Let's continue the wild ride

Let's continue the wild ride.
Echoes is fine, but lacks compared to the newer Fire Emblem games.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>yet another shill thread
How many do you plan on making? Do you not have a life, just repeating the same threads about a shit game over and over again?

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Fuck Sacred Stones and fuck you.

My first thread, you're probably talking about the guy making the last one.



You know who you are. Imagine missing the point of CQ 25 on thinking it's just 1v1 when it's about rushing through both routes.

How is 20 not hard with the winds constantly making you have to take account of positioning while pretty much making it that your units are spread out more, debuffs screwing units that get blown away even more, and the reinforcements from everywhere requiring you to pay attention to the whole map.

How are the Hoshidans not in danger in 18 when there's a turn limit.

12 is literally a better escape chapter than 21 with having more enemy variety, less prone to being cheesed, side objectives with the chests and multiple ways to beat the map (break all the pots, weave through the pots or go through the locked side doors)

Echoes is the best 3DS game
Fuck CQfags even though CQ is second best and fuck niggers

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Awakening and Birthright are the best FE games.

It's not your first thread you fucking shill, Yea Forums really is the biggest fucking retards alive. Make a shill thread like this and you people come out of the wordworks like crazy since they are rotten trash, but make any kind of other FE thread an it barely gets replies now

FE 6 is one the only three worthwhile FEs with Fates (-Revelations) and Radiant Dawn

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Made. For. Girls!


>but make any kind of other FE thread an it barely gets replies now
Are you new to Yea Forums?

>Wanting to hear more autistic screeching from between FEfags

Just shut down all FE threads until more TH shit comes to light.

This. Let's post Tharja to celebrate Awakening being the best FE!

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i really like the art style of echos, celica in particular

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Make a FE thread right now that isn't shilling. See who gets more replies.

ding dong your opinion is wrong

>Let's continue the wild ride.
Let's not.

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It's because there's always some autistic fuck who will throw a fit when someone says they like a game other than Conquest

>Echoes is fine
No it isn't.
>but lacks compared to the newer Fire Emblem games
The new ones are also shit.

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Silly user. All threads are shills.

>Chadquest in the lead
Yea Forums was based for once

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Or you just want to shill a really shit game since you have nothing in your life

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Well, you can't deny fact.

>CQ winning
Considering how garbage Yea Forums's taste is, it wouldn't surprise me if it was a people botting.

Only Echoes ones mainly

Fuck off retard

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user, please let it rest, at this point you're just baiting everyone into a shitposting thread.

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Of course. Yea Forums loves bad games like Echoes

Conquest is the best one, but I'll always have a soft spot for Awakening since it got me into FE.

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Cope with what? You are fucking retarded and don't want to stop bumping

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Fuck off shill

Fuck off retard, I never said I liked Gaidenshit. I'm just tired of seeing all the same copypastas on every FE thread I open.
Don't reply to me.

Conquest is too my favourite but even though Awakening has aged poorly for me it still has a cast I quite like and still have fond memories thinking Frederick would carry more for the entire game.

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Shit taste all around

Then why is conquest winning the poll?

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>9 is shit because after 2 turns.
After two turns what?

It's time to kill yourself shill.

I'm surprised no one gives birthright a vote since I keep hearing people saying it has the best story out of the three routes.
Glad to see people still sees fire emblem as a game.

How about you go slurp some shit and choke to death, fatesfaggot.

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How the fuck should I know? It's a good game.

>Birthrightfags fags too busy slaying pussy to vote while Cuckquest and Echoes fags are busy botting
Based Sakurafags

Because its shit.

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Kill yourself shill

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But Yea Forums likes shit games, right?

There’s overlap between birthright and awakening, and frankly if you place more value on story you’re sure as fuck not going to vote for fates and if you care more about gameplay you’re more likely to vote for conquest or awakening(because me lyke big numbers)

Fuck off and kill yourself

Some retards are botting the poll because they can't handle the fact that Yea Forums prefers Echoes, sadly.
Conquest is too good for Yea Forums, and it's not even the best FE game.

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The fact that Revelations got one vote over Birthright, despite Birthright actually having decent gameplay boggles my mind.

Yes that's why Yea Forums likes Echoes

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It's a meme vote

Maybe because they are both trash and you feel the need to talk about it.

