Was it really that bad?
Was it really that bad?
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No, but of course resetera and gaming journos are going to blow it out of proportion since it's easy publicity.
no one cares, except the (((gaming press)))
fuck off
>mfw gaming journos are the real pedophiles
Apparently game developers are really upset. Something about "giving those kind of people and legitimacy effects the entire industry"
journos are making a bigger deal out of it than it actually is because they want to pressure thq into giving them favors to stop.
I mean people still buy games from EA and they're the supervillain of the gaming world, some minor gaffe that didn't alter any games doesn't really matter
God the amount of salt over something I haven't seen any normalfag even mention.
video game industry is truly filled with losers lmao
Twitter has more child porn and they still use it.
idc they can market to whoever they want
can i get a rundown of what happened?
No, even a lot of these faggot fucking left wingers will stop caring in a few days
most of them have probably already stopped caring.
This is the single biggest case of a purely manufactured """"""controversy"""""" I have seen in years. NO ONE FUCKING CARES except the gaming press.
ive been using twitter for porn for a few years now and outside of kemoshota i havent seen any kind of cp
company did an AMA that wasn't reddit or resetera so pedophiles are screaming you rape kids.
Is this about the metro being on that chunk store instead of steam.
THQ held an AMA on Infinitychan.
Anons ripped the AMA apart with lolis and shitposting.
AMA cancelled within an hour.
THQ Nordic did an AMA on eight-chan.
That's it.
No, seriously, that's literally the whole story from beginning to end.
Yep. There was some whale who spent $15k on Mass Effect 3 crates of all things.
No, journalists don't actually care about actual problems.
lol why in the fuck would they do that.
When they say cp they mean drawn stuff.
Find it funny how they immediately show a strawman in the title to ignore all legitamate criticism. There is no use even being remotely 'angry' or 'bothered' by this.
>Taking a video game off of a store and forcing people to buy it elsewhere? No, that's fine, fuck you toxic gamers
lol shit tons of people on resetera and twitter were seething
No. Resetrannies don't realize that they're just a very loud minority and 99.9% of people either don't know or don't give a shit. This event won't dent their company what so ever.
Pretty sure they'd still REEEEE if the AMA was done here.
>Company does an AMA on a notorious alt right neonazi site called Yea Forums!
In the long run? Not at all. Convictions don't matter when money is involved and to be honest, 2^Yea Forums is just bad because they claim it is.
interesting priorities
>16 chan
THQ nordic are a inexperienced publisher who suddenly got big. Some admin there asked them to do the ama.
Canadian here, can you guys redpill me on this?
> Americans praise Little boys for being whored out to Gay bars & for being forced to cross dress as girls, and developers who make characters ugly as fuck on purpose
> But they cry Pedophilia at basically everything related to Japanese media
> For some reason they are okay with extreme gore & children being mauled to death by hoards of Zombies.
> But Sexualization when the character themselves aren't even being harmed when they are sexualized in their games is for some reason Taboo
How does this make any sense at all?
"Child porn" to these people isn't even classified as child porn by the legal system they live under.
No one except a bunch internet autists give a shit about this.
It's just vidya "journalists" being salty that they would rather talk to pedoes than have anything to do with them.
there's no more than a hundred of these trannies. social media was just a huge mistake because it gave people like that a soapbox to stand on.
>THQ Nordic blew up their own brand
>even though we're the ones that ran a coordinated effort to blow up their brand
>trust us, it was all THQ
These fucking snakes are disgusting.
They did an ama on wheelchan, like a dozen or so resetrannies complained with their default NPC reactions (yikes etc) and the media is trying to make a huge thing out of it and manufacture outrage.
That's it.
>remotely mattering
Resetera is always seething, everybody posting there has actual no-joke psychological disorders.
Please stop saying Americans, please stop lumping us all together.
Oh shit, i'm sorry.
2*Yea Forums.
literally who gives a shit then
No it wasn't. If it actually was then EA would have been gone long ago
I feel like this is stupidly overblown.
No, but if you disagree the system will register you as spam
and the supreme court says hate speech isn't real but they won't listen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I really wish I could find the onion/hardtimes or whatever clickbait article about how American's are "Angry about drawn Japanese cartoons depicting minors, yet are completely fine with sexualizing actual minors in advertisements, on billboards and on TV."
They didn't
Why are people saying this.
First off wasn't cancelled.
It went on for long time. Filled multiple threads. And more questions answered then by any ama seen on Reddit. They were also actual questions about games too. Why are people acting like the ama itself was bad? It was pretty good even
you're both right, but it's not like they're irrelevant, DICE devs post there, wouldn't be surprised if others do.
lmao so do you all really think hosting an AMA on 8ch of all fucking places isn't a terrible fucking look?
I have been using Tumblr for porn till they banned all of it
Drag kids aren't pedophilic in nature. No one is fucking them. They're just dressing up.
Well said Butthead.
They committed the worst crime anyone in the game development industry could commit
They had fun interacting with fans.
>12-Yea Forums
It's not like they did it on the triforce.
We'll stop lumping you together with Cuckifornians when you kick Cuckifornia out of the union like you should have done decades ago.
USA is more than one person, someone might be ok with one of you points but when you have so many people and so many different cultures in one country it goes full retard and ends up looking like anyone could think all the things you posted are ok.
I say USA because "news" like the OP is always a big deal even when no one cares because it's an american thing.
Can't think of many better places.
My state needs to be kicked to the curb too, we're just as bad. I hate my fucking state.
trannies and journos are still absolutely seething about gamergate
entire FBI investigation into infinitychan btw, no ties to the distribution of CP
Is it bad I can't tell the difference between the two and think its photoshopped?
It isn't good, but it isn't a disaster either. It as retarded as doing an AMA on Myspace.
for the pleasure of sick adults manipulating them.
it's called grooming
how in the world is infinitychan more socially acceptable than 4channel? isnt infinitychan literally the result of goobergate?
Maybe if it wasn't literally R*eddit:the imageboard it would at least feel like they did something that no one else would do.
Yes, they are being sexualized and yes, some of the are molested.
>THQ bypasses the journos to interact with customers directly
>Journos chimpout
how about fucking reddit
or twitter
or twitch
i agree it's not as fucking tragic as everyone makes it out to be but it's still an incredibly stupid move for a company to do, whoever greenlit that should be fired and the company should just try to save face
Because the faggot you're quoting us trying to mislead people who don't know better.
No? It's a fucking online forum with a videogame board. Only people who have an issue with it are people who don't think every single games "journalist" should be raped to death (they honestly should, it's a disgrace that any of them are still alive).
sure bro, now excuse me while i look at kids in swimsuits
>as long as the creator of the content doesn't actually participate in pedophilic acts, then the creation of the content is okay regardless of whoever the audience ends up being
>out of context there is literally 0 differentiation between kids in drag and sexualized minors
based and tranny pilled
This. I am sure THQ knows this too. People who actually buy their games probably do not even know what is going on. Fuck Journalists. Worst kind of people.
That shit is all about sex like anything "queer" related.
What is grooming user?
>whoever greenlit that should be fired
>a bad look
left leaning people always use the same cutesy phrases to express ideas, yikes!
But people might realize how useless they are for anything but reposting publisher ads.
You need to go back.
it literally doesn't matter you fucking faggot
The first thread was fine. the second one was shit posted to death. Funnily enough aroundf the same time the shit blew u in here and on retardEra. One could almost, ALMOST think that it was a coordinated effort to shit on them in the aftermath for not hosting it in an "approved" envoirment.
>Anons ripped the AMA apart with lolis and shitposting.
thats bullshit they revealed a their e3 lineup and answered lots of questions
why are you lying in the internet user?
This is a deliberate publicity stunt.
Hardly anyone talked about THQ Nordic until now.
>uh sweaty not a good look
you're clearly not from here talking like that, fuck off
SJWs are scared that this incident means there's a viable market to appeal to that isn't them AND are using this to push the "all anime girls are underage" narrative.
yeah and THQ Nordic execs are going to bend over because it's ZE NEWS MEDIA being outraged.
doubtful anyone outside of SF gives a shit
i only lurk /zoo/ but maybe i'll check out Yea Forums
Dog whistle for gay sex.
