Maplestory 2

New update with the removal of Fair Fight. What does Yea Forums think about it?

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Other urls found in this thread:!AxBUFCwA!y35c5OpXzKhVLIVzk4Vd3_fxtCRhe28QOsgWRuAC83o!txJjTYJI!SzTWD6OcFw3P3U1_gfsEcwhavadagvSPKIPhkP0RnUs!B5gkCYyB!OxtTx3Bbuxb6Rg64dgrYvVAizAwPQQJpSO7WEthTIPU!Ztx0SYjL!a4TPC7-h5Z9pAOam9KS3vSCCYcIaDy4IJ13fr0aagnk!01pAHIiT!cfYqiNCLtFyj8EYfj8qdacsenHXYL61fxjwCCTp9W4k!w5xWRawa!vs7VECGINhCgdLlPrNWiQs2HJ8WuKdu0MEahsaRv1iE!sloSSI5I!Nc1vxHe-T-2eZfM6fvh520jcSqc36lD5_eW0ws5Eb4E

Honestly I still enjoy this game, but I've pretty much exhausted most of the content at this point, and almost everyone has jumped ship.

I would like to play again, but the huge week 1 playerbase is long gone, and the hype is dead. It's a fun game, but a lot less fun when nobody is playing.

What was his problem?

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True. Luckily, some of my friends and guildmates still play and I have fun playing with them.

post shortstacks

I tried it out but it removes a lot of the charm of the original game. Giving everything a blocky look and no real sense of exploration failed for me

critical error

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Have some UGC.

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Thoughts on this style?

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devs are incompetent shitheads nothing new

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Great game slowly getting better.
Hopefully the massive amounts of content korea has that we lack starts getting ported over and we can catch up
I'm pretty much done with all the content except infernog

>slowly getting better
Not fast enough. Dropped.

Will we be comfy like in beta again?

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Just another theme park which life depends on devs producing "content" every week, nothing new to see here.

The fairfight removal recently was pretty big and tied with the trading of legendaries enchant is massively easier and you can finally catch up without too much reliance on rng.

And what the fuck is this fairfight stuff?

Any anons in NA West, join vidya!

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In dungeons, fair fight would scale everyone's gear way down so they do less damage than they would normally do. With it removed, dungeons are cleared way faster now.

Oh, that's cool, for people who do group dungeons


Rip BaboonGang

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I quit this shit. Why are mmorpg people such disgusting, treacherous little shit goblins?

Just post the cute dancing girl already, I don't even play this game but I want to jack off

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Isn't the game dying out even in Korea? I've heard that content slowly stopped getting trickled out there.

tfw regionblocked

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isn't that some autistic nigger from /vg/?

yes, he created coco island and is the father of Bort

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Pet changes when?

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April maybe.

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kms2 got a new director I think last year. he's slowly making good changes.

Did they get rid of dye colors and what not being locked behind achievements yet? Or better yet scrapping that system all together and just adding in the color picker?

I'm glad I picked West. East was full of ERP and trannies

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Quit after they added raids because it was and still is a shitfest to get your gear up to that point

It took them this long to remove fair fight?

Any Yea Forums guilds on West? Would it be a good time to start now?

They just added trade ribbons with this patch so you can buy, sell or trade epic/legendary equips and accessories with other people, so gearing up isn't that bad right now. The only thing that sucks is the upgrading rng which they're planning on fixing next patch.

Look up "vidya" in the guild finder or leave your ign here and someone will invite. It's double drop in dungeons right now, so I'd say it's a pretty good time to start.

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Whoever made it cost money to put shit on the ugc market ruined the game. getting idiots to buy your stupid trash memes so you could buy your own was half the fun I had with this shit game.

hi eBanana

based LordDemitri

Let it go. The game flopped and is dying because it was poorly managed. It has fundamental problems that will never be solved, and you need to accept it before you waste any more time on this game.

I don't know if I've ever seen a more successful self-sabotage of a game in such a short span of time. Maybe when HiRez ruined Tribes? How do these people so effectively con themselves out of a playerbase.

haven't touched it since beta

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> It has fundamental problems that will never be solved
>fairfight removed
>with more changes to endgame rng for the better to come

uh ok

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i wana fuge her tummy xd

>gemstone upgrading is still a massive RNG wall
>gemstone upgrade mats are still scarce as fuck
>epic pets are still a massive RNG wall
>trade ribbons further encourage RMTing
>daily chores keep piling up
>devs somehow think that fixing the lesser evil (after 4 months) is a worthy start
>"b-but those problems are going to be f-fixed by April!"

a real shame too, ms2 was unironically fun

meant for

Probably greed or bad management.