But conquest is winning, user

by best story they mean it's not a horrific dumpster fire like Conquest and Rev. Also it's definitely the blandest of the 3 routs, Rev is a train wreck but there's a certain spectacle in how terrible they fucked up certain parts of the game

Yes Yea Forums likes shit games. Do you really need to shill for it everyday?

Oh boy, sounds like another massive flamebait FE thread.

Conquest isn't exactly a big number FE. Or well, it is, but more on the same level as PoR.
Revelations a few fun and unique maps. Also, Anankos was pretty hype.
That's about it.

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There is no overlap. They are both shit

So people that like conquest need to use bots to win because they can't handle someone saying otherwise?

Yes it doesnt make sense

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I just want to talk about Fire Emblem. Something which isn't allowed unless you make a FE waifu thread or posting in /fe(h)g/.

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I want a remake of Lyn's game.

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It's another shill thread more like. These people are fucking disabled to talk about the same thing every single time.

>FE waifu thread or posting in /fe(h)g/.
And even if you try it there, you get shit on for trying to talk about Fire Emblem.

God I want to CARESS Celica's HAIR

Why do you ask me? Ask them.

The real answer is that all of the 3DS entries are trash.

They would make it more apparent she's wearing something since they'll use 3D models.

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No you don't you just want to make another shitposting thread and literally every single person is proving my point. That's how dumb FEfags are

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And I want you to kill yourself you fucking retard.

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>Hector's game

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Are you guys talking about Nino's game?

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Yea Forums makes me proud today.

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Fuck off shill

Fuck off raul

talking about obscure tactics games is shilling yes

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Nino is the cutest

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Nice try you fucking shill. Fuck off already.

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>23 ips
>50+ votes

You have got your Legendary "Powercreeps Ike and steals his bike" Roy, right?

Too bad she is an absolute garbage unit if you don't save up all the stat boost items for her.
And her map is also ruthless.
But she is the cutest.

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No, but I got my Legendary Robin to +5.

Don't reply to me shill!

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B-but I like Nino.

It's time to go back

Who the fuck cares go back

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Est units were a mistake. At least with trainee units like Ross and Mozu the enemies don't eclipse the trainees too much and it's not that late in the game to face too much competition.

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Your pathetic life was a mistake shill. Fuck off already

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What are the toughest chapters in Conquest? I'm playing it for the first time right now, hard mode, and I've heard it's supposed to be really tough but the only really challenging chapters have been like 10, and maybe 17. I'm up to 21 now. Does it pick up?

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>Lewyn is tied with Morgan and Soren is ahead of Cecilia
Come on wind mage bros stick it up against those Mommy/daughter fags.


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The ones where you kill yourself. Sadly it seems you haven't beaten it yet

Agreed. I don't really get the point in introducing extremely weak units late game. I guess it is for the people who saved a lot of stat boosts, but in some games you get units who can't even nudge the health bar on weaker enemies.

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Yeah, the later chapters are generally harder that early-mid ones in Conquest

Not at all

Refines for dc weapons when? Even 5 hp and 4 def or res would be a huge help

Why the fuck does it matter

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10 is probably considered the hardest one and the more fun. The last couple of maps are challenging depending on your units.

>Hard mode
There's your problem
Chapters like 8, 12, 16, 20, 21, 25, 26 and ESPECIALLY Endgame get way harder in Lunatic.

I don't remember a lot of the maps, but some of the hardest are obviously Fuga's Wild Ride and the Stairway to Hell

chapter 25 and 26 are pretty tough, particularly if you're playing blind first time, and the final map is arguably the toughest final map in the series

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They are shit like the rest of the game

The hardest ones for me tend to be the takumi maps, ryoma’s map, and the final chapter

If you played fire emblem, you'd know why.

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The final ones are actually the hardest ones. But if you really didn't have that much trouble up until this point then you probably won't have trouble now.

I don't remember if the wind map is in conquest. But that's the only map I'm like "yeah, fuck this shit".

Played lots of shit games don't fucking worry about that

They aren't at all. Imagine being this fucking retarded

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Are you playing on normal? I'd actually go for hard, that's what I did on my first playthrough. Normal is just way too easy.

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Learn to read, Nino.

Is it the same retard from last thread spamming?

Wow you are fucking pathetic

Every single chapter from 21 onwards is rape. 21 is reasonably easy to cheese though.

