Watch Nintendo get away with making quasi-handheld games for a whole generation. Link's Awakening Remake and Pokemon Sword/Shield are already proving this happening right now on full-price home consoles and Nintendo fans don't care about it. I don't think it needs to be said, but this is going to happen with more titles, like Animal Crossing. The 3DS is dead, long live the Switch. You own a $300 handheld.
Super Mario Land when?
what does it mean for something to be a handheld game
i actually wish the switch had more handheld-style games. the main selling point of the switch was that merging the two divisions together would result in a huge library full of both traditional home console games and handheld-style games. it hasn't really turned out that way so far, though.
Isn't the switch a quasi handheld system?
Handheld games have every right to keep being made so I'm fine with it.
Handheld games are better than console games.
it's okay when nintendo does it
i never play it in handheld mode tho
The real problem here is it’s exactly the same as another game we’ve gotten but people pretend it’s not or just don’t care because the original is somewhat obscure.
They can be. Had way more fun with my gba than most consoles
How is that a problem? If the original game was good, then wouldn't a one to one remake of it mean that the remake will be good too? And if the game is obscure as well, then wouldn't that mean a good game is going to be getting more attention and reaching more people now?
Sure it’s still good but the experience is cheapened by the fact that I’ve already played and beaten the game several fucking times.
The fact that you have beaten the game several times already isn't Nintendo's fault. If you don't want to play Link's Awakening again, then don't buy the game.
Also the second part is terrible too because the retro bubble will be inflated still further.
I won’t, but don’t go around pretending that this game is a new Zelda experience exclusive to Switch. It’s a glorified port.
Some of that handheld niche has been filled by indie games nowadays, I'd say. The Switch also gets a lot of support from small Japanese third parties that moved on from the Vita, and even Square Enix got the right idea putting handheld-suited stuff like Octopath Traveler on the system. You're right that for first-party franchises that used to be on both home consoles and handhelds, Nintendo has so far prioritized the home console-like experiences, but part of that definitely due to them waiting for the 3DS to fully wind down, which has now happened.
Give me Wario Land 5, then it's all good.
It's not for you. This game is clearly being made for kids who never even heard of the Gameboy.
>implying handheld games are bad
I've enjoyed more gbc, gba, and ds games than console ones, even while always playing them at home
how do we know it won't be a kirby super star ultra or hgss-tier remake that adds more content?
It's going to be a switch exclusive experience for a lot of people considering you've admitted that the original game was obscure. They'll probably fix some issues from the original game and may even add some new content too. It's hard to comment on this considering the game isn't out yet so it'd be better to just wait for it to be released.
Sure, that’s why reddit normalfags and casuals everywhere are the only ones excited for it. Also that argument is fucking retarded, they can just play the original.
Because Nintendo doesn’t do that. See literally any of their past Zeda remasters.
That’s like saying practically the entirety of the Wii U library is “Switch exclusive” because everyone played them first on Switch and no one bought a Wii U.
>You own a $300 handheld.
I mean I already owned a $250 handheld so an extra $50 for docked mode sounds reasonable.
>See literally any of their past Zeda remasters.
the oot remake added content. so did link's awakening dx.
Then don't buy it
Past Zelda remakes are a worthless comparison given those were 3D games and handled by different people, the only thing in common is their part of the Zelda series.
>You own a $300 handheld
Is that supposed to be a lot of money? My phone was 1K
It's a switch experience already because they've updated the graphics. You argue as if it is similar to a WiiU port, but it clearly isn't if they completely revamped the art style. It'll probably have new content too and bring a lot of attention to a good game.
I will be fucking livid if they don't streamline much of the gameplay, the power bracelets better be permanently equipped like most Zelda games.
LA and PKMN SS are obviously 3DS games that got Switched.
They added a negligible amount of new content.
>how do I know?
Pic related.
See Perhaps if it didn’t destroy the charm of the original (which it does). It turns a quaint, pocket adventure with lovey chiptine music and simple graphics into an ugly, bloated, stylistically devoid shitshow.
>You own a $300 handheld think otherwise? did you see how they marketed the thing?
I think the new art style looks great. This is where our argument ends because it's devolved into just being a matter of opinion now. If you don't like the new art style, then you don't have to buy the game. It's that simple.
>peple pretending the original game where Link looks like he's swinging a pickaxe was somehow butchered by the Switch version
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03/02/19(Sat)01:50:53 No.452936709
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This is the first time I recall experiencing fear in a game.
