ITT: Vidya character outfits that you can wear in real life

Hard mode: you can actually look good wearing it.
I'll start with the easy one.

Attached: 1564413521.jpg (850x1700, 94K)

why don't you put some real clothes on wright

Attached: edgy.png (514x383, 175K)

I have a red tie

Attached: file.png (1236x1486, 1.09M)


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>no cravat
>look good

Attached: 1551539889594.png (454x482, 194K)

Attached: ReiseinIN.png (256x512, 144K)

based and PERFECTpilled

>going outside wearing a cravat

A lot ot suits on this thread.

edgeworth pulls it off

Attached: AAIME_Miles_Edgeworth.png (518x1000, 196K)

tfw a friend literally used to dress exactly like this, down to the yellow tinted glasses (for actual medical reasons tho) until he saw this shit.

Attached: travis_touchdown_render_by_nibroc_rock_d9v8k61-pre.png (908x881, 316K)

Why the fuck did he stop

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Attached: Ape_Escape_Spike_Render.png (1899x2882, 2.4M)

He was put off by the idea of looking like a vidya character.

Which is hilarious, because on the days he didn't look like Travis Touchdown, he ended up looking like this dude.

Attached: Ignis_Outfit_FFXV-1024x788.jpg (1024x788, 149K)

>tfw I wonder what life would be like if I lost an eye so I could wear an eye patch

Attached: 1486883427474.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

I wore an eyepatch to correct vision once. Gave me a headache but I thought it looked cool

Tell him Travis looks like a chad and he should go back

Yea but I want permanently

the fuck kind of sunglasses are these

Attached: ManInRed.png (320x640, 75K)

It looks like he cut wraparounds with a laser

you must be like 16. you won't look cool unless you already do. you'd just be a faggot with a missing eye

The way he wears his belt always wigs me out. Who even does that? It's so impractical.

wow I never noticed that, gotta try it out next time