Oh, nevermind. Didn't see the hard mode.

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>can cheese every single one without trying

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Kill yourself

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No they aren't they are fucking jokes like the rest of the game. Kamui solo so hard, Marx solo so hard. one turn endgame so hard

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Lunatic for any game on a 99%-blind run seemed a little too ridiculous to me.
As in chapter 20? Wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it'd be, that map was pure intimidation factor. Though I finished a lot more slowly than I'm happy with at 16 turns
Glad to hear it. The game itself is pretty fun so I'm hoping it's not just built on hype.

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They can be a bitch if you go outside the royal family comfort zone. Sadly, Corrin and the siblings makes most of the game easy.

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>Wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it'd be
It's not that it is hard. I just don't like the design of it.

It's built on nothing but hype. Marx can solo the fucking game no problem. Later chapters aren't close to "difficult"

No because he loves Conquest, it's probably someone false flagging.
Or maybe he finally snapped, I don't know.

Or both.

>Marx can solo the fucking game no problem.
no he cant

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>fan """"translation"""" names

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>Marx can solo the fucking game no problem.
You're mixing up Xander with Ryouma. Or you are playing on normal.

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>23 with Hinata's death squad that requires only the most tankiest EP units or 4D chess tier PP play to get past due to a lot of the enemies buffing each other with rallies. Getting on the wall is a scramble to quickly establish a frontline as fast as possible. Fly skipping Hinata is possible but still requires you to deal with the bow users near the wall and other enemy soldiers
>25 with Inevitable end requiring a shuriken breaker specialist while you need to use your other units to deal with the non shuriken user, all on a turn limit with both routes stretched out from other, requiring you to split up or do a time consuming back track.
>26 has staves be a staple you have to deal with with both rooms again requiring the most ideal units to handle them with sorcerors dealing 46 damage, and maids with freeze and enfeeble on the right, and tanky as fuck faceless with seals and stoneborne with poison strike and seals on the left. When you get to the bottom room, you have to deal with reinforcement behind you beelining for you.

>Only on hard
>Lying that much when both get shit on by mages

You really should try lunatic next time. Lunatic Conquest is like a marvel of the video game industry. It instead of relying on stat buffs, gives enemies skills, changes reinforcements and enemy formations, map quirks and makes weapon triangle matter even more.

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Yeah he can you stupid fuck. With +Kamui backpack. He only gets walled at endgame but that's it and still can rescue skip it.

I don't know man, I was kind of spoiled before playing to know that giving him a constant pair up with Charlotte made him a real monster, but I can tell there's no way he'd be soloing these chapters. Maybe if he had Sol, or something.

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You mean his actual name?

No he can objectively "solo" it

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Shill implies they're being paid to do this user.
No one is trying to sell a game that can be emulated on Citra

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You can make it Marx or Marks. I'd go with Marks. Fits his look more.

You could solo every fucking game in this series.

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>72 Votes
>none for Birthright

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Easy as fuck. Just use Marx no anti turtle incentive
Flyer skip
Kill Ryouma with Kamui
Marx solo
A fucking joke
One turn clear. He can on lunatic too shill.

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i've only ever played awakening and conquest, had a lot of fun. why do the FE games have to be spread across so many consoles and remain full-priced to this day? it's like nintendo or whoever owns the franchise wish to deter new fans

And that's what is happening.

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Which is stupid because it's objectively better than Awakening

Marx is better

Nice meme

echoes has amazing art and music, plus the story is miles ahead of conquests:
''o-ohkay dad''
*does obviously bad thing*
''hmm maybe i did a bad thing''
*does it again anyway because ???*
god, fate's story was terrible. echoes is no shakespeare either, but i enjoyed it for what it was.
Echoes also had better characters. the gameplay was pretty easy though. it makes me sad FE treehouse looks as terrible as a Warriors game and has ''my first anime oc'' character design

Maybe because Conquest players are fucking retards.

I think the flawed design of Awakening is more interesting than anything related to Birthright

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>One turn clear. He can on lunatic too shill.
I have a hard time seeing that, but I'll give you the benefit of a doubt.

