Video games look better on an HDM

Video games look better on an HDM......

Attached: 1551491944121.jpg (955x1076, 351K)

thankfully most modern pixel graphic games have a crt filter


Attached: Gigantopithecus Blacki.jpg (1330x1600, 200K)

>remove 50% of the image
>it looks better

Explain this sorcery to me

Wait, which one is supposed to be better? I think the top one looks cleaner. There are no stupid lines all over the place.

These old games were designed with CRT screens in mind.

Visible CRT lines are a meme.

As i kid a never remeber seeing the lines. I didnt sit super close to the tv though

Attached: 9gag.png (300x100, 29K)

Attached: RetroArch-0103-214724.png (1196x896, 548K)

Scanlines are just fundamentally different. OP's image has some bad scaling on the top too.

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I saw the lines, though I sat as far back as the cords could reach.

PAL country?

The shading on the bottom is better.

Has ntsc or w.e. ameriburgers have

Preferring CRT over LCD is fine and rational. Using filters is absolute cancer, especially for gameboy games.

Although i don't like the lines i gotta say it looks better on crt
Look at that bridge behind x

>Visible CRT lines are a meme.
This. CRTs do not have glaring fucking lines on all images. Only very peculiar displays had those.

Why do you keep making these threads? Do you think people are gonna rush to their nearest electronics store and buy CRTs?

Your imagination fills in the gaps

Yes that's right. The lines are just harder to see on a PAL signal because it has more vertical resolution. I live in a PAL country and had a non Sony (shadow mask type) TV so the lines were very hard to see.

El Psy Kangaroo?

Never liked the CRISPY pixel looks that RGB, HDMI enthusiasts like My Life in Gaming chase.

Attached: Mega Man X (USA)-190302-181952.png (1411x1080, 26K)

Attached: Mega Man X (USA)-190302-181959.png (1411x1080, 651K)

>meme 90s shader
Aaaaaa now this is a good image quality

Attached: Mega Man X (USA)-190302-182013.png (1411x1080, 645K)

Can you use it without the rainbow artifacting?

I'm just hearing the music in my head when I see these pictures.

Most zoomer post in the thread

filters look better than no filters and crts are a meme

Attached: Untitled.png (853x768, 650K)

>using a CRT filter for a GBC game

Attached: Castlevania Aria of Sorrow-180922-150536.png (1440x960, 259K)

Bilinear filtering is unironically the better choice

That's a bait image, right?

Attached: worriedlaughter.jpg (520x678, 69K)

Blarggs filters > everything else

Attached: snes9x_2019_01_24_19_15_37_634.jpg (1920x1080, 696K)

>using the term "filters" as if there are other relevant ones to emulation other than a crt

Attached: 1551224256419.jpg (419x397, 44K)

CRT filters are retarded, the only way a game can look good its on a real CRT and watching it with your own eyes, not a stupid phone photo of your tv.

if you grew up with a crt televesion you would understand the appeal, because it's not hard to emulate. it's really just a nostalgia option that shouldn't be taken that seriously, obviously a clearer image is going to be better.