How is it? Thoughts on the demo? Will it be worth a buy?
Daemon X Machina
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It has potential but the frame rate fucks it.
GOTY material if they fix the framerate
I think the OST is great but as user said, the frame rates is the worst thing in the demo. I hope they make it more stable.
Realized I was bored as hell while playing it, hit the home button mid-play and removed it immediately.
Every aspect of this game is excecuted poorly.
The track that plays in the menus is a 5 second loop and the rest of the soundtrack is generic metal trash. And I'm a metal fan.
I don't give a shit about frame rate and I found it fun. Could be fun with bros, but I'm not sure how much longevity it's got going for it.
I played in handheld and noticed no frame rate issues
Colossal Immortal theme is a banger shut up
Has potential. Really hope there's more weapons and quad legs/tracks
Also, I liked it a lot, but the character interaction and story better be real fucking good with lots of missions and gear if they want me to pay full price
is it multiplayer?
It dips a bit below 20. It's more noticeable while docked though.
>I'm legally blind
Framerate is trash. Demo had things I liked but the framerate is concerning and the floatiness of combat is even more concerning.
Sorry to hear about your blindness user. I think we all take our senses for granted.
I played in handheld after everyone said how much better it was and no user, you're full of shit.
The framerate is only a little better in handheld mode, despite how much resolution you lose.
The framerate is better in handheld at times, but it obviously looks a lot worse.
biggest problems in order
>out of bounds
>guns empress isn't my gf
Aside from the exploit to kill Reaper, I'm pretty sure he's just flat out immortal. Emptied out two full clips of tricksters at him while knocking him down, ran out, threw grenades at him, and he still kept trying to run away until time was up.
This. And l really wanted to like it. It's just boring.
game is unplayable if you have an ounce of standards
keep implying otherwise tho, games will get better for sure if you keep doing this
I enjoy the shit out if it but I'm a slut for anything with mechs so im bias as fuck.
I like it.
That's a pretty valid criticism when the game has a focus on moving fast.
I have fond memories of Armored Core and I was hype for this game seeing it at E3 last year, but the demo killed my excitement.
it's a weeb trash game with mechs instead of girls. the gameplay is garbage and it tries to make it purely on eye candy and coolness factor.
Enjoyed the demo, I was intrigued by it before but now I'm hyped. Shame its only single player. It could have been a scifi monster hunter if it was multilayer lobbies.
Controls are very intuitive, combat and movement feels smooth.
Isn't there going to be co-op multiplayer?
I'm pretty interested, I dig the style, setting, and customization. My biggest hope is that they add gyro aiming.
I feel pretty confident they'll improve the framerate before release, since optimization usually happens at the end of the dev cycle.
>Controls are very intuitive, combat and movement feels smooth.
wow thats like the opposite of how I feel about it
Just checked the page on nintebdo UK and it says local multiplayer.
At least i have a bro who comes round every weekend.
>Online and local wireless multiplayer modes will be available in the full game.
Day one buy.
Day one predorder if they show a drill weapon. inb4 someone thinks it's because of GL
It also needs pistons