>why do the FE games have to be spread across so many consoles
Because the series is like 30 years old
>remain full-priced to this day
I don't, but you can emulate most of them on a toaster

>Just use Xander despite him being facing a lot of enemies with lances with s rank weapon triangle advantage and there being mages
>Just flier skip despite bolt naginata falcon knights, ommyojis and kinshi knights all over the place
>Kill Ryoma when your Corrin isn't always going to be rng blessed to kill Ryoma and when you're missing out on the treasure
>Xander soloing the mage room in 26 when they deal 46 damage average with the maids with enfeeble making Xander even more weak

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Both are dogshit get over yourself



Echoes is pretty shitty desu

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No one cares

And one dogshit is better than the other

No I mean you can one turn endgame easy. Not with Marx only through

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Fire Emblem is an embarrassment among video games.
They rely on RNG, but have minimal (sometimes none) layers for the player to manipulate. The stories are borderline nonsense and there never feels like an actual war is occuring. The lore, even in the multi-game spanning sagas, is unworthy of a "Young Adult" novel with no depth or characterization beyond tropes.
The gameplay is unbalanced, and is even worse in the newer iterations, rewarding you for using less units on Hard (Normal) and clotheslining you into grinding/reseting for RNG on Lunatic ("Hard").
Visual Novel Emblem is the antithesis of video games, and its fanbase (and designers) worse than Neptunia or Atelier.
Stop making these threads and go play a fucking video for once in your life.

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Marx can still "solo" all those chapters. He just gets walled at endgame. Those are just alt solutions for a full team comp

>Has no same turn acting reinforcement bullshit
>Nerfed counter to require stupid strats of unequiping your weapon
>Guard stance was nerfed and attack stance actively encourages usage of smart positioning
>Better unit balance (Ryoma needs to dodge tank where as Robin can just noseferatu heal the damage off)
>Better map design
Birthright is literally better

Shut the fuck up already

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Yeah but that's every FE game.

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>Conquest rewards you for using less units in Lunatic and is grinding based
Good joke.

Well, for one, no one can reach Garon on turn 1 even with warp or Azura.

Ane those are still pieces of dogshit. Who the fuck cares already you stupid retard? Do you live to talk about the same shit everyday. Kill yourself.

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Dude necrodragons and gargoyles over ANOTHER poison swamp LMAO

"Celica has a bunch of units"
"Oh okay, well what do you think she ne-"


Yeah but Birthright is boring as fuck and leaves no impact on the player. I'd rather play something flawed than something that doesn't do anything special.

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Shut the fuck up faggot.

Not really

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>le muh conquest

The only game I've played in the FE franchise that is purely RNG based is awakening, and that's only in early lunatic+.

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You can one turn endgame still. Why are you lying?

What's your point? Awakening's gameplay is boring while Birthright actually has some interesting maps like 9, 12, and 26 while also encouraging more PP play due to most of your units have shit defence. Awakening's gameplay is nothing special but just a mess.

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How can you one turn, when you can't finish the map objective in one turn?

Autism. More than a Echoescuck.

You're fucking stupid m8

Slice your throat incel

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Not at all. I'm always the only one who can think

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I wouldn't call it easy but it certainly is possible

Yes really.
Every game that has the Warp staff does it.
Which is every game minus Gaiden, Fates and like FE4.
Every Fire Emblem game has been optimised and played out enough that all the problems can be solved with simple catchy one liners like you posted.
Hell almost every FE game has been beaten and quite easily with 0% growths.
You aren't clever for saying "just let xander solo" because "just let xxx solo" has been done in other games.
You can beat almost all of Hard 5 Shadow dragon with Lena warping Marth and his wife to the enemy castle with a forged winged spear and killing the predictable armour knight boss then seizing.

Enjoy your vacuum then

What the fuck are you talking about?

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It's purely RNG by design, but it's moslty inconsequential on difficulties that aren't Lunatic.
The point being that on either difficulty, it's existence is pointless and instead of allowing greater player involvement and balancing the design, they've just continuously chosen the laziest possible design choice. Then when stat gains become a notable necessity, what strategy and RP elements does the player have to manage and calculate? NOTHING, just reset and pray.
"Strategy Roleplaying Game" my fucking ass. There's a reason D&D has so many dice and variables, and this shit ass VN has fuck all.

Go back to r*ddit you brainlet.

It was better in conquest, in birthright you just two turn it by flying Corrin to the retreat point. I don’t know why but birthrights boat chapter left an impact on me

It's actually the same level of shit

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That was glorious.
That's not Xander though.