The BO oF 2^3chans Yea Forums asked them to it and they said yes.
That's false, plenty of people did because THQ Nordic has been buying up games left and right.
This the majority of people (those actually buying their games) don't give a shit.
But SJW's love fucking kids and making them into trannies, I don't understand.
is that any new?
their normal mood is seething
It was pretty pointless. It answered maybe 3 actually worthwhile questions and then spent the rest of the time saying they don't even know why they bothered.`
Thread was more concerned about posting tidies than questions.
>terrible fucking look
Go back to Twitter.
They shouldn't have apologized. They weren't going to appease anyone with an apology an hour and a half after the AMA started. Gotta bend that knee, man.
>DICE devs post there, wouldn't be surprised if others do.
Dice are poretty much the only ones. A verified beth dev did post there and called them out for being too extreme which scares away a lot of devs since they can't be bothered to walk on eggshells all the time. Then got unverifierd and I think even banned.
Why the FUCK did they do it on 8ch? Did they do it on their Yea Forums? If so then I understand the uproar, because the last time I went in there they were right wing as fuck.
They hate any website that doesn't allow them complete tyranny over its users. The irony is that they are trying to be fascists.
Die you fucking little faggot.
>A bad look
To whom exactly?
It's a funny thing that
>Get asked by mod
>board has fans of the company so they'll ask relevant questions
>company can have some fun for once instead of having to be in no fun allowed mode
Why do you think it's a bad look other than faggots saying its a bad look? Remember that these fags are the same one's praising open incompetence despite being the critics helping hand out GOTY and other accolades. These are the people that are factually dumber than the feathered rat aka the pigeon.
>then proceeds to cry about drawn pictures of fictional characters
I don't care about Nordic until they do something with the NovaLogic franchises they bought. Delta Force, Comanche, Joint Ops, I don't give a fuck.
Just make something already.
Kill yourself you mentally ill pedo tranny
THQ did an AMA on the best surface level imageboard/forum.
4channelers (AKA plebbitors and ResetEra trannies) got mad it wasn't hosted on their site and said 8ch was delisted for cp on Google (even though that was proven to be planted by a liberal, Google only delisted it for 'suspicion', the site never got shut down, and is now back on Google), then THQ backed out because retards were foaming at the mouths.
Was pretty great though, some really good webms were made (in sound and over 4mb of course), Mark's dick and ass were in most threads, /trapshota/ won the Attention Hungry Games and infinitechan plants in ResetEra directed the tards over there to pictures of Mark's ass.
The funny twist in this story is that the journos are the actual pedos that should be in jail, I'm just gonna call any "serious" gaming forum/site admin a pedo since time always proves that leftists are sexual predators.
>They hate any website that doesn't allow them complete tyranny over its users. The irony is that they are trying to be fascists.
Pfft, try telling them that. Every socialist is a fascist, yet they'll argue to the death and deflect otherwise. They're an utter cancer, the same kind that will cause WWIII.
not at all
but vidya urinalists behead anyone for even walking past mein kampf at the library
>know nothing about thq
>know nothing about the ama
>know nothing about infini chan
>get told to write a hit piece
>get given a script
>write hit piece
>get paid
Been like that for decades.
>how about fucking reddit
>or twitter
>or twitch
>all places where you say something bad and they ban you
i ratter deal with the pedophiles thank you verymuch
>ask relevant questions
yeah, like 5 people did.
Could have done that on twitter in 5 seconds
>how about fucking reddit
>or twitter
>or twitch
Becasue they didn't ask THQ unlike the 12-Yea Forums boardowner?
they deserve everything coming their way for apologizing on twitter. they were told not to apologize on infchan, but now they ruined relationships with both parties. so fuck them, in the end just another shitty company.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on what happened?
kind of a bad look for journos to be using a site which approves of shit like this
ngl that's a big yikes from me....
>Was it really that bad?
>Drag kids aren't pedophilic in nature
>11 year old boy with progressive parents does strip tease at gay bar
One of these statements is a fact. The other is fiction. I shouldn't need to point out why you fucked up?
>if i repeat it often enough it'll become true
>even if archives exist that prove me wrong
Every fucking time.
an online, barely moderated forum which hosts a myriad of other boards ranging from topics like "boypussy" to "delicious cake" (which is filled with drawn depictions of 'child porn')
see above
you're representing a business entity, if you want to shoot the shit with 8ch Yea Forums go do it on your own free time, not on company time while random people flood the thread with lolis
salty oblivious /pol/ tourists with no business experience or acumen
so just fucking tell him "no i'd rather not do it on a site with a ton of fucking controversy associated to it"
>i agree it's not as fucking tragic as everyone makes it out to be but it's still an incredibly stupid move for a company to do
No it isn't.
>whoever greenlit that should be fired
No they shouldn't.
This is not a mistake of any kind you fuck. Only thing wrong here is that the incestuous gaming press raises a stink about it. Jim Sterling's comment section literally compares it to "doing an AMA with ISIS" and that shows the level of retardedness present among people who make a fuss about this. Literally comparing an online forum to a terrorist organization and not even seeing the depths of absurdity there.
reply to me too please
SJWs and Journos hate Inifnite Chan because they associate it with gamergate
THQ did a quick Q&A there.
Pedoera learned about this and is now trying to ruin an entire company with however many hundreds or thousands of employees.
>so just fucking tell him "no i'd rather not do it on a site with a ton of fucking made-up controversy associated to it"
>while random people flood the thread with lolis
oh you didn't read the thread? bold play to hand out so many (You)s then..
I'm sure you'll be able to point out all the productive time invested then
>an online, barely moderated forum which hosts a myriad of other boards ranging from topics like "boypussy" to "delicious cake" (which is filled with drawn depictions of 'child porn')
Sounds like Yea Forums, and Yea Forums is a great place to be. Why would you have a problem with this?
>how about fucking reddit
No fun allowed
>or twitter
EVEN LESS fun allowed
>or twitch
If they aren't twitch thots then no fun allowed
>Yea Forums or 8ch
Fun allowed
I don't see the issue with who they picked.
Go back to Twitter.
>an online, barely moderated forum which hosts a myriad of other boards ranging from topics like "boypussy" to "delicious cake" (which is filled with drawn depictions of 'child porn')
make up some more shit, mate. I hope you at least get somehow compensated for it.
No, and the people who actually buy their games don't care or even approve of it.
Because the games journos are known progressive lefties with a narrative they wish to push.
The positive response to "don't listen to SJW types" probably put further salt into the wound of the game journos.
This. Journos can't sell outrage with the Epic/Metro buyout because that's too hard to explain to your average pleb. You can however sell "dev does ama with child pedos" far easier. It even has chan in the name.
Normally when you see a mass amount of hit pieces like this from game journos you see normalfags talking about it on some level. This time I have literally seen nothing except for complaining from game journos. What does it mean?
who gives a shit if it's made up
it'll just make your company look like trash either way
if you want to campaign for the truth go start a foundation or something
i have normie friends who think that it's a "pedophile company" now
A lot of us would love to, because then it'd immediately be annexed due to the resources and military bases we keep there. Problem is its incredibly difficult to leave the Union and only one State(Texas) has a quick get out clause and even that would be bogged down for so long people would forget they tried to leave.
There's literally nothing wrong with devs going to 8ch, if anybody is mad about it here, it's because they're newfaggots, probably redditors or ResetErafags. Both Yoko Taro and Kamiya have been on 8ch before.
these guys just read the script
that cuck lawrence and alanah writes the script
you can tell when lawrence goes on a rant and says uh girlfriend who works at blizzard came home and threw a fit when she heard about the news"
Imagine being this upset over devs choosing another site to do their Q&A that isn't your preferred forum.
Nope, nothing at all.
They're just mad cause they said sjw isn't something they value.
