>Starters that look like trash, there's better fan art
>Graphically bland and overly cartoonish
>Literally an upscaled version of Sun & Moon with linear paths, inaccessible mountains/hills/forests etc.
>Aforementioned starters and the Meltan/Melmetal line confirm that any hope for Pokemon designs with SENSIBLE proportions has well and truly gone out the window

Gamefreak really are taking the piss now. THIS HAS TO STOP. The series has stagnated and will be terminally sterile if these games succeed. I urge you to vote with your wallet. DO NOT BUY THESE GAMES.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The starters are pretty good looking. Above average for sure.
Sun and Moon's starters looked better, but their evolutions were ass. And chances are Sword and Shield won't mess up just as bad. It's a possibility at the very least.

or we could just wait to see more then a few seconds of game play and make a judgement then


>And chances are Sword and Shield won't mess up just as bad
Never say this. Game Freak have done nothing but mess up worse and worse constantly since 2013.

Dude. Main target of pokemon, unlike many other franchises who got corrupted by time, is still children of 7 to 12 years old. You ain't changing the fact that this pokemon too would sell veeeery well.
Even Lets Go Pikachu was a success and almost no one here like it or even bought it.


I haven't played since X and Y and before that Diamond and Pearl. I hated X and Y and wished I'd got in on Black and White.
I though S&M looked good, but still held back. This one looks quite good, and after such a break I'm ready. Even if I'd love a more detailed and graphically impressive world.

>starters look like trash
jesus christ you are hopeless

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Even if you want to jump back in on this one I'd suggest waiting to see if they end up doing a third version again or not.

I was really hoping for a world that was more akin to the Legend of Zelda, as in, you start in the middle and are free to explore in all directions instead of the ass fuck linear map we got

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Ok, I will. thanks user

I compete in IRL VGC tournaments so I'm forced to.

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>Waiting to see
This excuse is getting really old

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Sold! I'll buy a Switch and the game when it comes out. I'll also pick up Zelda while I'm at it.

Foam at the mouth more, OP.

Personally I dont usually care about third versions.

>It's a "DP baby cries pokemon series continues" episode again

This game looks like another Sun/Moon

I'm not forking $360 for garbage

What the fuck are you talking about?

>10 million
>when the worst Pokemon game sold 15 million and Pokemon fans actually bought it, while they mostly ignored LGPE

Fuck gamefreak.

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sounds like every other pokemon game. what's the issue?

Nah I think it looks great. Day 1 purchase for me.

>Literally an upscaled version of Sun & Moon with linear paths, inaccessible mountains/hills/forests etc.
Source: my ass.

I’m with you

im convinced. I'll get one of each.

I'm buying it and you can't stop me.

Dont talk shit about my son.

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>Graphically bland and overly cartoonish
oh no, a cartoony game looks cartoony. wouldn't it be great if the pokemon looked like do in the detective pikachu movie? that'd be totally epic

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I'm sorry your mental powers don't work but I will buy it

You made this exact same thread on /vp/ and now doing it here. Pokemon can sell shit in a box and it will sell Atleast 10 million. No use treating to degrade it like this

I'm going to buy it and theres nothing you can do about it!

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Snoyboys out in force

god I wish this was real.


>sword with an animal head
Wow I can't believe it

Don't you ever tell me what to do with my money again you fucking sweaty nerd, now I'm going to buy both.

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Looks good to me

Impressive, very nice

>/vp/ Switchlet mad
Why poketards are so retarded?

Looks pretty good to be honest.

sextuplets gods confirm that that image is real.

10 million in 1.5 months is a flop? Are you high

I’m so sick of the “dude just wait and see lol” excuse. All it tells me is to stop noticing that game have been getting worse for years and just hope they aren’t

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hey all

damn niggas why am I so based spread the word. tell your friends tell other boards real ones are back on Yea Forums

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This. The fact that 80% of this board has declared PSAS the worst games in the series is telling enough. Telling us to wait is no excuse for the Fallout 76 of Pokemon.

Fucking waste


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what are you, my MOOOOOOOOOOM!?!?!!?! *laugh track*

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>Sun and Moon starters looked better

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I'm not defending the game, I fucking hate how SS looks and I'm sure as hell not buying it myself. I just know there's basically no convincing people to not buy a Pokémon game so I'm telling him to at least wait and see if Game Freak bothers making a slightly less shit version later down the line, because even that's not a guarantee anymore.

Whether or not you’re defending the game, you’re saying the things retards say to justify holding onto false hope. Don’t do that if you don’t mean it

keep seething /vp/keks

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Yeah their base forms did. Then it disaster struck.

i'm gonna buy it lol

If it has cool looking mons then it's a hit in my book. Also no more fucking cutscenes. The last Pokemon game I enjoyed was Black and White. I tried the ones that followed, but they were just too boring. Also the 3D graphics are ass. Black's sprites were cooler.

4fuckr go away pls this is my castle

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Sorry, can't comply with that.

I disagree with everything except the graphics. If its going to be on the switch then it should look like a current gen console game. Not something for Gamecube or 3ds



I haven't bought Pokemon since Soul Silver. I don't know why old fans keep buying the new games, Gamefreak will never put effort into anything or take risks ever again.