It's insanely easy

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>Then when stat gains become a notable necessity, what strategy and RP elements does the player have to manage and calculate? NOTHING, just reset and pray.
Once again, the only one I've had to reset because I didn't get the right stats, is still Awakening on Lunatic+.

Not really at all because you can't solo 6, SD, and NM. SD with warp has more problems than that.

What vacuum

>What are supports having different stats boosts, buffs, weapon triangle and equippable skills to affect hit rates.

Fucking kill yourself already

Never said it was you fucking massive retard

You first faggot.

Lmao no, keep seething awakening cuck.

You know that all skills are random in Awakening right

Because it was Xander we were talking about originally.

Did you even watch it?

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You can't solo Conquest either.
What you describe as solo involves using a pair up partner.
To cheese all of the games is simple enough, even in 6 where you replace Marcus, Jerrot and Noah with Percival.

No fuck off with your shilling thread already. Fucking retards thinking casual CQ is hard

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I think they start having random skills in Lunatic.

Awakening is dogshit you fucking retard.

Marisa a cute.

And it was never stated that he could solo endgame

And yet Birthright is still better in gameplay.

Yeah you literally can, that's what "solo" means. Casual CQ is the definition of shit.

Do it then, solo with Xander.

Imagine talking about a game and doesn't even know how it works

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>Easy as fuck. Just use Marx no anti turtle incentive
>One turn clear. He can on lunatic too shill.

And it's still shit cant get that through your skull you fucking incel?

I never thought about it until Lunatic+ were it matters.

Yes? He said it was hard which it isn't. You can one turn endgame. Nothing about Marx "solo"



Trying to beat Endgame on hard without rescue staves is the definitive version and experience of Endgame.

Cute enough so you can kill yourself?

I think is not falling for the bait set by , not because of the low quality of the bait but because he thinks he is having a normal conversation and is oblivious.
It's nice and wholesome.

Still a piece of shit. Stop fucking posting already

No, you'll have to kill me yourself.

I genuinely couldn't do it without a unit dying. That shit was fucking ridiculously hard. And I loved every second of it.

But that's quite clearly a duo you mathematically challenged retard.
Thanks for proving my point though.

>Xander """solo"""
>Instantly pair him

I know FEfags have zero understanding of game design but this display is pathetic

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That's not a solo.

That's because you are shit. Hard is a fucking joke

Yeah yeah awakening is the devil it ruined fire emblem.
It's only been 7 years move on.

That's a shame. I really hope you get hit by a car

>that DF crit

Except you fucking dipshit CQfag that point was acknowledged with quotation marks. The game is a joke

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Why are 4chins so lazy these days? What happened to all the stalking, bomb threats and calling people on their phone?

Imagine being this retarded

That madman does ironman lunatic+ runs in Awakening for fun. Just because he can do it doesn't mean it's feasible.

Malos was such a cool character.

>When the dragon veins challenge positioning with hiding behind the barriers
>When the reinforcements start coming punishing your turtling ass
>When the maids with freeze can screw over a vanguard
It's a great map

>Lunatic without rescue
Holy shit, absolute madman.

He's the only streamer I could stand watching play fates as he actually knows how to play Fire Emblem.
And he is quiet, has no following and isn't a complete retard.

Yeah it basically is

It is. Now fucking kill yourself already

Solo means one one's own.
It's the definition of the word.

Sounds like a cool guy.

No it is not fine. They put so much effort to everything but the fucking goddamn gameplay. Felt I was playing a VN rather a fire emblem game.

What the fuck now people are knowing about this video?

I often wonder if anyone has ever followed through with the kill one's self posted at them.
I mean, someone will have had to have, right?
Otherwise posting it would be meaningless.

Because you are still alive

He's okay.

Or you could one turn it since it's not hard you dipshit CQfag

That point was acknowledged with quotation marks. The game is a joke

>Missing out the fun of the map with just rescue cheesing it
No thank you

Hoping it happens sooner than later

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Hey people like challenging themselves.
They don't always take the easy way out.

So then it's not a solo.
I wonder if it can be solo'd.
Those Sorcerers will mess Xander up.