They're doing the western publishing for that chinese game based on Son Goku aren't they "Monkey King: Hero is Back" or something like that. Kinda neat if they are since that looked fun.
Keep crying tranny, maybe they'll do an AMA on your discord next.
>replying to half the thread with no arguments in sight
Get this lolicon filth off my board.
But this is real, I know this because I browse /delicious/
>It answered maybe 3 actually worthwhile questions
I'm sure even a brainlet like you can see that you're just full of shit within the first couple answers thq guy gave.
reddit had the same shit until the shekels called and they deleted every fun board
No, but outrage culture has a habit of taking something that was bad and making it appear like the holocaust just happened.
no, its just the usual suspects screaming and squalling like the faggots they are.
Only leftists even think gamergate was some bad thing.
Only leftists even care about gamergate in 2014.
And only leftists care about gamergate because it exposed serious fucking problems with journalism in general, which is why you faggots hate it so much. You see it as an assault on your propaganda. The reaction to it may have been more damaging in the long term then if leftists ignored it. Funnily enough.
This is also why leftists and only leftists are throwning a tantrum over this. They are afraid of developers and game companies actively rejecting THEIR controlled outlets, like Resetera and Reddit, and just bypassing them completely. THQ should be praised by anyone with sanity.
>like 5 people
we have archives you know? You can't lie about this kind of shit. Also Twitter is no fun allowed. They had a chance to cut loose and interact with their fans.
/monster/ is where its at
So, what's wrong with that picture?
Is there anything, ANYTHING, that can kill the gaming press? Are they going to remain influential forever, no matter how much they're hated?
>who cares if I lie to destroy the reputation of others
You're either a tranny or a retard...
>2014 was right now
You're just boring.
>cut loose
You realize we have archives right? They didn't do that remotely at all.
the buthurt is glorious
Pretty wild threads, glad the newfaggots are finally leaving
lmao, i don't care wherever the fuck they do their AMAs, they can keep doing it on 8ch for all I care, I just think it's an absolutely retarded decision to make in today's climate and anyone with half a brain could see the backlash they got for it coming from a fucking mile away
of course this thread is filled with a bunch of NEETs seeing nothing wrong with it though
companies only care about profit
>delicious cake
>drawn depictions of 'child porn'
You a dumb nigga. Cake means 25 and older you dumb cunt.
Was this about holding an AMA on 4+Yea Forums? Admittedly a pretty bizarre place to hold an AMA but I don't see what's the big deal. Also how did people even find out unless they browse there themselves
then why didnt THQ come to 4channel? we're objectively the better site
Not really. I remember when they pulled similar shit with KCD, some sites even refused to review it. I imagine all that 'negative' press only managed to boost their sales
>No fun allowed
And you wonder why they didn't pick resetEra?
yeah. for the normie crowd for sure. but in the end it's just a fuckup from the PR guy.
yeah they ran a coordinated effort to make them hold an ama among asanagi posters and people posting nigger left and right.
how fucking mentally ill are you inbreds? you'd blame anything on the press and the left. try coming back down to reality once in a while.
>everybody claiming various versions of the AMA event
>no sources anywhere on what actually happened, let alone the AMA itself
Are people just freaking out for the sake of freaking out?
>(which is filled with drawn depictions of 'child porn')
Better than being filled with actual pedos lmao.
Have fun retard.
>25 and older
Maybe in the "400 year old dragon' sense
Did they say anything about timesplitters. Thats te real question.
The Yea Forums board owner asked them to do it.
Journalists are so scared they don't even realize they are trying to create their own GamerGate.
Corporations can't make light of child porn (drawn).
So a retard, good to know.
Almost every single #reporter reply is serious in tone. There is very little "cutting loose". They could reply to loli tiddies and mystery of the druids literally anywhere.
I s-swear I was only looking at kids in bathtubs because they're c-cute
THQNordic chose a venue that nobody could control so it terrifies them.
>you're representing a business entity, if you want to shoot the shit with 8ch Yea Forums go do it on your own free time, not on company time while random people flood the thread with lolis
thus spoke the tranny that doesn't even know how to get to 2^3chan
i agree... i don't have a problem with loli nor with the "free nature" of 8ch even if i don't visit it myself
but i would never willingly associate my company with it
this guy gets it
Because Yea Forums didn't fucking invite them you dumb fucking retards. Jesus Christ.
They have even less reason to come here
>everybody claiming various versions of the AMA event
Everyone is saying the same thing: There was an AMA, it lasted two threads, there was some shitposting and a few serious questions.
The AMA is not the controversy. The simple fact that it happened on 8ch is.
>it's a drama episode
It's missing the part about the one neogaffer who uploaded cp on cripplechan to get it blacklisted and then got visited by the feds since they forwarded his ip.
they advertised it on twitter.
pretty stupid move imo
I mean the journos, I did not know about this until they started posting about it.
>Making kids flaunt themselves half naked with outfits that are explicitly designed to be completely sexual
>n-no I'm not a pedophile!
This. Essentially no one outside the incestuous circlejerk of resetera and their pet games media bloggers took any notice. There's nothing to the story, except the unfounded yet oft-repeated accusation of sanctioned CP posting on infinity, which is completely insane as the site is in US jurisdiction.
Jesus fucking christ with these fucking headlines. This goes beyonds clickbait, this is them actually being scared that eight-chan gets legitimacy.
Didn't even know 8 chan existed until all this. Decide to go there. Couldn't find any real cp at all. Just drawings. I did however find a zoo board that I now frequent
>The AMA is not the controversy. The simple fact that it happened on 8ch is.
That's hilariously stupid.
They're running out of ego so they need a new super controversy like GamerGate to refuel. Of course they're trying to make their own when GG has been over for more than 4 years now.
Journalists should be shot in the streets
The last time anyone tried to leave the Union it caused the biggest amount of American casualities in any war we participated in and caused us massive problems with our school system and crime.
These fatass SJW types consider drawings child porn but are cut from the same cloth of people that traded in actual child porn.
If the media keeps bashing them, THQ may become the next US President
brb writing next huffpo article about Yea Forums inciting violence.
there is a thread on Yea Forums every 15 minutes, that's clearly the opposite of bad for a random ama
The funniest part of this headline is that the first bit is absolutely true
>game journo proves that they are all dumber than pigeons
They actually lack self-awareness.
Me too I thought it was a myth.
>Devs and their political pandering is bad
>unless its towards me and the politics I agree with
>Couldn't find any real cp at all. Just drawings.
Pretty sure drawings is all it is, but the hysterical gaming press conveniently neglects to mention that fact since they want to conjure an image of some illegal darkweb hellsite where people hire assassins with drugs and bitcoins.
why did they did an AMA on eight-chan of all places? why not Yea Forums? there are lots of based musicians that do AMAs on Yea Forums and nothing bad happens
didn't they knew eight-chan was just the echochamber permabanned Yea Forums users with static IPs go? so the worst of the worst basically
I think the worst thing about this climate is that we're never going to get that WWII game where you get to play as some rank and file Nazi soldier now.
>THQ held an AMA on Infinitychan.
Why the fuck would they do this?
I don't care how the site "really is", with its reputation they might as well have had the AMA on a site called ilovechildporn.com
THQ is based and game-pilled. They're basically making money hand over fist by re-releasing and remastering THQs old library and they're situating themselves to grow as big as Activision/EA.
Of course the mainstream game media that gets paid by Nintendo/Sony/EA/Activision for good reviews is going to shit talk THQ to muscle them out.
But it will backfire because the fact is, most gamers buying AAA games are males between 18 and 35 and they don't give a shit about PC SJW garbage.
oof... THQ just did a big yikes, I might have to self harm.
no, the only thing gamergate did is completely brainwash gullible people like you into narratives against "teh left", "ES JAY DUBLEWS" and "journalism".
you probably think that's a good thing but it would only be the case if it was rooted in reality. as it is it's just like polshit: nothing but half truths and conspiracies.
Nobody can cite any politcal content in the CP. This whole non-controversy (nontroversy) is because of the choice of website.