When I was a child, the cemetary in Link's Awakening really chilled me. Seeing these decaying corpses endlessly rise from the ground and awkwardly pursue me before sinking back into the graveyard gave nightmares to my 5 year old mind. The trees with faces near the witch's hut filled me with dread because I knew that meant I was close to the graveyard, and seeing the corpses walking down the southern graveyard path to Ukuku Prairie surprised me as I wasn't expecting them to appear coming from Ukuku. I was terrified at the idea of entering a grave for a dungeon. My friend was that Cole was that kid and told me was a dark sidescrolling section that was full of pig-like enemies that ran back and forth all just said "Go away!" when touched, followed by a row of coffins with a hand that would pull you into one of them and then throw your bones out and delete your save. Obviously not true now, but back then neither of us had the DX version so how could I know? Shit inspired feelings in me, it really inspired our imagination. We had similar ideas about what happened if you continuously stole from the shopkeeper, that he'd eventually lose it even more than he really does and you'd end up permadead. I'm not saying the new artstyle is bad, or that LA is meant to be dark, but the game's surreal setting and the haunting nature of the game will probably be lost to children of today with the toylike aesthetic. As an adult, I still find aspects of LA haunting, and completing the game made me downright sad after the southern shrine. I like the new artstyle, I just think it would have fit another Zelds title better. Not Link's Awakening, I just feel like it doesn't capture the same feeling.
This post was so cringe
Now THIS is advanced shitposting, I never thought I see something as inspired as claiming the fucking island Zelda game with a talking animal village and singing was creepy and dreadful.
Some of those kids who get afraid of shit like this live in houses that ban their kids from watching most cartoons and movies. It's probably shit conditioning if I had to guess
It's an iteration of the "Return of Samus was a terrifying horror game" shitposting.
Sonyfags are poorfags if you recall.
Honestly, as nearly 40 year old man with a family, a house to run, career to contend with and other adult responsibilities - I just don't have the time to game like I used to when I was a carefree teen, festering in my bedroom all day. I would often start a game and never finish it. I was really starting to think I had just outgrown the hobby. I just don't have the time anymore.
But the Switch has given me that time back. I can just pick it up and take it anywhere - even just around the house. Whether I'm working in the study, cooking in the kitchen, chilling in the backyard, keeping my baby stepson company while he falls asleep or simply relaxing in bed - the switch is always there to fill in the cracks of my day. And if I get more time to myself, I can drop it in the dock and play on my 60" tv in the lounge.
The Switch is a fucking Godsend. It's perfect for the busy nuanced lifestyles of adults. Bedrooming dwelling teens can't understand the appeal and are no-doubt baffled by its success.
>He actually bought an iPhone X
Handheld gaming at home console prices, OP. That was Nintendo's dream with the Switch.
a game that looks and feels low effort for console hardware but stil costs $60, like Link’s Awakening and Pokémon SwiSh
This post reads like genuine shilling. Like something I'd read on Reddit.
Why are americans ok with the Switch literally selling you handheld games that used to be $40 for $60 when no improvements were made?
They can't help it. They make games for a weak tablet.
Why do you arbitrarily associate that trait with Americans?
try a nintendo thread here on Yea Forums being posted unironically
You're a fucking moron who thinks portability means 'playing in public'.
Speaking as a nearly 40 year old man who has a career, a house to run, two stepkids to care for, wife to fuck and a shit ton of other adult responsibilities - not to mention a need to digest other media like movies, TV, books and music - I just don't have time to game like I used to when I was a care-free teen. I honestly thought I had outgrown the hobby.
But the Switch has given me that time back. Whether I'm working in the study, cooking in the kitchen, chilling in the backyard, comforting my baby stepson til he falls asleep or relaxing in bed - the Switch is always there to fill in the cracks of my day. And if I get more time I can drop it in the dock and play on 60" TV in the lounge.
The Switch is perfect for the busy nuanced lifestyles of adults. Bedroom-dwelling teens will remain BAFFLED by the system's appeal.
>quasi-handheld games
But that's exactly what I want, we don't have handhelds anymore, I want handheld games with good graphics. And I thought we lost them forever.
Americans made it a success, the rest of the world still buys other consoles.
>the switch lets me play on the go, which is good
Okay, I understand that.
>all other systems, including the PC, are garbage, and don't deserve to exist unless they can be portable
And this is where you lost me.
>nintendo fan
all this story needs is onions and we have ourselves a full reddit cuck
I mean, they already got away with $60 ports. Do you expect them to stop now?
That means it's good, the only relevant gaming markets are America and Japan, the rest are just sport shitters.
>two spepkids
I'm a stepkid. What's wrong with having stepkids.
Because Nintendo has their fans by their small balls, don't forget they buy cardboards for $70.
If it's a quasi-handheld, then adjust the price of the software as well, $45 is a quasi-handheld game price.
>and Pokemon Sword/Shield
Nintendo deserves plenty of blame, but in this case it's just Gamefreak being lazy as always.
I can't fit a switch in my pocket, so it is not a handheld console
DQXI was so good
how many more months of "THE LINK
S AWAKENING REMAKE IS BAD" going to be shoehorned into everyone's brains?
yes, and it even runs on Switch, but some people think it’s too much to ask Pokémon too look a bit more like a console game
Nah, it looks fine, just like the concept art
Wasn't the 3ds a $300 handheld?