>muh fun
Can't believe my own orginal arguments for that map is being used against me. How time flies

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Who fucking cares. Stop being desperate to bump

And you can have challenge in actual ways. Now stop fucking replying to me

Probably. People have done 0% growths Lunatic. Essentially it involves making Xander a Swordmaster for Vantage + Astra, pairing him up with a paladin and having him abuse the fact that Astra fills the block gauge on each hit.

Shit the fuck up retard

Not duo.

It basically is. All the second unit does is inactive. It just proves that the game isn't hard.

Okay, you do you.

>The madman even got a spy shuriken which is stuck behind the faceless room of which the mage room is easier to get by through anyways

Alright then, what if I had no rescue staves left? Yes being able to rescue cheese is a flaw, but the other strengths of Endgame are still there like the DVs, reinforcements and enemy placement I mentioned.

I think what he means is that if you do the same but with growths, you should be able to do it.

No the second unit provides stats and a block.
So no.

But what you described is duo stuff.
Making Xander into a swordmaster requires duo.
Making Xander use Astra to fill the shield meter requires duo.

Hard CQ is the only challenge ive ever faced in the series, fuck off retard.

Are you actually retarded CQfag? How desperate are you to reply.

Well, true on the sword master. But you could probably emulate almost the same effect with vantage with growth, that's all I'm saying.

Has to be the most pathetic thing possible to say

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Alright if you're not willing to reply with actual arguments besides ad homiens then I think we're done here.

So he's inactive. Okay. Casual CQ still isn't hard.

No they are quite active.
They block attacks and provide stats.
Did you not read my post?

There is no arguments to reply to when you are a mentally stunted manchild who can't read.

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Yeah it's sad that FEfags think this series is hard when it's not.

And they are inactive. You are not using Kamui, you are using Marx to win.

Shut the fuck up and don't reply to me

There's no need for that. This shill thread shouldn't have ended a lot time ago


Slice your throat and put it on camera

>Casual CQ still isn't hard
What the fuck do you mean by that? Are you calling CQ a casual game? Or are you talking about casual mode?

You are also using Kamui's personal skill and stat bonuses.
That is activity.

After you.

Are you fucking retard? Casual is no challenge run attached

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No you aren't. Kamui still isn't doing anything. That's entriely passive nor does you even have the option of disabling it or something

No reason for that. You need to go first

Nah I'm good.

Clearly you aren't. You are still alive and replying to me. More pathetic than the Echoescuck shills

No they are quite active.
They block attacks and provide stats.
Did you not read my post?


Both of those things are inactive. You aren't controlling Kamui you are controlling Marx. Are you this desperate nevermind this simple fact proves casual CQ to be a joke?

You are also using Kamui's personal skill and stat bonuses.
That is activity.

No you aren't. Kamui still isn't doing anything. You aren't controlling him.

Kamui is a glorified backpack.

Impossible since you can't pair Kamui up as the defensive partner from the start, (it has to be the other way around) you do in fact move him/her once each map.
No I get it, Xander "solos" Conquest.
Just like Nino is "good"

>Echoes is fine, but lacks compared to the newer Fire Emblem games.

That's probably because it's a remake of FE2: Gaiden and not an original game.

>Impossible since you can't pair Kamui up as the defensive partner from the start
Yeah you fucking can, it's called rescue you stupid delusional little bitch. CQfags are this dumb. Embarrassing defense of casual CQ .

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And it's shit. Now fuck off

I guess you could shelter but that doesn't work in chapter 25.
I guess Xander doesn't solo the game.
He does however "solo" the game.

Now you hate CQ too? When are you going to hate FE6 and NM?

>Conquest is the best
what a fucking joke
>but I'll always have a soft spot for Awakening since it got me into FE.
oh, that explains everything. You're just a disgusting casual, that's why you have no taste. Fuck off. People like you are what's wrong with FE.

Yes we been over this. He can "solo" the game glad it got through your thick skull you fucking retard

lmao seethe harder

Yes "solo"
Which means not soloing of course.
But yes, "solo".
Yes I played hardcore games like FE7 and call Lunatic+ awakening "bullshit" because of it's difficulty and then call others casuals.
I'm so interesting.

No CQ is still a good game, just casual CQ is shit and the fucking defenders are cancerous little shitheads.

You can be mad about it but that doesn't change truth. Your uber hard trpg isn't as great as you think playing casualy

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Oh that's what you're arguing about.
With all your requests to get people to kill themselves it's hard to see what you are arguing for.
Well good luck with that.