And no, 8c is not political - not any more than Yea Forums is at least. It's not like it's Stormfront. An AMA at Stormfront might have been a little bit weird.
And many of these same gaming press will totally without reservations recommend child get hormone treatments and participate in drag contests.
Because one of the people who runs the Yea Forums board there asked them to. It's not rocket science.
Because some retard from there approached them and they just went "lol ok". Seriously that's exactly as complicated as this issue is. Guy was just straight retarded and had no idea what this site was and just thought it would be something fun to do on a lark, then after everyone chimed in with "hey this might wind up making you look bad" he disregarded it.
victory is mine
We weren't going to get it 10 years ago either, or 15 years ago when that WW2 shit was all over the place.
so if the owner of ilovechildporn.com told you to host an AMA there would you do it
>they still haven't remastered Battle for Bikini Bottom
>Hosting an AMA on a Honeypot website
>The feds have to arrest the entirety of THQ
Why are you so obsessed with CP?
really hate leftoids and think they should all be murderd tbqh (just my opinion)
not the point here
>falling for it hook, line and sinker
Thanks for proving me right retard.
It was the most basic video games board what the fuck are you talking about do you even know how that site works
Even if we ever did get one it would probably be shit anyways. Game devs aren't intelligent enough to handle subtlety.
>This whole non-controversy (nontroversy) is because of the choice of website.
Exactly, its manufactured outrage and Yea Forums is falling for it like the sheep they are. BASED THQ, OMG THEY'RE JUST LIKE ME
THQ meanwhile already apologized immediately after the AMA, obviously trying to play both sides of the field. This has happened multiple fucking times from devs and its like people are too stupid to see it.
So you're saying game journalists don't openly praise each other's incompetence? Yes?
Gamersgate was about fucking journalists so her garbage game about depression would get coverage.
Then magically a week after Yea Forums started calling that chick the hamburgler, we get "gamersgate".
Of course journalists want to control the narrative after it turned out they were the ones doing fucked up sexist shit. (such as trading good reviews for sexual favors)
The only people who think that are pearl-clutchers on tumblr and reddit who are too scared to actually take a look for themselves.
>go do an AMA on edgy Yea Forums
>goof off for like 45 minutes and leave
>now everyone knows who THQ is for when they want to announce new games
it was definitely a masterclass, they didn't do shit and got tons of free press. journos are fucking retarded
>Doesn't deny it
Uhh, FBI please help.
nah, they are still pretty irrelevant on the AAA industry, they're no EA, Activision or Ubisoft
people probably don't give a shit about them , and the ones who do, will forget about it in a week
>This event won't dent their company what so ever.
It will because sadly people still pay attention to Metacritic, and journos will torpedo the scores of THQ games to make an example of them
>implying banned people are bad
Get off your high horse. If you have never been banned from Yea Forums, it's only because you have never said anything interesting.
Didn't he step back and let come codemonkey run the site?
Its about as bad as doing a press conference at a strip club, for your multi-million dollar company.
Its unprofessional and drags your company's name through the mud. Who ever did it got fired, and who ever said nothing would happen to the person who did it also got fired. Because corporate won't stand for that shit.
They'll never remaster it.
I'm sorry user. I want it as much as you do. But realistically. Its not happening. Look at fucking SWEET VICTORY at the Super Bowl. Only 5 fucking seconds. Because Licensing shit COSTS A SHIT TON OF MONEY. Especially if its something as popular as Spongebob.
I'm being realistic user. Unless Nick knows it will make millions. Its not happening.
Reminder to say hi to our cripplechan tourists
No but they'll be made fun of for years.
THQguy said in the ama that spongebob games won't happen anytime in the near future.
Hahahahahaha. Yeah. Nice try. I'm not getting my ass arrested by the FBI.
I just assume everyone on infinity is an actual schizo because thats how it was when I last checked in 2016
you fell for the oldest trick in the book
did you not see the sopranos?
So SJWs and game "journalists" are now attacking cripples and the special olympics huh?
More over, I would be more disturbed if any game company did a AMA on Resetera, why are they trying to legitimize that board as being anything but trash?
They still have an active gamergate general.
and all the thousands of people who they've told it was like a CP site through their journalism
I'm just glad we're getting a new Destroy All Humans.
Everything else is pointless sensationalism.
>More over, I would be more disturbed if any game company did a AMA on Resetera
This is what makes me laugh, you fags always blow a gasket whenever any dev posts on retardera. Why do you care so much about that shitty site?
Destroy All Humans games were very much a product of their time. I don't think a new one will be good.
>yet in reality it was a viday forum talking about vidya with a vidya dev
>wit hthe dude still employed for generating free marketing for no cost whatsoever
>with retards like you already forgetting about Exodus shenanigans they pulled
Funy how reality always works to the exact opposite to what you fucks want it to be.
>doing AMA's with the people that actualy buy your shit is political pandering
only VPN users and GET posters are banned non deservedly
everyone else can suck a dick
>it's just Twitter!
>and Reddit!
>and Tumblr!
>and Facebook!
>and ResetEra!
>and YouTube!
Okay, so it's the whole Internet. The entire internet, aside from Yea Forums/8ch, agrees that Yea Forums/8ch are undesirables.
And if that's the case, then I'll let it go as nostalgiagoggles. But until then, I'm excited.
>MFW Bchan has inherited the bad rep Yea Forums used to have.
>Its the same shit were complete idiots assume theres CP on every facet of the website and dont go there out of fear.
Normalfags will always be stupid. Nothing has changed.
You guys buy THQ games? Really? How was Darksiders 3? I heard it sucked ass and is selling terribly.
>implying bans mean anything in 2019
the good old
>i was only pretending to be retarded
>So you're saying game journalists don't openly praise each other's incompetence? Yes?
what the fuck is this even? try to be more specific. unless you can't.
Reddit fucking loves anything that comes out of this shithole what are you talking about?
FYI 8ch is an entirely different website
>not being blinded by irrational prejudice is retarded
Now who's the bigot?
it matters if your ISP only provides static IPs
8ch actually has loli and shota boards.
>zoe quinn did nothing wrong
The only way THQ is going to go under again is if they keep releasing shit games nobody buys, and with a new Destroy All Humans on the horizon they got at least another good five years. Nobody cares about the whole chan debacle.
There are a lot of schizos here they just get drowned out. Main problem with 8/v/ is that they're so fucking elitist. TF2 Vintage died there because someone once made a subreddit for it and then 8/v/ mods started banning it deeming it a "Reddit" game even though is started and was developed for 8/v/.
>all these completely assblasted replies
I guess that Yea Forums just walks around spouting Yea Forums memes in real life (or should I say IRL xD)
sold enough for then to confirm they are producing a 4th one actualy
Best horseman here i come
Dude nobody even cares lol
>thread reaches bump limit
People are avoiding saying the actual name of the site because it was an autoban word in the past. Don't know if it's now.
It's the same reason people abbreviate GG or mangle the words somehow. That used to be an autoban word too.
>the hairline of the guy on the right
I wish they had a morsel of self awareness about themselves. At least enough to know they're getting old and no one cares what they think anymore.
No it doesn't matter
Can we start calling them what they are, please? Tabloids.
>can't understand even the most simple of sentences
>not only retarded but illiterate at that
Yeah, should've expected that.
It just thinks the full name is spam now.
So do these people realize that if they make a big stink about this and it doesn't have a noticeable impact on THQ Nordic's sales (which it probably won't, since they're a PC-centric publisher and PC gamers as a whole tend to be much more conservative than console gamers, pic related) it will only reveal them as the vocal minority of retards that they are, right?
requesting an archive link to the AMA
Fucking hilarious, you guys are a marketing team's wet dream.
why did you reply to yourself tranny
By "Americans" he means "white Americans."
The rest of us don't play that gay shit.
>I can't say anything constructive
>let's strawmen to showe just how much of a massive idiot I really am
Loving every laugh just how hard it makes you fucks seeth.
Probably should really. Gaming yellow press.