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Only good thing in the game is making a house, everything else is daily garbage. Most Kmmos at least have SOMETHING to do in the overworld, MS2 they just put half-assed objectives that do nothing for character development and you can farm potion solvent if you want.

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im trying to acquire the rinnegan, have you seen it?

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dabbin on ms2lets

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Fair fight is gone? Guess I'll reinstall.

Wtf, these buns are supposed to be midgets

I'm sorry user.
Would anyone be interested in any of the npc models?

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What's wrong with gookboo addicted to gookshit? No sane human ever play those crappy kimchi turd

I am interested in all the busty or booty midgets

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Give me a bit to get a few of em organized and I'll upload em to mega or something

please dump them

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Nice, I am curious about what you got

RIP Aniki

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Here's the model for Mint, in fbx and smd formats. May need some tweaking since its been a while

Attached: mint.png (700x700, 360K)!AxBUFCwA!y35c5OpXzKhVLIVzk4Vd3_fxtCRhe28QOsgWRuAC83o
forgot link, the others are coming along a bit slower since i need to reorganize everything!txJjTYJI!SzTWD6OcFw3P3U1_gfsEcwhavadagvSPKIPhkP0RnUs

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>got to fire lizard
>rng grind is eternal
>"dungeon" is just a bossfight zergrush style
>raid is the same as a dungeon but bigger numbers
>minigames are shit and the only good ones are cycled through randomly with a 15min wait
>user generated content is behind paywall
>world bosses cause 1fps tier lag, with minecraft graphics
>sexualized chibi characters makes me unable to recommend this game to any non weeby person
i still enjoyed the shit out of the time i played with this game but it needs a lot of work to be anywhere near good enough to retain a playerbase

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>Thinking all the problems with the game are just the RNG and fair fight
You're one of the reasons why the game missed its chance to be fixed. All you care about is how fast you can progress your character and removing obstacles to progression.
You should be caring about obstacles that prevent you from having fun and having more things to do instead, like the daily/weekly dungeon cap.

Daily quests and the mandatory dungeon cap were retarded with how long they took to do every day/week
I sure did love grinding fire dragon/balrog 30 times and then losing literally everything I got from it to RNG failing my upgrades. UGC was fun but so limited that I never got to finish getting my character how I wanted her before I got sick of the grind and RNG hell and quit.

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I am right tho.

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A few more for now.

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I mean just level with us right now

which dye color are you utterly incapable of unlocking

>Literally 90% of Dungeon content from KMS early years that was evenly paced out over 2 months leading to legendaries
>Entirely useless AT LAUNCH of KMS2
>Takes literally 4 hours to hit level cap
>a week at most to get +12 weapons on any given class
>Welcome to the gear treadmill
>That you wouldn't havent hit until your 4th month in KMS2 because the content wasn't the save 6 dungeons

Fuck no I'm not going back. Nexon decided to ruin their sequel before it even fucking released in the west, and no content patches are ever going to save it, just give you a new set of shit to do over and over again every week because there is no "Game" before you hit "endgame" and the "endgame" is worse than Destiny 2 levels of gear treadmill nonsense. I bet those fucking hacks still haven't fixed fucking Cdev, I'd rather play KMS2 than GMS2 at this point if I wasn't certain they somehow fucked that up too.

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i bet beta is responsible for this

>fixed cdev
should we tell him bros....

I can unlock any of them. The system they have in now however prevents you from picking your own colors as well as your own mixes like you can in the Korean version. To me it doesn't really add anything aside from more frustration of not being able to really make your character yours.

Useless AT LAUNCH of GMS2*

Sorry about that I didn't type that correctly, but tl'dr GMS2 sucks and KMS2s early years was the only good version of KMS2 to ever exist because it was good for a solid 6 months PER CLASS before it turned into a repetitive slog.

Except you're not. You're just taking the complaints from players well after chaos raids were released, which is to say the majority of players left and the only players left were the ones like you.

That's a word cloud for the lumbering zombie corpse which is MS2 right now.

If you made a word cloud for when the game was still popular, you would have completely different issues. As in the ones that actually would have mattered for keeping 99% of the playerbase.

>Fire Dragon isn't taking up the entirety of the picture

Does this game even compare to regular MS?

Wait so you want to run dungeons endlessly with fairfight?

This is great user, thanks.