Is competitive pokemon actually a thing? Can't everything pretty much one shot everything else at max level?

they do

Hypothetically, how much would an open world structure actually benefit Pokemon? There are four main interactable objects in a Pokemon game: NPCs you can battle, NPCs you can't battle, objects you can pick up and wild Pokemon. Of the four, three would not grant any benefit to an open world structure at all. If anything, open would would harm at least one of them. The only aspect that might reap benefits from open world are catching wild Pokemon. A major issue with this, however, is that the games aren't JUST about catching wild Pokemon. If it was purely about finding and catching monsters and nothing else, then open world might work. But open world would actually hurt how you interact with opponent trainers.

Additionally, open world games with a world like Pokemon's aren't really common for a reason. Normally when you do open world, you're exploring vast amounts of wilderness, large abandoned areas with a sparse amount of NPCs, post-apocalyptic scenarios, huge expanses of ruins, etc., etc. It's because once you start introducing multiple large cities and towns interlinked by roads, making an open world game becomes several times more complicated. Pokemon is a relatively peaceful world. You're not surrounded by enemies and you're rarely exploring uncharted territory. In fact, one of the very first things you always receive is a map of the entire region.

As far as graphics go, I dunno. I've personally never cared that much about graphics, but I can understand why people would prefer better ones. But open world Pokemon games seem pretty meaningless. I mean, why would you actually WANT to make every single mountain you see in the distance accessible in a Pokemon game unless there was an objective there? This ain't Breath of the Wild.

Yeah I 100% disagree.

Enjoy not playing it I guess


You know you have a golden goose when 10 million copies sold is considered a relative flop. It's still more than Spiderman, god of war and waaaaay more than Bloodborne. Not to make it about Sony or anything, it's just that they actually have some good exclusives unlike xbone. They just don't sell.

Cry more. I'll buy another Switch just so I can play with my brother.

It is and it's not how you think it is.

I'm going to buy it, I'm going to choose Scorbunny and there's nothing you can do about it.

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Yes. There are still tournaments both official and unofficial to this day. I've always found it kinda silly, but hey. It's actually kind of one of the reasons the battle system can't be altered too heavily, since it would completely destroy the competitive scene in its entirely.

I agree OP. WE ARE LEGION, it's time for us to RISE UP

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So that's how Nintendo makes Miis. Spooky.

>Can't everything pretty much one shot everything else at max level?
No, but everyone uses like only 10 Pokemon out of the hundreds

So don't make it an open world but something like the first xenoblade with huge, separate areas you can explore and discover?

They should add invasions from dark souls.

Contrary to what you might think, most people don't actually want open world Pokémon, they just want more open area design like previous games in the series had rather than straight paths, and less linear progression.

I wasn't going to buy anyways, for the simple fact that I refuse to pay for their shit online service just to trade.

fucking WASTE

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Yeah, no. I'm gonna preorder them too.

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>destroy the competitive scene in its entirely
Why destroy it? It will just change it

Even Gen 1 was a series of interlinked corridors. Don't you remember the huge rows of trees and weird barrel-like things wherever you went that dictated what you could or couldn't walk on? Even the water routes were linear pathways.

Im going to buy two so I can play it along with my bro. Lots of nostolgia for red and blue just looking at the logos and the game looks great.


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Pokemon definitely doesn't need an open world. What it needs is something more akin to Xenoblade 1/2, where there are large areas with a ton to explore and discover in a non-linear fashion, but all the areas are linked together in a linear fashion.

Yeah, that might be cool. I think Gen II was near-hit for this. There were a bunch of interlinked areas across the main path that led you to hidden areas, but you couldn't access them until you obtain the necessary HM. Honestly, a lot of these areas were extremely tiny and ultimately perhaps disappointing, but the idea behind them seemed cool. You always found these roadblocks that you couldn't overcome while you were heading to the next town, but once you got the appropriate HM and especially Fly, you could revisit those areas to explore. It'd be nice if they returned to that idea.

Also, make caves and ruins cooler and more interesting to explore.

Why should Gamefreak innovate? They have zero competition in the monster battler genre. They figured out years ago that they can get away with half-assing their development. Unless a rival company can make a popular game that has exploration, monster collection/trading/combat, and has great designs, gamefreak will continue to print money forever.

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I'm not only going to buy them, I'm going to preorder them both and post my adventure on Yea Forums. And there's literally nothing you can do about it

Even more if its evolution is a tomboy runner alike

I think you're onto something here. This EXACT thread was posted 2 days ago on /vp/ and the majority of the replies were the same ("fk u op i'ma buy both copies now lel"):

So what we have here is either

A. Reverse psychology marketing from Game Freak/Nintendo


B. The same shitter who posted two days ago

Really makes you think.

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wrong background color for reply post tho you fagget


I'm gonna buy it bud, and if there is a collectors edition that, and if there is a collectors edition with a limited edition switch, that one ;)

I’m absolutely shocked people can still be mad about pokemon anymore.





Do you have the Moira/expy share one?

How's about you go deepthroat a railroad spike, you knuckle dragging reprobate.

lmao you mad fagget

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