It's a fucking disgrace that there isn't a single actual high quality game publication in the entire English-speaking world. If there was one we could rally behind it and starve the sensationalist shitrags Kotaku and Polygon of their relevance, but as far as I know there actually isn't one.
i never said it didnt sucked i said it sold well enough for then to actualy make a good game now
nobody expected fury game to be good, in the comics she was the bitchy one
Now you're getting it. The internet is full of retards who can get whipped up into a frenzy over inane shit.
Honestly forgot it happened. But journos sure are desperate to remind me and, more importantly, get me to care.
I don't.
>Why are people acting like the ama itself was bad? It was pretty good even
Cuckchanners still can't get over the fact the AMA wasn't in their /pol/ imageboard.
Its not a fucking strawman, learn what words mean. Yea Forums was shitting on DS3 before this whole shit happened and now its nothing but OMG THQ IS SO FUCKING BASED GUYS CAN'T WAIT FOR DS4
You people are fucking sheep. Legitimate herd animals.
Wow, an actual NPC.
Why do lefties like Resident Evil 4 and Cuphead? Cuphead is too hard for them and RE4 should trigger them due to Ashley's ballistics. Crash Bandicoot is pretty neutral I guess so whatever.
Gamergate was cool in 2014
Now the only people left are raping it's rotting corpse for shekels and it's pathetic
Wait, what the fuck happened?
>tranny can use paint
the lion doesnt give a shit about the opinion of the sheep
Midget porn is fair game, tho.
This is what I'm wishing for too. Only reason I'm in this thread atm.
Well useful idiots and shitposters are going to be here defending retardera and (((games media))) because it's easy (you)s.
>jessica price shirt
Man she deserved to be fired but there is something really weird about selling her likeness when the entire thing was for a game you and your fans have no interest in.
>You said: no, the only thing gamergate did is completely brainwash gullible people like you into narratives against "teh left", "ES JAY DUBLEWS" and "journalism".
I then asked, if GG really was used to brainwash people against journalism if an event that clearly happened showing that your claim is false, in fact happened. That being the Cuphead Pigeon incident. The incident occured after a journo showed toddler tier intellect and zero learning ability including not using his eyes and having worse reaction time than a new born baby a horde of journos came out in his defence saying that you don't need to be at least somewhat competent at games if its your job to talk about them.
>gets called out
>starts moving the goalpost
Did you just have your first debating class and are now trying to apply what you supposedly learned in it?
this might mean that almost all of your assumptions are wrong
Even worse, with 4chanX you can "claim" any posts as your own making this whole samefag accusation and defense from the accusation thing completely pointless.
See, what they’ve done here is, they’ve manufactured a controversy, so that when THQNordic posts shitty first-quarter results due to braindead decisions like “make Metro Exodus an Epic Store exclusive”, these results can be blamed on this PR “nightmare”.
>doesn't know you can just modify the HTML and take a screenshot
First they piss off the far left, which didn't really matter because they don't buy video games. Then they panicked when they started writing mean articles about them and started bowing down and apologizing, which pissed off the anti censorship crown, which is really fucking bad because they ACTUALLY bought their games. I feel like game companies and the far left are both very confused about what's happening. I think they see it as the far left bashes a company, then their stock drops. But what actually happens is the companies surrender their creative freedom to the far left, who will never forgive them anyways, censor shit left and right, and then their core audience drops them in disgust. Then their stock drops. At this point i'm just waiting for it to all burn down.
TLDR; They should have just stayed quiet, ignored everyone, and made good games. Now people from all sides hate their guts.
>imagine being this new
Even plebbitors aren't this obvious anymore.
>starts moving the goalpost
Its like you're repeating terms you learned in middle school but you don't understand how to apply them. Learn to be literate, user.
>trannies and journos are still absolutely seething about gamergate
>trannies and journos are still absolutely seething about gamergate
>trannies and journos are still absolutely seething about gamergate
This is ALL it is about. Anything else said is smokescreen.
They could have just sang it normally instead of doing fucking sicko mode no one asked for
>like omg right fellow gamers XD
>(((we))) don't like this right epic gamers? XDXD
It's fucking old now. I just want these fucks kicked out onto the streets already.
Might as well. It's really not that extraordinary.
journalists have lost all credibility anyways
That's right folks the trannies and journos are seething, give your money to your e-celeb at choice to tell you how bad the SJW menace is
When they say CP they mean loli and shota hentai. They're stretching the truth because it sounds alot worse to simply say "child porn" than "drawings of child characters engaged in sexual acts".
Well Undertale is pretty big on that side so I'd say I'm hitting the mark mostly when it comes to what I expected.
I think this must become a lesson to all the shitlords
Trying to trick game companies into thinking that just because they are potential customers then they *must* be worth talking with.
No matter if they are pedophiles and nazis
Fucking capitalism I swear, making me lose all faith in humanity.
>ad hominem is next
Thanks for proving my point ,fucking retard.
Next time pay more attention in class, you're in desperate need of it.
Can anyone tell me who this monumental retard is quoting?
Nobody likes Vox Day and he was openly and mercilessly mocked for his "Comics Gate" trademark.
Nigger you LITERALLY just adhom'd in your previous post. What a fucking retard you are.
Yeah, fucking sick lolicon shit.
>defending 8gag
>greentext is only quoting! Yea Forums is 100% serious debate, no hyperbole
How long have you been on this site, seriously? You fags have the thinnest skin, I swear to the crucified Christ.
What the fuck is that
That's not even journalism, literally written like an opinion piece on some blog
>"I personally agreed to this AMA without doing my proper due diligence to understand the history and the controversy of the site," said THQ Nordic's PR & marketing director, Philipp Brock. "I do not condone child pornography, white supremacy, or racism in any shape or form.
Cant really blamed for faking mass hysteria when it actually works.
>trannies and journos are still absolutely seething about gamergate
the thing about it that really blows my mind is that gamergate as an event barely even bloodied their noses, but you wouldn't be able to fucking tell based on how they screech about it.
Twitter is not a community in the same was as an imageboard is, there is no overall "twitter culture" that includes anything people find objectionable. Sure there are different boards and some are more separate than others but that's besides the point in this context and these people don't know about that either. It's not really about what the website hosts
If it's just dress-up and has nothing to do with sexuality then why's it pushed as a progressive LGBT thing?
>he really doesn't know what it means
Just keep going retard. My sides are thanking you.
Serious question to the left-leaning white people here.
Do you ACTUALLY think that everyone who dislikes you is a right-wing white dude?
Do you not realize that the rest of us hate your fucking guts because you're annoying cunts who suck all the fun out of the room by whining like little bitches about fucking everything?
I am CONVINCED that there is no bigger faggot on the planet than a left-wing white guy.
ESPECIALLY if they're a faggot, and ESPECIALLY if they're a twinky faggot (I refuse to say trannies, taking hormones and wearing a dress doesn't mean you're not just a gross man).
Seriously though, I didn't used to care, but all these annoying anti-fun white guys are honestly really genuinely making me hate white people.
Please tell me these people are just a vocal minority that the rest of you understand are fucking morons.
I fully expect this guy to make another video about this whole drama, its become a trend.
What about that time zoequin fucked 5 different games journalist for good reviews then faked her own dox saying that Yea Forums did it so she could look like the victim?
not really basedournos slow week
what is it any attention is good attention since they have nothing right now
Honey can kill them. Honey is powerful.
When someone resorts to the HAHA I'M LAUGHING SO HARD reaction images you know they really ran out of material. Damn, you got fucking wrecked.
I haven't seen anyone talking about that, I've seen people talking about pictures of real children that aren't technically child porn but are obviously sexual and people are obviously posting them for sexual reasons
>Binbougami ga will never get a second season to finish off the anime since the manga finished
It hurts...
>t. seething incel
literally bacha bazi for kafir
Puritan values + Jewish influence = Modern American Culture.
>large breast
>Do you not realize that the rest of us hate your fucking guts because you're annoying cunts who suck all the fun out of the room by whining like little bitches about fucking everything?
