog up the main game, the Pokemon aren't shit, and there's something to do in the post game, I don't mind another Pokemon game underperforming in the technical aspects.
that said it's being made by the SM guy and Masuda also has his hand in it, so it's definitely fucked on arrival
it's beyond me how anyone can defend gamefreak anymore
Don't forget that many people buy both versions so that they can collect them all.
I bought it for Splatoon.
That is enough of a confirmation for me. Luckily I didn't expect anything different, so there is no disappointment. I can instead pretend to be happy that the two version gimmick matters again.
>muh AA
no one cares about your jaggies kid, go play uncharted or something
wtf $500 are you legit retarded? Assuming you don't already have a monitor or tv already which is unlikely since you're viewing this right now; the switch only supports up to 1080p and you can get one for $130 probably alot cheaper if you get off ebay or craigslist.
I mean, BW2's postgame was pretty expansive.
Is the one on the right supposed to look better?
if you have to ask that, you're either a shit eater or need to contact your optometrist
my point is that most fucking people have a tv or monitor already for other things besides gaming dipshit and you don't NEED a 4k tv
What is Dragon Quest Monsters
After the reception to Gen 5, GF never put in effort again.
which was the last time GF gave a fuck
Why do you all even discuss pokemon or care about it past 4th gen? Its so fuckinh stale at this point in all ways a video game franchise could be. Its the peak of video game laziness that hollywood does.
You musr have serious autism to still care and dont wanna move on like people do when a game gets stale.
Shut up the fuck you little cunt stain.
Kill yourself.
You got btfo, so DEAL WITH IT.
Better yet, to relax yourself, go shove a few of your plastic, Indian branded Pokeballs up your fucking R-neck ass!
>mfw you responded to a joke post like this
>mfw I responded to your bait and you were also joking
>Console War shit
What do you honestly earn from this?
its a yearly subscription
>most fucking people have a tv or monitor already for other things besides gaming
[citation needed] especially for kids who finally get that age to where they can have their own TVs
Dragon Quest has almost no appeal in the west and the devs have admitted that it was their own damn fault as they have never really marketed the game franchise well in the west since they brought it over and changed the name to "Dragon Warrior" and then to Dragon quest for DQ8
>100 CAD
That DBZ looking game?
aside from observable reality you can just use google you dumbfuck.
Yeah they have the same artist, Akira Toriyama doing the character designs.
classic 'you're so obsessed' response
>Shared TV
It hurts for retards that don't read. Individual TVs you dumbfuck otherwise I would have stated costs of time for not having the ability to play games, not like you can already.
You forgot the price for a switch, the electricity you will use on it, and the time you will spend playing it.
The irony is that UC was riddled with jaggies back in 2007, but maybe you weren't in middle school yet?
Fuck off, Tendies. I own PC, PS4, Switch, and 3DS. And it's legitimately concerting that Pokemon games have been declining in quality since Gen 6. Now, we are finally going to get a console Pokemon game with $60 price tag and yet it still looks like an upscaled 3DS game when game like BOTW and SMO exist on the same console at the same price. What the hell? Stop defending lazyness and start having some standards. Not all criticism are personal attack to your favourite company, for fuck sake.
imagine having gamefreak as your favorite company
you realize by actively accepting gamefreak's garbage, you are making nintendo a far shittier company than any sonygro shitposter right?
>nintendo still charging for an absolutely unneeded cloud storage system
Someone explain to me right now why pokemon bank can't exist as an offline app
get a load of this absolute retard Holy shit.
The problem is that for every fan that wants changes there are three autists who will flip apocalyptic shit if GF changes even the tiniest detail.
Holy shit this nigga just finna dabbed on op
This. Bloodborne runs like absolute SHIT!
I thought the trailer was disappointing
Hopefully they'll do something interesting now that its on console, or get rid of all the unnecessary bloat the games have been accumulating each gen.
Cool seething blog. How do I unsusb?
Being an Idort is fucking cool.
i love how you snoy niggers always try to point to Labo as though it's a huge selling point for switch fans when it's clearly not
but 97s on metacritic definitely are.:) where's your 97 playstation exclusive, snoy?
I filled the XY pokédez without pokébank. Just hanging with the niggas online.
>the pokeomn series
>one of the most famous for being playing with nostalgia glasses
>a child game for both young children
>people complaining about GRAPHICS
what the fuck
ok then lets look at the gameplay. Oh shit! it's the same narrow hallways with fuck all exploration
so this is the power of console 'gaming'
And you standardless faggots will buy it in droves
>Wants Nintendo to do better
>Fans sucks their jew dick to oblivion
>Nintendo will never be on the same level as they were to Playstation with the Gamecube.
It's not just Nintendo. It's. Just. You.
>buy bloodborne from clearance bin for 20 bucks.
>regret as soon as I see framerate
the art and atmosphere might be top tier, but the shitty framerate is unbearable
Reminder that Crytek, a 3rd party developer, got this to run on the 360.
GameFreak should be ashamed.
Just don't play dude.
In Canada.
>90$ Game
>25$ NO
>8$ PB
>More then 110$
Become a sonyfag then? Idk what to tell you. If people are buying Nintendoshit in droves after Switch, and you're saying that they're not as great as the gamecube (which is objectively false) it sounds like you're just out of touch.
nintendo was eating ass in gamecube era compared to xbox and playstation
they were virtually the same
You got me the Dementoid Expansion Pack.
The Expansion Pack, Andy! l need the game! lf l don't have the game, what am l supposed to expand upon? l knew you were incompetent, but l guess l overestimated you.
Changing it could bring in the ancient gen 1 crowd and new people who thought pokemon was just for kids, but we'll never live in a world where the real Pokemon games can pull a revival in interest like Pokemon Go
Why are pokefag threads suddenly allowed on Yea Forums now?
Isn't the top one from 2017 though?
Did you miss the "game footage not final" on the bottom of the screen for the entire duration of the trailer?
>$20.00 Nintendo Online
>have to pay for a year's subscription to a service i will never use just to transfer my older mons over once
the price is fair, but c'mon
Someone in a previous thread requested this
they were never not allowed
who gives a shit about pokemon bank
Hey guy s, I heard we're getting another worthwhile exclusive, they'll be announcing it at E3 this yea- I mean, E3 next year!
>still pretending he isn't a sony-gger.
>PC fats
way to call yourself out.
>$2 Paperclip + $5 USB-C Cable
>$0 LAN Tunneling
>$0 PKHeX
The pro still can't run a fucking Fromsoft game at 60 FPS
smol groundon will return?
i didn't expect otherwise. that's the problem.
>doesn't understand physics
all the weight goes below pulling everything down but the top part skews back due the weight but is held by the straps
>I will never dance with a woman