Until the game is released
I almost believed this to be a real post until
Very good effort user.
still mad that all the S version additions aren't coming to ps4 though. It's making me think about buying a switch some time in the next 3 years, but the only thing that would pull me over RIGHT NOW is a new f-zero game
I use it while on the sofa and my girl is watching tv, while taking a dump. There's also my overly elaborate "lying in bed while play Smash with wired ethernet and headphones so as to not disturb my girlfriend and her boyfriend sleeping" set up.
Also I don't give a rat's ass if you see my playing a Switch on a plane or a public park or a train or whatever. I'm a grown ass man with a car, my own apartment, a girlfriend, friends and family who love me, I lift weights and am probably smarter and earn more money than you.
I care absolutely nothing if you think a grown man playing Pokemon or Smash in public is laughable, I even modded my switch to look more retro and colorful. So enjoy your lame life insulting others for enjoying games
Until the game releases and then for some time afterward. I understand it. If it was a brand new Zelda game I wouldn't care, because there's nothing inherently wrong with the artstyle, I just don't think it fits LA.
>still mad that all the S version additions aren't coming to ps4 though
They said that they're undecided about patching it into the PS4 and PC versions. Most likely that's PR talk for "We're not telling you whether we are or aren't yet so you'll buy the Switch version." They're just trying to force double/triple dipping. It wouldn't surprise me if the other versions get it patched in or they just re-release the definitive edition on PS4 and PC later.
It's too much to ask because Game Freak is incompetent
To be fair, Square Enix said they’re still thinking about it. My educated guess, knowing marketing, is that it would hinder DQ XI S full price sales if people knew its new content was coming as $20 or so paid dlc for owners of the vanilla package, so they’re gonna be silent about it until 2~ months after Switch version’s release, to maximize sales.
Link's Awakening was big enough to be a full-blown console release though, so it's perfectly acceptable that it gets a proper console release. Not all handheld games are done in this way, but anyone who's actually played LA will agree with this sentiment.
C o p e
Why do you care so much a system you don't own? Are you just jealous? Is it immaturity? Tell me?
I'm going have so much fun with both of these games. Both games will get rave reviews. Both games will sell tens of millions more Switches. Hows does that feel OP?
Are they supposed to just stop making that style of game now that they've moved on from the 3DS?
>My phone was 1K
You actually fell for that meme?
I say they should just buy a Switch and have fun with it, instead of obsessing with their games, the BotW shitposting is back after 2 years, in those 2 years they could have completed the game and be done with it. But instead they decide to obsess over it, just get a fucking Switch already.
Kinda bad because people with no taste will never let Pokemon evolve.
I really hope it won't be paid DLC, I remember in an interview awhile back one of the head guys said something along the lines of not believing in DLC because the product should be final.
hopefully he's not forced to eat his words
No, they shouldn’t price it above what they do for the 3DS though, if they didn’t put more artistic effort in it or work into making it a robust console experience (read: more content) to justify the $60.
It’s a $40 title made by the handheld Zelda team being sold at $60.
>people with no taste
literal children?
what a surprise
When money talks, it doesn’t matter people think, user
not everyone buys their phone
most normies basically just lease their phones on "payment plans" where they turn their phone in after awhile to "upgrade" so they make payments along with their phone service bill indefinitely
I haven't known anyone personally in years that actually owned their phone and could just switch to a new carrier with the same phone
The switch is a handheld
Yeah I don't blame the kids, but I know a decent portion of the fanbase are in their 30s and still buy them. I know someone who's been playing Pokemon for 23 years and is still somehow not tired of them being the same thing again and again.
>Links Awakening
It's a 1:1 of a handheld game, why are you expecting it to not function as so? I hate the toy artstyle but that's another matter entirely.
That's Gamefreak being minimalist as usual. They really need a new engine.
Post more Chicken
Console games bad? Well, have fun sleeping in that grave.
>Link's awakening and Let's Go are remakes of Gameboy games, of all things
>the only major differences from the originals are the graphics, even the maps are exactly the same
Is this supposed to be exciting? All remakes are shit unless the original games were shit.
is there one like this but with May
You would've baited me if not for that
This year on Switch definitely feels like things that would've been on 3DS if the Switch failed. But we are in the good timeline
Yeah, fucking Pokemon, Top down Zelda, Rune Factory 4 and 5, I still feel like it's not enough though, the 3DS was getting jrpgs left and right.
>paying $60 instead of $40 for the same game is good timeline
>the 3DS was getting jrpgs left and right.
The fuck, Switch has a fuckton of them already, Tales of Vesperia, Ys, Disgaea, Valkyria Chronicles, Octopath Traveler, Xenoblade...
I don't really count the games that I can play on PC desu
True, least the games look and play better
Dude, you don’t even get right stick camera control in Pokémon for the Switch, it’s a joke.
subpar port, old port, old port, old port and two games