That's exclusive to the left?
To answer your question, no. I assume 75% of the people here are shitposting children.
Game journalists are not game journalists by all wanted to work for the new york times or somewhere they consider important but had to settle for places like Kotaku and Polygon which is why they hate themselves and their """"job""""
Didn't that bitch ended up being a porn actress?
>someone uses images
>on an imageboard
>you got fucking wrecked
If only you could see the irony.
So your fun is just circle-jerking about SJWs? Oh no how terrible somebody made fun of you for your dumb circle-jerking
When is Hiro going to ban all mobileposters?
>hosting an AMA on 8ch of all fucking places isn't a terrible fucking look?
I dunno, tell me, what's "bad look" about it. When looking at it objectively without any sensationalized bullshit there is nothing wrong with it.
>That's exclusive to the left?
Not the left, the white left.
And yea, basically.
Every time I see some white dude complaining about some fucking stupid shit and trying to ban something that other people enjoy that's genuinely harmless fun it's some left-wing white cunt.
It's not even a leftism thing, it is SPECIFICALLY a white leftism thing.
Well, there goes SR5.
>Implying there will ever be a new Comanche game
You're a funny guy.
>sure there are different boards and some are more separate than others but that's besides the point
Uh that's not besides the point at all. You admit yourself that culture varies board by board yet you still say something retarded like
>Twitter is not a community in the same was as an imageboard is
as opposed to tumblr ama?
Gee user
>wanting to bad phoneposters
ITT damage controlling 9gaggers
>That's exclusive to the left?
the guy in the video doesnt come here. he makes his videos sucking card games cock and then lefists come here to complain about it
so yeah i would say its fucking exclusive to the left
It's a fucking disgrace that there isn't a single actual high quality game publication in the entire English-speaking world. If there was one, we could rally behind it and starve the sensationalist shitrags Kotaku and Polygon of their relevance, but as far as I know there actually isn't one.
You're only cementing the fact that I'm making the correct choice by hating and shitting on left-leaning white people.
The more I see of you people the more I realize that whites are the cancer keeping leftism from being a true mainstay and not just a borderline joke co-opted by retarded white guys who think they're special because they're crazy and want to be girls.
That has ESPECIALLY gotten to me, white trannies are genuinely a cancer on society.
A lot of the non-white trannies are pretty chill and have a live-and-let-live mentality, while the white dude trannies are CONSTANTLY trying to ban shit they don't like.
No need to ban them, hopefully Hiro will make them pay to post soon.
>the guy in the video doesnt come here.
Jeremy literally got caught samefagging on /tg/ you fucking clown.
When's the last time the right has tried to ban something? The mid 90's?
>blue checkmark
Every time.
People have always been able to use HTML or paint to edit it, 4chanX having it as an option just reinforces the notion that screenshots don't mean shit.
>drawn pictures are real people too
All you fucks do with it is showing just how mentally disabled you really are.
The biggest german gaming news site didn't even write an article about it.
Polygon can't even handle virtual guns without being offended.
Can you name exactly which game developers are really upset?
Woah, people post loli on infchan? Shit dude, that’s hardcore. You’ll never find that on our goodboy paradise of Yea Forums, or on reddit, or in discord, or on facebook. That’s the sign of a true hardcore internet hive of crime.
ok ill bite. I just find it frustrating when people whose stated goal is to "get politics out of video games" define politics as minorities and nothing else. In your very post you go on a little tangent about how you dont like trans people and "faggots" which perfectly illustrates why you can come off as right wing as thats the side of the spectrum almost always associated with having issues with minorities. If i go around talking about inclusiveness and welfare i cant be surprised when im labeled as left wing, especially in a place where someone cant look at post history and can only judge on what they see.
when i see your post i see someone who inherently thinks their position is the middle rational choice when in reality it is distinctly on the right side of the spectrum. But shit, i dont know you maybe im totally wrong
>THQ chose to do an AMA on 8/v/.
>Yea Forums gets mad as fuck at THQ.
>It pisses off resetera, journos and reddit.
>Core Yea Forums contrarians now love THQ.
>It turns out to be a shitstorm because infinitechan is a hive for white supremecists and pedophiles. Was even delisted by google.
>infinite chan cross boarding faggots have been on Yea Forums non-stop doing damage control.
christ centered gamer is surprisingly based
>some blue check mark on twitter says it's bad
Holy fuck you people are insufferable.
They had one and the usual suspects commented on it, with the same pc hivemind that plagued the site in the last couple years.
like i literaly said on my post
>and then lefists come here to complain about it
none a single of those fucking posts is postive about the guy
every single thread here on Yea Forums is shitalking the fucker
i didnt even KNEW the fucker before you faggots kept making DAILY threads about how much he sucks
I think their fans on *chan forums will be happy and the vast majority of people won't care.
Developing games is about catering to your audience, not making sure no one ever gets upset about what you do.
You can go to Yea Forums and sometimes here on Yea Forums and see cunny posting.. So by that logic you're on a child porn website right now.
Besides you know these journos just play a game of telephone where their claims just get more and more outlandish since none of them bother to do any research besides circlejerk and cite articles and tweets that other (((journos))) have written.
Why do people believe the twisted narrative that Yea Forums had anything to do with gamergate?
The only thing Yea Forums did was blow the whistle on talentless losers making shit games and writing shit reviews despite their inability to actually play video games.
How though? People like you have your fun by making fun of "seething trannies" and whatever and people like me and the guy who responded to you originally have fun by making fun of people like you. Can you seriously not take being made fun of on an anonymous imageboard? Why are you even here?
>The mid 90's?
The right in Europe banned Rule of Rose. I'm sure I could find an American example if I really tried.
there is no such thing as big tiddie lolis
>Do you not realize that the rest of us hate your fucking guts because you're annoying cunts who suck all the fun out of the room by whining like little bitches about fucking everything
have you somehow missed the last few years of autists having a complete meltdown whenever there's so much as a sprite of a brown person in a game
It was delisted because a game journalist tried to smear it by posting CP and then reporting about it. Then cripplechan called the police on him and he got in trouble. Edginess sells more video games than wokeness so the only blunder from THQNordic was to apologize afterwards.
lmao fag
> Drag kids aren't pedophilic in nature.
I want you to take a good look at this (((promoted content))) and tell me that you don’t see anything sexual.
If it’ll help, imagine this same picture replaced with anime girls. The media would be screaming bloody murder.
Post you main boards redbros. Mines /shota/ and /realshota/
>which perfectly illustrates why you can come off as right wing
Okay, I'm going to blow your mind right here right now.
Disliking faggots and trannies is only "right wing" for retarded white people, the rest of us hate them regardless of which side of the political spectrum we fall on.
Personally, I have a specific hatred of white trannies and faggots because they're all annoying busybody cunts who try to get people banned for saying things they don't like.
I will 100% maintain that white people as a whole are RUINING leftism.
>Was even delisted by google
Oh, well if Google says something is bad it must be bad.
Here's the truth. On the Resetera forums they were saying this is a terrifying precedent for them. They basically said this.
>If their sales improve because of this fiasco it will make other companies realize that the alt right nazis are a market they can use
Can anyone help correct the record and tell what the think about this whole situation?
Sounds like you fell for advertising on Yea Forums, cuckboy.
Yeah I'm pretty sure a lot of them would see Yea Forums as a child porn website. In fact I think I've seen a lot of anti-loli people saying that before.
>something fictional doesn't really exist
Nice dude you figured it out.
Wow, you sound like an impartial observer there user. You’re definitely not trying to swing a narrative here.
>Inside gaming says 8ch is a CP hive
>never been
>decide to check out the side
>it's all drawn shit
People should really stop throwing around the word CP so lightly. and i would have hoped one of the guys at funhaus would have checked the site they were talking about.
Until THQ can deliver me a GOOD JA game. Nope.
At least I will never be a tasteless cowtits fan.
>he got in trouble
Just trouble? Why isn't the fucker in jail for that shit? What he did was horrific.