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>"Maple Story 2 plays nothing like Maple Story 1 and that's a good thing"

If only I knew what the fuck to do with these
Thank you anyway user

Yes actually. And you know why it would be better? Because if I got bored of doing the same hard mode dungeon over and over again, I could do something else without feeling like I'm being punished. I could actually go and do other things and HAVE FUN.
Meanwhile I hope the remaining MS2 playerbase enjoys brainlessly going through the same dungeon over and over again that's even more of a pointless grind now that fair fight is gone. They probably will knowing that all the remaining playerbase cares about is "Progressing" in a game that barely has an end game to begin with.

Everyone quit after the chaos raid update because no one had or upgraded gems or pets so everyone got wrecked in the first raid pretty bad. Then when everyone found out about them, they learned about the horrible rng that came with them then quit.

This guy gets it. MMOs are ass because they're literally only about progressing through raid instances and not about a world that doesn't punish you for wasting your time on something that isn't raid progression. You could cut out literally everything in this MMO but like 6 dungeons, overworld and quests included, and it would be exactly the same.

should i return to play this ??

when you remove all the RNG and fairfight the game has no content.


Problem with maplestory 2 is the disconnect between the design and the presentation.
It's designed as a social MMO, log on, chat with friends, fuck around in houses, play minigames and all that stuff.
It's presented as a grindathon. Sprint to max level then rub your face against RNG until you get better numbers.

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Reminder to join the vidya guild in NA West!

I think it still feels only slightly more interesting than a screensaver

I think it's presented like that because that's what the western audience wants in a maplestory game. Maplestory 1 was all about the grind. Sure it had its social aspect as well and a lot of people engaged in it back then (not sure how it is now), but i feel that aspect in MMOs in general is lost in this day and age. Why do I have to go on my computer to chat when I easily use Discord anywhere or other chat applications to accomplish the same thing? Maplestory 2 has a lot to offer in the social department, more than Maple 1 did and there are still a few that engage in it solely, but the majority of people just prefer to grind dungeons and progress their gear.

What is/was Fair Fight?


What's fairfight?

I missed the fucking deadline and lost all my pig coins I was saving for the outfit package
Fuck me I'll never have that outfit FUCK

Give thanks to this man

Played CBT, payed for early launch, found a guild, grinded for gear with them, did dailys everyday, prepped for Chaos and then the day of they just upped and replaced me with another healer. Haven't logged in since.

Shame. Were you cute?

>still no Striker

I'm still out.

me too

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game is shit, only played it at launch and 2nd test to make fun of hatlets
>bots and KMS2 player illuminati controlling the market/merit flow
>AI that detects chat and brain patterns to give you better RNG when you're considering leaving
>GMs and community managers, especially that cuddles freak are probably lizard-people given how inhuman they are
>game is so poorly optimized you have to hide players on 10-man raids and world bosses.

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When will they fix Maplestory

I've been looking forward to this for years since I loved the original MS. Once I missed the deadline for the beta I ignored it completely out of spite. Gonna try to get in now.

It's a pretty good time to start right now since its double drop on hard dungeons until the end of the month. If you go on NA West join the vidya guild. We'll help you out.

meant for

>played 200 hrs of ms2
>highest gear was a +11 because of RNG
u guys having fun still? 200 hrs was still a lot though, fucked up on that one

ain't that bad when you play with your fellow bros.

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ded gem

It's still shit, fair fight was never the fucking problem.
>Community is unironically worse than the most BR laden MMOs
>RNG within RNG within RNG without it being in a fun manner. All of which is also timegated
>Somehow completely fucking up a UGC system that lets everyone dick around.
>Endgame being nonexistent, with even the Korean version still fighting level 60 bosses
>Rampant chinese meso botting and meso selling, nexon bans barely anyone
desu I'm still amazed that Nexon ignored 2 betas and several months worth of feedback, and only now is starting to listen to some of it.

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yes dead gem

kms2 just got lv 70 dungeons and raids like a month ago

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I don't get it help

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When will he be an npc in the game?

>I bet those fucking hacks still haven't fixed fucking Cdev
the fuck was wrong with it user? the issue with raids is that they're designed to make you chug elixirs between Moc's poison phase and Pap's panic phase, along with having braindead patterns

CDev wasn't bad, it was just a casual filter. It was the later raids that made me quit. I cleared CPap and got a legendary weapon, but didn't want to run anymore because it was actual fucking aids to play, just like when I stopped running CMoc once I got decent armor from it. It was so bad that there was a massive shortage of people running CMoc, and apparently it made even more quit the game.

I clear both moc and pap consistently with just regular white potions and heal laps. For moc you just have keep on jumping when moving in poison and standby and attack on the tower when he jumps. It's tougher for the barreler, so you should get a priest to heal or have the priest do it all.

For pap's panic phase, everyone has to spam heal laps and priest should time sanctuary right. Running with 2 priests also makes it a breeze.