Hard mode: you can actually look good wearing it.
I'll start with the easy one.
ITT: Vidya character outfits that you can wear in real life
why don't you put some real clothes on wright
I have a red tie
>no cravat
>look good
based and PERFECTpilled
>going outside wearing a cravat
A lot ot suits on this thread.
edgeworth pulls it off
tfw a friend literally used to dress exactly like this, down to the yellow tinted glasses (for actual medical reasons tho) until he saw this shit.
Why the fuck did he stop
He was put off by the idea of looking like a vidya character.
Which is hilarious, because on the days he didn't look like Travis Touchdown, he ended up looking like this dude.
>tfw I wonder what life would be like if I lost an eye so I could wear an eye patch
I wore an eyepatch to correct vision once. Gave me a headache but I thought it looked cool
Tell him Travis looks like a chad and he should go back
Yea but I want permanently
the fuck kind of sunglasses are these
It looks like he cut wraparounds with a laser
you must be like 16. you won't look cool unless you already do. you'd just be a faggot with a missing eye
The way he wears his belt always wigs me out. Who even does that? It's so impractical.
wow I never noticed that, gotta try it out next time