Why do you hate white people? My right leaning friends and I all have a ton of guns. Would you like to try and get rid of us?
I just can't help but feel this statistic is complete BS. I like games on both sides. Almost 50/50.
keep using buzzwords
it totaly doest make you sound angry
lol case in point.
Again, show me the ban.
Alright so why are you here on a child porn website then?
Nah, I just don't like retarded white people who try to ban things they don't like, and most of those people who post on the internet are left-wing, such as yourself.
Hell, I am VERY economically left-wing, but I'm not white, so I don't shill for faggots like a little bitch.
Except those people have no power and can't do shit to stop that or ban those games.
When a faggot white dude complains about a game like DoA or SK that results in said games being censored, so YES, I hate leftist white dudes MUCH more.
You are slimy little fucks who behave just like the right-wing guys only on the opposite side of the spectrum.
It'd be better if you all just fucking hurried up and died.
Fuck you guys 9 V O L T is based.
>Why is posting an AMA on infchan a bad idea for a company?
>"Oh here look at this, they're advertising shota and loli boards"
>get retarded replies like:
You people are fucking dipshits. I bet you'd flip the fuck out over Retardera's ads too.
>Yea Forums gets mad as fuck at THQ.
What weird fucking timeline do you live in?
Go back to your containment website, pedo.
>A dude was bad at a video game for half an hour
This guy you linked is a shill for the journo's isn't he? How do you not understand the issue?
The issue wasn't "oh he's bad at games and that's horrible" NO. The issue is that he managed to show some genuinely terrifying prospects.
>hand eye coordination worse than that of a crippled child's
>no reading ability
>no problem solving or cognitive thinking skills
>no ability to learn from your mistakes
There's being kinda shit at a game and getting hit THEN there's not learning from your mistakes and doing the same thing over and over again EVEN WHEN the information is on screen. No one's expecting the journo's to be able to beat Metal Slug 3 1cc or something crazy like that. FUCK NO, what they want are people that have abilities that don't pale to that of a fucking toddlers or to put it more clearly.
Have abilities that match their fucking age.
I'd expect a retarded 3 year old to struggle with that tutorial. A normal 3 year old would learn from his mistakes. This is a man over the age of 25. A man over the age of 25 SHOULD HAVE THE ABILITY TO READ AND DO SIMPLE PROBLEM SOLVING. The only ONLY excuse is if he dropped out of kindergarten and spent his entire life as a NEET playing alone with no technology.
he was on the "right side of history" why are you mad he started a conversation ?
>Except those people have no power
They have the power to turn this board into even more of a shithole than it already is and I cannot leave
why is xis hand turning into a faucet
Reminder that jim literally steals your data with racequeen. Only a cuck would use his site.
I thought something fucked up happened. But it turns out all the "Pedophile" scare was just big titty anime girl pictures on cripplechan.
You know, unlike Reset Era and Reddit, who had pedophile support groups and subreddits like dead children and jailbait.
>im not mad, ur mad!
They use it because they can't be bothered to verify the truth for themselves or because it suits the narrative to lie.
Not really, but their immediate cave-in and backtracking solidified the case against them.
It's literally what happened.
It's not even a strawman.
I specifically hate annoying no-fun faggots who ironically will shill for giant corporations if it means getting rid of the "meanie pies on the internet ;_:."
It just so happens that most of these people tend to be white, and most of them tend to be left-wing.
This board is a shithole because all the white people here are dumbfuck culture warriors such as yourself.
Because it wasn't real CP, it was smudged photos of kids in swimsuitwear. The guy was lying.
Methinks the resetera plant doth protest too much.
Ever since Obama, it has always been the left.
The video is a complete joke. Dude cherry picks comments that no one even gave a single thumbs up so he can paint a picture that works in his favor. Meanwhile a google search away shows a kotaku article crying about racism and cuphead
Because he is a unironic piece of shit human being.
That's not exclusive to the left, but "the left" - the intersectional types and their "allies" - are the establishment, and can peddle and preach their bullshit and be douchebags unimpeded because of general corruption and nepotism. True for games media and many other circles.
Or the time the scamming chick lied about getting doxxed and had people too scared to even order a fucking pizza by phone calling her and sending her highly verbose death threats?
Who the fuck is trying to ban anything in this conversation?
Alright, I'm backing off on that. Sorry about that, someone's bound to bait like that.
>this was a calculated move
Why are they always so confident they KNOW the motive?
Liking cartoon drawings depicting children is bad. Telling actual parents to put their actual children on hormone treatments is good.
It's only a "bad look" for the company because faggots such as yourself have to feign outrage about it. The fact so many people had to lie about the situation is proof enough they're not operating in good faith.
this is the joke
facts matter so little, if blue check marks on twitter say you're hosting pedophile content, then you're a pedophile
The thing that gets me about this is that pretty much every site that has ever gotten very popular that allows people to host content has at some point had some creep shithold dick post child pronography there. It happened on Reddit.
YouTube has an active child porn sharing network.
8 chan has thousands and thousands of user created boards. it's going to happen, but what matters is if the site does something about it when it does and 8 chan did that.
I guarantee none of these people would get upset if somebody did an AMA on Reddit.
fpbp, i already forget about that but they still keep on digging
>This board is a shithole because all the white people here are dumbfuck culture warriors such as yourself.
>I've been here for two weeks
oh okay
Yea Forums was never about anime. Just because it's called 4"chan" the Japanese honorific for a girl doesn't mean it's anime centric. Fuck off.
Wasn't 8ch booted out of Archive because they kept making actual cp boards and flooded the site with cp? Not even daily Stormer has managed to get kicked off archive.
Look at the replies in these threads, it's always the same, makes a thread about him then shits on him. Same with many OAG threads, there made by a faggot discord group.
But you probably know that you lying piece of shit
Yeah, really unprofessional to do this on a site that host legal porn on a different board. Almost as bad as all those companies who in the past did promotional stuff on sites that hosted illegal porn like Reddit and Tumblr or those that did nothing against pedophiles like Neogaf and YouTube. Oh wait
Did you forget about shit like Sean trying to get people to boycott Gillette? Its a big fucking shit sandwich and the feces is coming from both sides.
hes one of those gay accounts that only posts about video games while constantly crying about the dreaded "GAMERS"
Why would there be CP? In the transparency report at the top of every page, you can see EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE in where they cooperated with law enforcement(US or otherwise) to take down copyrighted shit, or to stop CP. One of which really interests me:
>received and ignored one (1) request from foreign (non-US) authorities - the Russian Roskomnadzor requested the deletion of a thread on /cop/;
I'm just trying to figure out what cartoon/comic r34 attracted the attention of the russkie FCC.
What a breathtakingly retarded decision. They should have seen this reaction coming a mile away. I don't believe no one working there knows that site's reputation.
Because they're developmentally stunted to the capacity of children and children have a tough time putting themselves in the shoes of others. Children attribute their own motivations to the entire world around them.
>drawings have rights
>The fact so many people had to lie about the situation is proof enough they're not operating in good faith.
The irony. No point talking to people who have chugged the kool-aid of their side.
Gilette doesn’t seem compelled to offer an apology.
"chan" is short for "channel". It never had anything to do with the japanese honorific.
It's not this conversation you stupid fuck, it's in general.
Yes, anyone who's not a fucking moron knows that the people trying to (and succeeding in) ban shit are left-wing white dumbfucks.
I've been browsing Yea Forums regularly since mid-2009, bonafide cancer.
And yes, this board has become extremely shit because every fucking thread devolves into retards like you arguing with other retards about your stupid fucking politics.
You're annoying, no-fun cunts and I want you fucking gone, I wish white genocide was actually real so you'd fuck off.
So fucking sick of you worthless cunts.
Always funny seeing leftist cry about pixels why they approve of shit like Desmond is Amazing.
Fuck off newfag
Reminder that after using my custom extension to track specific users on Resetera it has been known that all these controversial topics from the past 3 months comprise of the same 87 users. 10 of them specifically have the highest post count in all those threads.
it never was about anime but if you dont like anime you dont belong in here
>how about fucking reddit
>or twitter
>or twitch
how about you go back to those sites and stay there faggot
Is it a strawman when that's literally what the argument is? Read the thread.
>Its unprofessional and drags your company's name through the mud.
Other devs and companies have held Ama in cripplechan and they've been fine. Daniel Vavra went out of his way to antagonize twitter mob SJWs and Kingdom Come: Deliverance sold well anyway. Theres nothing unprofessional about marketing directly towards your real audience instead of using the corrupt middle-men to do it.
>whataboutism in action
>the jews
Did you know that there’s a japanese site called “2chan” that Yea Forums draws inspiration from directly?
>"chan" is short for "channel"
You're wrong. You should lurk some more newbie.
I'd say they did the right thing. Better for it to die young than live and have bigger idiots than Yea Forumsirgins playing it. Any type of Yea Forumsirgin, whatever site doesn't matter.
They're better but only in the sense that they wear their bias on their sleeve instead of trying to trick people into agreeing with them.
I'd be less angry at Shitaku too if it was named insufferablelibtardreviews.org.
I want a gaming website which
>reviews all relevant new games and reports on RELEVANT news only, not non-issues
>all reviews are made by a knowledgeable expert in that genre who has played games from it for a minimum of 15 years for his own enjoyment
>writers are strictly forbidden from bringing up their race, sex, sexuality or political viewpoints in any context
>writers must ALWAYS take the side of the general gaming public and consumer in every issue, regardless of anything else
>writers must not look down on genres or aesthetic styles that have an audience (ie. anime) nor try to impose their worldview on the readers
Yeah but millenials have no self awareness and have no shame in being shit at games, not trying at all to get better at them then complaining about how bosses in video games are bad or some gay shit like that, it's always some guy in its late 20s complaining about a game a kid could get good at easily.
>I've been browsing Yea Forums regularly since mid-2009
and still you make assumptions about anons and think that everyone is one person
If the real gaming audience is on 8/v/ why is it so dead and why do all you cripples come here to shitpost?
>chan" is short for "channel
Just arrived from trannyera I persume?
>When looking at it objectively without any sensationalized bullshit
>posts sensationalized bullshit and lies by some twitter faggot.
CP is illegal on 8 just like on Yea Forums, if you go there you won't tell any difference.
It's only a issue for braindead leftists who think the internet is serious business.
>Muh real word that means you can't call me out on my hypocrisy
I know I just like the fact that he pissed off a bunch of reggie fans who were acting like he died or something
>MFW Resetera still didn't find my sock puppet account despite it being posted in these threads every time.
It's in the first 5 pages of the thread
The difference is that Gillette hasn't been forced to apologize and no one working at Gillette has been fired.
Which knight would you pick as a companion to take care of in your (J)RPG journey?
So what happened with operation fuck it, we're outta here? Why did you come back when you so smugly proclaimed 8ch would kill Yea Forums?
>writers must always take the side of the gaming public
Eh, this is a bad rule.
I'm economically left leaning but overwhelming libertarian when it comes to pretty much anything else.
Gays can be gay, trannys can cut their dick off, and I can buy and own guns.
The gay fucks got what they wanted and stabbed me in the back, using dead kids as an excuse to take my guns, so fuck them.
All censorship is wrong. Even if you're censoring the most vile/retarded bullshit, it's still unacceptable.
It's a good point. Moralfags should be consistent and not turn a blind eye to their own websites. Not to mention it's also pointing out that pretty much every website with content uploaded by users will eventually have that problem.
I make assumptions about white people because I observe reality you mongoloid.
I'm not just talking about Yea Forums, you think you suddenly completely change your behavior when you come here?
No, you bring your retarded culture warrior and no-fun "leftism" here and shit the board up just as much as /pol/tards.
Again, I wish white genocide was actually real so you'd fuck off.
So someone makes fun of a right wing post here and your response is to assume that they're a person who wants to ban everything they don't like and go on this back rant addressed to "the left-leaning white people here" about how they're all taking the fun out of everything, and then when they make fun of you again you say "you're only cementing the fact that I'm making the correct choice by hating and shitting on left-leaning white people". Yeah I'm really not following the logic here
>Japanese honorific for a girl
I see you're just ignoring the big banner about shota and loli. Yes, these are things that should be associated with your company brand and logo.
Memes have rotted your brains and destroyed your filter to the real world.
>why is it so dead
Constant server issues. And theres people who lurk both boards, unlike you who lurk both Resetera and Yea Forums.
Wow, impressive first time, unique IP bait.
Because conservitards have no backbone or commitment, I guess.
Man these people are crazy. One podcast said they are afraid that this will cause more people to go on the chan sites. Apparently this can "inspire" and "rally" the moderate alt right gamers.
Late game powerhouses are the best. I would fuck the shit out of the dark knight though.
>Yes, these are things that should be associated with your company brand and logo.
YT and Reddit has more actual CP than all imageboards combined yet tranny faggots defend that place anyway.
SJWs don't actually play games, so no.
This basically
Saw the tread
They were actually pretty professional and didn’t reply to 90% of shitposts.
>Except those people have no power and can't do shit to stop that or ban those games.
Aw ye bby move those goal posts.
No, I've been here since before /pol/ existed.
I've literally never been to resetera unlike you fags that go there to screencap posts for easy (You)'s. I did go to cripplechan though and I stopped because it sucked dick.
Call me a discord tranny next
I agree with you 100%, I might find gays and trannies gross but so long as they're not trying to push that shit on me or force me to accept them, I don't give a fuck.
I actually have no problem with libertarians for the most part (if some of them would just drop all the corporate worship I'd have much less of a problem with them) because they tend to embody the "live-and-let-live" style of living.
Unfortunately, most of the left-wing white people I've met and seen are no-fun cunts who want to make everyone as miserable as they are.
Jesus christ this post is formatted like shit.
Did you respond to the wrong post or something?
>I'm a leet hacker, trust me
it's just what i said: half truths. the only thing that proves is that there are some utterly incompetent retards out there.
and it is okay to suck at games even as a gaming journalist. there is the bell curve and people everyone has their spot. there is nothing SPECIAL about him. normal players can suck that much and playtesters suck just as hard. you and me might not find any use in his reviews but others will.
it's a different story if he made reviews on he difficulty of it based on his own exceptional failings, but that's not what happened. he originally posted his failings as comedy.
what you wrote is a classic way to point out falling for bait so i didn't pay attention beyond that.
so in the end you just wrote
>no ur the brainwashed one!!
that's also what i'm saying so good job i guess. you people are gullible beyond saving.
Me too. The slime knight, not the dark knight though. The mage is for me.
Also the media isn't in their pocket.
Game Informer is really heading this outrage. Like damn I haven't seen them rally so hard since goofy goober.
So you’re saying the right doesn’t really band together to ban things much, huh? You can frame it as “They just don’t commit to it” but that’s just trying to spin the fact that they don’t fucking ban shit.
No, it's the most important rule. The writers need to understand who they exist to serve. Not themselves, not the devs or publishers, and certainly not other journos. They exist to serve the gamers. They should never be friends with companies, and they shouldn't even be friends with each other. They should only be friends with gamers. They need to love gamers and cherish them and support them and make love to them.
The #1 reason Kotaku and Polygon are shit is because they forgot that - if they ever even realized it in the first place. It's not just that they're incompetent, it's that they regard game companies as more important than gamers and take the side of the companies against the gamers, time and time again.
>One podcast said they are afraid that this will cause more people to go on the chan sites.
Thats what happens when you try and tell kids something is taboo and dangerous. Its just going to make them more curious about it.
this is unironically a good summary of events
That's another thing, white people overuse the fuck out of "moving the goalposts."
If one group is complaining but has no effect, then obviously I don't give a fuck about them compared to the other group that's complaining but DOES have an effect, and left-wing white people are the ones successfully banning shit they don't like in the modern era, ESPECIALLY withing the last 6 or 7 years.
You LITERALLY cannot argue against this.